/* * Zone.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../GameConstants.h" #include "float3.h" #include "../int3.h" #include "CRmgTemplate.h" #include "RmgArea.h" #include "RmgPath.h" #include "RmgObject.h" //uncomment to generate dumps afger every step of map generation //#define RMG_DUMP #define MODIFICATOR(x) x(Zone & z, RmgMap & m, CMapGenerator & g): Modificator(z, m, g) {setName(#x);} #define DEPENDENCY(x) dependency(zone.getModificator<x>()); #define POSTFUNCTION(x) postfunction(zone.getModificator<x>()); #define DEPENDENCY_ALL(x) for(auto & z : map.getZones()) \ { \ dependency(z.second->getModificator<x>()); \ } #define POSTFUNCTION_ALL(x) for(auto & z : map.getZones()) \ { \ postfunction(z.second->getModificator<x>()); \ } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN class RmgMap; class CMapGenerator; class Zone; class Modificator { public: Modificator() = delete; Modificator(Zone & zone, RmgMap & map, CMapGenerator & generator); virtual void process() = 0; virtual void init() {/*override to add dependencies*/} virtual char dump(const int3 &); virtual ~Modificator() = default; void setName(const std::string & n); const std::string & getName() const; void run(); void dependency(Modificator * modificator); void postfunction(Modificator * modificator); protected: RmgMap & map; CMapGenerator & generator; Zone & zone; bool isFinished() const; private: std::string name; bool started = false; bool finished = false; std::list<Modificator*> preceeders; //must be ordered container void dump(); }; extern std::function<bool(const int3 &)> AREA_NO_FILTER; class Zone : public rmg::ZoneOptions { public: Zone(RmgMap & map, CMapGenerator & generator); Zone(const Zone &) = delete; void setOptions(const rmg::ZoneOptions & options); bool isUnderground() const; float3 getCenter() const; void setCenter(const float3 &f); int3 getPos() const; void setPos(const int3 &pos); const rmg::Area & getArea() const; rmg::Area & area(); rmg::Area & areaPossible(); rmg::Area & freePaths(); rmg::Area & areaUsed(); void initFreeTiles(); void clearTiles(); void fractalize(); si32 getTownType() const; void setTownType(si32 town); TerrainId getTerrainType() const; void setTerrainType(TerrainId terrain); void connectPath(const rmg::Path & path); rmg::Path searchPath(const rmg::Area & src, bool onlyStraight, const std::function<bool(const int3 &)> & areafilter = AREA_NO_FILTER) const; rmg::Path searchPath(const int3 & src, bool onlyStraight, const std::function<bool(const int3 &)> & areafilter = AREA_NO_FILTER) const; template<class T> T* getModificator() { for(auto & m : modificators) if(auto * mm = dynamic_cast<T*>(m.get())) return mm; return nullptr; } template<class T> void addModificator() { modificators.emplace_back(new T(*this, map, generator)); } void initModificators(); void processModificators(); protected: CMapGenerator & generator; RmgMap & map; std::list<std::unique_ptr<Modificator>> modificators; //placement info int3 pos; float3 center; rmg::Area dArea; //irregular area assined to zone rmg::Area dAreaPossible; rmg::Area dAreaFree; //core paths of free tiles that all other objects will be linked to rmg::Area dAreaUsed; //template info si32 townType; TerrainId terrainType; }; VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END