/* * Functions.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Functions.h" #include "CMapGenerator.h" #include "RmgMap.h" #include "TileInfo.h" #include "RmgPath.h" #include "../TerrainHandler.h" #include "../mapping/CMap.h" #include "../mapObjectConstructors/AObjectTypeHandler.h" #include "../mapObjectConstructors/CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" #include <vstd/RNG.h> VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN void replaceWithCurvedPath(rmg::Path & path, const Zone & zone, const int3 & src, bool onlyStraight) { auto costFunction = rmg::Path::createCurvedCostFunction(zone.area()->getBorder()); auto pathArea = zone.areaForRoads(); rmg::Path curvedPath(pathArea); curvedPath.connect(zone.freePaths().get()); curvedPath = curvedPath.search(src, onlyStraight, costFunction); if (curvedPath.valid()) { path = curvedPath; } else { logGlobal->warn("Failed to create curved path to %s", src.toString()); } } rmg::Tileset collectDistantTiles(const Zone& zone, int distance) { uint32_t distanceSq = distance * distance; auto subarea = zone.area()->getSubarea([&zone, distanceSq](const int3 & t) { return t.dist2dSQ(zone.getPos()) > distanceSq; }); return subarea.getTiles(); } int chooseRandomAppearance(vstd::RNG & generator, si32 ObjID, TerrainId terrain) { auto factories = VLC->objtypeh->knownSubObjects(ObjID); vstd::erase_if(factories, [ObjID, &terrain](si32 f) { //TODO: Use templates with lowest number of terrains (most specific) return VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ObjID, f)->getTemplates(terrain).empty(); }); return *RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(factories, generator); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END