< [Documentation](../../Readme.md) / [Modding](../Readme.md) / Entities Format / Terrain Format ## Format ```jsonc "newTerrain" : { // Two-letters unique indentifier for this terrain. Used in map format "shortIdentifier" : "mt", // Human-readable name of the terrain "text" : "My Road", // Type(s) of this terrain. // WATER - this terrain is water-like terrains that requires boat for movement // ROCK - this terrain is unpassable "rock" terrain that is used for inacessible parts of underground layer // SUB - this terrain can be placed in underground map layer by RMG // SURFACE - this terrain can be placed in surface map layer by RMG "type" : [ "WATER", "SUB", "ROCK", "SURFACE" ], // Name of file with road graphics "tiles" : "myRoad.def", // How many movement points needed to move hero on this terrain "moveCost" : 150, // The name of rock type terrain which will be used as borders in the underground // By default, H3 terrain "rock" will be used "rockTerrain" : "rock", // River type which should be used for that terrain "river" : "", // If defined, terrain will be animated using palette color cycling effect // Game will cycle "length" colors starting from "start" (zero-based index) on each animation update every 180ms // Color numbering uses palette color indexes, as seen in image editor // Note that some tools for working with .def files may reorder palette. // To avoid this, it is possible to use json with indexed png images instead of def files "paletteAnimation" : [ { "start" : 10, "length" : 5 }, ... ], // List of battleFields that can be used on this terrain "battleFields" : [ ] // Color of terrain on minimap without unpassable objects. RGB triplet, 0-255 range "minimapUnblocked" : [ 150, 100, 50 ], // Color of terrain on minimap with unpassable objects. RGB triplet, 0-255 range "minimapBlocked" : [ 150, 100, 50 ], // Music filename to play on this terrain on adventure map "music" : "", "sounds" : { // List of ambient sounds for this terrain "ambient" : [ "" ] }, // Hero movement sound for this terrain, version for moving on tiles with road "horseSound" : "", // Hero movement sound for this terrain, version for moving on tiles without road "horseSoundPenalty" : "", // List or terrain names, which is prohibited to make transition from/to "prohibitTransitions" : [ "" ], // If sand/dirt transition required from/to other terrains "transitionRequired" : false, // Represents layout of tile orientations in terrain tiles file // Can be normal, dirt, water, rock, or hota "terrainViewPatterns" : "", } ```