#pragma warning (disable: 4100 4251 4245 4018 4081)
#include "../../AI_Base.h"
#pragma warning (default: 4100 4251 4245 4018 4081)

#include "CGeniusAI.h"

using namespace GeniusAI;

const char *g_cszAiName = "Genius 1.0";

extern "C" DLL_F_EXPORT int GetGlobalAiVersion()

extern "C" DLL_F_EXPORT void GetAiName(char* name)
	strcpy_s(name, strlen(g_cszAiName) + 1, g_cszAiName);

extern "C" DLL_F_EXPORT char* GetAiNameS()
	// need to be defined
	return NULL;

extern "C" DLL_F_EXPORT CGlobalAI* GetNewAI()
	return new CGeniusAI();

extern "C" DLL_F_EXPORT void ReleaseAI(CGlobalAI* i)
	delete (CGeniusAI*)i;