#ifndef CTOWNHANDLER_H #define CTOWNHANDLER_H #include "CDefHandler.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "SDL.h" #include "int3.h" #include #include class CTown { public: std::string name; int bonus; //pic number }; class CTownHandler { CDefHandler * smallIcons; public: CTownHandler(); ~CTownHandler(); std::vector towns; void loadNames(); SDL_Surface * getPic(int ID, bool fort=true, bool builded=false); //ID=-1 - blank; -2 - border; -3 - random }; class CTownInstance { int type; //type of town int owner; //ID of owner int3 pos; //position CTown * town; std::string name; // name of town CCreatureSet garrison; int builded; //how many buildings has been built this turn int destroyed; //how many buildings has been destroyed this turn //TODO: //buildings //creatures to be recruited //hero in garrison //spells in mage guild }; #endif //CTOWNHANDLER_H