/* * DangerHitMapAnalyzer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ObjectClusterizer.h" #include "../Goals/ExecuteHeroChain.h" #include "../AIGateway.h" #include "../Engine/Nullkiller.h" #include "lib/mapping/CMap.h" //for victory conditions void ObjectCluster::addObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const AIPath & path, float priority) { ClusterObjects::accessor info; objects.insert(info, ClusterObjects::value_type(obj, ClusterObjectInfo())); if(info->second.priority < priority) { info->second.priority = priority; info->second.movementCost = path.movementCost() - path.firstNode().cost; info->second.danger = path.targetObjectDanger; info->second.turn = path.turn(); } } const CGObjectInstance * ObjectCluster::calculateCenter() const { auto v = getObjects(); auto tile = int3(0); float priority = 0; for(auto pair : objects) { auto newPoint = pair.first->visitablePos(); float newPriority = std::pow(pair.second.priority, 4); // lets make high priority targets more weghtful int3 direction = newPoint - tile; float priorityRatio = newPriority / (priority + newPriority); tile += direction * priorityRatio; priority += newPriority; } auto closestPair = *vstd::minElementByFun(objects, [&](const std::pair & pair) -> int { return pair.first->visitablePos().dist2dSQ(tile); }); return closestPair.first; } std::vector ObjectCluster::getObjects() const { std::vector result; for(auto pair : objects) { result.push_back(pair.first); } return result; } std::vector ObjectClusterizer::getNearbyObjects() const { return nearObjects.getObjects(); } std::vector ObjectClusterizer::getFarObjects() const { return farObjects.getObjects(); } std::vector> ObjectClusterizer::getLockedClusters() const { std::vector> result; for(auto pair : blockedObjects) { result.push_back(pair.second); } return result; } const CGObjectInstance * ObjectClusterizer::getBlocker(const AIPath & path) const { for(auto node = path.nodes.rbegin(); node != path.nodes.rend(); node++) { auto guardPos = ai->cb->getGuardingCreaturePosition(node->coord); auto blockers = ai->cb->getVisitableObjs(node->coord); if(guardPos.valid()) { auto guard = ai->cb->getTopObj(ai->cb->getGuardingCreaturePosition(node->coord)); if(guard) { blockers.insert(blockers.begin(), guard); } } if(node->specialAction && node->actionIsBlocked) { auto blockerObject = node->specialAction->targetObject(); if(blockerObject) { blockers.push_back(blockerObject); } } if(blockers.empty()) continue; auto blocker = blockers.front(); if(blocker->ID == Obj::GARRISON || blocker->ID == Obj::MONSTER || blocker->ID == Obj::GARRISON2 || blocker->ID == Obj::BORDERGUARD || blocker->ID == Obj::BORDER_GATE || blocker->ID == Obj::SHIPYARD) { if(!isObjectPassable(ai, blocker)) return blocker; } if(blocker->ID == Obj::QUEST_GUARD && node->actionIsBlocked) { return blocker; } } return nullptr; } bool ObjectClusterizer::shouldVisitObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) const { if(isObjectRemovable(obj)) { return true; } const int3 pos = obj->visitablePos(); if(obj->ID != Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 && vstd::contains(ai->memory->alreadyVisited, obj) || obj->wasVisited(ai->playerID)) { return false; } auto playerRelations = ai->cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, obj->tempOwner); if(playerRelations != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES && !isWeeklyRevisitable(obj)) { return false; } //it may be hero visiting this obj //we don't try visiting object on which allied or owned hero stands // -> it will just trigger exchange windows and AI will be confused that obj behind doesn't get visited const CGObjectInstance * topObj = ai->cb->getTopObj(pos); if(!topObj) return false; // partly visible obj but its visitable pos is not visible. if(topObj->ID == Obj::HERO && ai->cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, topObj->tempOwner) != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) return false; else return true; //all of the following is met } void ObjectClusterizer::clusterize() { auto start = boost::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); nearObjects.reset(); farObjects.reset(); blockedObjects.clear(); Obj ignoreObjects[] = { Obj::BOAT, Obj::EYE_OF_MAGI, Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_ENTRANCE, Obj::MONOLITH_ONE_WAY_EXIT, Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY, Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE, Obj::WHIRLPOOL, Obj::BUOY, Obj::SIGN, Obj::SIGN, Obj::GARRISON, Obj::MONSTER, Obj::GARRISON2, Obj::BORDERGUARD, Obj::QUEST_GUARD, Obj::BORDER_GATE, Obj::REDWOOD_OBSERVATORY, Obj::CARTOGRAPHER, Obj::PILLAR_OF_FIRE }; logAi->debug("Begin object clusterization"); std::vector objs( ai->memory->visitableObjs.begin(), ai->memory->visitableObjs.end()); parallel_for(blocked_range(0, objs.size()), [&](const blocked_range & r) { auto priorityEvaluator = ai->priorityEvaluators->acquire(); for(int i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); i++) { auto obj = objs[i]; if(!shouldVisitObject(obj)) return; #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Check object %s%s.", obj->getObjectName(), obj->visitablePos().toString()); #endif auto paths = ai->pathfinder->getPathInfo(obj->visitablePos()); if(paths.empty()) { #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("No paths found."); #endif continue; } std::sort(paths.begin(), paths.end(), [](const AIPath & p1, const AIPath & p2) -> bool { return p1.movementCost() < p2.movementCost(); }); if(vstd::contains(ignoreObjects, obj->ID)) { farObjects.addObject(obj, paths.front(), 0); #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Object ignored. Moved to far objects with path %s", paths.front().toString()); #endif continue; } std::set heroesProcessed; for(auto & path : paths) { #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Checking path %s", path.toString()); #endif if(!shouldVisit(ai, path.targetHero, obj)) { #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Hero %s does not need to visit %s", path.targetHero->name, obj->getObjectName()); #endif continue; } if(path.nodes.size() > 1) { auto blocker = getBlocker(path); if(blocker) { if(vstd::contains(heroesProcessed, path.targetHero)) { #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Hero %s is already processed.", path.targetHero->name); #endif continue; } heroesProcessed.insert(path.targetHero); float priority = priorityEvaluator->evaluate(Goals::sptr(Goals::ExecuteHeroChain(path, obj))); if(priority < MIN_PRIORITY) continue; ClusterMap::accessor cluster; blockedObjects.insert( cluster, ClusterMap::value_type(blocker, std::make_shared(blocker))); cluster->second->addObject(obj, path, priority); #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Path added to cluster %s%s", blocker->getObjectName(), blocker->visitablePos().toString()); #endif continue; } } heroesProcessed.insert(path.targetHero); float priority = priorityEvaluator->evaluate(Goals::sptr(Goals::ExecuteHeroChain(path, obj))); if(priority < MIN_PRIORITY) continue; bool interestingObject = path.turn() <= 2 || priority > 0.5f; if(interestingObject) { nearObjects.addObject(obj, path, priority); } else { farObjects.addObject(obj, path, priority); } #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 2 logAi->trace("Path %s added to %s objects. Turn: %d, priority: %f", path.toString(), interestingObject ? "near" : "far", path.turn(), priority); #endif } } }); logAi->trace("Near objects count: %i", nearObjects.objects.size()); logAi->trace("Far objects count: %i", farObjects.objects.size()); for(auto pair : blockedObjects) { logAi->trace("Cluster %s %s count: %i", pair.first->getObjectName(), pair.first->visitablePos().toString(), pair.second->objects.size()); #if AI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 for(auto obj : pair.second->getObjects()) { logAi->trace("Object %s %s", obj->getObjectName(), obj->visitablePos().toString()); } #endif } logAi->trace("Clusterization complete in %ld", timeElapsed(start)); }