/* * CQuery.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CQuery.h" #include "QueriesProcessor.h" #include "../CGameHandler.h" #include "../../lib/networkPacks/PacksForServer.h" std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, const CQuery & query) { return out << query.toString(); } std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream & out, QueryPtr query) { return out << "[" << query.get() << "] " << query->toString(); } CQuery::CQuery(CGameHandler * gameHandler) : owner(gameHandler->queries.get()) , gh(gameHandler) { static QueryID QID = QueryID(0); queryID = ++QID; logGlobal->trace("Created a new query with id %d", queryID); } CQuery::~CQuery() { logGlobal->trace("Destructed the query with id %d", queryID); } void CQuery::addPlayer(PlayerColor color) { if(color.isValidPlayer()) players.push_back(color); } std::string CQuery::toString() const { const auto size = players.size(); const std::string plural = size > 1 ? "s" : ""; std::string names; for(size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { names += boost::to_upper_copy<std::string>(players[i].toString()); if(i < size - 2) names += ", "; else if(size > 1 && i == size - 2) names += " and "; } std::string ret = boost::str(boost::format("A query of type '%s' and qid = %d affecting player%s %s") % typeid(*this).name() % queryID % plural % names ); return ret; } bool CQuery::endsByPlayerAnswer() const { return false; } void CQuery::onRemoval(PlayerColor color) { } bool CQuery::blocksPack(const CPackForServer * pack) const { return false; } void CQuery::notifyObjectAboutRemoval(const CGObjectInstance * visitedObject, const CGHeroInstance * visitingHero) const { } void CQuery::onExposure(QueryPtr topQuery) { logGlobal->trace("Exposed query with id %d", queryID); owner->popQuery(*this); } void CQuery::onAdding(PlayerColor color) { } void CQuery::onAdded(PlayerColor color) { } void CQuery::setReply(std::optional<int32_t> reply) { } bool CQuery::blockAllButReply(const CPackForServer * pack) const { //We accept only query replies from correct player if(auto reply = dynamic_cast<const QueryReply*>(pack)) return !vstd::contains(players, reply->player); return true; } CDialogQuery::CDialogQuery(CGameHandler * owner): CQuery(owner) { } bool CDialogQuery::endsByPlayerAnswer() const { return true; } bool CDialogQuery::blocksPack(const CPackForServer * pack) const { return blockAllButReply(pack); } void CDialogQuery::setReply(std::optional<int32_t> reply) { if(reply.has_value()) answer = *reply; } CGenericQuery::CGenericQuery(CGameHandler * gh, PlayerColor color, std::function<void(std::optional<int32_t>)> Callback): CQuery(gh), callback(Callback) { addPlayer(color); } bool CGenericQuery::blocksPack(const CPackForServer * pack) const { return blockAllButReply(pack); } bool CGenericQuery::endsByPlayerAnswer() const { return true; } void CGenericQuery::onExposure(QueryPtr topQuery) { //do nothing } void CGenericQuery::setReply(std::optional<int32_t> reply) { this->reply = reply; } void CGenericQuery::onRemoval(PlayerColor color) { callback(reply); }