/* * NetPacksLobby.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "NetPacksBase.h" #include "StartInfo.h" class CCampaignState; class CLobbyScreen; class CServerHandler; class CMapInfo; struct StartInfo; class CMapGenOptions; struct ClientPlayer; class CVCMIServer; struct CPackForLobby : public CPack { bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const { return false; } bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv) { return true; } void applyOnServerAfterAnnounce(CVCMIServer * srv) {} bool applyOnLobbyHandler(CServerHandler * handler) { return true; } void applyOnLobbyScreen(CLobbyScreen * lobby, CServerHandler * handler) {} }; struct CLobbyPackToPropagate : public CPackForLobby { }; struct CLobbyPackToServer : public CPackForLobby { bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; void applyOnServerAfterAnnounce(CVCMIServer * srv); }; struct LobbyClientConnected : public CLobbyPackToPropagate { // Set by client before sending pack to server std::string uuid; std::vector names; StartInfo::EMode mode; // Changed by server before announcing pack int clientId; int hostClientId; LobbyClientConnected() : mode(StartInfo::INVALID), clientId(-1), hostClientId(-1) {} bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; bool applyOnLobbyHandler(CServerHandler * handler); void applyOnLobbyScreen(CLobbyScreen * lobby, CServerHandler * handler); bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); void applyOnServerAfterAnnounce(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & uuid; h & names; h & mode; h & clientId; h & hostClientId; } }; struct LobbyClientDisconnected : public CLobbyPackToPropagate { int clientId; bool shutdownServer; LobbyClientDisconnected() : shutdownServer(false) {} bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); void applyOnServerAfterAnnounce(CVCMIServer * srv); bool applyOnLobbyHandler(CServerHandler * handler); void applyOnLobbyScreen(CLobbyScreen * lobby, CServerHandler * handler); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & clientId; h & shutdownServer; } }; struct LobbyChatMessage : public CLobbyPackToPropagate { std::string playerName, message; bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; void applyOnLobbyScreen(CLobbyScreen * lobby, CServerHandler * handler); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & playerName; h & message; } }; struct LobbyGuiAction : public CLobbyPackToPropagate { enum EAction : ui8 { NONE, NO_TAB, OPEN_OPTIONS, OPEN_SCENARIO_LIST, OPEN_RANDOM_MAP_OPTIONS } action; LobbyGuiAction() : action(NONE) {} bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; void applyOnLobbyScreen(CLobbyScreen * lobby, CServerHandler * handler); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & action; } }; struct LobbyStartGame : public CLobbyPackToPropagate { // Set by server std::shared_ptr initializedStartInfo; LobbyStartGame() : initializedStartInfo(nullptr) {} bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); void applyOnServerAfterAnnounce(CVCMIServer * srv); bool applyOnLobbyHandler(CServerHandler * handler); void applyOnLobbyScreen(CLobbyScreen * lobby, CServerHandler * handler); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & initializedStartInfo; } }; struct LobbyChangeHost : public CLobbyPackToPropagate { int newHostConnectionId; LobbyChangeHost() : newHostConnectionId(-1) {} bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); bool applyOnServerAfterAnnounce(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & newHostConnectionId; } }; struct LobbyUpdateState : public CLobbyPackToPropagate { LobbyState state; bool hostChanged; // Used on client-side only LobbyUpdateState() : hostChanged(false) {} bool applyOnLobbyHandler(CServerHandler * handler); void applyOnLobbyScreen(CLobbyScreen * lobby, CServerHandler * handler); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & state; } }; struct LobbySetMap : public CLobbyPackToServer { std::shared_ptr mapInfo; std::shared_ptr mapGenOpts; LobbySetMap() : mapInfo(nullptr), mapGenOpts(nullptr) {} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & mapInfo; h & mapGenOpts; } }; struct LobbySetCampaign : public CLobbyPackToServer { std::shared_ptr ourCampaign; LobbySetCampaign() {} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & ourCampaign; } }; struct LobbySetCampaignMap : public CLobbyPackToServer { int mapId; LobbySetCampaignMap() : mapId(-1) {} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & mapId; } }; struct LobbySetCampaignBonus : public CLobbyPackToServer { int bonusId; LobbySetCampaignBonus() : bonusId(-1) {} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & bonusId; } }; struct LobbyChangePlayerOption : public CLobbyPackToServer { enum EWhat : ui8 {UNKNOWN, TOWN, HERO, BONUS}; ui8 what; si8 direction; //-1 or +1 PlayerColor color; LobbyChangePlayerOption() : what(UNKNOWN), direction(0), color(PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE) {} bool checkClientPermissions(CVCMIServer * srv) const; bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & what; h & direction; h & color; } }; struct LobbySetPlayer : public CLobbyPackToServer { PlayerColor clickedColor; LobbySetPlayer() : clickedColor(PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE){} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & clickedColor; } }; struct LobbySetTurnTime : public CLobbyPackToServer { ui8 turnTime; LobbySetTurnTime() : turnTime(0) {} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & turnTime; } }; struct LobbySetDifficulty : public CLobbyPackToServer { ui8 difficulty; LobbySetDifficulty() : difficulty(0) {} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & difficulty; } }; struct LobbyForceSetPlayer : public CLobbyPackToServer { ui8 targetConnectedPlayer; PlayerColor targetPlayerColor; LobbyForceSetPlayer() : targetConnectedPlayer(-1), targetPlayerColor(PlayerColor::CANNOT_DETERMINE) {} bool applyOnServer(CVCMIServer * srv); template void serialize(Handler & h, const int version) { h & targetConnectedPlayer; h & targetPlayerColor; } };