/* * CSpellHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include #include "CSpellHandler.h" #include "Problem.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../CModHandler.h" #include "../StringConstants.h" #include "../battle/BattleInfo.h" #include "../battle/CBattleInfoCallback.h" #include "../battle/Unit.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" //todo: remove #include "../serializer/CSerializer.h" #include "ISpellMechanics.h" namespace SpellConfig { static const std::string LEVEL_NAMES[] = {"none", "basic", "advanced", "expert"}; static const spells::SchoolInfo SCHOOL[4] = { { ESpellSchool::AIR, Bonus::AIR_SPELL_DMG_PREMY, Bonus::AIR_IMMUNITY, "air", SecondarySkill::AIR_MAGIC, Bonus::AIR_SPELLS }, { ESpellSchool::FIRE, Bonus::FIRE_SPELL_DMG_PREMY, Bonus::FIRE_IMMUNITY, "fire", SecondarySkill::FIRE_MAGIC, Bonus::FIRE_SPELLS }, { ESpellSchool::WATER, Bonus::WATER_SPELL_DMG_PREMY, Bonus::WATER_IMMUNITY, "water", SecondarySkill::WATER_MAGIC, Bonus::WATER_SPELLS }, { ESpellSchool::EARTH, Bonus::EARTH_SPELL_DMG_PREMY, Bonus::EARTH_IMMUNITY, "earth", SecondarySkill::EARTH_MAGIC, Bonus::EARTH_SPELLS } }; //order as described in http://bugs.vcmi.eu/view.php?id=91 static const ESpellSchool SCHOOL_ORDER[4] = { ESpellSchool::AIR, //=0 ESpellSchool::FIRE, //=1 ESpellSchool::EARTH,//=3(!) ESpellSchool::WATER //=2(!) }; } //namespace SpellConfig ///CSpell::LevelInfo CSpell::LevelInfo::LevelInfo() : description(""), cost(0), power(0), AIValue(0), smartTarget(true), clearTarget(false), clearAffected(false), range("0") { } CSpell::LevelInfo::~LevelInfo() { } ///CSpell CSpell::CSpell(): id(SpellID::NONE), level(0), power(0), combatSpell(false), creatureAbility(false), positiveness(ESpellPositiveness::NEUTRAL), defaultProbability(0), isRising(false), isDamage(false), isOffensive(false), isSpecial(true), targetType(spells::AimType::NO_TARGET), mechanics(), adventureMechanics() { levels.resize(GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS); } CSpell::~CSpell() { } bool CSpell::adventureCast(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, const AdventureSpellCastParameters & parameters) const { assert(env); if(!adventureMechanics.get()) { env->complain("Invalid adventure spell cast attempt!"); return false; } return adventureMechanics->adventureCast(env, parameters); } const CSpell::LevelInfo & CSpell::getLevelInfo(const int level) const { if(level < 0 || level >= GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS) { logGlobal->error("CSpell::getLevelInfo invalid school level %d", level); throw std::runtime_error("Invalid school level"); } return levels.at(level); } int64_t CSpell::calculateDamage(const spells::Caster * caster) const { //check if spell really does damage - if not, return 0 if(!isDamageSpell()) return 0; auto rawDamage = calculateRawEffectValue(caster->getEffectLevel(this), caster->getEffectPower(this), 1); return caster->getSpellBonus(this, rawDamage, nullptr); } bool CSpell::canBeCast(const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, spells::Mode mode, const spells::Caster * caster) const { //if caller do not interested in description just discard it and do not pollute even debug log spells::detail::ProblemImpl problem; return canBeCast(problem, cb, mode, caster); } bool CSpell::canBeCast(spells::Problem & problem, const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, spells::Mode mode, const spells::Caster * caster) const { spells::BattleCast event(cb, caster, mode, this); auto mechanics = battleMechanics(&event); ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem genProblem = cb->battleCanCastSpell(caster, mode); if(genProblem != ESpellCastProblem::OK) return mechanics->adaptProblem(genProblem, problem); switch(mode) { case spells::Mode::HERO: { const CGHeroInstance * castingHero = dynamic_cast(caster);//todo: unify hero|creature spell cost if(!castingHero) { logGlobal->debug("CSpell::canBeCast: invalid caster"); genProblem = ESpellCastProblem::NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL; } else if(!castingHero->getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK)) genProblem = ESpellCastProblem::NO_SPELLBOOK; else if(!castingHero->canCastThisSpell(this)) genProblem = ESpellCastProblem::HERO_DOESNT_KNOW_SPELL; else if(castingHero->mana < (si32)cb->battleGetSpellCost(this, castingHero)) //not enough mana genProblem = ESpellCastProblem::NOT_ENOUGH_MANA; } break; } if(genProblem != ESpellCastProblem::OK) return mechanics->adaptProblem(genProblem, problem); if(!isCombatSpell()) return mechanics->adaptProblem(ESpellCastProblem::ADVMAP_SPELL_INSTEAD_OF_BATTLE_SPELL, problem); const PlayerColor player = caster->getOwner(); const auto side = cb->playerToSide(player); if(!side) return mechanics->adaptProblem(ESpellCastProblem::INVALID, problem); //effect like Recanter's Cloak. Blocks also passive casting. //TODO: check creature abilities to block //TODO: check any possible caster if(cb->battleMaxSpellLevel(side.get()) < level || cb->battleMinSpellLevel(side.get()) > level) return mechanics->adaptProblem(ESpellCastProblem::SPELL_LEVEL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, problem); return mechanics->canBeCast(problem); } std::vector CSpell::rangeInHexes(const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, spells::Mode mode, const spells::Caster * caster, BattleHex centralHex) const { spells::BattleCast event(cb, caster, mode, this); return battleMechanics(&event)->rangeInHexes(centralHex); } std::vector CSpell::getAffectedStacks(const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, spells::Mode mode, const spells::Caster * caster, int spellLvl, const spells::Target & target) const { //TODO: remove and add new method to BattleCast spells::BattleCast event(cb, caster, mode, this); event.setSpellLevel(spellLvl); return battleMechanics(&event)->getAffectedStacks(target); } spells::AimType CSpell::getTargetType() const { return targetType; } void CSpell::forEachSchool(const std::function& cb) const { bool stop = false; for(ESpellSchool iter : SpellConfig::SCHOOL_ORDER) { const spells::SchoolInfo & cnf = SpellConfig::SCHOOL[(ui8)iter]; if(school.at(cnf.id)) { cb(cnf, stop); if(stop) break; } } } int32_t CSpell::getIndex() const { return id.toEnum(); } int32_t CSpell::getLevel() const { return level; } bool CSpell::isCombatSpell() const { return combatSpell; } bool CSpell::isAdventureSpell() const { return !combatSpell; } bool CSpell::isCreatureAbility() const { return creatureAbility; } bool CSpell::isPositive() const { return positiveness == POSITIVE; } bool CSpell::isNegative() const { return positiveness == NEGATIVE; } bool CSpell::isNeutral() const { return positiveness == NEUTRAL; } boost::logic::tribool CSpell::getPositiveness() const { switch (positiveness) { case CSpell::POSITIVE: return true; case CSpell::NEGATIVE: return false; default: return boost::logic::indeterminate; } } bool CSpell::isRisingSpell() const { return isRising; } bool CSpell::isDamageSpell() const { return isDamage; } bool CSpell::isOffensiveSpell() const { return isOffensive; } bool CSpell::isSpecialSpell() const { return isSpecial; } bool CSpell::hasEffects() const { return !levels[0].effects.empty() || !levels[0].cumulativeEffects.empty(); } bool CSpell::hasBattleEffects() const { return levels[0].battleEffects.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT && !levels[0].battleEffects.Struct().empty(); } const std::string & CSpell::getIconImmune() const { return iconImmune; } const std::string & CSpell::getCastSound() const { return castSound; } si32 CSpell::getCost(const int skillLevel) const { return getLevelInfo(skillLevel).cost; } si32 CSpell::getPower(const int skillLevel) const { return getLevelInfo(skillLevel).power; } si32 CSpell::getProbability(const TFaction factionId) const { if(!vstd::contains(probabilities,factionId)) { return defaultProbability; } return probabilities.at(factionId); } void CSpell::getEffects(std::vector & lst, const int level, const bool cumulative, const si32 duration, boost::optional maxDuration) const { if(level < 0 || level >= GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS) { logGlobal->error("invalid school level %d", level); return; } const auto & levelObject = levels.at(level); if(levelObject.effects.empty() && levelObject.cumulativeEffects.empty()) { logGlobal->error("This spell (%s) has no effects for level %d", name, level); return; } const auto & effects = cumulative ? levelObject.cumulativeEffects : levelObject.effects; lst.reserve(lst.size() + effects.size()); for(const auto b : effects) { Bonus nb(*b); //use configured duration if present if(nb.turnsRemain == 0) nb.turnsRemain = duration; if(maxDuration) vstd::amax(*(maxDuration.get()), nb.turnsRemain); lst.push_back(nb); } } bool CSpell::canBeCastAt(const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, spells::Mode mode, const spells::Caster * caster, BattleHex destination) const { if(canBeCast(cb, mode, caster)) { spells::BattleCast event(cb, caster, mode, this); spells::Target tmp; tmp.emplace_back(destination); return battleMechanics(&event)->canBeCastAt(tmp); } else { return false; } } bool CSpell::canBeCastAt(const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, spells::Mode mode, const spells::Caster * caster, const spells::Target & target) const { if(canBeCast(cb, mode, caster)) { spells::BattleCast event(cb, caster, mode, this); return battleMechanics(&event)->canBeCastAt(target); } else { return false; } } int64_t CSpell::adjustRawDamage(const spells::Caster * caster, const battle::Unit * affectedCreature, int64_t rawDamage) const { auto ret = rawDamage; //affected creature-specific part if(nullptr != affectedCreature) { auto bearer = affectedCreature; //applying protections - when spell has more then one elements, only one protection should be applied (I think) forEachSchool([&](const spells::SchoolInfo & cnf, bool & stop) { if(bearer->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, (ui8)cnf.id)) { ret *= 100 - bearer->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION, (ui8)cnf.id); ret /= 100; stop = true;//only bonus from one school is used } }); CSelector selector = Selector::type(Bonus::SPELL_DAMAGE_REDUCTION).And(Selector::subtype(-1)); //general spell dmg reduction if(bearer->hasBonus(selector)) { ret *= 100 - bearer->valOfBonuses(selector); ret /= 100; } //dmg increasing if(bearer->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::MORE_DAMAGE_FROM_SPELL, id)) { ret *= 100 + bearer->valOfBonuses(Bonus::MORE_DAMAGE_FROM_SPELL, id.toEnum()); ret /= 100; } } ret = caster->getSpellBonus(this, ret, affectedCreature); return ret; } int64_t CSpell::calculateRawEffectValue(int32_t effectLevel, int32_t basePowerMultiplier, int32_t levelPowerMultiplier) const { return basePowerMultiplier * power + levelPowerMultiplier * getPower(effectLevel); } void CSpell::setIsOffensive(const bool val) { isOffensive = val; if(val) { positiveness = CSpell::NEGATIVE; isDamage = true; } } void CSpell::setIsRising(const bool val) { isRising = val; if(val) { positiveness = CSpell::POSITIVE; } } JsonNode CSpell::convertTargetCondition(const BTVector & immunity, const BTVector & absImmunity, const BTVector & limit, const BTVector & absLimit) const { static const std::string CONDITION_NORMAL = "normal"; static const std::string CONDITION_ABSOLUTE = "absolute"; #define BONUS_NAME(x) { Bonus::x, #x }, static const std::map bonusNameRMap = { BONUS_LIST }; #undef BONUS_NAME JsonNode res; auto convertVector = [&](const std::string & targetName, const BTVector & source, const std::string & value) { for(auto bonusType : source) { auto iter = bonusNameRMap.find(bonusType); if(iter != bonusNameRMap.end()) { auto fullId = CModHandler::makeFullIdentifier("", "bonus", iter->second); res[targetName][fullId].String() = value; } else { logGlobal->error("Invalid bonus type %d", static_cast(bonusType)); } } }; auto convertSection = [&](const std::string & targetName, const BTVector & normal, const BTVector & absolute) { convertVector(targetName, normal, CONDITION_NORMAL); convertVector(targetName, absolute, CONDITION_ABSOLUTE); }; convertSection("allOf", limit, absLimit); convertSection("noneOf", immunity, absImmunity); return res; } void CSpell::setupMechanics() { mechanics = spells::ISpellMechanicsFactory::get(this); adventureMechanics = IAdventureSpellMechanics::createMechanics(this); } std::unique_ptr CSpell::battleMechanics(const spells::IBattleCast * event) const { return mechanics->create(event); } ///CSpell::AnimationInfo CSpell::AnimationItem::AnimationItem() :resourceName(""),verticalPosition(VerticalPosition::TOP),pause(0) { } ///CSpell::AnimationInfo CSpell::AnimationInfo::AnimationInfo() { } CSpell::AnimationInfo::~AnimationInfo() { } std::string CSpell::AnimationInfo::selectProjectile(const double angle) const { std::string res; double maximum = 0.0; for(const auto & info : projectile) { if(info.minimumAngle < angle && info.minimumAngle > maximum) { maximum = info.minimumAngle; res = info.resourceName; } } return res; } ///CSpell::TargetInfo CSpell::TargetInfo::TargetInfo(const CSpell * spell, const int level, spells::Mode mode) : type(spell->getTargetType()), smart(false), massive(false), clearAffected(false), clearTarget(false) { auto & levelInfo = spell->getLevelInfo(level); smart = levelInfo.smartTarget; massive = levelInfo.range == "X"; clearAffected = levelInfo.clearAffected; clearTarget = levelInfo.clearTarget; if(mode == spells::Mode::CREATURE_ACTIVE) { massive = false;//FIXME: find better solution for Commander spells } } bool DLL_LINKAGE isInScreenRange(const int3 & center, const int3 & pos) { int3 diff = pos - center; return diff.x >= -9 && diff.x <= 9 && diff.y >= -8 && diff.y <= 8; } ///CSpellHandler CSpellHandler::CSpellHandler() = default; CSpellHandler::~CSpellHandler() = default; std::vector CSpellHandler::loadLegacyData(size_t dataSize) { using namespace SpellConfig; std::vector legacyData; CLegacyConfigParser parser("DATA/SPTRAITS.TXT"); auto readSchool = [&](JsonMap & schools, const std::string & name) { if (parser.readString() == "x") { schools[name].Bool() = true; } }; auto read = [&](bool combat, bool ability) { do { JsonNode lineNode(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT); const auto id = legacyData.size(); lineNode["index"].Integer() = id; lineNode["type"].String() = ability ? "ability" : (combat ? "combat" : "adventure"); lineNode["name"].String() = parser.readString(); parser.readString(); //ignored unused abbreviated name lineNode["level"].Integer() = static_cast(parser.readNumber()); auto& schools = lineNode["school"].Struct(); readSchool(schools, "earth"); readSchool(schools, "water"); readSchool(schools, "fire"); readSchool(schools, "air"); auto& levels = lineNode["levels"].Struct(); auto getLevel = [&](const size_t idx)->JsonMap& { assert(idx < GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS); return levels[LEVEL_NAMES[idx]].Struct(); }; auto costs = parser.readNumArray(GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS); lineNode["power"].Integer() = static_cast(parser.readNumber()); auto powers = parser.readNumArray(GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS); auto & chances = lineNode["gainChance"].Struct(); for(size_t i = 0; i < GameConstants::F_NUMBER; i++) chances[ETownType::names[i]].Integer() = static_cast(parser.readNumber()); auto AIVals = parser.readNumArray(GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS); std::vector descriptions; for(size_t i = 0; i < GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS; i++) descriptions.push_back(parser.readString()); parser.readString(); //ignore attributes. All data present in JSON //save parsed level specific data for(size_t i = 0; i < GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS; i++) { auto& level = getLevel(i); level["description"].String() = descriptions[i]; level["cost"].Integer() = costs[i]; level["power"].Integer() = powers[i]; level["aiValue"].Integer() = AIVals[i]; } legacyData.push_back(lineNode); } while (parser.endLine() && !parser.isNextEntryEmpty()); }; auto skip = [&](int cnt) { for(int i=0; i & CSpellHandler::getTypeNames() const { static const std::vector typeNames = { "spell" }; return typeNames; } CSpell * CSpellHandler::loadFromJson(const JsonNode & json, const std::string & identifier, size_t index) { using namespace SpellConfig; SpellID id(static_cast(index)); CSpell * spell = new CSpell(); spell->id = id; spell->identifier = identifier; const auto type = json["type"].String(); if(type == "ability") { spell->creatureAbility = true; spell->combatSpell = true; } else { spell->creatureAbility = false; spell->combatSpell = type == "combat"; } spell->name = json["name"].String(); logMod->trace("%s: loading spell %s", __FUNCTION__, spell->name); const auto schoolNames = json["school"]; for(const spells::SchoolInfo & info : SpellConfig::SCHOOL) { spell->school[info.id] = schoolNames[info.jsonName].Bool(); } spell->level = static_cast(json["level"].Integer()); spell->power = static_cast(json["power"].Integer()); spell->defaultProbability = static_cast(json["defaultGainChance"].Integer()); for(const auto & node : json["gainChance"].Struct()) { const int chance = static_cast(node.second.Integer()); VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(node.second.meta, "faction",node.first, [=](si32 factionID) { spell->probabilities[factionID] = chance; }); } auto targetType = json["targetType"].String(); if(targetType == "NO_TARGET") spell->targetType = spells::AimType::NO_TARGET; else if(targetType == "CREATURE") spell->targetType = spells::AimType::CREATURE; else if(targetType == "OBSTACLE") spell->targetType = spells::AimType::OBSTACLE; else if(targetType == "LOCATION") spell->targetType = spells::AimType::LOCATION; else logMod->warn("Spell %s: target type %s - assumed NO_TARGET.", spell->name, (targetType.empty() ? "empty" : "unknown ("+targetType+")")); for(const auto & counteredSpell: json["counters"].Struct()) { if(counteredSpell.second.Bool()) { VLC->modh->identifiers.requestIdentifier(json.meta, counteredSpell.first, [=](si32 id) { spell->counteredSpells.push_back(SpellID(id)); }); } } //TODO: more error checking - f.e. conflicting flags const auto flags = json["flags"]; //by default all flags are set to false in constructor spell->isDamage = flags["damage"].Bool(); //do this before "offensive" if(flags["offensive"].Bool()) { spell->setIsOffensive(true); } if(flags["rising"].Bool()) { spell->setIsRising(true); } const bool implicitPositiveness = spell->isOffensive || spell->isRising; //(!) "damage" does not mean NEGATIVE --AVS if(flags["indifferent"].Bool()) { spell->positiveness = CSpell::NEUTRAL; } else if(flags["negative"].Bool()) { spell->positiveness = CSpell::NEGATIVE; } else if(flags["positive"].Bool()) { spell->positiveness = CSpell::POSITIVE; } else if(!implicitPositiveness) { spell->positiveness = CSpell::NEUTRAL; //duplicates constructor but, just in case logMod->error("Spell %s: no positiveness specified, assumed NEUTRAL.", spell->name); } spell->isSpecial = flags["special"].Bool(); auto findBonus = [&](std::string name, std::vector & vec) { auto it = bonusNameMap.find(name); if(it == bonusNameMap.end()) { logMod->error("Spell %s: invalid bonus name %s", spell->name, name); } else { vec.push_back((Bonus::BonusType)it->second); } }; auto readBonusStruct = [&](std::string name, std::vector & vec) { for(auto bonusData: json[name].Struct()) { const std::string bonusId = bonusData.first; const bool flag = bonusData.second.Bool(); if(flag) findBonus(bonusId, vec); } }; if(json["targetCondition"].isNull()) { CSpell::BTVector immunities; CSpell::BTVector absoluteImmunities; CSpell::BTVector limiters; CSpell::BTVector absoluteLimiters; readBonusStruct("immunity", immunities); readBonusStruct("absoluteImmunity", absoluteImmunities); readBonusStruct("limit", limiters); readBonusStruct("absoluteLimit", absoluteLimiters); if(!(immunities.empty() && absoluteImmunities.empty() && limiters.empty() && absoluteLimiters.empty())) { logMod->warn("Spell %s has old target condition format. Expected configuration: ", spell->name); spell->targetCondition = spell->convertTargetCondition(immunities, absoluteImmunities, limiters, absoluteLimiters); logMod->warn("\n\"targetCondition\" : %s", spell->targetCondition.toJson()); } } else { spell->targetCondition = json["targetCondition"]; //TODO: could this be safely merged instead of discarding? if(!json["immunity"].isNull()) logMod->warn("Spell %s 'immunity' field mixed with 'targetCondition' discarded", spell->name); if(!json["absoluteImmunity"].isNull()) logMod->warn("Spell %s 'absoluteImmunity' field mixed with 'targetCondition' discarded", spell->name); if(!json["limit"].isNull()) logMod->warn("Spell %s 'limit' field mixed with 'targetCondition' discarded", spell->name); if(!json["absoluteLimit"].isNull()) logMod->warn("Spell %s 'absoluteLimit' field mixed with 'targetCondition' discarded", spell->name); } const JsonNode & graphicsNode = json["graphics"]; spell->iconImmune = graphicsNode["iconImmune"].String(); spell->iconBook = graphicsNode["iconBook"].String(); spell->iconEffect = graphicsNode["iconEffect"].String(); spell->iconScenarioBonus = graphicsNode["iconScenarioBonus"].String(); spell->iconScroll = graphicsNode["iconScroll"].String(); const JsonNode & animationNode = json["animation"]; auto loadAnimationQueue = [&](const std::string & jsonName, CSpell::TAnimationQueue & q) { auto queueNode = animationNode[jsonName].Vector(); for(const JsonNode & item : queueNode) { CSpell::TAnimation newItem; if(item.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRING) newItem.resourceName = item.String(); else if(item.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT) { newItem.resourceName = item["defName"].String(); auto vPosStr = item["verticalPosition"].String(); if("bottom" == vPosStr) newItem.verticalPosition = VerticalPosition::BOTTOM; } else if(item.isNumber()) { newItem.pause = static_cast(item.Float()); } q.push_back(newItem); } }; loadAnimationQueue("affect", spell->animationInfo.affect); loadAnimationQueue("cast", spell->animationInfo.cast); loadAnimationQueue("hit", spell->animationInfo.hit); const JsonVector & projectile = animationNode["projectile"].Vector(); for(const JsonNode & item : projectile) { CSpell::ProjectileInfo info; info.resourceName = item["defName"].String(); info.minimumAngle = item["minimumAngle"].Float(); spell->animationInfo.projectile.push_back(info); } const JsonNode & soundsNode = json["sounds"]; spell->castSound = soundsNode["cast"].String(); //load level attributes const int levelsCount = GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS; for(int levelIndex = 0; levelIndex < levelsCount; levelIndex++) { const JsonNode & levelNode = json["levels"][LEVEL_NAMES[levelIndex]]; CSpell::LevelInfo & levelObject = spell->levels[levelIndex]; const si32 levelPower = levelObject.power = static_cast(levelNode["power"].Integer()); levelObject.description = levelNode["description"].String(); levelObject.cost = static_cast(levelNode["cost"].Integer()); levelObject.AIValue = static_cast(levelNode["aiValue"].Integer()); levelObject.smartTarget = levelNode["targetModifier"]["smart"].Bool(); levelObject.clearTarget = levelNode["targetModifier"]["clearTarget"].Bool(); levelObject.clearAffected = levelNode["targetModifier"]["clearAffected"].Bool(); levelObject.range = levelNode["range"].String(); for(const auto & elem : levelNode["effects"].Struct()) { const JsonNode & bonusNode = elem.second; auto b = JsonUtils::parseBonus(bonusNode); const bool usePowerAsValue = bonusNode["val"].isNull(); b->sid = spell->id; //for all b->source = Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT;//for all if(usePowerAsValue) b->val = levelPower; levelObject.effects.push_back(b); } for(const auto & elem : levelNode["cumulativeEffects"].Struct()) { const JsonNode & bonusNode = elem.second; auto b = JsonUtils::parseBonus(bonusNode); const bool usePowerAsValue = bonusNode["val"].isNull(); b->sid = spell->id; //for all b->source = Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT;//for all if(usePowerAsValue) b->val = levelPower; levelObject.cumulativeEffects.push_back(b); } if(levelNode["battleEffects"].getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT && !levelNode["battleEffects"].Struct().empty()) { levelObject.battleEffects = levelNode["battleEffects"]; if(!levelObject.cumulativeEffects.empty() || !levelObject.effects.empty() || spell->isOffensiveSpell()) logGlobal->error("Mixing %s special effects with old format effects gives unpredictable result", spell->name); } } return spell; } void CSpellHandler::afterLoadFinalization() { for(auto spell : objects) { spell->setupMechanics(); } } void CSpellHandler::beforeValidate(JsonNode & object) { //handle "base" level info JsonNode & levels = object["levels"]; JsonNode & base = levels["base"]; auto inheritNode = [&](const std::string & name) { JsonUtils::inherit(levels[name],base); }; inheritNode("none"); inheritNode("basic"); inheritNode("advanced"); inheritNode("expert"); } std::vector CSpellHandler::getDefaultAllowed() const { std::vector allowedSpells; allowedSpells.reserve(objects.size()); for(const CSpell * s : objects) { allowedSpells.push_back( !(s->isSpecialSpell() || s->isCreatureAbility())); } return allowedSpells; } void CSpellHandler::update780() { static_assert(MINIMAL_SERIALIZATION_VERSION < 780, "No longer needed CSpellHandler::update780"); auto spellsContent = VLC->modh->content["spells"]; const ContentTypeHandler::ModInfo & coreData = spellsContent.modData.at("core"); const JsonNode & coreSpells = coreData.modData; const int levelsCount = GameConstants::SPELL_SCHOOL_LEVELS; for(CSpell * spell : objects) { auto identifier = spell->identifier; size_t colonPos = identifier.find(':'); if(colonPos != std::string::npos) continue; const JsonNode & actualConfig = coreSpells[spell->identifier]; if(actualConfig.getType() != JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT) { logGlobal->error("Spell not found %s", spell->identifier); continue; } if(actualConfig["targetCondition"].getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT && !actualConfig["targetCondition"].Struct().empty()) { spell->targetCondition = actualConfig["targetCondition"]; } for(int levelIndex = 0; levelIndex < levelsCount; levelIndex++) { const JsonNode & levelNode = actualConfig["levels"][SpellConfig::LEVEL_NAMES[levelIndex]]; logGlobal->debug(levelNode.toJson()); CSpell::LevelInfo & levelObject = spell->levels[levelIndex]; if(levelNode["battleEffects"].getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT && !levelNode["battleEffects"].Struct().empty()) { levelObject.battleEffects = levelNode["battleEffects"]; logGlobal->trace("Updated special effects for level %d of spell %s", levelIndex, spell->identifier); } } } }