/* * CDefaultSpellMechanics.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CDefaultSpellMechanics.h" #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../BattleState.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" namespace SRSLPraserHelpers { static int XYToHex(int x, int y) { return x + GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH * y; } static int XYToHex(std::pair xy) { return XYToHex(xy.first, xy.second); } static int hexToY(int battleFieldPosition) { return battleFieldPosition/GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH; } static int hexToX(int battleFieldPosition) { int pos = battleFieldPosition - hexToY(battleFieldPosition) * GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH; return pos; } static std::pair hexToPair(int battleFieldPosition) { return std::make_pair(hexToX(battleFieldPosition), hexToY(battleFieldPosition)); } //moves hex by one hex in given direction //0 - left top, 1 - right top, 2 - right, 3 - right bottom, 4 - left bottom, 5 - left static std::pair gotoDir(int x, int y, int direction) { switch(direction) { case 0: //top left return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x-1 : x, y-1); case 1: //top right return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x : x+1, y-1); case 2: //right return std::make_pair(x+1, y); case 3: //right bottom return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x : x+1, y+1); case 4: //left bottom return std::make_pair((y%2) ? x-1 : x, y+1); case 5: //left return std::make_pair(x-1, y); default: throw std::runtime_error("Disaster: wrong direction in SRSLPraserHelpers::gotoDir!\n"); } } static std::pair gotoDir(std::pair xy, int direction) { return gotoDir(xy.first, xy.second, direction); } static bool isGoodHex(std::pair xy) { return xy.first >=0 && xy.first < GameConstants::BFIELD_WIDTH && xy.second >= 0 && xy.second < GameConstants::BFIELD_HEIGHT; } //helper function for rangeInHexes static std::set getInRange(unsigned int center, int low, int high) { std::set ret; if(low == 0) { ret.insert(center); } std::pair mainPointForLayer[6]; //A, B, C, D, E, F points for(auto & elem : mainPointForLayer) elem = hexToPair(center); for(int it=1; it<=high; ++it) //it - distance to the center { for(int b=0; b<6; ++b) mainPointForLayer[b] = gotoDir(mainPointForLayer[b], b); if(it>=low) { std::pair curHex; //adding lines (A-b, B-c, C-d, etc) for(int v=0; v<6; ++v) { curHex = mainPointForLayer[v]; for(int h=0; h=low) } return ret; } } ///DefaultSpellMechanics void DefaultSpellMechanics::applyBattle(BattleInfo * battle, const BattleSpellCast * packet) const { if (packet->castByHero) { if (packet->side < 2) { battle->sides[packet->side].castSpellsCount++; } } //handle countering spells for(auto stackID : packet->affectedCres) { CStack * s = battle->getStack(stackID); s->popBonuses([&](const Bonus * b) -> bool { //check for each bonus if it should be removed const bool isSpellEffect = Selector::sourceType(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT)(b); const int spellID = isSpellEffect ? b->sid : -1; return isSpellEffect && vstd::contains(owner->counteredSpells, spellID); }); } } bool DefaultSpellMechanics::adventureCast(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, AdventureSpellCastParameters & parameters) const { if(!owner->isAdventureSpell()) { env->complain("Attempt to cast non adventure spell in adventure mode"); return false; } const CGHeroInstance * caster = parameters.caster; const int cost = caster->getSpellCost(owner); if(!caster->canCastThisSpell(owner)) { env->complain("Hero cannot cast this spell!"); return false; } if(caster->mana < cost) { env->complain("Hero doesn't have enough spell points to cast this spell!"); return false; } { AdvmapSpellCast asc; asc.caster = caster; asc.spellID = owner->id; env->sendAndApply(&asc); } switch(applyAdventureEffects(env, parameters)) { case ESpellCastResult::OK: { SetMana sm; sm.hid = caster->id; sm.absolute = false; sm.val = -cost; env->sendAndApply(&sm); return true; } break; case ESpellCastResult::CANCEL: return true; } return false; } ESpellCastResult DefaultSpellMechanics::applyAdventureEffects(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, AdventureSpellCastParameters & parameters) const { if(owner->hasEffects()) { const int schoolLevel = parameters.caster->getSpellSchoolLevel(owner); std::vector bonuses; owner->getEffects(bonuses, schoolLevel); for(Bonus b : bonuses) { GiveBonus gb; gb.id = parameters.caster->id.getNum(); gb.bonus = b; env->sendAndApply(&gb); } return ESpellCastResult::OK; } else { //There is no generic algorithm of adventure cast env->complain("Unimplemented adventure spell"); return ESpellCastResult::ERROR; } } void DefaultSpellMechanics::battleCast(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, BattleSpellCastParameters & parameters) const { logGlobal->debugStream() << "Started spell cast. Spell: "<name<<"; mode:"<complain("No spell-caster provided."); return; } BattleSpellCast sc; prepareBattleCast(parameters, sc); //check it there is opponent hero const ui8 otherSide = 1-parameters.casterSide; const CGHeroInstance * otherHero = nullptr; if(parameters.cb->battleHasHero(otherSide)) otherHero = parameters.cb->battleGetFightingHero(otherSide); int spellCost = 0; //calculate spell cost if(parameters.mode == ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING) { spellCost = parameters.cb->battleGetSpellCost(owner, parameters.casterHero); if(nullptr != otherHero) //handle mana channel { int manaChannel = 0; for(const CStack * stack : parameters.cb->battleGetAllStacks(true)) //TODO: shouldn't bonus system handle it somehow? { if(stack->owner == otherHero->tempOwner) { vstd::amax(manaChannel, stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::MANA_CHANNELING)); } } sc.manaGained = (manaChannel * spellCost) / 100; } } logGlobal->debugStream() << "spellCost: " << spellCost; //calculating affected creatures for all spells //must be vector, as in Chain Lightning order matters std::vector attackedCres; //CStack vector is somewhat more suitable than ID vector auto creatures = owner->getAffectedStacks(parameters.cb, parameters.mode, parameters.casterColor, parameters.spellLvl, parameters.destination, parameters.caster); std::copy(creatures.begin(), creatures.end(), std::back_inserter(attackedCres)); logGlobal->debugStream() << "will affect: " << attackedCres.size() << " stacks"; std::vector reflected;//for magic mirror //checking if creatures resist handleResistance(env, attackedCres, sc); //it is actual spell and can be reflected to single target, no recurrence const bool tryMagicMirror = owner->isNegative() && owner->level && owner->getLevelInfo(0).range == "0"; if(tryMagicMirror) { for(auto s : attackedCres) { const int mirrorChance = (s)->valOfBonuses(Bonus::MAGIC_MIRROR); if(env->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) < mirrorChance) reflected.push_back(s); } vstd::erase_if(attackedCres, [&reflected](const CStack * s) { return vstd::contains(reflected, s); }); for(auto s : reflected) { BattleSpellCast::CustomEffect effect; effect.effect = 3; effect.stack = s->ID; sc.customEffects.push_back(effect); } } for(auto cre : attackedCres) { sc.affectedCres.insert(cre->ID); } StacksInjured si; SpellCastContext ctx(attackedCres, sc, si); applyBattleEffects(env, parameters, ctx); env->sendAndApply(&sc); //spend mana if(parameters.mode == ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING) { SetMana sm; sm.absolute = false; sm.hid = parameters.casterHero->id; sm.val = -spellCost; env->sendAndApply(&sm); if(sc.manaGained > 0) { assert(otherHero); sm.hid = otherHero->id; sm.val = sc.manaGained; env->sendAndApply(&sm); } } if(!si.stacks.empty()) //after spellcast info shows env->sendAndApply(&si); //reduce number of casts remaining //TODO: this should be part of BattleSpellCast apply if (parameters.mode == ECastingMode::CREATURE_ACTIVE_CASTING || parameters.mode == ECastingMode::ENCHANTER_CASTING) { assert(parameters.casterStack); BattleSetStackProperty ssp; ssp.stackID = parameters.casterStack->ID; ssp.which = BattleSetStackProperty::CASTS; ssp.val = -1; ssp.absolute = false; env->sendAndApply(&ssp); } logGlobal->debugStream() << "Finished spell cast. Spell: "<name<<"; mode:"<battleGetStacksIf([this, parameters](const CStack * battleStack) { //Get all enemy stacks. Magic mirror can reflect to immune creature (with no effect) return battleStack->owner == parameters.casterColor; }, true);//turrets included if(!mirrorTargets.empty()) { int targetHex = (*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(mirrorTargets, env->getRandomGenerator()))->position; BattleSpellCastParameters mirrorParameters(parameters.cb, attackedCre, owner); mirrorParameters.spellLvl = 0; mirrorParameters.destination = targetHex; mirrorParameters.mode = ECastingMode::MAGIC_MIRROR; mirrorParameters.selectedStack = nullptr; mirrorParameters.spellLvl = parameters.spellLvl; mirrorParameters.effectLevel = parameters.effectLevel; mirrorParameters.effectPower = parameters.effectPower; mirrorParameters.effectValue = parameters.effectValue; mirrorParameters.enchantPower = parameters.enchantPower; castMagicMirror(env, mirrorParameters); } } } void DefaultSpellMechanics::battleLogSingleTarget(std::vector & logLines, const BattleSpellCast * packet, const std::string & casterName, const CStack * attackedStack, bool & displayDamage) const { const std::string attackedName = attackedStack->getName(); const std::string attackedNameSing = attackedStack->getCreature()->nameSing; const std::string attackedNamePl = attackedStack->getCreature()->namePl; auto getPluralFormat = [attackedStack](const int baseTextID) -> boost::format { return boost::format(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[(attackedStack->count > 1 ? baseTextID + 1 : baseTextID)]); }; auto logSimple = [&logLines, getPluralFormat, attackedName](const int baseTextID) { boost::format fmt = getPluralFormat(baseTextID); fmt % attackedName; logLines.push_back(fmt.str()); }; auto logPlural = [&logLines, attackedNamePl](const int baseTextID) { boost::format fmt(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[baseTextID]); fmt % attackedNamePl; logLines.push_back(fmt.str()); }; displayDamage = false; //in most following cases damage info text is custom switch(owner->id) { case SpellID::STONE_GAZE: logSimple(558); break; case SpellID::POISON: logSimple(561); break; case SpellID::BIND: logPlural(560);//Roots and vines bind the %s to the ground! break; case SpellID::DISEASE: logSimple(553); break; case SpellID::PARALYZE: logSimple(563); break; case SpellID::AGE: { boost::format text = getPluralFormat(551); text % attackedName; //The %s shrivel with age, and lose %d hit points." TBonusListPtr bl = attackedStack->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH)); const int fullHP = bl->totalValue(); bl->remove_if(Selector::source(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, SpellID::AGE)); text % (fullHP - bl->totalValue()); logLines.push_back(text.str()); } break; case SpellID::THUNDERBOLT: { logPlural(367); std::string text = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[343].substr(1, VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[343].size() - 1); //Does %d points of damage. boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(packet->dmgToDisplay)); //no more text afterwards logLines.push_back(text); } break; case SpellID::DISPEL_HELPFUL_SPELLS: logPlural(555); break; case SpellID::DEATH_STARE: if (packet->dmgToDisplay > 0) { std::string text; if (packet->dmgToDisplay > 1) { text = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[119]; //%d %s die under the terrible gaze of the %s. boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%d", boost::lexical_cast(packet->dmgToDisplay)); boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", attackedNamePl); } else { text = VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[118]; //One %s dies under the terrible gaze of the %s. boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", attackedNameSing); } boost::algorithm::replace_first(text, "%s", casterName); //casting stack logLines.push_back(text); } break; default: { boost::format text(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[565]); //The %s casts %s text % casterName % owner->name; displayDamage = true; logLines.push_back(text.str()); } break; } } void DefaultSpellMechanics::applyBattleEffects(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, const BattleSpellCastParameters & parameters, SpellCastContext & ctx) const { //applying effects if(owner->isOffensiveSpell()) { int spellDamage = parameters.effectValue; int chainLightningModifier = 0; for(auto & attackedCre : ctx.attackedCres) { BattleStackAttacked bsa; if(spellDamage != 0) bsa.damageAmount = owner->adjustRawDamage(parameters.caster, attackedCre, spellDamage) >> chainLightningModifier; else bsa.damageAmount = owner->calculateDamage(parameters.caster, attackedCre, parameters.effectLevel, parameters.effectPower) >> chainLightningModifier; ctx.sc.dmgToDisplay += bsa.damageAmount; bsa.stackAttacked = (attackedCre)->ID; if(parameters.mode == ECastingMode::ENCHANTER_CASTING) //multiple damage spells cast bsa.attackerID = parameters.casterStack->ID; else bsa.attackerID = -1; (attackedCre)->prepareAttacked(bsa, env->getRandomGenerator()); ctx.si.stacks.push_back(bsa); if(owner->id == SpellID::CHAIN_LIGHTNING) ++chainLightningModifier; } } if(owner->hasEffects()) { SetStackEffect sse; //get default spell duration (spell power with bonuses for heroes) int duration = parameters.enchantPower; //generate actual stack bonuses { int maxDuration = 0; std::vector tmp; owner->getEffects(tmp, parameters.effectLevel); for(Bonus& b : tmp) { //use configured duration if present if(b.turnsRemain == 0) b.turnsRemain = duration; vstd::amax(maxDuration, b.turnsRemain); sse.effect.push_back(b); } //if all spell effects have special duration, use it duration = maxDuration; } //fix to original config: shield should display damage reduction if(owner->id == SpellID::SHIELD || owner->id == SpellID::AIR_SHIELD) { sse.effect.back().val = (100 - sse.effect.back().val); } //we need to know who cast Bind if(owner->id == SpellID::BIND && parameters.casterStack) { sse.effect.back().additionalInfo = parameters.casterStack->ID; } const Bonus * bonus = nullptr; if(parameters.casterHero) bonus = parameters.casterHero->getBonusLocalFirst(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT, owner->id)); //TODO does hero specialty should affects his stack casting spells? si32 power = 0; for(const CStack * affected : ctx.attackedCres) { sse.stacks.push_back(affected->ID); //Apply hero specials - peculiar enchants const ui8 tier = std::max((ui8)1, affected->getCreature()->level); //don't divide by 0 for certain creatures (commanders, war machines) if(bonus) { switch(bonus->additionalInfo) { case 0: //normal { switch(tier) { case 1: case 2: power = 3; break; case 3: case 4: power = 2; break; case 5: case 6: power = 1; break; } Bonus specialBonus(sse.effect.back()); specialBonus.val = power; //it doesn't necessarily make sense for some spells, use it wisely sse.uniqueBonuses.push_back (std::pair (affected->ID, specialBonus)); //additional premy to given effect } break; case 1: //only Coronius as yet { power = std::max(5 - tier, 0); Bonus specialBonus = CStack::featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, power, duration); specialBonus.sid = owner->id; sse.uniqueBonuses.push_back(std::pair (affected->ID, specialBonus)); //additional attack to Slayer effect } break; } } if (parameters.casterHero && parameters.casterHero->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE, owner->id)) //TODO: better handling of bonus percentages { int damagePercent = parameters.casterHero->level * parameters.casterHero->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE, owner->id.toEnum()) / tier; Bonus specialBonus = CStack::featureGenerator(Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE, 0, damagePercent, duration); specialBonus.valType = Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL; specialBonus.sid = owner->id; sse.uniqueBonuses.push_back (std::pair (affected->ID, specialBonus)); } } if(!sse.stacks.empty()) env->sendAndApply(&sse); } } std::vector DefaultSpellMechanics::rangeInHexes(BattleHex centralHex, ui8 schoolLvl, ui8 side, bool *outDroppedHexes) const { using namespace SRSLPraserHelpers; std::vector ret; std::string rng = owner->getLevelInfo(schoolLvl).range + ','; //copy + artificial comma for easier handling if(rng.size() >= 2 && rng[0] != 'X') //there is at lest one hex in range (+artificial comma) { std::string number1, number2; int beg, end; bool readingFirst = true; for(auto & elem : rng) { if(std::isdigit(elem) ) //reading number { if(readingFirst) number1 += elem; else number2 += elem; } else if(elem == ',') //comma { //calculating variables if(readingFirst) { beg = atoi(number1.c_str()); number1 = ""; } else { end = atoi(number2.c_str()); number2 = ""; } //obtaining new hexes std::set curLayer; if(readingFirst) { curLayer = getInRange(centralHex, beg, beg); } else { curLayer = getInRange(centralHex, beg, end); readingFirst = true; } //adding abtained hexes for(auto & curLayer_it : curLayer) { ret.push_back(curLayer_it); } } else if(elem == '-') //dash { beg = atoi(number1.c_str()); number1 = ""; readingFirst = false; } } } //remove duplicates (TODO check if actually needed) range::unique(ret); return ret; } std::set DefaultSpellMechanics::getAffectedStacks(SpellTargetingContext & ctx) const { std::set attackedCres;//std::set to exclude multiple occurrences of two hex creatures const ui8 attackerSide = ctx.cb->playerToSide(ctx.casterColor) == 1; const auto attackedHexes = rangeInHexes(ctx.destination, ctx.schoolLvl, attackerSide); const CSpell::TargetInfo ti(owner, ctx.schoolLvl, ctx.mode); //TODO: more generic solution for mass spells if(owner->getLevelInfo(ctx.schoolLvl).range.size() > 1) //custom many-hex range { for(BattleHex hex : attackedHexes) { if(const CStack * st = ctx.cb->battleGetStackByPos(hex, ti.onlyAlive)) { attackedCres.insert(st); } } } else if(ti.type == CSpell::CREATURE) { auto predicate = [=](const CStack * s){ const bool positiveToAlly = owner->isPositive() && s->owner == ctx.casterColor; const bool negativeToEnemy = owner->isNegative() && s->owner != ctx.casterColor; const bool validTarget = s->isValidTarget(!ti.onlyAlive); //todo: this should be handled by spell class //for single target spells select stacks covering destination tile const bool rangeCovers = ti.massive || s->coversPos(ctx.destination); //handle smart targeting const bool positivenessFlag = !ti.smart || owner->isNeutral() || positiveToAlly || negativeToEnemy; return rangeCovers && positivenessFlag && validTarget; }; TStacks stacks = ctx.cb->battleGetStacksIf(predicate); if(ti.massive) { //for massive spells add all targets for (auto stack : stacks) attackedCres.insert(stack); } else { //for single target spells we must select one target. Alive stack is preferred (issue #1763) for(auto stack : stacks) { if(stack->alive()) { attackedCres.insert(stack); break; } } if(attackedCres.empty() && !stacks.empty()) { attackedCres.insert(stacks.front()); } } } else //custom range from attackedHexes { for(BattleHex hex : attackedHexes) { if(const CStack * st = ctx.cb->battleGetStackByPos(hex, ti.onlyAlive)) attackedCres.insert(st); } } return attackedCres; } ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem DefaultSpellMechanics::canBeCast(const CBattleInfoCallback * cb, PlayerColor player) const { //no problems by default, this method is for spell-specific problems return ESpellCastProblem::OK; } ESpellCastProblem::ESpellCastProblem DefaultSpellMechanics::isImmuneByStack(const ISpellCaster * caster, const CStack * obj) const { //by default use general algorithm return owner->internalIsImmune(caster, obj); } void DefaultSpellMechanics::doDispell(BattleInfo * battle, const BattleSpellCast * packet, const CSelector & selector) const { for(auto stackID : packet->affectedCres) { CStack *s = battle->getStack(stackID); s->popBonuses(selector); } } void DefaultSpellMechanics::castMagicMirror(const SpellCastEnvironment* env, BattleSpellCastParameters& parameters) const { logGlobal->debugStream() << "Started spell cast. Spell: "<name<<"; mode: MAGIC_MIRROR"; if(parameters.mode != ECastingMode::MAGIC_MIRROR) { env->complain("MagicMirror: invalid mode"); return; } if(!parameters.destination.isValid()) { env->complain("MagicMirror: invalid destination"); return; } BattleSpellCast sc; prepareBattleCast(parameters, sc); //calculating affected creatures for all spells //must be vector, as in Chain Lightning order matters std::vector attackedCres; //CStack vector is somewhat more suitable than ID vector auto creatures = owner->getAffectedStacks(parameters.cb, parameters.mode, parameters.casterColor, parameters.spellLvl, parameters.destination, parameters.caster); std::copy(creatures.begin(), creatures.end(), std::back_inserter(attackedCres)); logGlobal->debugStream() << "will affect: " << attackedCres.size() << " stacks"; handleResistance(env, attackedCres, sc); for(auto cre : attackedCres) { sc.affectedCres.insert(cre->ID); } StacksInjured si; SpellCastContext ctx(attackedCres, sc, si); applyBattleEffects(env, parameters, ctx); env->sendAndApply(&sc); if(!si.stacks.empty()) //after spellcast info shows env->sendAndApply(&si); logGlobal->debugStream() << "Finished spell cast. Spell: "<name<<"; mode: MAGIC_MIRROR"; } void DefaultSpellMechanics::handleResistance(const SpellCastEnvironment * env, std::vector& attackedCres, BattleSpellCast& sc) const { //checking if creatures resist //resistance/reflection is applied only to negative spells if(owner->isNegative()) { std::vector resisted; for(auto s : attackedCres) { //magic resistance const int prob = std::min((s)->magicResistance(), 100); //probability of resistance in % if(env->getRandomGenerator().nextInt(99) < prob) { resisted.push_back(s); } } vstd::erase_if(attackedCres, [&resisted](const CStack * s) { return vstd::contains(resisted, s); }); for(auto s : resisted) { BattleSpellCast::CustomEffect effect; effect.effect = 78; effect.stack = s->ID; sc.customEffects.push_back(effect); } } } void DefaultSpellMechanics::prepareBattleCast(const BattleSpellCastParameters& parameters, BattleSpellCast& sc) const { sc.side = parameters.casterSide; sc.id = owner->id; sc.skill = parameters.spellLvl; sc.tile = parameters.destination; sc.dmgToDisplay = 0; sc.castByHero = parameters.mode == ECastingMode::HERO_CASTING; sc.casterStack = (parameters.casterStack ? parameters.casterStack->ID : -1); sc.manaGained = 0; }