CSettingsView 0 0 745 708 0 0 0 0 100 0 Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOn Qt::ScrollBarAlwaysOff true 0 0 729 1503 0 0 true Mods Validation Automatic None xBRZ x2 xBRZ x3 xBRZ x4 500 2500 25 250 500 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 250 Reset 500 2000 250 250 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 250 true 0 0 true false Reserved screen area true General 5 Autosave 100 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 10 true 0 0 true false Sound Volume Haptic Feedback Touch Tap Tolerance 1024 65535 3030 true 0 0 Full true false buttonGroupValidation true Input - Controller 5 10 30 1 2 20 20 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 2 Software Cursor VCAI VCAI Nullkiller true VCAI VCAI Nullkiller Heroes III Translation true Artificial Intelligence 5 Default repository % 50 400 10 Relative Pointer Speed Downscaling Filter true 0 0 true false 1024 65535 3030 Show intro 0 0 Automatic true true buttonGroupFonts 100 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 10 0 0 true false Refresh now Adventure Map Allies Neutral AI in battles 10 30 1 2 20 20 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 2 Display index Use Relative Pointer Mode Autocombat AI in battles true 0 0 Off true false buttonGroupValidation true Input - Mouse 5 Network port 0 0 true true Audio 5 Additional repository 0 0 VSync true Adventure Map Enemies Framerate Limit Use scalable fonts Renderer true Input - Touchscreen 5 25 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 5 0 0 true VCMI Language Online Lobby address Online Lobby port Controller Click Tolerance BattleAI BattleAI StupidAI Nearest Linear Automatic (Linear) Ignore SSL errors Show Tutorial again Sticks Acceleration true Video 5 false BattleAI BattleAI StupidAI Fullscreen Mouse Click Tolerance Enemy AI in battles Autosave limit (0 = off) 0 50 1 10 0 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 10 Interface Scaling Music Volume false BattleAI BattleAI StupidAI Cursor Scaling 0 0 true 0 0 Scalable true true buttonGroupFonts true Network 5 true Miscellaneous 5 100 500 10 100 100 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 50 Select a display mode for the game Windowed - the game will run inside a window that covers part of your screen. Borderless Windowed Mode - the game will run in a full-screen window, matching your screen's resolution. Fullscreen Exclusive Mode - the game will cover the entirety of your screen and will use selected resolution. 0 Windowed Borderless fullscreen Exclusive fullscreen 20 1000 10 Long Touch Duration Check on startup 0 50 1 10 0 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 10 0 0 true 100 300 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 25 Font Scaling (experimental) 0 0 true 0 50 1 10 0 Qt::Horizontal QSlider::TicksAbove 10 empty = map name prefix 0 0 Original true true buttonGroupFonts 0 0 Automatic true Sticks Sensitivity Upscaling Filter Autosave prefix Resolution true 0 0 Basic true false buttonGroupValidation