{ "type":"object", "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema", "title" : "VCMI creature format", "description": "Json format for defining new creatures in VCMI", "required" : [ "faction" ], "anyOf" : [ { "disabled" : { "enum" : [ true ] } }, { "required" : [ "name", "cost", "level", "fightValue", "aiValue", "attack", "defense", "hitPoints", "speed", "damage", "advMapAmount", "graphics", "sound" ] } ], "additionalProperties" : false, "properties":{ "name": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description": "Translatable names for this creature", "required" : [ "singular", "plural" ], "properties":{ "singular": { "type":"string", "description": "Singular version" }, "plural": { "type":"string", "description": "Plural version" } } }, "abilityText" : { "type" : "string", "description" : "Text version of creature abilities. Used only with original creature window" }, "index" : { "type" : "number", "description" : "Private field to break things, do not use." }, "extraNames" : { "type" : "array", "items" : { "type" : "string" }, "description" : "Private field to break things, do not use." }, "faction": { "type":"string", "description": "Faction this creature belongs to. Examples: castle, rampart" }, "cost": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description": "Cost to recruit this creature", "properties":{ "wood": { "type":"number"}, "mercury": { "type":"number"}, "ore": { "type":"number"}, "sulfur": { "type":"number"}, "crystal": { "type":"number"}, "gems": { "type":"number"}, "gold": { "type":"number"} } }, "special": { "type":"boolean", "description": "Marks this object as special and not available by default" }, "disabled": { "type":"boolean", "description": "Object is competely disabled and may not be even loaded in-game" }, "level": { "type":"number"}, "fightValue": { "type":"number", "description": " \"value\" of creature, used to determine for example army strength" }, "aiValue": { "type":"number", "description": "Describes how valuable this creature is to AI. Usually similar to fightValue" }, "growth": { "type":"number", "description": "Basic growth of this creature in town or in external dwellings" }, "horde": { "type":"number", "description": "Bonus growth of this creature from built horde" }, "attack": { "type":"number" }, "defense": { "type":"number" }, "hitPoints": { "type":"number" }, "speed": { "type":"number" }, "shots": { "type":"number" }, "damage": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "properties":{ "max": { "type":"number" }, "min": { "type":"number" } } }, "spellPoints": { "type":"number", "description": "Spell points this creature has (usually equal to number of casts)" }, "advMapAmount": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description" : "Initial size of random stacks on adventure map", "properties":{ "min": { "type":"number" }, "max": { "type":"number" } } }, "upgrades": { "type":"array", "description": "List of creatures to which this one can be upgraded", "items": { "type":"string" } }, "doubleWide": { "type":"boolean", "description": "If set, creature will be two tiles wide on battlefield" }, "hasDoubleWeek": { "type":"boolean", "description": "creature may receive \"week of\" events" }, "abilities": { "description": "Creature abilities described using Bonus system", "type":"object", "additionalProperties": { "$ref" : "vcmi:bonus" } }, "stackExperience": { "type":"array", "description": "Stack experience, using bonus system", "items":{ "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "required" : [ "bonus", "values" ], "description": "0", "properties":{ "bonus": {"$ref" : "vcmi:bonus" }, "values": { "type":"array", "minItems" : 10, "maxItems" : 10, "description": "Strength of the bonus", "anyof" : [ { "items": { "type" : "number" } }, { "items": { "type" : "boolean" } } ] } } } }, "graphics": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description": "Describes how this creature looks like during battles", "required" : [ "animationTime", "animation", "timeBetweenFidgets" ], "properties":{ "animationTime": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "required" : [ "attack", "flight", "walk" ], "description": "Length of several animations", "properties":{ "attack": { "type":"number", "description": "attack" }, "flight": { "type":"number", "description": "flight" }, "walk": { "type":"number", "description": "walk" } } }, "iconLarge": { "type":"string", "description": "Large icon for this creature, used for example in town screen" }, "iconSmall": { "type":"string", "description": "Small icon for this creature, used for example in exchange screen" }, "map": { "type":"string", "description": ".def file with animation of this creature on adventure map" }, "animation": { "type":"string", "description": ".def file with animation of this creature in battles" }, "missile": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "required" : [ "projectile", "frameAngles", "offset", "attackClimaxFrame" ], "description": "Missile description for archers", "properties":{ "projectile": { "type":"string", "description": "Path to projectile animation" }, "frameAngles": { "type":"array", "description": "Angles of missile images, should go from 90 to -90", "minItems" : 1, "items": { "minimum" : -90, "maximum" : 90, "type":"number" } }, "offset": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "required" : [ "lowerX", "lowerY", "middleX", "middleY", "upperX", "upperY" ], "description": "Position where projectile image appears during shooting in specific direction", "properties":{ "lowerX": { "type":"number" }, "lowerY": { "type":"number" }, "middleX": { "type":"number" }, "middleY": { "type":"number" }, "upperX": { "type":"number" }, "upperY": { "type":"number" } } }, "attackClimaxFrame": { "type":"number", "description": "Frame from attack animation during which creature deals damage" } } }, "timeBetweenFidgets": { "type":"number", "description": "How often creature will play idling animation" }, "troopCountLocationOffset": { "type":"number", "description": "Position of troop count label?" } } }, "sound": { "type":"object", "additionalProperties" : false, "description": "Various sound files associated with this creature", "properties":{ "attack": { "type":"string" }, "defend": { "type":"string" }, "killed": { "type":"string" }, "startMoving": { "type":"string" }, "endMoving": { "type":"string" }, "move": { "type":"string" }, "shoot": { "type":"string" }, "wince": { "type":"string" } } } } }