#include "StdInc.h" #include #include "../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CCampaignHandler.h" #include "../lib/CThreadHelper.h" #include "../lib/Connection.h" #include "../lib/CModHandler.h" #include "../lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "zlib.h" #include "CVCMIServer.h" #include "../lib/StartInfo.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #ifndef VCMI_ANDROID #include "../lib/Interprocess.h" #endif #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "CGameHandler.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMapInfo.h" #include "../lib/GameConstants.h" #include "../lib/logging/CBasicLogConfigurator.h" #include "../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../lib/ScopeGuard.h" #include "../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined (__MINGW32__) && !defined(VCMI_ANDROID) #include #endif std::string NAME_AFFIX = "server"; std::string NAME = GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION + std::string(" (") + NAME_AFFIX + ')'; //application name #ifndef VCMI_ANDROID namespace intpr = boost::interprocess; #endif bool end2 = false; int port = 3030; boost::program_options::variables_map cmdLineOptions; /* * CVCMIServer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ static void vaccept(boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor *ac, boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket *s, boost::system::error_code *error) { ac->accept(*s,*error); } CPregameServer::CPregameServer(CConnection *Host, TAcceptor *Acceptor /*= nullptr*/) : host(Host), listeningThreads(0), acceptor(Acceptor), upcomingConnection(nullptr), curmap(nullptr), curStartInfo(nullptr), state(RUNNING) { initConnection(host); } void CPregameServer::handleConnection(CConnection *cpc) { setThreadName("CPregameServer::handleConnection"); try { while(!cpc->receivedStop) { CPackForSelectionScreen *cpfs = nullptr; *cpc >> cpfs; logNetwork->infoStream() << "Got package to announce " << typeid(*cpfs).name() << " from " << *cpc; boost::unique_lock queueLock(mx); bool quitting = dynamic_ptr_cast(cpfs), startingGame = dynamic_ptr_cast(cpfs); if(quitting || startingGame) //host leaves main menu or wants to start game -> we end { cpc->receivedStop = true; if(!cpc->sendStop) sendPack(cpc, *cpfs); if(cpc == host) toAnnounce.push_back(cpfs); } else toAnnounce.push_back(cpfs); if(startingGame) { //wait for sending thread to announce start auto unlock = vstd::makeUnlockGuard(mx); while(state == RUNNING) boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50)); } } } catch (const std::exception& e) { boost::unique_lock queueLock(mx); logNetwork->errorStream() << *cpc << " dies... \nWhat happened: " << e.what(); } boost::unique_lock queueLock(mx); if(state != ENDING_AND_STARTING_GAME) { connections -= cpc; //notify other players about leaving auto pl = new PlayerLeft(); pl->playerID = cpc->connectionID; announceTxt(cpc->name + " left the game"); toAnnounce.push_back(pl); if(connections.empty()) { logNetwork->error("Last connection lost, server will close itself..."); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(2)); //we should never be hasty when networking state = ENDING_WITHOUT_START; } } logNetwork->infoStream() << "Thread listening for " << *cpc << " ended"; listeningThreads--; vstd::clear_pointer(cpc->handler); } void CPregameServer::run() { startListeningThread(host); start_async_accept(); while(state == RUNNING) { { boost::unique_lock myLock(mx); while(!toAnnounce.empty()) { processPack(toAnnounce.front()); toAnnounce.pop_front(); } // //we end sending thread if we ordered all our connections to stop // ending = true; // for(CPregameConnection *pc : connections) // if(!pc->sendStop) // ending = false; if(state != RUNNING) { logNetwork->info("Stopping listening for connections..."); acceptor->close(); } if(acceptor) { acceptor->get_io_service().reset(); acceptor->get_io_service().poll(); } } //frees lock boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50)); } logNetwork->info("Thread handling connections ended"); if(state == ENDING_AND_STARTING_GAME) { logNetwork->info("Waiting for listening thread to finish..."); while(listeningThreads) boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50)); logNetwork->info("Preparing new game"); } } CPregameServer::~CPregameServer() { delete acceptor; delete upcomingConnection; for(CPackForSelectionScreen *pack : toAnnounce) delete pack; toAnnounce.clear(); //TODO pregameconnections } void CPregameServer::connectionAccepted(const boost::system::error_code& ec) { if(ec) { logNetwork->info("Something wrong during accepting: %s", ec.message()); return; } logNetwork->info("We got a new connection! :)"); CConnection *pc = new CConnection(upcomingConnection, NAME); initConnection(pc); upcomingConnection = nullptr; startListeningThread(pc); *pc << (ui8)pc->connectionID << curmap; announceTxt(pc->name + " joins the game"); auto pj = new PlayerJoined(); pj->playerName = pc->name; pj->connectionID = pc->connectionID; toAnnounce.push_back(pj); start_async_accept(); } void CPregameServer::start_async_accept() { assert(!upcomingConnection); assert(acceptor); upcomingConnection = new TSocket(acceptor->get_io_service()); acceptor->async_accept(*upcomingConnection, std::bind(&CPregameServer::connectionAccepted, this, _1)); } void CPregameServer::announceTxt(const std::string &txt, const std::string &playerName /*= "system"*/) { logNetwork->info("%s says: %s", playerName, txt); ChatMessage cm; cm.playerName = playerName; cm.message = txt; boost::unique_lock queueLock(mx); toAnnounce.push_front(new ChatMessage(cm)); } void CPregameServer::announcePack(const CPackForSelectionScreen &pack) { for(CConnection *pc : connections) sendPack(pc, pack); } void CPregameServer::sendPack(CConnection * pc, const CPackForSelectionScreen & pack) { if(!pc->sendStop) { logNetwork->infoStream() << "\tSending pack of type " << typeid(pack).name() << " to " << *pc; *pc << &pack; } if(dynamic_ptr_cast(&pack)) { pc->sendStop = true; } else if(dynamic_ptr_cast(&pack)) { pc->sendStop = true; } } void CPregameServer::processPack(CPackForSelectionScreen * pack) { if(dynamic_ptr_cast(pack)) { sendPack(host, *pack); } else if(SelectMap *sm = dynamic_ptr_cast(pack)) { vstd::clear_pointer(curmap); curmap = sm->mapInfo; sm->free = false; announcePack(*pack); } else if(UpdateStartOptions *uso = dynamic_ptr_cast(pack)) { vstd::clear_pointer(curStartInfo); curStartInfo = uso->options; uso->free = false; announcePack(*pack); } else if(dynamic_ptr_cast(pack)) { state = ENDING_AND_STARTING_GAME; announcePack(*pack); } else announcePack(*pack); delete pack; } void CPregameServer::initConnection(CConnection *c) { *c >> c->name; connections.insert(c); logNetwork->info("Pregame connection with player %s established!", c->name); } void CPregameServer::startListeningThread(CConnection * pc) { listeningThreads++; pc->enterPregameConnectionMode(); pc->handler = new boost::thread(&CPregameServer::handleConnection, this, pc); } CVCMIServer::CVCMIServer() : io(new boost::asio::io_service()), acceptor(new TAcceptor(*io, boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint(boost::asio::ip::tcp::v4(), port))), firstConnection(nullptr) { logNetwork->trace("CVCMIServer created!"); } CVCMIServer::~CVCMIServer() { //delete io; //delete acceptor; //delete firstConnection; } CGameHandler * CVCMIServer::initGhFromHostingConnection(CConnection &c) { auto gh = new CGameHandler(); StartInfo si; c >> si; //get start options if(!si.createRandomMap()) { bool mapFound = CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(si.mapname, EResType::MAP)); //TODO some checking for campaigns if(!mapFound && si.mode == StartInfo::NEW_GAME) { c << ui8(1); //WRONG! return nullptr; } } c << ui8(0); //OK! gh->init(&si); gh->conns.insert(&c); return gh; } void CVCMIServer::newGame() { CConnection &c = *firstConnection; ui8 clients; c >> clients; //how many clients should be connected assert(clients == 1); //multi goes now by newPregame, TODO: custom lobbies CGameHandler *gh = initGhFromHostingConnection(c); auto onExit = vstd::makeScopeGuard([&]() { vstd::clear_pointer(gh); }); gh->run(false); } void CVCMIServer::newPregame() { auto cps = new CPregameServer(firstConnection, acceptor); cps->run(); if(cps->state == CPregameServer::ENDING_WITHOUT_START) { delete cps; return; } if(cps->state == CPregameServer::ENDING_AND_STARTING_GAME) { CGameHandler gh; gh.conns = cps->connections; gh.init(cps->curStartInfo); for(CConnection *c : gh.conns) c->addStdVecItems(gh.gs); gh.run(false); } } void CVCMIServer::start() { #ifndef VCMI_ANDROID ServerReady *sr = nullptr; intpr::mapped_region *mr; try { intpr::shared_memory_object smo(intpr::open_only,"vcmi_memory",intpr::read_write); smo.truncate(sizeof(ServerReady)); mr = new intpr::mapped_region(smo,intpr::read_write); sr = reinterpret_cast(mr->get_address()); } catch(...) { intpr::shared_memory_object smo(intpr::create_only,"vcmi_memory",intpr::read_write); smo.truncate(sizeof(ServerReady)); mr = new intpr::mapped_region(smo,intpr::read_write); sr = new(mr->get_address())ServerReady(); } #endif boost::system::error_code error; logNetwork->info("Listening for connections at port %d", acceptor->local_endpoint().port()); auto s = new boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket(acceptor->get_io_service()); boost::thread acc(std::bind(vaccept,acceptor,s,&error)); #ifndef VCMI_ANDROID sr->setToTrueAndNotify(); delete mr; #endif acc.join(); if (error) { logNetwork->warnStream()<<"Got connection but there is an error " << error; return; } logNetwork->info("We've accepted someone... "); firstConnection = new CConnection(s,NAME); logNetwork->info("Got connection!"); while(!end2) { ui8 mode; *firstConnection >> mode; switch (mode) { case 0: firstConnection->close(); exit(0); case 1: firstConnection->close(); return; case 2: newGame(); break; case 3: loadGame(); break; case 4: newPregame(); break; } } } void CVCMIServer::loadGame() { CConnection &c = *firstConnection; std::string fname; CGameHandler gh; boost::system::error_code error; ui8 clients; c >> clients >> fname; //how many clients should be connected { CLoadFile lf(*CResourceHandler::get("local")->getResourceName(ResourceID(fname, EResType::SERVER_SAVEGAME)), minSupportedVersion); gh.loadCommonState(lf); lf >> gh; } c << ui8(0); CConnection* cc; //tcp::socket * ss; for(int i=0; iget_io_service()); acceptor->accept(*s,error); if(error) //retry { logNetwork->warn("Cannot establish connection - retrying..."); i--; continue; } cc = new CConnection(s,NAME); } gh.conns.insert(cc); } gh.run(true); } static void handleCommandOptions(int argc, char *argv[]) { namespace po = boost::program_options; po::options_description opts("Allowed options"); opts.add_options() ("help,h", "display help and exit") ("version,v", "display version information and exit") ("port", po::value()->default_value(3030), "port at which server will listen to connections from client") ("resultsFile", po::value()->default_value("./results.txt"), "file to which the battle result will be appended. Used only in the DUEL mode."); if(argc > 1) { try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, opts), cmdLineOptions); } catch(std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "Failure during parsing command-line options:\n" << e.what() << std::endl; } } po::notify(cmdLineOptions); if (cmdLineOptions.count("help")) { printf("%s - A Heroes of Might and Magic 3 clone\n", GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.c_str()); printf("Copyright (C) 2007-2014 VCMI dev team - see AUTHORS file\n"); printf("This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO\n"); printf("warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage:\n"); std::cout << opts; exit(0); } if (cmdLineOptions.count("version")) { printf("%s\n", GameConstants::VCMI_VERSION.c_str()); std::cout << VCMIDirs::get().genHelpString(); exit(0); } } #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined (__MINGW32__) && !defined(VCMI_ANDROID) void handleLinuxSignal(int sig) { const int STACKTRACE_SIZE = 100; void * buffer[STACKTRACE_SIZE]; int ptrCount = backtrace(buffer, STACKTRACE_SIZE); char ** strings; logGlobal->error("Error: signal %d :", sig); strings = backtrace_symbols(buffer, ptrCount); if(strings == nullptr) { logGlobal->error("There are no symbols."); } else { for(int i = 0; i < ptrCount; ++i) { logGlobal->error(strings[i]); } free(strings); } _exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } #endif int main(int argc, char** argv) { // Installs a sig sev segmentation violation handler // to log stacktrace #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined (__MINGW32__) && !defined(VCMI_ANDROID) signal(SIGSEGV, handleLinuxSignal); #endif console = new CConsoleHandler; CBasicLogConfigurator logConfig(VCMIDirs::get().userCachePath() / "VCMI_Server_log.txt", console); logConfig.configureDefault(); handleCommandOptions(argc, argv); if(cmdLineOptions.count("port")) port = cmdLineOptions["port"].as(); logNetwork->info("Port %d will be used.", port); preinitDLL(console); settings.init(); logConfig.configure(); loadDLLClasses(); srand ( (ui32)time(nullptr) ); try { boost::asio::io_service io_service; CVCMIServer server; try { while(!end2) { server.start(); } io_service.run(); } catch(boost::system::system_error &e) //for boost errors just log, not crash - probably client shut down connection { logNetwork->error(e.what()); end2 = true; } catch(...) { handleException(); } } catch(boost::system::system_error &e) { logNetwork->error(e.what()); //catch any startup errors (e.g. can't access port) errors //and return non-zero status so client can detect error throw; } delete VLC; VLC = nullptr; CResourceHandler::clear(); return 0; }