/* * Obstacle.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Obstacle.h" #include "Registry.h" #include "../ISpellMechanics.h" #include "../../NetPacks.h" #include "../../battle/IBattleState.h" #include "../../battle/CBattleInfoCallback.h" #include "../../serializer/JsonSerializeFormat.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN static const std::string EFFECT_NAME = "core:obstacle"; namespace spells { namespace effects { VCMI_REGISTER_SPELL_EFFECT(Obstacle, EFFECT_NAME); ObstacleSideOptions::ObstacleSideOptions() : shape(), range() { } void ObstacleSideOptions::serializeJson(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { serializeRelativeShape(handler, "shape", shape); serializeRelativeShape(handler, "range", range); handler.serializeString("appearAnimation", appearAnimation); handler.serializeString("animation", animation); handler.serializeInt("offsetY", offsetY); } void ObstacleSideOptions::serializeRelativeShape(JsonSerializeFormat & handler, const std::string & fieldName, RelativeShape & value) { static const std::vector EDirMap = { "TL", "TR", "R", "BR", "BL", "L", "" }; { JsonArraySerializer outer = handler.enterArray(fieldName); outer.syncSize(value, JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_VECTOR); for(size_t outerIndex = 0; outerIndex < outer.size(); outerIndex++) { JsonArraySerializer inner = outer.enterArray(outerIndex); inner.syncSize(value.at(outerIndex), JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRING); for(size_t innerIndex = 0; innerIndex < inner.size(); innerIndex++) { std::string temp; if(handler.saving) { temp = EDirMap.at(value.at(outerIndex).at(innerIndex)); } inner.serializeString(innerIndex, temp); if(!handler.saving) { value.at(outerIndex).at(innerIndex) = (BattleHex::EDir) vstd::find_pos(EDirMap, temp); } } } } if(!handler.saving) { if(value.empty()) value.emplace_back(); if(value.back().empty()) value.back().emplace_back(BattleHex::EDir::NONE); } } Obstacle::Obstacle() : LocationEffect(), hidden(false), passable(false), trigger(false), trap(false), removeOnTrigger(false), patchCount(1), turnsRemaining(-1) { } Obstacle::~Obstacle() = default; void Obstacle::adjustAffectedHexes(std::set & hexes, const Mechanics * m, const Target & spellTarget) const { EffectTarget effectTarget = transformTarget(m, spellTarget, spellTarget); const ObstacleSideOptions & options = sideOptions.at(m->casterSide); for(auto & destination : effectTarget) { for(auto & trasformation : options.shape) { BattleHex hex = destination.hexValue; for(auto direction : trasformation) hex.moveInDirection(direction, false); if(hex.isValid()) hexes.insert(hex); } } } bool Obstacle::applicable(Problem & problem, const Mechanics * m) const { return LocationEffect::applicable(problem, m); } bool Obstacle::applicable(Problem & problem, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const { if(!m->isMassive()) { const bool requiresClearTiles = m->requiresClearTiles(); const ObstacleSideOptions & options = sideOptions.at(m->casterSide); if(target.empty()) return noRoomToPlace(problem, m); for(const auto & destination : target) { for(auto & trasformation : options.shape) { BattleHex hex = destination.hexValue; for(auto direction : trasformation) hex.moveInDirection(direction, false); if(!isHexAvailable(m->battle(), hex, requiresClearTiles)) return noRoomToPlace(problem, m); } } } return LocationEffect::applicable(problem, m, target); } EffectTarget Obstacle::transformTarget(const Mechanics * m, const Target & aimPoint, const Target & spellTarget) const { const ObstacleSideOptions & options = sideOptions.at(m->casterSide); EffectTarget ret; if(!m->isMassive()) { for(auto & spellDestination : spellTarget) { for(auto & rangeShape : options.range) { BattleHex hex = spellDestination.hexValue; for(auto direction : rangeShape) hex.moveInDirection(direction, false); ret.emplace_back(hex); } } } return ret; } void Obstacle::apply(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const { if(m->isMassive()) { std::vector availableTiles; for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::BFIELD_SIZE; i++) { BattleHex hex = i; if(isHexAvailable(m->battle(), hex, true)) availableTiles.push_back(hex); } RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(availableTiles, *server->getRNG()); const int patchesToPut = std::min(patchCount, (int)availableTiles.size()); EffectTarget randomTarget; randomTarget.reserve(patchesToPut); for(int i = 0; i < patchesToPut; i++) randomTarget.emplace_back(availableTiles.at(i)); placeObstacles(server, m, randomTarget); } else { placeObstacles(server, m, target); } } void Obstacle::serializeJsonEffect(JsonSerializeFormat & handler) { handler.serializeBool("hidden", hidden); handler.serializeBool("passable", passable); handler.serializeBool("trigger", trigger); handler.serializeBool("trap", trap); handler.serializeBool("removeOnTrigger", removeOnTrigger); handler.serializeInt("patchCount", patchCount); handler.serializeInt("turnsRemaining", turnsRemaining, -1); handler.serializeStruct("attacker", sideOptions.at(BattleSide::ATTACKER)); handler.serializeStruct("defender", sideOptions.at(BattleSide::DEFENDER)); } bool Obstacle::isHexAvailable(const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, const BattleHex & hex, const bool mustBeClear) { if(!hex.isAvailable()) return false; if(!mustBeClear) return true; if(cb->battleGetUnitByPos(hex, true)) return false; auto obst = cb->battleGetAllObstaclesOnPos(hex, false); for(auto & i : obst) if(i->obstacleType != CObstacleInstance::MOAT) return false; if(cb->battleGetSiegeLevel() != 0) { EWallPart::EWallPart part = cb->battleHexToWallPart(hex); if(part == EWallPart::INVALID || part == EWallPart::INDESTRUCTIBLE_PART_OF_GATE) return true;//no fortification here else if(static_cast(part) < 0) return false;//indestructible part (cant be checked by battleGetWallState) else if(part == EWallPart::BOTTOM_TOWER || part == EWallPart::UPPER_TOWER) return false;//destructible, but should not be available else if(cb->battleGetWallState(part) != EWallState::DESTROYED && cb->battleGetWallState(part) != EWallState::NONE) return false; } return true; } bool Obstacle::noRoomToPlace(Problem & problem, const Mechanics * m) { MetaString text; text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 181);//No room to place %s here text.addReplacement(m->getSpellName()); problem.add(std::move(text)); return false; } void Obstacle::placeObstacles(ServerCallback * server, const Mechanics * m, const EffectTarget & target) const { const ObstacleSideOptions & options = sideOptions.at(m->casterSide); BattleObstaclesChanged pack; boost::optional perspective; if(!m->battle()->getPlayerID()) perspective = boost::make_optional(BattlePerspective::ALL_KNOWING); auto all = m->battle()->battleGetAllObstacles(perspective); int obstacleIdToGive = 1; for(auto & one : all) if(one->uniqueID >= obstacleIdToGive) obstacleIdToGive = one->uniqueID + 1; for(const Destination & destination : target) { SpellCreatedObstacle obstacle; obstacle.uniqueID = obstacleIdToGive++; obstacle.pos = destination.hexValue; obstacle.obstacleType = CObstacleInstance::USUAL; obstacle.ID = m->getSpellIndex(); obstacle.turnsRemaining = turnsRemaining; obstacle.casterSpellPower = m->getEffectPower(); obstacle.spellLevel = m->getEffectLevel();//todo: level of indirect effect should be also configurable obstacle.casterSide = m->casterSide; obstacle.hidden = hidden; obstacle.passable = passable; obstacle.trigger = trigger; obstacle.trap = trap; obstacle.removeOnTrigger = removeOnTrigger; obstacle.appearAnimation = options.appearAnimation; obstacle.animation = options.animation; obstacle.animationYOffset = options.offsetY; obstacle.customSize.clear(); obstacle.customSize.reserve(options.shape.size()); for(auto & shape : options.shape) { BattleHex hex = destination.hexValue; for(auto direction : shape) hex.moveInDirection(direction, false); obstacle.customSize.emplace_back(hex); } pack.changes.emplace_back(); obstacle.toInfo(pack.changes.back()); } if(!pack.changes.empty()) server->apply(&pack); } } } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END