name: VCMI on: push: branches: - features/* - beta - master - develop pull_request: workflow_dispatch: env: # Customize the CMake build type here (Release, Debug, RelWithDebInfo, etc.) BUILD_TYPE: Release jobs: build: strategy: matrix: include: - platform: linux-qt6 os: ubuntu-24.04 test: 0 preset: linux-clang-test - platform: linux os: ubuntu-24.04 test: 1 preset: linux-gcc-test - platform: linux os: ubuntu-20.04 test: 0 preset: linux-gcc-debug - platform: mac-intel os: macos-13 test: 0 pack: 1 pack_type: Release extension: dmg preset: macos-conan-ninja-release conan_profile: macos-intel conan_options: --options with_apple_system_libs=True artifact_platform: intel - platform: mac-arm os: macos-13 test: 0 pack: 1 pack_type: Release extension: dmg preset: macos-arm-conan-ninja-release conan_profile: macos-arm conan_options: --options with_apple_system_libs=True artifact_platform: arm - platform: ios os: macos-13 test: 0 pack: 1 pack_type: Release extension: ipa preset: ios-release-conan-ccache conan_profile: ios-arm64 conan_options: --options with_apple_system_libs=True - platform: msvc os: windows-latest test: 0 pack: 1 pack_type: RelWithDebInfo extension: exe preset: windows-msvc-release - platform: mingw os: ubuntu-22.04 test: 0 pack: 1 pack_type: Release extension: exe cpack_args: -D CPACK_NSIS_EXECUTABLE=`which makensis` cmake_args: -G Ninja preset: windows-mingw-conan-linux conan_profile: mingw64-linux.jinja - platform: mingw-32 os: ubuntu-22.04 test: 0 pack: 1 pack_type: Release extension: exe cpack_args: -D CPACK_NSIS_EXECUTABLE=`which makensis` cmake_args: -G Ninja preset: windows-mingw-conan-linux conan_profile: mingw32-linux.jinja - platform: android-32 os: macos-14 extension: apk preset: android-conan-ninja-release conan_profile: android-32 conan_options: --conf$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT artifact_platform: armeabi-v7a - platform: android-64 os: macos-14 extension: apk preset: android-conan-ninja-release conan_profile: android-64 conan_options: --conf$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT artifact_platform: arm64-v8a runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }} defaults: run: shell: bash steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Dependencies run: source '${{github.workspace}}/CI/${{matrix.platform}}/' env: VCMI_BUILD_PLATFORM: x64 # ensure the ccache for each PR is separate so they don't interfere with each other # fall back to ccache of the vcmi/vcmi repo if no PR-specific ccache is found - name: ccache for PRs uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action@v1.2 if: ${{ github.event.number != '' }} with: key: ${{ matrix.preset }}-PR-${{ github.event.number }} restore-keys: | ${{ matrix.preset }}-PR-${{ github.event.number }} ${{ matrix.preset }}-no-PR # actual cache takes up less space, at most ~1 GB max-size: "5G" verbose: 2 - name: ccache for everything but PRs uses: hendrikmuhs/ccache-action@v1.2 if: ${{ (github.repository == 'vcmi/vcmi' && github.event.number == '' && (github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/beta' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/master')) || github.repository != 'vcmi/vcmi' }} with: key: ${{ matrix.preset }}-no-PR restore-keys: | ${{ matrix.preset }}-no-PR # actual cache takes up less space, at most ~1 GB max-size: "5G" verbose: 2 - name: Prepare Heroes 3 data env: HEROES_3_DATA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.HEROES_3_DATA_PASSWORD }} if: ${{ env.HEROES_3_DATA_PASSWORD != '' && matrix.test == 1 }} run: | wget --progress=dot:giga 7za x -p$HEROES_3_DATA_PASSWORD mkdir -p ~/.local/share/vcmi/ mv h3_assets/* ~/.local/share/vcmi/ - uses: actions/setup-python@v5 if: "${{ matrix.conan_profile != '' }}" with: python-version: '3.10' - name: Conan setup if: "${{ matrix.conan_profile != '' }}" run: | pip3 install 'conan<2.0' conan profile new default --detect conan install . \ --install-folder=conan-generated \ --no-imports \ --build=never \ --profile:build=default \ --profile:host=CI/conan/${{ matrix.conan_profile }} \ ${{ matrix.conan_options }} env: GENERATE_ONLY_BUILT_CONFIG: 1 - uses: actions/setup-java@v4 if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.platform, 'android') }} with: distribution: 'temurin' java-version: '11' - name: Build Number run: | source '${{github.workspace}}/CI/' if [ '${{ matrix.artifact_platform }}' ]; then VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME+="-${{ matrix.artifact_platform }}" fi echo VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME="$VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo VCMI_PACKAGE_NAME_SUFFIX="$VCMI_PACKAGE_NAME_SUFFIX" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo VCMI_PACKAGE_GOLDMASTER="$VCMI_PACKAGE_GOLDMASTER" >> $GITHUB_ENV env: PULL_REQUEST: ${{ github.event.pull_request.number }} - name: Configure run: | if [[ ${{matrix.preset}} == linux-gcc-test ]] then cmake -DENABLE_CCACHE:BOOL=ON -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=gcc-14 -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=g++-14 --preset ${{ matrix.preset }} elif [[ (${{matrix.preset}} == android-conan-ninja-release) && (${{github.ref}} != 'refs/heads/master') ]] then cmake -DENABLE_CCACHE:BOOL=ON -DANDROID_GRADLE_PROPERTIES="applicationIdSuffix=.daily;signingConfig=dailySigning;applicationLabel=VCMI daily" --preset ${{ matrix.preset }} elif [[ ${{matrix.platform}} != msvc ]] then cmake -DENABLE_CCACHE:BOOL=ON --preset ${{ matrix.preset }} else cmake --preset ${{ matrix.preset }} fi - name: Build run: | cmake --build --preset ${{matrix.preset}} env: ANDROID_STORE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_STORE_PASSWORD }} ANDROID_KEY_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.ANDROID_KEY_PASSWORD }} - name: Test env: HEROES_3_DATA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.HEROES_3_DATA_PASSWORD }} if: ${{ env.HEROES_3_DATA_PASSWORD != '' && matrix.test == 1 }} run: | ctest --preset ${{matrix.preset}} - name: Kill XProtect to work around CPack issue on macOS if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.platform, 'mac') }} run: | # Cf. echo Killing...; sudo pkill -9 XProtect >/dev/null || true; echo "Waiting..."; counter=0; while pgrep XProtect && ((counter < 20)); do sleep 3; ((counter++)); done pgrep XProtect || true - name: Pack id: cpack if: ${{ matrix.pack == 1 }} run: | cd '${{github.workspace}}/out/build/${{matrix.preset}}' CPACK_PATH=`which -a cpack | grep -m1 -v -i chocolatey` counter=0; until "$CPACK_PATH" -C ${{matrix.pack_type}} ${{ matrix.cpack_args }} || ((counter > 20)); do sleep 3; ((counter++)); done test -f '${{github.workspace}}/CI/${{matrix.platform}}/' \ && '${{github.workspace}}/CI/${{matrix.platform}}/' '${{github.workspace}}' "$(ls '${{ env.VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME }}'.*)" rm -rf _CPack_Packages - name: Artifacts if: ${{ matrix.pack == 1 }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: ${{ env.VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME }} - ${{ matrix.platform }} path: | ${{github.workspace}}/out/build/${{matrix.preset}}/${{ env.VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME }}.${{ matrix.extension }} - name: Find Android package if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.platform, 'android') }} run: | builtApkPath="$(ls ${{ github.workspace }}/out/build/${{ matrix.preset }}/android-build/vcmi-app/build/outputs/apk/release/*.${{ matrix.extension }})" ANDROID_APK_PATH="${{ github.workspace }}/$VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME.${{ matrix.extension }}" mv "$builtApkPath" "$ANDROID_APK_PATH" echo "ANDROID_APK_PATH=$ANDROID_APK_PATH" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Android artifacts if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.platform, 'android') }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: ${{ env.VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME }} - ${{ matrix.platform }} path: | ${{ env.ANDROID_APK_PATH }} - name: Symbols if: ${{ matrix.platform == 'msvc' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: ${{ env.VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME }} - ${{ matrix.platform }} - symbols path: | ${{github.workspace}}/**/*.pdb - name: Android JNI ${{matrix.platform}} if: ${{ startsWith(matrix.platform, 'android') && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' }} uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: Android JNI ${{matrix.platform}} path: | ${{github.workspace}}/out/build/${{matrix.preset}}/android-build/libs - name: Upload build if: ${{ (matrix.pack == 1 || startsWith(matrix.platform, 'android')) && (github.ref == 'refs/heads/develop' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/beta' || github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' || startsWith(github.ref, 'refs/heads/features/')) && matrix.platform != 'msvc' && matrix.platform != 'mingw-32' }} continue-on-error: true run: | if [ -z '${{ env.ANDROID_APK_PATH }}' ] ; then cd '${{github.workspace}}/out/build/${{matrix.preset}}' fi source '${{github.workspace}}/CI/' env: DEPLOY_RSA: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_RSA }} PACKAGE_EXTENSION: ${{ matrix.extension }} deploy-src: if: always() && github.ref == 'refs/heads/master' runs-on: ubuntu-latest defaults: run: shell: bash steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: submodules: recursive - name: Build Number run: | source '${{github.workspace}}/CI/' echo VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME="$VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Create source code archive (including submodules) run: | git archive HEAD -o "release.tar" --worktree-attributes -v git submodule update --init --recursive git submodule --quiet foreach 'cd "$toplevel"; tar -rvf "release.tar" "$sm_path"' gzip release.tar - name: Upload source code archive uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4 with: name: ${{ env.VCMI_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME }} path: | ./release.tar.gz validate-code: if: always() runs-on: ubuntu-24.04 defaults: run: shell: bash steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 - uses: actions/setup-python@v5 if: "${{ matrix.conan_profile != '' }}" with: python-version: '3.10' - name: Ensure LF line endings run: | find . -path ./.git -prune -o -path ./AI/FuzzyLite -prune -o -path ./test/googletest \ -o -path ./osx -prune -o -type f \ -not -name '*.png' -and -not -name '*.vcxproj*' -and -not -name '*.props' -and -not -name '*.wav' -and -not -name '*.webm' -and -not -name '*.ico' -and -not -name '*.bat' -print0 | \ { ! xargs -0 grep -l -z -P '\r\n'; } - name: Validate JSON run: | sudo apt install python3-jstyleson python3 CI/linux-qt6/