/* * Client.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "Global.h" #include "StdInc.h" #include "Client.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "CServerHandler.h" #include "ClientNetPackVisitors.h" #include "adventureMap/AdventureMapInterface.h" #include "battle/BattleInterface.h" #include "gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "gui/WindowHandler.h" #include "mapView/mapHandler.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../lib/gameState/CGameState.h" #include "../lib/CThreadHelper.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #include "../lib/battle/BattleInfo.h" #include "../lib/serializer/BinaryDeserializer.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMapService.h" #include "../lib/pathfinder/CGPathNode.h" #include "../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../lib/registerTypes/RegisterTypes.h" #include "../lib/serializer/Connection.h" #include #include #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED #include "../lib/ScriptHandler.h" #endif #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID #include "lib/CAndroidVMHelper.h" #ifndef SINGLE_PROCESS_APP std::atomic_bool androidTestServerReadyFlag; #endif #endif ThreadSafeVector CClient::waitingRequest; template class CApplyOnCL; class CBaseForCLApply { public: virtual void applyOnClAfter(CClient * cl, void * pack) const =0; virtual void applyOnClBefore(CClient * cl, void * pack) const =0; virtual ~CBaseForCLApply(){} template static CBaseForCLApply * getApplier(const U * t = nullptr) { return new CApplyOnCL(); } }; template class CApplyOnCL : public CBaseForCLApply { public: void applyOnClAfter(CClient * cl, void * pack) const override { T * ptr = static_cast(pack); ApplyClientNetPackVisitor visitor(*cl, *cl->gameState()); ptr->visit(visitor); } void applyOnClBefore(CClient * cl, void * pack) const override { T * ptr = static_cast(pack); ApplyFirstClientNetPackVisitor visitor(*cl, *cl->gameState()); ptr->visit(visitor); } }; template<> class CApplyOnCL: public CBaseForCLApply { public: void applyOnClAfter(CClient * cl, void * pack) const override { logGlobal->error("Cannot apply on CL plain CPack!"); assert(0); } void applyOnClBefore(CClient * cl, void * pack) const override { logGlobal->error("Cannot apply on CL plain CPack!"); assert(0); } }; CPlayerEnvironment::CPlayerEnvironment(PlayerColor player_, CClient * cl_, std::shared_ptr mainCallback_) : player(player_), cl(cl_), mainCallback(mainCallback_) { } const Services * CPlayerEnvironment::services() const { return VLC; } vstd::CLoggerBase * CPlayerEnvironment::logger() const { return logGlobal; } events::EventBus * CPlayerEnvironment::eventBus() const { return cl->eventBus();//always get actual value } const CPlayerEnvironment::BattleCb * CPlayerEnvironment::battle(const BattleID & battleID) const { return mainCallback->getBattle(battleID).get(); } const CPlayerEnvironment::GameCb * CPlayerEnvironment::game() const { return mainCallback.get(); } CClient::CClient() { waitingRequest.clear(); applier = std::make_shared>(); registerTypesClientPacks1(*applier); registerTypesClientPacks2(*applier); IObjectInterface::cb = this; gs = nullptr; } CClient::~CClient() { IObjectInterface::cb = nullptr; } const Services * CClient::services() const { return VLC; //todo: this should be CGI } const CClient::BattleCb * CClient::battle(const BattleID & battleID) const { return nullptr; //todo? } const CClient::GameCb * CClient::game() const { return this; } vstd::CLoggerBase * CClient::logger() const { return logGlobal; } events::EventBus * CClient::eventBus() const { return clientEventBus.get(); } void CClient::newGame(CGameState * initializedGameState) { CSH->th->update(); CMapService mapService; gs = initializedGameState ? initializedGameState : new CGameState(); gs->preInit(VLC); logNetwork->trace("\tCreating gamestate: %i", CSH->th->getDiff()); if(!initializedGameState) { Load::ProgressAccumulator progressTracking; gs->init(&mapService, CSH->si.get(), progressTracking, settings["general"]["saveRandomMaps"].Bool()); } logNetwork->trace("Initializing GameState (together): %d ms", CSH->th->getDiff()); initMapHandler(); reinitScripting(); initPlayerEnvironments(); initPlayerInterfaces(); } void CClient::loadGame(CGameState * initializedGameState) { logNetwork->info("Loading procedure started!"); logNetwork->info("Game state was transferred over network, loading."); gs = initializedGameState; gs->preInit(VLC); gs->updateOnLoad(CSH->si.get()); logNetwork->info("Game loaded, initialize interfaces."); initMapHandler(); reinitScripting(); initPlayerEnvironments(); // Loading of client state - disabled for now // Since client no longer writes or loads its own state and instead receives it from server // client state serializer will serialize its own copies of all pointers, e.g. heroes/towns/objects // and on deserialize will create its own copies (instead of using copies from state received from server) // Potential solutions: // 1) Use server gamestate to deserialize pointers, so any pointer to same object will point to server instance and not our copy // 2) Remove all serialization of pointers with instance ID's and restore them on load (including AI deserializer code) // 3) Completely remove client savegame and send all information, like hero paths and sleeping status to server (either in form of hero properties or as some generic "client options" message #ifdef BROKEN_CLIENT_STATE_SERIALIZATION_HAS_BEEN_FIXED // try to deserialize client data including sleepingHeroes try { boost::filesystem::path clientSaveName = *CResourceHandler::get()->getResourceName(ResourcePath(CSH->si->mapname, EResType::CLIENT_SAVEGAME)); if(clientSaveName.empty()) throw std::runtime_error("Cannot open client part of " + CSH->si->mapname); std::unique_ptr loader (new CLoadFile(clientSaveName)); serialize(loader->serializer, loader->serializer.fileVersion); logNetwork->info("Client data loaded."); } catch(std::exception & e) { logGlobal->info("Cannot load client data for game %s. Error: %s", CSH->si->mapname, e.what()); } #endif initPlayerInterfaces(); } void CClient::serialize(BinarySerializer & h, const int version) { assert(h.saving); ui8 players = static_cast(playerint.size()); h & players; for(auto i = playerint.begin(); i != playerint.end(); i++) { logGlobal->trace("Saving player %s interface", i->first); assert(i->first == i->second->playerID); h & i->first; h & i->second->dllName; h & i->second->human; i->second->saveGame(h, version); } #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED if(version >= 800) { JsonNode scriptsState; clientScripts->serializeState(h.saving, scriptsState); h & scriptsState; } #endif } void CClient::serialize(BinaryDeserializer & h, const int version) { assert(!h.saving); ui8 players = 0; h & players; for(int i = 0; i < players; i++) { std::string dllname; PlayerColor pid; bool isHuman = false; auto prevInt = LOCPLINT; h & pid; h & dllname; h & isHuman; assert(dllname.length() == 0 || !isHuman); if(pid == PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) { logGlobal->trace("Neutral battle interfaces are not serialized."); continue; } logGlobal->trace("Loading player %s interface", pid); std::shared_ptr nInt; if(dllname.length()) nInt = CDynLibHandler::getNewAI(dllname); else nInt = std::make_shared(pid); nInt->dllName = dllname; nInt->human = isHuman; nInt->playerID = pid; bool shouldResetInterface = true; // Client no longer handle this player at all if(!vstd::contains(CSH->getAllClientPlayers(CSH->c->connectionID), pid)) { logGlobal->trace("Player %s is not belong to this client. Destroying interface", pid); } else if(isHuman && !vstd::contains(CSH->getHumanColors(), pid)) { logGlobal->trace("Player %s is no longer controlled by human. Destroying interface", pid); } else if(!isHuman && vstd::contains(CSH->getHumanColors(), pid)) { logGlobal->trace("Player %s is no longer controlled by AI. Destroying interface", pid); } else { installNewPlayerInterface(nInt, pid); shouldResetInterface = false; } // loadGame needs to be called after initGameInterface to load paths correctly // initGameInterface is called in installNewPlayerInterface nInt->loadGame(h, version); if (shouldResetInterface) { nInt.reset(); LOCPLINT = prevInt; } } #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED { JsonNode scriptsState; h & scriptsState; clientScripts->serializeState(h.saving, scriptsState); } #endif logNetwork->trace("Loaded client part of save %d ms", CSH->th->getDiff()); } void CClient::save(const std::string & fname) { if(!gs->currentBattles.empty()) { logNetwork->error("Game cannot be saved during battle!"); return; } SaveGame save_game(fname); sendRequest(&save_game, PlayerColor::NEUTRAL); } void CClient::endGame() { #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED clientScripts.reset(); #endif //suggest interfaces to finish their stuff (AI should interrupt any bg working threads) for(auto & i : playerint) i.second->finish(); GH.curInt = nullptr; { logNetwork->info("Ending current game!"); removeGUI(); vstd::clear_pointer(const_cast(CGI)->mh); vstd::clear_pointer(gs); logNetwork->info("Deleted mapHandler and gameState."); } CPlayerInterface::battleInt.reset(); playerint.clear(); battleints.clear(); battleCallbacks.clear(); playerEnvironments.clear(); logNetwork->info("Deleted playerInts."); logNetwork->info("Client stopped."); } void CClient::initMapHandler() { // TODO: CMapHandler initialization can probably go somewhere else // It's can't be before initialization of interfaces // During loading CPlayerInterface from serialized state it's depend on MH if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { const_cast(CGI)->mh = new CMapHandler(gs->map); logNetwork->trace("Creating mapHandler: %d ms", CSH->th->getDiff()); } pathCache.clear(); } void CClient::initPlayerEnvironments() { playerEnvironments.clear(); auto allPlayers = CSH->getAllClientPlayers(CSH->c->connectionID); bool hasHumanPlayer = false; for(auto & color : allPlayers) { logNetwork->info("Preparing environment for player %s", color.toString()); playerEnvironments[color] = std::make_shared(color, this, std::make_shared(gs, color, this)); if(!hasHumanPlayer && gs->players[color].isHuman()) hasHumanPlayer = true; } if(!hasHumanPlayer) { Settings session = settings.write["session"]; session["spectate"].Bool() = true; session["spectate-skip-battle-result"].Bool() = true; session["spectate-ignore-hero"].Bool() = true; } if(settings["session"]["spectate"].Bool()) { playerEnvironments[PlayerColor::SPECTATOR] = std::make_shared(PlayerColor::SPECTATOR, this, std::make_shared(gs, std::nullopt, this)); } } void CClient::initPlayerInterfaces() { for(auto & playerInfo : gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos) { PlayerColor color = playerInfo.first; if(!vstd::contains(CSH->getAllClientPlayers(CSH->c->connectionID), color)) continue; if(!vstd::contains(playerint, color)) { logNetwork->info("Preparing interface for player %s", color.toString()); if(playerInfo.second.isControlledByAI()) { bool alliedToHuman = false; for(auto & allyInfo : gs->scenarioOps->playerInfos) if (gs->getPlayerTeam(allyInfo.first) == gs->getPlayerTeam(playerInfo.first) && allyInfo.second.isControlledByHuman()) alliedToHuman = true; auto AiToGive = aiNameForPlayer(playerInfo.second, false, alliedToHuman); logNetwork->info("Player %s will be lead by %s", color.toString(), AiToGive); installNewPlayerInterface(CDynLibHandler::getNewAI(AiToGive), color); } else { logNetwork->info("Player %s will be lead by human", color.toString()); installNewPlayerInterface(std::make_shared(color), color); } } } if(settings["session"]["spectate"].Bool()) { installNewPlayerInterface(std::make_shared(PlayerColor::SPECTATOR), PlayerColor::SPECTATOR, true); } if(CSH->getAllClientPlayers(CSH->c->connectionID).count(PlayerColor::NEUTRAL)) installNewBattleInterface(CDynLibHandler::getNewBattleAI(settings["server"]["neutralAI"].String()), PlayerColor::NEUTRAL); logNetwork->trace("Initialized player interfaces %d ms", CSH->th->getDiff()); } std::string CClient::aiNameForPlayer(const PlayerSettings & ps, bool battleAI, bool alliedToHuman) { if(ps.name.size()) { const boost::filesystem::path aiPath = VCMIDirs::get().fullLibraryPath("AI", ps.name); if(boost::filesystem::exists(aiPath)) return ps.name; } return aiNameForPlayer(battleAI, alliedToHuman); } std::string CClient::aiNameForPlayer(bool battleAI, bool alliedToHuman) { const int sensibleAILimit = settings["session"]["oneGoodAI"].Bool() ? 1 : PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT_I; std::string goodAdventureAI = alliedToHuman ? settings["server"]["alliedAI"].String() : settings["server"]["playerAI"].String(); std::string goodBattleAI = settings["server"]["neutralAI"].String(); std::string goodAI = battleAI ? goodBattleAI : goodAdventureAI; std::string badAI = battleAI ? "StupidAI" : "EmptyAI"; //TODO what about human players if(battleints.size() >= sensibleAILimit) return badAI; return goodAI; } void CClient::installNewPlayerInterface(std::shared_ptr gameInterface, PlayerColor color, bool battlecb) { playerint[color] = gameInterface; logGlobal->trace("\tInitializing the interface for player %s", color.toString()); auto cb = std::make_shared(gs, color, this); battleCallbacks[color] = cb; gameInterface->initGameInterface(playerEnvironments.at(color), cb); installNewBattleInterface(gameInterface, color, battlecb); } void CClient::installNewBattleInterface(std::shared_ptr battleInterface, PlayerColor color, bool needCallback) { battleints[color] = battleInterface; if(needCallback) { logGlobal->trace("\tInitializing the battle interface for player %s", color.toString()); auto cbc = std::make_shared(color, this); battleCallbacks[color] = cbc; battleInterface->initBattleInterface(playerEnvironments.at(color), cbc); } } void CClient::handlePack(CPack * pack) { CBaseForCLApply * apply = applier->getApplier(typeList.getTypeID(pack)); //find the applier if(apply) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock interfaceLock(GH.interfaceMutex); apply->applyOnClBefore(this, pack); logNetwork->trace("\tMade first apply on cl: %s", typeList.getTypeInfo(pack)->name()); gs->apply(pack); logNetwork->trace("\tApplied on gs: %s", typeList.getTypeInfo(pack)->name()); apply->applyOnClAfter(this, pack); logNetwork->trace("\tMade second apply on cl: %s", typeList.getTypeInfo(pack)->name()); } else { logNetwork->error("Message %s cannot be applied, cannot find applier!", typeList.getTypeInfo(pack)->name()); } delete pack; } int CClient::sendRequest(const CPackForServer * request, PlayerColor player) { static ui32 requestCounter = 0; ui32 requestID = requestCounter++; logNetwork->trace("Sending a request \"%s\". It'll have an ID=%d.", typeid(*request).name(), requestID); waitingRequest.pushBack(requestID); request->requestID = requestID; request->player = player; CSH->c->sendPack(request); if(vstd::contains(playerint, player)) playerint[player]->requestSent(request, requestID); return requestID; } void CClient::battleStarted(const BattleInfo * info) { for(auto & battleCb : battleCallbacks) { if(vstd::contains_if(info->sides, [&](const SideInBattle& side) {return side.color == battleCb.first; }) || !battleCb.first.isValidPlayer()) { battleCb.second->onBattleStarted(info); } } std::shared_ptr att, def; auto & leftSide = info->sides[0], & rightSide = info->sides[1]; //If quick combat is not, do not prepare interfaces for battleint auto callBattleStart = [&](PlayerColor color, ui8 side) { if(vstd::contains(battleints, color)) battleints[color]->battleStart(info->battleID, leftSide.armyObject, rightSide.armyObject, info->tile, leftSide.hero, rightSide.hero, side, info->replayAllowed); }; callBattleStart(leftSide.color, 0); callBattleStart(rightSide.color, 1); callBattleStart(PlayerColor::UNFLAGGABLE, 1); if(settings["session"]["spectate"].Bool() && !settings["session"]["spectate-skip-battle"].Bool()) callBattleStart(PlayerColor::SPECTATOR, 1); if(vstd::contains(playerint, leftSide.color) && playerint[leftSide.color]->human) att = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(playerint[leftSide.color]); if(vstd::contains(playerint, rightSide.color) && playerint[rightSide.color]->human) def = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(playerint[rightSide.color]); //Remove player interfaces for auto battle (quickCombat option) if(att && att->isAutoFightOn) { if (att->cb->getBattle(info->battleID)->battleGetTacticDist()) { auto side = att->cb->getBattle(info->battleID)->playerToSide(att->playerID); auto action = BattleAction::makeEndOFTacticPhase(*side); att->cb->battleMakeTacticAction(info->battleID, action); } att.reset(); def.reset(); } if(!settings["session"]["headless"].Bool()) { if(att || def) { CPlayerInterface::battleInt = std::make_shared(info->getBattleID(), leftSide.armyObject, rightSide.armyObject, leftSide.hero, rightSide.hero, att, def); } else if(settings["session"]["spectate"].Bool() && !settings["session"]["spectate-skip-battle"].Bool()) { //TODO: This certainly need improvement auto spectratorInt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(playerint[PlayerColor::SPECTATOR]); spectratorInt->cb->onBattleStarted(info); CPlayerInterface::battleInt = std::make_shared(info->getBattleID(), leftSide.armyObject, rightSide.armyObject, leftSide.hero, rightSide.hero, att, def, spectratorInt); } } if(info->tacticDistance) { auto tacticianColor = info->sides[info->tacticsSide].color; if (vstd::contains(battleints, tacticianColor)) battleints[tacticianColor]->yourTacticPhase(info->battleID, info->tacticDistance); } } void CClient::battleFinished(const BattleID & battleID) { for(auto & side : gs->getBattle(battleID)->sides) if(battleCallbacks.count(side.color)) battleCallbacks[side.color]->onBattleEnded(battleID); if(settings["session"]["spectate"].Bool() && !settings["session"]["spectate-skip-battle"].Bool()) battleCallbacks[PlayerColor::SPECTATOR]->onBattleEnded(battleID); } void CClient::startPlayerBattleAction(const BattleID & battleID, PlayerColor color) { auto battleint = battleints.at(color); if (!battleint->human) { // we want to avoid locking gamestate and causing UI to freeze while AI is making turn auto unlockInterface = vstd::makeUnlockGuard(GH.interfaceMutex); battleint->activeStack(battleID, gs->getBattle(battleID)->battleGetStackByID(gs->getBattle(battleID)->activeStack, false)); } else { battleint->activeStack(battleID, gs->getBattle(battleID)->battleGetStackByID(gs->getBattle(battleID)->activeStack, false)); } } void CClient::invalidatePaths() { boost::unique_lock pathLock(pathCacheMutex); pathCache.clear(); } std::shared_ptr CClient::getPathsInfo(const CGHeroInstance * h) { assert(h); boost::unique_lock pathLock(pathCacheMutex); auto iter = pathCache.find(h); if(iter == std::end(pathCache)) { std::shared_ptr paths = std::make_shared(getMapSize(), h); gs->calculatePaths(h, *paths.get()); pathCache[h] = paths; return paths; } else { return iter->second; } } #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED scripting::Pool * CClient::getGlobalContextPool() const { return clientScripts.get(); } #endif void CClient::reinitScripting() { clientEventBus = std::make_unique(); #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED clientScripts.reset(new scripting::PoolImpl(this)); #endif } void CClient::removeGUI() { // CClient::endGame GH.curInt = nullptr; GH.windows().clear(); adventureInt.reset(); logGlobal->info("Removed GUI."); LOCPLINT = nullptr; } #ifdef VCMI_ANDROID #ifndef SINGLE_PROCESS_APP extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_eu_vcmi_vcmi_NativeMethods_notifyServerClosed(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls) { logNetwork->info("Received server closed signal"); if (CSH) { CSH->campaignServerRestartLock.setn(false); } } extern "C" JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_eu_vcmi_vcmi_NativeMethods_notifyServerReady(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls) { logNetwork->info("Received server ready signal"); androidTestServerReadyFlag.store(true); } #endif extern "C" JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_eu_vcmi_vcmi_NativeMethods_tryToSaveTheGame(JNIEnv * env, jclass cls) { logGlobal->info("Received emergency save game request"); if(!LOCPLINT || !LOCPLINT->cb) { return false; } LOCPLINT->cb->save("Saves/_Android_Autosave"); return true; } #endif