#include "CGeniusAI.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace boost::lambda; using namespace GeniusAI; #if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) #include #endif void MsgBox(const char *msg, bool messageBox = false) { #if defined _DEBUG # if defined (_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1020) if (messageBox) { MessageBoxA(NULL, msg, "Debug message", MB_OK | MB_ICONASTERISK); } # endif std::cout << msg << std::endl; #endif } void CGeniusAI::init(ICallback *CB) { m_cb = CB; human = false; playerID = m_cb->getMyColor(); serialID = m_cb->getMySerial(); std::string info = std::string("GeniusAI initialized for player ") + boost::lexical_cast(playerID); m_battleLogic = NULL; MsgBox(info.c_str()); } void CGeniusAI::yourTurn() { m_cb->endTurn(); } void CGeniusAI::heroKilled(const CGHeroInstance *) { } void CGeniusAI::heroCreated(const CGHeroInstance *) { } void CGeniusAI::heroMoved(const HeroMoveDetails &) { } void CGeniusAI::heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector &skills, boost::function &callback) { callback(rand() % skills.size()); } /** * occurs AFTER every action taken by any stack or by the hero */ void CGeniusAI::actionFinished(const BattleAction *action) { std::string message("\t\tCGeniusAI::actionFinished - type("); message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->actionType); message += "), side("; message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->side); message += ")"; MsgBox(message.c_str()); } /** * occurs BEFORE every action taken by any stack or by the hero */ void CGeniusAI::actionStarted(const BattleAction *action) { std::string message("\t\tCGeniusAI::actionStarted - type("); message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->actionType); message += "), side("; message += boost::lexical_cast((unsigned)action->side); message += ")"; MsgBox(message.c_str()); } /** * called when stack is performing attack */ void CGeniusAI::battleAttack(BattleAttack *ba) { MsgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleAttack"); } /** * called when stack receives damage (after battleAttack()) */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackAttacked(BattleStackAttacked * bsa) { MsgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackAttacked"); } /** * called by engine when battle starts; side=0 - left, side=1 - right */ void CGeniusAI::battleStart(CCreatureSet *army1, CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, CGHeroInstance *hero1, CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) { assert(!m_battleLogic); m_battleLogic = new CBattleLogic(m_cb); assert(m_battleLogic); MsgBox("** CGeniusAI::battleStart **"); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleEnd(BattleResult *br) { delete m_battleLogic; m_battleLogic = NULL; MsgBox("** CGeniusAI::battleEnd **"); } /** * called at the beggining of each turn, round=-1 is the tactic phase, round=0 is the first "normal" turn */ void CGeniusAI::battleNewRound(int round) { std::string message("\tCGeniusAI::battleNewRound - "); message += boost::lexical_cast(round); MsgBox(message.c_str()); m_battleLogic->SetCurrentTurn(round); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackMoved(int ID, int dest) { std::string message("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackMoved ID("); message += boost::lexical_cast(ID); message += "), dest("; message += boost::lexical_cast(dest); message += ")"; MsgBox(message.c_str()); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleSpellCasted(SpellCasted *sc) { MsgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleSpellCasted"); } /** * called when battlefield is prepared, prior the battle beginning */ void CGeniusAI::battlefieldPrepared(int battlefieldType, std::vector obstacles) { MsgBox("CGeniusAI::battlefieldPrepared"); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackMoved(int ID, int dest, bool startMoving, bool endMoving) { MsgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackMoved"); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackAttacking(int ID, int dest) { MsgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackAttacking"); } /** * */ void CGeniusAI::battleStackIsAttacked(int ID, int dmg, int killed, int IDby, bool byShooting) { MsgBox("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::battleStackIsAttacked"); } /** * called when it's turn of that stack */ BattleAction CGeniusAI::activeStack(int stackID) { std::string message("\t\t\tCGeniusAI::activeStack stackID("); message += boost::lexical_cast(stackID); message += ")"; MsgBox(message.c_str()); return m_battleLogic->MakeDecision(stackID); }; /* ui8 side; //who made this action: false - left, true - right player ui32 stackNumber;//stack ID, -1 left hero, -2 right hero, ui8 actionType; // 0 = Cancel BattleAction 1 = Hero cast a spell 2 = Walk 3 = Defend 4 = Retreat from the battle 5 = Surrender 6 = Walk and Attack 7 = Shoot 8 = Wait 9 = Catapult 10 = Monster casts a spell (i.e. Faerie Dragons) ui16 destinationTile; si32 additionalInfo; // e.g. spell number if type is 1 || 10; tile to attack if type is 6 */ /** * Implementation of CBattleHelper class. */ CBattleHelper::CBattleHelper(): InfiniteDistance(0xffff), BattlefieldHeight(11), BattlefieldWidth(15), m_voteForDistance(10), m_voteForDistanceFromShooters(20), m_voteForHitPoints(10), m_voteForMaxDamage(10), m_voteForMaxSpeed(10), m_voteForMinDamage(10) { // loads votes std::fstream f; f.open("AI\\CBattleHelper.txt", std::ios::in); if (f) { char c_line[512]; std::string line; while (std::getline(f, line, '\n')) { //f.getline(c_line, sizeof(c_line), '\n'); //std::string line(c_line); //std::getline(f, line); std::vector parts; boost::algorithm::split(parts, line, boost::algorithm::is_any_of("=")); if (parts.size() >= 2) { boost::algorithm::trim(parts[0]); boost::algorithm::trim(parts[1]); if (parts[0].compare("m_voteForDistance") == 0) { try { m_voteForDistance = boost::lexical_cast(parts[1]); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } else if (parts[0].compare("m_voteForDistanceFromShooters") == 0) { try { m_voteForDistanceFromShooters = boost::lexical_cast(parts[1]); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } else if (parts[0].compare("m_voteForHitPoints") == 0) { try { m_voteForHitPoints = boost::lexical_cast(parts[1]); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } else if (parts[0].compare("m_voteForMaxDamage") == 0) { try { m_voteForMaxDamage = boost::lexical_cast(parts[1]); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } else if (parts[0].compare("m_voteForMaxSpeed") == 0) { try { m_voteForMaxSpeed = boost::lexical_cast(parts[1]); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } else if (parts[0].compare("m_voteForMinDamage") == 0) { try { m_voteForMinDamage = boost::lexical_cast(parts[1]); } catch (boost::bad_lexical_cast &) {} } } } f.close(); } } CBattleHelper::~CBattleHelper() {} int CBattleHelper::GetBattleFieldPosition(int x, int y) { return x + 17 * (y - 1); } int CBattleHelper::DecodeXPosition(int battleFieldPosition) { return battleFieldPosition - (DecodeYPosition(battleFieldPosition) - 1) * 17; } int CBattleHelper::DecodeYPosition(int battleFieldPosition) { double y = battleFieldPosition / 17; if (y - (int)y > 0.0) { return (int)y + 1; } return (int)y; } int CBattleHelper::GetShortestDistance(int pointA, int pointB) { /** * TODO: function hasn't been checked! */ int x1 = DecodeXPosition(pointA); int y1 = DecodeYPosition(pointA); // int x2 = DecodeXPosition(pointB); int y2 = DecodeYPosition(pointB); // double dx = x1 - x2; double dy = y1 - y2; return (int)sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); } int CBattleHelper::GetDistanceWithObstacles(int pointA, int pointB) { // TODO - implement this! return GetShortestDistance(pointA, pointB); } /** * Implementation of CBattleLogic class. */ CBattleLogic::CBattleLogic(ICallback *cb) : m_cb(cb), m_iCurrentTurn(-2), m_bIsAttacker(false) { const int max_enemy_creatures = 12; m_statMaxDamage.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statMinDamage.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statMaxSpeed.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statDistance.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statDistanceFromShooters.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); m_statHitPoints.reserve(max_enemy_creatures); } CBattleLogic::~CBattleLogic() {} void CBattleLogic::SetCurrentTurn(int turn) { m_iCurrentTurn = turn; } void CBattleLogic::MakeStatistics(int currentCreatureId) { typedef std::map map_stacks; map_stacks allStacks = m_cb->battleGetStacks(); const CStack *currentStack = m_cb->battleGetStackByID(currentCreatureId); /* // find all creatures belong to the enemy std::for_each(allStacks.begin(), allStacks.end(), if_(bind(&CStack::attackerOwned, bind(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)) == m_bIsAttacker) [ var(enemy)[ret(bind(&map_stacks::value_type::first, _1))] = ret(bind(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)) ] ); // fill other containers // max damage std::for_each(enemy.begin(), enemy.end(), var(m_statMaxDamage)[ret(bind(&map_stacks::value_type::first, _1))] = ret(bind(&CCreature::damageMax, bind(&CStack::creature, bind(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)))) ); // min damage std::for_each(enemy.begin(), enemy.end(), var(m_statMinDamage)[ret(bind(&map_stacks::value_type::first, _1))] = ret(bind(&CCreature::damageMax, bind(&CStack::creature, bind(&map_stacks::value_type::second, _1)))) ); */ m_statMaxDamage.clear(); m_statMinDamage.clear(); m_statHitPoints.clear(); m_statMaxSpeed.clear(); m_statDistanceFromShooters.clear(); m_statDistance.clear(); m_statDistance.clear(); for (map_stacks::const_iterator it = allStacks.begin(); it != allStacks.end(); ++it) { if (it->second.attackerOwned != m_bIsAttacker) { int id = it->first; const CStack *st = &it->second; if (st->amount < 1) { continue; } // make stats m_statMaxDamage.push_back(std::pair(id, st->creature->damageMax * st->amount)); m_statMinDamage.push_back(std::pair(id, st->creature->damageMin * st->amount)); m_statHitPoints.push_back(std::pair(id, st->creature->hitPoints * st->amount)); m_statMaxSpeed.push_back(std::pair(id, st->creature->speed)); if (st->creature->isShooting() && st->shots > 0) { m_statDistanceFromShooters.push_back(std::pair(id, m_battleHelper.GetShortestDistance(currentStack->position, st->position))); } if (currentStack->creature->isFlying() || (currentStack->creature->isShooting() && currentStack->shots > 0)) { m_statDistance.push_back(std::pair(id, m_battleHelper.GetShortestDistance(currentStack->position, st->position))); } else { m_statDistance.push_back(std::pair(id, m_battleHelper.GetDistanceWithObstacles(currentStack->position, st->position))); } } } // sort max damage std::sort(m_statMaxDamage.begin(), m_statMaxDamage.end(), bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // sort min damage std::sort(m_statMinDamage.begin(), m_statMinDamage.end(), bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // sort max speed std::sort(m_statMaxSpeed.begin(), m_statMaxSpeed.end(), bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // sort distance std::sort(m_statDistance.begin(), m_statDistance.end(), bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) < bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // sort distance from shooters std::sort(m_statDistanceFromShooters.begin(), m_statDistanceFromShooters.end(), bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) < bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); // sort hit points std::sort(m_statHitPoints.begin(), m_statHitPoints.end(), bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _1) > bind(&creature_stat::value_type::second, _2)); } BattleAction CBattleLogic::MakeDecision(int stackID) { MakeStatistics(stackID); // first approach based on the statistics and weights // if this solution was fine we would develop this idea int creature_to_attack = -1; // std::map votes; for (creature_stat::iterator it = m_statMaxDamage.begin(); it != m_statMaxDamage.end(); ++it) { votes[it->first] = 0; } votes[m_statMaxDamage.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForMaxDamage(); votes[m_statMinDamage.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForMinDamage(); if (m_statDistanceFromShooters.size()) { votes[m_statDistanceFromShooters.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForDistanceFromShooters(); } votes[m_statDistance.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForDistance(); votes[m_statHitPoints.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForHitPoints(); votes[m_statMaxSpeed.begin()->first] += m_battleHelper.GetVoteForMaxSpeed(); // get creature to attack int max_vote = 0; for (std::map::iterator it = votes.begin(); it != votes.end(); ++it) { if (it->second > max_vote) { max_vote = it->second; creature_to_attack = it->first; } } if (creature_to_attack == -1) { // defend return MakeDefend(stackID); } if (m_cb->battleCanShoot(stackID, m_cb->battleGetPos(creature_to_attack))) { // shoot BattleAction ba; ba.side = 1; ba.actionType = action_shoot; // shoot ba.stackNumber = stackID; ba.destinationTile = m_cb->battleGetPos(creature_to_attack); return ba; } else { // go or go&attack int dest_tile = -1; //m_cb->battleGetPos(creature_to_attack) + 1; std::vector av_tiles = GetAvailableHexesForAttacker(m_cb->battleGetStackByID(creature_to_attack)); if (av_tiles.size() < 1) { // TODO: shouldn't be like that return MakeDefend(stackID); } // get the best tile - now the nearest int prev_distance = m_battleHelper.InfiniteDistance; for (std::vector::iterator it = av_tiles.begin(); it != av_tiles.end(); ++it) { int dist = m_battleHelper.GetDistanceWithObstacles(*it, m_cb->battleGetPos(stackID)); if (dist < prev_distance) { prev_distance = dist; dest_tile = *it; } } std::vector fields = m_cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(stackID); BattleAction ba; ba.side = 1; //ba.actionType = 6; // go and attack ba.stackNumber = stackID; ba.destinationTile = dest_tile; ba.additionalInfo = m_cb->battleGetPos(creature_to_attack); int nearest_dist = m_battleHelper.InfiniteDistance; int nearest_pos = -1; for (std::vector::const_iterator it = fields.begin(); it != fields.end(); ++it) { if (*it == dest_tile) { // attack! ba.actionType = action_walk_and_attack; return ba; } int d = m_battleHelper.GetDistanceWithObstacles(dest_tile, *it); if (d < nearest_dist) { nearest_dist = d; nearest_pos = *it; } } ba.actionType = action_walk; ba.destinationTile = nearest_pos; ba.additionalInfo = -1; return ba; } } std::vector CBattleLogic::GetAvailableHexesForAttacker(CStack *defender) { int x = m_battleHelper.DecodeXPosition(defender->position); int y = m_battleHelper.DecodeYPosition(defender->position); // TOTO: should be std::vector but for debug purpose std::pair is used std::vector > candidates; std::vector fields; // find neighbourhood bool upLimit = false; bool downLimit = false; bool leftLimit = false; bool rightLimit = false; if (x == 1) { leftLimit = true; } else if (x == m_battleHelper.BattlefieldWidth) // x+ 1 { rightLimit = true; } if (y == 1) { upLimit = true; } else if (y == m_battleHelper.BattlefieldHeight) { downLimit = true; } if (!downLimit) { candidates.push_back(std::pair(x, y + 1)); } if (!downLimit && !leftLimit) { candidates.push_back(std::pair(x - 1, y + 1)); } if (!downLimit && !rightLimit) { candidates.push_back(std::pair(x + 1, y + 1)); } if (!upLimit) { candidates.push_back(std::pair(x, y - 1)); } if (!upLimit && !leftLimit) { candidates.push_back(std::pair(x - 1, y - 1)); } if (!upLimit && !rightLimit) { candidates.push_back(std::pair(x + 1, y - 1)); } // check if these field are empty for (std::vector >::iterator it = candidates.begin(); it != candidates.end(); ++it) { int new_pos = m_battleHelper.GetBattleFieldPosition(it->first, it->second); CStack *st = m_cb->battleGetStackByPos(new_pos); // int obstacle = m_cb->battleGetObstaclesAtTile(new_pos); // TODO: wait for battleGetObstaclesAtTile function if (st == NULL || st->amount < 1) { fields.push_back(new_pos); } } return fields; } BattleAction CBattleLogic::MakeDefend(int stackID) { BattleAction ba; ba.side = 1; ba.actionType = action_defend; ba.stackNumber = stackID; ba.additionalInfo = -1; return ba; }