/* * MiscWidgets.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "MiscWidgets.h" #include "CComponent.h" #include "../gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../gui/CCursorHandler.h" #include "../CBitmapHandler.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../CMessage.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../windows/CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "../windows/CCastleInterface.h" #include "../windows/InfoWindows.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CModHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CGameState.h" void CHoverableArea::hover (bool on) { if (on) GH.statusbar->setText(hoverText); else if (GH.statusbar->getText()==hoverText) GH.statusbar->clear(); } CHoverableArea::CHoverableArea() { addUsedEvents(HOVER); } CHoverableArea::~CHoverableArea() { } void LRClickableAreaWText::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(!down && previousState && !text.empty()) { LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(text); } } void LRClickableAreaWText::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if (!text.empty()) adventureInt->handleRightClick(text, down); } LRClickableAreaWText::LRClickableAreaWText() { init(); } LRClickableAreaWText::LRClickableAreaWText(const Rect &Pos, const std::string &HoverText /*= ""*/, const std::string &ClickText /*= ""*/) { init(); pos = Pos + pos; hoverText = HoverText; text = ClickText; } LRClickableAreaWText::~LRClickableAreaWText() { } void LRClickableAreaWText::init() { addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); } void LRClickableAreaWTextComp::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if((!down) && previousState) { std::vector comp(1, createComponent()); LOCPLINT->showInfoDialog(text, comp); } } LRClickableAreaWTextComp::LRClickableAreaWTextComp(const Rect &Pos, int BaseType) : LRClickableAreaWText(Pos), baseType(BaseType), bonusValue(-1), type(-1) { } CComponent * LRClickableAreaWTextComp::createComponent() const { if(baseType >= 0) return new CComponent(CComponent::Etype(baseType), type, bonusValue); else return nullptr; } void LRClickableAreaWTextComp::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(down) { if(CComponent *comp = createComponent()) { CRClickPopup::createAndPush(text, CInfoWindow::TCompsInfo(1, comp)); return; } } LRClickableAreaWText::clickRight(down, previousState); //only if with-component variant not occurred } CHeroArea::CHeroArea(int x, int y, const CGHeroInstance * _hero):hero(_hero) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; addUsedEvents(LCLICK | RCLICK | HOVER); pos.x += x; pos.w = 58; pos.y += y; pos.h = 64; if (hero) new CAnimImage("PortraitsLarge", hero->portrait); } void CHeroArea::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(hero && (!down) && previousState) LOCPLINT->openHeroWindow(hero); } void CHeroArea::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(hero && (!down) && previousState) LOCPLINT->openHeroWindow(hero); } void CHeroArea::hover(bool on) { if (on && hero) GH.statusbar->setText(hero->getObjectName()); else GH.statusbar->clear(); } void LRClickableAreaOpenTown::clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(town && (!down) && previousState) { LOCPLINT->openTownWindow(town); if ( type == 2 ) LOCPLINT->castleInt->builds->buildingClicked(BuildingID::VILLAGE_HALL); else if ( type == 3 && town->fortLevel() ) LOCPLINT->castleInt->builds->buildingClicked(BuildingID::FORT); } } void LRClickableAreaOpenTown::clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState) { if(town && (!down) && previousState) LOCPLINT->openTownWindow(town);//TODO: popup? } LRClickableAreaOpenTown::LRClickableAreaOpenTown(const Rect & Pos, const CGTownInstance * Town) : LRClickableAreaWTextComp(Pos, -1), town(Town) { } void CMinorResDataBar::show(SDL_Surface * to) { } void CMinorResDataBar::showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { blitAt(bg,pos.x,pos.y,to); for (Res::ERes i=Res::WOOD; i<=Res::GOLD; vstd::advance(i, 1)) { std::string text = boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getResourceAmount(i)); graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextCenter(to, text, Colors::WHITE, Point(pos.x + 50 + 76 * i, pos.y + pos.h/2)); } std::vector temp; temp.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getDate(Date::MONTH))); temp.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getDate(Date::WEEK))); temp.push_back(boost::lexical_cast(LOCPLINT->cb->getDate(Date::DAY_OF_WEEK))); std::string datetext = CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[62]+": %s, " + CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[63] + ": %s, " + CGI->generaltexth->allTexts[64] + ": %s"; graphics->fonts[FONT_SMALL]->renderTextCenter(to, CSDL_Ext::processStr(datetext,temp), Colors::WHITE, Point(pos.x+545+(pos.w-545)/2,pos.y+pos.h/2)); } CMinorResDataBar::CMinorResDataBar() { bg = BitmapHandler::loadBitmap("KRESBAR.bmp"); CSDL_Ext::setDefaultColorKey(bg); graphics->blueToPlayersAdv(bg,LOCPLINT->playerID); pos.x = 7; pos.y = 575; pos.w = bg->w; pos.h = bg->h; } CMinorResDataBar::~CMinorResDataBar() { SDL_FreeSurface(bg); } void CArmyTooltip::init(const InfoAboutArmy &army) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; new CLabel(66, 2, FONT_SMALL, TOPLEFT, Colors::WHITE, army.name); std::vector slotsPos; slotsPos.push_back(Point(36,73)); slotsPos.push_back(Point(72,73)); slotsPos.push_back(Point(108,73)); slotsPos.push_back(Point(18,122)); slotsPos.push_back(Point(54,122)); slotsPos.push_back(Point(90,122)); slotsPos.push_back(Point(126,122)); for(auto & slot : army.army) { if(slot.first.getNum() >= GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE) { logGlobal->warnStream() << "Warning: " << army.name << " has stack in slot " << slot.first; continue; } new CAnimImage("CPRSMALL", slot.second.type->iconIndex, 0, slotsPos[slot.first.getNum()].x, slotsPos[slot.first.getNum()].y); std::string subtitle; if(army.army.isDetailed) subtitle = boost::lexical_cast(slot.second.count); else { //if =0 - we have no information about stack size at all if (slot.second.count) subtitle = CGI->generaltexth->arraytxt[171 + 3*(slot.second.count)]; } new CLabel(slotsPos[slot.first.getNum()].x + 17, slotsPos[slot.first.getNum()].y + 41, FONT_TINY, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, subtitle); } } CArmyTooltip::CArmyTooltip(Point pos, const InfoAboutArmy &army): CIntObject(0, pos) { init(army); } CArmyTooltip::CArmyTooltip(Point pos, const CArmedInstance * army): CIntObject(0, pos) { init(InfoAboutArmy(army, true)); } void CHeroTooltip::init(const InfoAboutHero &hero) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; new CAnimImage("PortraitsLarge", hero.portrait, 0, 3, 2); if(hero.details) { for (size_t i = 0; i < hero.details->primskills.size(); i++) new CLabel(75 + 28 * i, 58, FONT_SMALL, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, boost::lexical_cast(hero.details->primskills[i])); new CLabel(158, 98, FONT_TINY, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, boost::lexical_cast(hero.details->mana)); new CAnimImage("IMRL22", hero.details->morale + 3, 0, 5, 74); new CAnimImage("ILCK22", hero.details->luck + 3, 0, 5, 91); } } CHeroTooltip::CHeroTooltip(Point pos, const InfoAboutHero &hero): CArmyTooltip(pos, hero) { init(hero); } CHeroTooltip::CHeroTooltip(Point pos, const CGHeroInstance * hero): CArmyTooltip(pos, InfoAboutHero(hero, InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::DETAILED)) { init(InfoAboutHero(hero, InfoAboutHero::EInfoLevel::DETAILED)); } void CTownTooltip::init(const InfoAboutTown &town) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; //order of icons in def: fort, citadel, castle, no fort size_t fortIndex = town.fortLevel ? town.fortLevel - 1 : 3; new CAnimImage("ITMCLS", fortIndex, 0, 105, 31); assert(town.tType); size_t iconIndex = town.tType->clientInfo.icons[town.fortLevel > 0][town.built >= CGI->modh->settings.MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN]; new CAnimImage("itpt", iconIndex, 0, 3, 2); if(town.details) { new CAnimImage("ITMTLS", town.details->hallLevel, 0, 67, 31); if (town.details->goldIncome) new CLabel(157, 58, FONT_TINY, CENTER, Colors::WHITE, boost::lexical_cast(town.details->goldIncome)); if(town.details->garrisonedHero) //garrisoned hero icon new CPicture("TOWNQKGH", 149, 76); if(town.details->customRes)//silo is built { if (town.tType->primaryRes == Res::WOOD_AND_ORE )// wood & ore { new CAnimImage("SMALRES", Res::WOOD, 0, 7, 75); new CAnimImage("SMALRES", Res::ORE , 0, 7, 88); } else new CAnimImage("SMALRES", town.tType->primaryRes, 0, 7, 81); } } } CTownTooltip::CTownTooltip(Point pos, const InfoAboutTown &town): CArmyTooltip(pos, town) { init(town); } CTownTooltip::CTownTooltip(Point pos, const CGTownInstance * town): CArmyTooltip(pos, InfoAboutTown(town, true)) { init(InfoAboutTown(town, true)); } void MoraleLuckBox::set(const IBonusBearer *node) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; const int textId[] = {62, 88}; //eg %s \n\n\n {Current Luck Modifiers:} const int noneTxtId = 108; //Russian version uses same text for neutral morale\luck const int neutralDescr[] = {60, 86}; //eg {Neutral Morale} \n\n Neutral morale means your armies will neither be blessed with extra attacks or freeze in combat. const int componentType[] = {CComponent::luck, CComponent::morale}; const int hoverTextBase[] = {7, 4}; const Bonus::BonusType bonusType[] = {Bonus::LUCK, Bonus::MORALE}; int (IBonusBearer::*getValue[])() const = {&IBonusBearer::LuckVal, &IBonusBearer::MoraleVal}; TBonusListPtr modifierList(new BonusList()); if (node) { modifierList = node->getBonuses(Selector::type(bonusType[morale])); bonusValue = (node->*getValue[morale])(); } else bonusValue = 0; int mrlt = (bonusValue>0)-(bonusValue<0); //signum: -1 - bad luck / morale, 0 - neutral, 1 - good hoverText = CGI->generaltexth->heroscrn[hoverTextBase[morale] - mrlt]; baseType = componentType[morale]; text = CGI->generaltexth->arraytxt[textId[morale]]; boost::algorithm::replace_first(text,"%s",CGI->generaltexth->arraytxt[neutralDescr[morale]-mrlt]); if (morale && node && (node->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD) || node->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::BLOCK_MORALE) || node->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NON_LIVING))) { text += CGI->generaltexth->arraytxt[113]; //unaffected by morale bonusValue = 0; } else if(!morale && node && node->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::BLOCK_LUCK)) { // TODO: there is no text like "Unaffected by luck" so probably we need own text text += CGI->generaltexth->arraytxt[noneTxtId]; bonusValue = 0; } else if(modifierList->empty()) text += CGI->generaltexth->arraytxt[noneTxtId];//no modifiers else { for(auto& elem : *modifierList) { if(elem->val != 0) //no bonuses with value 0 text += "\n" + elem->Description(); } } std::string imageName; if (small) imageName = morale ? "IMRL30": "ILCK30"; else imageName = morale ? "IMRL42" : "ILCK42"; delete image; image = new CAnimImage(imageName, bonusValue + 3); image->moveBy(Point(pos.w/2 - image->pos.w/2, pos.h/2 - image->pos.h/2));//center icon } MoraleLuckBox::MoraleLuckBox(bool Morale, const Rect &r, bool Small): image(nullptr), morale(Morale), small(Small) { bonusValue = 0; pos = r + pos; } CCreaturePic::CCreaturePic(int x, int y, const CCreature *cre, bool Big, bool Animated) { OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL; pos.x+=x; pos.y+=y; TFaction faction = cre->faction; assert(CGI->townh->factions.size() > faction); if(Big) bg = new CPicture(CGI->townh->factions[faction]->creatureBg130); else bg = new CPicture(CGI->townh->factions[faction]->creatureBg120); anim = new CCreatureAnim(0, 0, cre->animDefName, Rect()); anim->clipRect(cre->isDoubleWide()?170:150, 155, bg->pos.w, bg->pos.h); anim->startPreview(cre->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)); amount = new CLabel(bg->pos.w, bg->pos.h, FONT_MEDIUM, BOTTOMRIGHT, Colors::WHITE); pos.w = bg->pos.w; pos.h = bg->pos.h; } void CCreaturePic::show(SDL_Surface *to) { // redraw everything in a proper order bg->showAll(to); anim->show(to); amount->showAll(to); } void CCreaturePic::setAmount(int newAmount) { if (newAmount != 0) amount->setText(boost::lexical_cast(newAmount)); else amount->setText(""); }