#include "stdafx.h" #include "CCallback.h" #include "CPathfinder.h" #include "hch\CHeroHandler.h" #include "CGameInfo.h" #include "hch\CAmbarCendamo.h" #include "mapHandler.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "CGameInterface.h" bool CCallback::moveHero(int ID, int3 destPoint) { if(ID<0 || ID>CGI->heroh->heroInstances.size()) return false; if(destPoint.x<0 || destPoint.x>CGI->ac->map.width) return false; if(destPoint.y<0 || destPoint.y>CGI->ac->map.height) return false; if(destPoint.z<0 || destPoint.z>CGI->mh->ttiles[0][0].size()-1) return false; CPath * ourPath = CGI->pathf->getPath(CGI->heroh->heroInstances[ID]->pos, destPoint, CGI->heroh->heroInstances[ID]); if(!ourPath) return false; for(int i=ourPath->nodes.size()-1; i>0; i--) { int3 stpos, endpos; stpos = int3(ourPath->nodes[i].x, ourPath->nodes[i].y, CGI->heroh->heroInstances[ID]->pos.z); endpos = int3(ourPath->nodes[i-1].x, ourPath->nodes[i-1].y, CGI->heroh->heroInstances[ID]->pos.z); HeroMoveDetails curd; curd.src = stpos; curd.dst = endpos; curd.heroID = ID; curd.owner = CGI->heroh->heroInstances[ID]->owner; //if(CGI->heroh->heroInstances[ID]->movement>=CGI->mh->getCost(stpos, endpos, CGI->heroh->heroInstances[ID])) { //performing move int nn=0; //number of interfece of currently browsed player for(std::map::iterator j=CGI->state->players.begin(); j!=CGI->state->players.end(); ++j)//CGI->state->players.size(); ++j) //for testing { if(j->second.fogOfWarMap[stpos.x][stpos.y][stpos.z] || j->second.fogOfWarMap[endpos.x][endpos.y][endpos.z]) { //player should be notified CGI->playerint[nn]->heroMoved(curd); } ++nn; break; //for testing only } } //else //return true; //move ended - no more movement points } return true; } int CCallback::howManyHeroes(int player) { if (gs->currentPlayer!=player) //TODO: checking if we are allowed to give that info return -1; return gs->players[player].heroes.size(); } const CHeroInstance * CCallback::getHeroInfo(int player, int val, bool mode) //mode = 0 -> val = serial; mode = 1 -> val = ID { if (gs->currentPlayer!=player) //TODO: checking if we are allowed to give that info return NULL; if (!mode) return gs->players[player].heroes[val]; else { for (int i=0; iplayers[player].heroes.size();i++) { if (gs->players[player].heroes[i]->type->ID==val) return gs->players[player].heroes[i]; } } return NULL; } int CCallback::getResourceAmount(int type) { return gs->players[gs->currentPlayer].resources[type]; }