/* * mapHandler.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #pragma once #include "../lib/int3.h" #include "../lib/spells/ViewSpellInt.h" #include "gui/Geometries.h" #include "SDL.h" class CGObjectInstance; class CGHeroInstance; class CGBoat; class CMap; struct TerrainTile; struct SDL_Surface; struct SDL_Rect; class CAnimation; class IImage; class CFadeAnimation; class PlayerColor; enum class EWorldViewIcon { TOWN = 0, HERO, ARTIFACT, TELEPORT, GATE, MINE_WOOD, MINE_MERCURY, MINE_STONE, MINE_SULFUR, MINE_CRYSTAL, MINE_GEM, MINE_GOLD, RES_WOOD, RES_MERCURY, RES_STONE, RES_SULFUR, RES_CRYSTAL, RES_GEM, RES_GOLD, }; enum class EMapObjectFadingType { NONE, IN, OUT }; enum class EMapAnimRedrawStatus { OK, REDRAW_REQUESTED // map blitter requests quick redraw due to current animation }; struct TerrainTileObject { const CGObjectInstance *obj; SDL_Rect rect; int fadeAnimKey; boost::optional<std::string> ambientSound; TerrainTileObject(const CGObjectInstance *obj_, SDL_Rect rect_, bool visitablePos = false); ~TerrainTileObject(); }; struct TerrainTile2 { std::vector<TerrainTileObject> objects; //pointers to objects being on this tile with rects to be easier to blit this tile on screen }; struct MapDrawingInfo { bool scaled; int3 &topTile; // top-left tile in viewport [in tiles] const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<ui8> > > * visibilityMap; SDL_Rect * drawBounds; // map rect drawing bounds on screen std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> icons; // holds overlay icons for world view mode float scale; // map scale for world view mode (only if scaled == true) bool otherheroAnim; ui8 anim; ui8 heroAnim; int3 movement; // used for smooth map movement bool puzzleMode; int3 grailPos; // location of grail for puzzle mode [in tiles] const std::vector<ObjectPosInfo> * additionalIcons; bool showAllTerrain; //for expert viewEarth MapDrawingInfo(int3 &topTile_, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<ui8> > > * visibilityMap_, SDL_Rect * drawBounds_, std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> icons_ = nullptr) : scaled(false), topTile(topTile_), visibilityMap(visibilityMap_), drawBounds(drawBounds_), icons(icons_), scale(1.0f), otherheroAnim(false), anim(0u), heroAnim(0u), movement(int3()), puzzleMode(false), grailPos(int3()), additionalIcons(nullptr), showAllTerrain(false) {} ui8 getHeroAnim() const { return otherheroAnim ? anim : heroAnim; } }; template <typename T> class PseudoV { public: PseudoV() : offset(0) { } inline T & operator[](const int & n) { return inver[n+offset]; } inline const T & operator[](const int & n) const { return inver[n+offset]; } void resize(int rest, int before, int after) { inver.resize(before + rest + after); offset=before; } int size() const { return inver.size(); } private: int offset; std::vector<T> inver; }; class CMapHandler { enum class EMapCacheType : ui8 { TERRAIN, OBJECTS, ROADS, RIVERS, FOW, HEROES, HERO_FLAGS, FRAME, AFTER_LAST }; /// temporarily caches rescaled frames for map world view redrawing class CMapCache { std::array< std::map<intptr_t, std::shared_ptr<IImage>>, (ui8)EMapCacheType::AFTER_LAST> data; float worldViewCachedScale; public: CMapCache(); /// destroys all cached data (frees surfaces) void discardWorldViewCache(); /// updates scale and determines if currently cached data is still valid void updateWorldViewScale(float scale); /// asks for cached data; @returns cached data if found, new scaled surface otherwise, may return nullptr in case of scaling error std::shared_ptr<IImage> requestWorldViewCacheOrCreate(EMapCacheType type, std::shared_ptr<IImage> fullSurface); }; /// helper struct to pass around resolved bitmaps of an object; images can be nullptr if object doesn't have bitmap of that type struct AnimBitmapHolder { std::shared_ptr<IImage> objBitmap; // main object bitmap std::shared_ptr<IImage> flagBitmap; // flag bitmap for the object (probably only for heroes and boats with heroes) bool isMoving; // indicates if the object is moving (again, heroes/boats only) AnimBitmapHolder(std::shared_ptr<IImage> objBitmap_ = nullptr, std::shared_ptr<IImage> flagBitmap_ = nullptr, bool moving = false) : objBitmap(objBitmap_), flagBitmap(flagBitmap_), isMoving(moving) {} }; class CMapBlitter { protected: const int FRAMES_PER_MOVE_ANIM_GROUP = 8; CMapHandler * parent; // ptr to enclosing map handler; generally for legacy reasons, probably could/should be refactored out of here int tileSize; // size of a tile drawn on map [in pixels] int halfTileSizeCeil; // half of the tile size, rounded up int3 tileCount; // number of tiles in current viewport int3 topTile; // top-left tile of the viewport int3 initPos; // starting drawing position [in pixels] int3 pos; // current position [in tiles] int3 realPos; // current position [in pixels] Rect realTileRect; // default rect based on current pos: [realPos.x, realPos.y, tileSize, tileSize] Rect defaultTileRect; // default rect based on 0: [0, 0, tileSize, tileSize] const MapDrawingInfo * info; // data for drawing passed from outside /// general drawing method, called internally by more specialized ones virtual void drawElement(EMapCacheType cacheType, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, SDL_Surface * targetSurf, SDL_Rect * destRect) const = 0; // first drawing pass /// draws terrain bitmap (or custom bitmap if applicable) on current tile virtual void drawTileTerrain(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const TerrainTile & tinfo, const TerrainTile2 & tile) const; /// draws a river segment on current tile virtual void drawRiver(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const TerrainTile & tinfo) const; /// draws a road segment on current tile virtual void drawRoad(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const TerrainTile & tinfo, const TerrainTile * tinfoUpper) const; /// draws all objects on current tile (higher-level logic, unlike other draw*** methods) virtual void drawObjects(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const TerrainTile2 & tile) const; virtual void drawObject(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, bool moving) const; virtual void drawHeroFlag(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, SDL_Rect * destRect, bool moving) const; // second drawing pass /// current tile: draws overlay over the map, used to draw world view icons virtual void drawTileOverlay(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const TerrainTile2 & tile) const = 0; /// draws fog of war on current tile virtual void drawFow(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const; /// draws map border frame on current position virtual void drawFrame(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const; /// draws additional icons (for VIEW_AIR, VIEW_EARTH spells atm) virtual void drawOverlayEx(SDL_Surface * targetSurf); // third drawing pass /// custom post-processing, if needed (used by puzzle view) virtual void postProcessing(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const {} // misc methods /// initializes frame-drawing (called at the start of every redraw) virtual void init(const MapDrawingInfo * drawingInfo) = 0; /// calculates clip region for map viewport virtual SDL_Rect clip(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const = 0; virtual ui8 getHeroFrameGroup(ui8 dir, bool isMoving) const; virtual ui8 getPhaseShift(const CGObjectInstance *object) const; virtual bool canDrawObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) const; virtual bool canDrawCurrentTile() const; // internal helper methods to choose correct bitmap(s) for object; called internally by findObjectBitmap AnimBitmapHolder findHeroBitmap(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int anim) const; AnimBitmapHolder findBoatBitmap(const CGBoat * hero, int anim) const; std::shared_ptr<IImage> findFlagBitmap(const CGHeroInstance * obj, int anim, const PlayerColor * color, int group) const; std::shared_ptr<IImage> findHeroFlagBitmap(const CGHeroInstance * obj, int anim, const PlayerColor * color, int group) const; std::shared_ptr<IImage> findBoatFlagBitmap(const CGBoat * obj, int anim, const PlayerColor * color, int group, ui8 dir) const; std::shared_ptr<IImage> findFlagBitmapInternal(std::shared_ptr<CAnimation> animation, int anim, int group, ui8 dir, bool moving) const; public: CMapBlitter(CMapHandler * p); virtual ~CMapBlitter(); void blit(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const MapDrawingInfo * info); /// helper method that chooses correct bitmap(s) for given object AnimBitmapHolder findObjectBitmap(const CGObjectInstance * obj, int anim) const; }; class CMapNormalBlitter : public CMapBlitter { protected: void drawElement(EMapCacheType cacheType, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, SDL_Surface * targetSurf, SDL_Rect * destRect) const override; void drawTileOverlay(SDL_Surface * targetSurf,const TerrainTile2 & tile) const override {} void init(const MapDrawingInfo * info) override; SDL_Rect clip(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const override; public: CMapNormalBlitter(CMapHandler * parent); virtual ~CMapNormalBlitter(){} }; class CMapWorldViewBlitter : public CMapBlitter { private: std::shared_ptr<IImage> objectToIcon(Obj id, si32 subId, PlayerColor owner) const; protected: void drawElement(EMapCacheType cacheType, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, SDL_Surface * targetSurf, SDL_Rect * destRect) const override; void drawTileOverlay(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const TerrainTile2 & tile) const override; void drawHeroFlag(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, SDL_Rect * destRect, bool moving) const override; void drawObject(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, std::shared_ptr<IImage> source, SDL_Rect * sourceRect, bool moving) const override; void drawFrame(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const override {} void drawOverlayEx(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) override; void init(const MapDrawingInfo * info) override; SDL_Rect clip(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const override; ui8 getPhaseShift(const CGObjectInstance *object) const override { return 0u; } void calculateWorldViewCameraPos(); public: CMapWorldViewBlitter(CMapHandler * parent); virtual ~CMapWorldViewBlitter(){} }; class CMapPuzzleViewBlitter : public CMapNormalBlitter { std::vector<int> unblittableObjects; void drawObjects(SDL_Surface * targetSurf, const TerrainTile2 & tile) const override; void drawFow(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const override {} // skipping FoW in puzzle view void postProcessing(SDL_Surface * targetSurf) const override; bool canDrawObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) const override; bool canDrawCurrentTile() const override { return true; } public: CMapPuzzleViewBlitter(CMapHandler * parent); }; CMapCache cache; CMapBlitter * normalBlitter; CMapBlitter * worldViewBlitter; CMapBlitter * puzzleViewBlitter; std::map<int, std::pair<int3, CFadeAnimation*>> fadeAnims; int fadeAnimCounter; CMapBlitter * resolveBlitter(const MapDrawingInfo * info) const; bool updateObjectsFade(); bool startObjectFade(TerrainTileObject & obj, bool in, int3 pos); void initObjectRects(); void initBorderGraphics(); void initTerrainGraphics(); void prepareFOWDefs(); public: PseudoV< PseudoV< PseudoV<TerrainTile2> > > ttiles; //informations about map tiles int3 sizes; //map size (x = width, y = height, z = number of levels) const CMap * map; // Max number of tiles that will fit in the map screen. Tiles // can be partial on each edges. int tilesW; int tilesH; // size of each side of the frame around the whole map, in tiles int frameH; int frameW; // Coord in pixels of the top left corner of the top left tile to // draw. Values range is [-31..0]. A negative value // implies that part of the tile won't be displayed. int offsetX; int offsetY; //terrain graphics //FIXME: unique_ptr should be enough, but fails to compile in MSVS 2013 typedef std::vector<std::array<std::shared_ptr<CAnimation>, 4>> TFlippedAnimations; //[type, rotation] typedef std::vector<std::vector<std::array<std::shared_ptr<IImage>, 4>>> TFlippedCache;//[type, view type, rotation] TFlippedAnimations terrainAnimations;//[terrain type, rotation] TFlippedCache terrainImages;//[terrain type, view type, rotation] TFlippedAnimations roadAnimations;//[road type, rotation] TFlippedCache roadImages;//[road type, view type, rotation] TFlippedAnimations riverAnimations;//[river type, rotation] TFlippedCache riverImages;//[river type, view type, rotation] //Fog of War cache (not owned) std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IImage>> FoWfullHide; std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<ui8> > > hideBitmap; //frame indexes (in FoWfullHide) of graphic that should be used to fully hide a tile std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IImage>> FoWpartialHide; //edge graphics std::unique_ptr<CAnimation> egdeAnimation; std::vector<std::shared_ptr<IImage>> egdeImages;//cache of links to egdeAnimation (for faster access) PseudoV< PseudoV< PseudoV <ui8> > > edgeFrames; //frame indexes (in egdeImages) of tile outside of map mutable std::map<const CGObjectInstance*, ui8> animationPhase; CMapHandler(); ~CMapHandler(); void getTerrainDescr(const int3 &pos, std::string & out, bool terName); //if tername == false => empty string when tile is clear bool printObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj, bool fadein = false); //puts appropriate things to tiles, so obj will be visible on map bool hideObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj, bool fadeout = false); //removes appropriate things from ttiles, so obj will be no longer visible on map (but still will exist) void init(); EMapAnimRedrawStatus drawTerrainRectNew(SDL_Surface * targetSurface, const MapDrawingInfo * info, bool redrawOnlyAnim = false); void updateWater(); /// determines if the map is ready to handle new hero movement (not available during fading animations) bool canStartHeroMovement(); void discardWorldViewCache(); static bool compareObjectBlitOrder(const CGObjectInstance * a, const CGObjectInstance * b); };