/* * RmgPath.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "RmgPath.h" #include <boost/heap/priority_queue.hpp> //A* VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN using namespace rmg; const std::function<float(const int3 &, const int3 &)> Path::DEFAULT_MOVEMENT_FUNCTION = [](const int3 & src, const int3 & dst) { return 1.f; }; //A* priority queue using TDistance = std::pair<int3, float>; struct NodeComparer { bool operator()(const TDistance & lhs, const TDistance & rhs) const { return (rhs.second < lhs.second); } }; boost::heap::priority_queue<TDistance, boost::heap::compare<NodeComparer>> createPriorityQueue() { return boost::heap::priority_queue<TDistance, boost::heap::compare<NodeComparer>>(); } Path::Path(const Area & area): dArea(&area) { } Path::Path(const Area & area, const int3 & src): dArea(&area) { dPath.add(src); } Path & Path::operator= (const Path & path) { //do not modify area dPath = path.dPath; return *this; } bool Path::valid() const { return !dPath.empty(); } Path Path::invalid() { return Path({}); } Path Path::search(const Tileset & dst, bool straight, std::function<float(const int3 &, const int3 &)> moveCostFunction) const { //A* algorithm taken from Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A*_search_algorithm if(!dArea) return Path::invalid(); auto resultArea = *dArea + dst; Path result(resultArea); if(dst.empty()) return result; int3 src = rmg::Area(dst).nearest(dPath); result.connect(src); Tileset closed; // The set of nodes already evaluated. auto open = createPriorityQueue(); // The set of tentative nodes to be evaluated, initially containing the start node std::map<int3, int3> cameFrom; // The map of navigated nodes. std::map<int3, float> distances; cameFrom[src] = int3(-1, -1, -1); //first node points to finish condition distances[src] = 0; open.push(std::make_pair(src, 0.f)); // Cost from start along best known path. while(!open.empty()) { auto node = open.top(); open.pop(); int3 currentNode = node.first; closed.insert(currentNode); if(dPath.contains(currentNode)) //we reached connection, stop { // Trace the path using the saved parent information and return path int3 backTracking = currentNode; while (cameFrom[backTracking].valid()) { result.dPath.add(backTracking); backTracking = cameFrom[backTracking]; } return result; } else { auto computeTileScore = [&open, &closed, &cameFrom, ¤tNode, &distances, &moveCostFunction, &result](const int3& pos) -> void { if(closed.count(pos)) return; if(!result.dArea->contains(pos)) return; float movementCost = moveCostFunction(currentNode, pos) + currentNode.dist2d(pos); float distance = distances[currentNode] + movementCost; //we prefer to use already free paths int bestDistanceSoFar = std::numeric_limits<int>::max(); auto it = distances.find(pos); if(it != distances.end()) bestDistanceSoFar = static_cast<int>(it->second); if(distance < bestDistanceSoFar) { cameFrom[pos] = currentNode; open.push(std::make_pair(pos, distance)); distances[pos] = distance; } }; auto dirs = int3::getDirs(); std::vector<int3> neighbors(dirs.begin(), dirs.end()); if(straight) neighbors.assign(rmg::dirs4.begin(), rmg::dirs4.end()); for(auto & i : neighbors) { computeTileScore(currentNode + i); } } } result.dPath.clear(); return result; } Path Path::search(const int3 & dst, bool straight, std::function<float(const int3 &, const int3 &)> moveCostFunction) const { return search(Tileset{dst}, straight, std::move(moveCostFunction)); } Path Path::search(const Area & dst, bool straight, std::function<float(const int3 &, const int3 &)> moveCostFunction) const { return search(dst.getTiles(), straight, std::move(moveCostFunction)); } Path Path::search(const Path & dst, bool straight, std::function<float(const int3 &, const int3 &)> moveCostFunction) const { assert(dst.dArea == dArea); return search(dst.dPath, straight, std::move(moveCostFunction)); } void Path::connect(const int3 & path) { dPath.add(path); } void Path::connect(const Tileset & path) { Area a(path); dPath.unite(a); } void Path::connect(const Area & path) { dPath.unite(path); } void Path::connect(const Path & path) { dPath.unite(path.dPath); } const Area & Path::getPathArea() const { return dPath; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END