/* * CMusicHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include #include "CMusicHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "SDLRWwrapper.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../lib/spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/JsonNode.h" #include "../lib/GameConstants.h" #include "../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../lib/StringConstants.h" #include "../lib/CRandomGenerator.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #define VCMI_SOUND_NAME(x) #define VCMI_SOUND_FILE(y) #y, // sounds mapped to soundBase enum static std::string sounds[] = { "", // invalid "", // todo VCMI_SOUND_LIST }; #undef VCMI_SOUND_NAME #undef VCMI_SOUND_FILE // Not pretty, but there's only one music handler object in the game. static void soundFinishedCallbackC(int channel) { CCS->soundh->soundFinishedCallback(channel); } static void musicFinishedCallbackC() { CCS->musich->musicFinishedCallback(); } void CAudioBase::init() { if (initialized) return; if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024)==-1) { logGlobal->error("Mix_OpenAudio error: %s", Mix_GetError()); return; } initialized = true; } void CAudioBase::release() { if(!(CCS->soundh->initialized && CCS->musich->initialized)) Mix_CloseAudio(); initialized = false; } void CAudioBase::setVolume(ui32 percent) { if (percent > 100) percent = 100; volume = percent; } void CSoundHandler::onVolumeChange(const JsonNode &volumeNode) { setVolume((ui32)volumeNode.Float()); } CSoundHandler::CSoundHandler(): listener(settings.listen["general"]["sound"]), ambientConfig(JsonNode(ResourceID("config/ambientSounds.json"))) { allTilesSource = ambientConfig["allTilesSource"].Bool(); listener(std::bind(&CSoundHandler::onVolumeChange, this, _1)); // Vectors for helper(s) pickupSounds = { soundBase::pickup01, soundBase::pickup02, soundBase::pickup03, soundBase::pickup04, soundBase::pickup05, soundBase::pickup06, soundBase::pickup07 }; horseSounds = // must be the same order as terrains (see ETerrainType); { soundBase::horseDirt, soundBase::horseSand, soundBase::horseGrass, soundBase::horseSnow, soundBase::horseSwamp, soundBase::horseRough, soundBase::horseSubterranean, soundBase::horseLava, soundBase::horseWater, soundBase::horseRock }; battleIntroSounds = { soundBase::battle00, soundBase::battle01, soundBase::battle02, soundBase::battle03, soundBase::battle04, soundBase::battle05, soundBase::battle06, soundBase::battle07 }; }; void CSoundHandler::init() { CAudioBase::init(); if(ambientConfig["allocateChannels"].isNumber()) Mix_AllocateChannels((int)ambientConfig["allocateChannels"].Integer()); if (initialized) { // Load sounds Mix_ChannelFinished(soundFinishedCallbackC); } } void CSoundHandler::release() { if (initialized) { Mix_HaltChannel(-1); for (auto &chunk : soundChunks) { if (chunk.second.first) Mix_FreeChunk(chunk.second.first); } } CAudioBase::release(); } // Allocate an SDL chunk and cache it. Mix_Chunk *CSoundHandler::GetSoundChunk(std::string &sound, bool cache) { try { if (cache && soundChunks.find(sound) != soundChunks.end()) return soundChunks[sound].first; auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(ResourceID(std::string("SOUNDS/") + sound, EResType::SOUND))->readAll(); SDL_RWops *ops = SDL_RWFromMem(data.first.get(), (int)data.second); Mix_Chunk *chunk = Mix_LoadWAV_RW(ops, 1); // will free ops if (cache) soundChunks.insert(std::pair(sound, std::make_pair (chunk, std::move (data.first)))); return chunk; } catch(std::exception &e) { logGlobal->warn("Cannot get sound %s chunk: %s", sound, e.what()); return nullptr; } } int CSoundHandler::ambientDistToVolume(int distance) const { if(distance >= ambientConfig["distances"].Vector().size()) return 0; int volume = static_cast(ambientConfig["distances"].Vector()[distance].Integer()); return volume * (int)ambientConfig["volume"].Integer() * getVolume() / 10000; } void CSoundHandler::ambientStopSound(std::string soundId) { stopSound(ambientChannels[soundId]); setChannelVolume(ambientChannels[soundId], volume); } // Plays a sound, and return its channel so we can fade it out later int CSoundHandler::playSound(soundBase::soundID soundID, int repeats) { assert(soundID < soundBase::sound_after_last); auto sound = sounds[soundID]; logGlobal->trace("Attempt to play sound %d with file name %s with cache", soundID, sound); return playSound(sound, repeats, true); } int CSoundHandler::playSound(std::string sound, int repeats, bool cache) { if (!initialized || sound.empty()) return -1; int channel; Mix_Chunk *chunk = GetSoundChunk(sound, cache); if (chunk) { channel = Mix_PlayChannel(-1, chunk, repeats); if (channel == -1) { logGlobal->error("Unable to play sound file %s , error %s", sound, Mix_GetError()); if (!cache) Mix_FreeChunk(chunk); } else if (cache) callbacks[channel]; else callbacks[channel] = [chunk](){ Mix_FreeChunk(chunk);}; } else channel = -1; return channel; } // Helper. Randomly select a sound from an array and play it int CSoundHandler::playSoundFromSet(std::vector &sound_vec) { return playSound(*RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(sound_vec, CRandomGenerator::getDefault())); } void CSoundHandler::stopSound( int handler ) { if (initialized && handler != -1) Mix_HaltChannel(handler); } // Sets the sound volume, from 0 (mute) to 100 void CSoundHandler::setVolume(ui32 percent) { CAudioBase::setVolume(percent); if (initialized) setChannelVolume(-1, volume); } // Sets the sound volume, from 0 (mute) to 100 void CSoundHandler::setChannelVolume(int channel, ui32 percent) { Mix_Volume(channel, (MIX_MAX_VOLUME * percent)/100); } void CSoundHandler::setCallback(int channel, std::function function) { std::map >::iterator iter; iter = callbacks.find(channel); //channel not found. It may have finished so fire callback now if(iter == callbacks.end()) function(); else iter->second = function; } void CSoundHandler::soundFinishedCallback(int channel) { std::map >::iterator iter; iter = callbacks.find(channel); assert(iter != callbacks.end()); if (iter->second) iter->second(); callbacks.erase(iter); } int CSoundHandler::ambientGetRange() const { return static_cast(ambientConfig["range"].Integer()); } bool CSoundHandler::ambientCheckVisitable() const { return !allTilesSource; } void CSoundHandler::ambientUpdateChannels(std::map soundsArg) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(mutex); std::vector stoppedSounds; for(auto & pair : ambientChannels) { if(!vstd::contains(soundsArg, pair.first)) { ambientStopSound(pair.first); stoppedSounds.push_back(pair.first); } else { CCS->soundh->setChannelVolume(pair.second, ambientDistToVolume(soundsArg[pair.first])); } } for(auto soundId : stoppedSounds) ambientChannels.erase(soundId); for(auto & pair : soundsArg) { if(!vstd::contains(ambientChannels, pair.first)) { int channel = CCS->soundh->playSound(pair.first, -1); CCS->soundh->setChannelVolume(channel, ambientDistToVolume(pair.second)); CCS->soundh->ambientChannels.insert(std::make_pair(pair.first, channel)); } } } void CSoundHandler::ambientStopAllChannels() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(mutex); for(auto ch : ambientChannels) { ambientStopSound(ch.first); } ambientChannels.clear(); } void CMusicHandler::onVolumeChange(const JsonNode &volumeNode) { setVolume((ui32)volumeNode.Float()); } CMusicHandler::CMusicHandler(): listener(settings.listen["general"]["music"]) { listener(std::bind(&CMusicHandler::onVolumeChange, this, _1)); auto mp3files = CResourceHandler::get()->getFilteredFiles([](const ResourceID & id) -> bool { if(id.getType() != EResType::MUSIC) return false; if(!boost::algorithm::istarts_with(id.getName(), "MUSIC/")) return false; logGlobal->trace("Found music file %s", id.getName()); return true; }); int battleMusicID = 0; int AIThemeID = 0; for(const ResourceID & file : mp3files) { if(boost::algorithm::istarts_with(file.getName(), "MUSIC/Combat")) addEntryToSet("battle", battleMusicID++, file.getName()); else if(boost::algorithm::istarts_with(file.getName(), "MUSIC/AITheme")) addEntryToSet("enemy-turn", AIThemeID++, file.getName()); } JsonNode terrains(ResourceID("config/terrains.json")); for (auto entry : terrains.Struct()) { int terrIndex = vstd::find_pos(GameConstants::TERRAIN_NAMES, entry.first); addEntryToSet("terrain", terrIndex, "Music/" + entry.second["music"].String()); } } void CMusicHandler::addEntryToSet(std::string set, int musicID, std::string musicURI) { musicsSet[set][musicID] = musicURI; } void CMusicHandler::init() { CAudioBase::init(); if (initialized) Mix_HookMusicFinished(musicFinishedCallbackC); } void CMusicHandler::release() { if (initialized) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(mutex); Mix_HookMusicFinished(nullptr); current.reset(); next.reset(); } CAudioBase::release(); } void CMusicHandler::playMusic(std::string musicURI, bool loop) { if (current && current->isTrack(musicURI)) return; queueNext(this, "", musicURI, loop); } void CMusicHandler::playMusicFromSet(std::string whichSet, bool loop) { auto selectedSet = musicsSet.find(whichSet); if (selectedSet == musicsSet.end()) { logGlobal->error("Error: playing music from non-existing set: %s", whichSet); return; } if (current && current->isSet(whichSet)) return; // in this mode - play random track from set queueNext(this, whichSet, "", loop); } void CMusicHandler::playMusicFromSet(std::string whichSet, int entryID, bool loop) { auto selectedSet = musicsSet.find(whichSet); if (selectedSet == musicsSet.end()) { logGlobal->error("Error: playing music from non-existing set: %s", whichSet); return; } auto selectedEntry = selectedSet->second.find(entryID); if (selectedEntry == selectedSet->second.end()) { logGlobal->error("Error: playing non-existing entry %d from set: %s", entryID, whichSet); return; } if (current && current->isTrack(selectedEntry->second)) return; // in this mode - play specific track from set queueNext(this, "", selectedEntry->second, loop); } void CMusicHandler::queueNext(std::unique_ptr queued) { if (!initialized) return; boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(mutex); next = std::move(queued); if (current.get() == nullptr || !current->stop(1000)) { current.reset(next.release()); current->play(); } } void CMusicHandler::queueNext(CMusicHandler *owner, std::string setName, std::string musicURI, bool looped) { try { queueNext(make_unique(owner, setName, musicURI, looped)); } catch(std::exception &e) { logGlobal->error("Failed to queue music. setName=%s\tmusicURI=%s", setName, musicURI); logGlobal->error("Exception: %s", e.what()); } } void CMusicHandler::stopMusic(int fade_ms) { if (!initialized) return; boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(mutex); if (current.get() != nullptr) current->stop(fade_ms); next.reset(); } void CMusicHandler::setVolume(ui32 percent) { CAudioBase::setVolume(percent); if (initialized) Mix_VolumeMusic((MIX_MAX_VOLUME * volume)/100); } void CMusicHandler::musicFinishedCallback() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock guard(mutex); if (current.get() != nullptr) { //return if current music still not finished if (current->play()) return; else current.reset(); } if (current.get() == nullptr && next.get() != nullptr) { current.reset(next.release()); current->play(); } } MusicEntry::MusicEntry(CMusicHandler *owner, std::string setName, std::string musicURI, bool looped): owner(owner), music(nullptr), loop(looped ? -1 : 1), setName(std::move(setName)) { if (!musicURI.empty()) load(std::move(musicURI)); } MusicEntry::~MusicEntry() { logGlobal->trace("Del-ing music file %s", currentName); if (music) Mix_FreeMusic(music); } void MusicEntry::load(std::string musicURI) { if (music) { logGlobal->trace("Del-ing music file %s", currentName); Mix_FreeMusic(music); music = nullptr; } currentName = musicURI; logGlobal->trace("Loading music file %s", musicURI); auto musicFile = MakeSDLRWops(CResourceHandler::get()->load(ResourceID(std::move(musicURI), EResType::MUSIC))); music = Mix_LoadMUS_RW(musicFile, SDL_TRUE); if(!music) { logGlobal->warn("Warning: Cannot open %s: %s", currentName, Mix_GetError()); return; } } bool MusicEntry::play() { if (!(loop--) && music) //already played once - return return false; if (!setName.empty()) { auto set = owner->musicsSet[setName]; load(RandomGeneratorUtil::nextItem(set, CRandomGenerator::getDefault())->second); } logGlobal->trace("Playing music file %s", currentName); if(Mix_PlayMusic(music, 1) == -1) { logGlobal->error("Unable to play music (%s)", Mix_GetError()); return false; } return true; } bool MusicEntry::stop(int fade_ms) { if (Mix_PlayingMusic()) { logGlobal->trace("Stopping music file %s", currentName); loop = 0; Mix_FadeOutMusic(fade_ms); return true; } return false; } bool MusicEntry::isSet(std::string set) { return !setName.empty() && set == setName; } bool MusicEntry::isTrack(std::string track) { return setName.empty() && track == currentName; }