#include "stdafx.h" #include "StupidAI.h" #include "../../lib/BattleState.h" #include "../../CCallback.h" #include #include #include "../../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include //#include #include "../../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../../lib/CSpellHandler.h" CBattleCallback * cbc; CStupidAI::CStupidAI(void) : side(-1), cb(NULL) { print("created"); } CStupidAI::~CStupidAI(void) { print("destroyed"); } void CStupidAI::init( CBattleCallback * CB ) { print("init called, saving ptr to IBattleCallback"); cbc = cb = CB; } void CStupidAI::actionFinished( const BattleAction *action ) { print("actionFinished called"); } void CStupidAI::actionStarted( const BattleAction *action ) { print("actionStarted called"); } struct EnemyInfo { const CStack * s; int adi, adr; std::vector attackFrom; //for melee fight EnemyInfo(const CStack * _s) : s(_s) {} void calcDmg(const CStack * ourStack) { TDmgRange retal, dmg = cbc->battleEstimateDamage(ourStack, s, &retal); adi = (dmg.first + dmg.second) / 2; adr = (retal.first + retal.second) / 2; } bool operator==(const EnemyInfo& ei) const { return s == ei.s; } }; bool isMoreProfitable(const EnemyInfo &ei1, const EnemyInfo& ei2) { return (ei1.adi-ei1.adr) < (ei2.adi - ei2.adr); } int distToNearestNeighbour(THex hex, const std::vector & dists, THex *chosenHex = NULL) { int ret = 1000000; BOOST_FOREACH(THex n, hex.neighbouringTiles()) { if(dists[n] >= 0 && dists[n] < ret) { ret = dists[n]; if(chosenHex) *chosenHex = n; } } return ret; } bool isCloser(const EnemyInfo & ei1, const EnemyInfo & ei2, const std::vector & dists) { return distToNearestNeighbour(ei1.s->position, dists) < distToNearestNeighbour(ei2.s->position, dists); } static bool willSecondHexBlockMoreEnemyShooters(const THex &h1, const THex &h2) { int shooters[2] = {0}; //count of shooters on hexes for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) BOOST_FOREACH(THex neighbour, (i ? h2 : h1).neighbouringTiles()) if(const CStack *s = cbc->battleGetStackByPos(neighbour)) if(s->getCreature()->isShooting()) shooters[i]++; return shooters[0] < shooters[1]; } BattleAction CStupidAI::activeStack( const CStack * stack ) { //boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(2)); print("activeStack called"); std::vector avHexes = cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(stack, false); std::vector dists = cb->battleGetDistances(stack); std::vector enemiesShootable, enemiesReachable, enemiesUnreachable; // const CStack *firstEnemy = cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleCallback::ONLY_ENEMY).front(); // if(cb->battleCanCastThisSpell(VLC->spellh->spells[Spells::FORGETFULNESS]) == SpellCasting::OK) // castSpell(Spells::FORGETFULNESS, firstEnemy->position); // // const CStack *firstEnemy = cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleCallback::ONLY_MINE).front(); // if(cb->battleCanCastThisSpell(VLC->spellh->spells[Spells::AIR_SHIELD]) == SpellCasting::OK) // castSpell(Spells::AIR_SHIELD, firstEnemy->position); BOOST_FOREACH(const CStack *s, cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleCallback::ONLY_ENEMY)) { if(cb->battleCanShoot(stack, s->position)) { enemiesShootable.push_back(s); } else { BOOST_FOREACH(THex hex, avHexes) { if(CStack::isMeleeAttackPossible(stack, s, hex)) { std::vector::iterator i = std::find(enemiesReachable.begin(), enemiesReachable.end(), s); if(i == enemiesReachable.end()) { enemiesReachable.push_back(s); i = enemiesReachable.begin() + (enemiesReachable.size() - 1); } i->attackFrom.push_back(hex); } } if(!vstd::contains(enemiesReachable, s)) enemiesUnreachable.push_back(s); } } if(enemiesShootable.size()) { const EnemyInfo &ei= *std::max_element(enemiesShootable.begin(), enemiesShootable.end(), isMoreProfitable); return BattleAction::makeShotAttack(stack, ei.s); } else if(enemiesReachable.size()) { const EnemyInfo &ei= *std::max_element(enemiesReachable.begin(), enemiesReachable.end(), &isMoreProfitable); return BattleAction::makeMeleeAttack(stack, ei.s, *std::max_element(ei.attackFrom.begin(), ei.attackFrom.end(), &willSecondHexBlockMoreEnemyShooters)); } else { const EnemyInfo &ei= *std::min_element(enemiesUnreachable.begin(), enemiesUnreachable.end(), boost::bind(isCloser, _1, _2, boost::ref(dists))); if(distToNearestNeighbour(ei.s->position, dists) < BFIELD_SIZE) { return goTowards(stack, ei.s->position); } } return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } void CStupidAI::battleAttack(const BattleAttack *ba) { print("battleAttack called"); } void CStupidAI::battleStacksAttacked(const std::vector & bsa) { print("battleStacksAttacked called"); } void CStupidAI::battleEnd(const BattleResult *br) { print("battleEnd called"); } // void CStupidAI::battleResultsApplied() // { // print("battleResultsApplied called"); // } void CStupidAI::battleNewRoundFirst(int round) { print("battleNewRoundFirst called"); } void CStupidAI::battleNewRound(int round) { print("battleNewRound called"); } void CStupidAI::battleStackMoved(const CStack * stack, std::vector dest, int distance) { print("battleStackMoved called");; } void CStupidAI::battleSpellCast(const BattleSpellCast *sc) { print("battleSpellCast called"); } void CStupidAI::battleStacksEffectsSet(const SetStackEffect & sse) { print("battleStacksEffectsSet called"); } void CStupidAI::battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool Side) { print("battleStart called"); side = Side; printOpeningReport(); } void CStupidAI::battleStacksHealedRes(const std::vector > & healedStacks, bool lifeDrain, bool tentHeal, si32 lifeDrainFrom) { print("battleStacksHealedRes called"); } void CStupidAI::battleNewStackAppeared(const CStack * stack) { print("battleNewStackAppeared called"); } void CStupidAI::battleObstaclesRemoved(const std::set & removedObstacles) { print("battleObstaclesRemoved called"); } void CStupidAI::battleCatapultAttacked(const CatapultAttack & ca) { print("battleCatapultAttacked called"); } void CStupidAI::battleStacksRemoved(const BattleStacksRemoved & bsr) { print("battleStacksRemoved called"); } void CStupidAI::print(const std::string &text) const { tlog0 << "CStupidAI [" << this <<"]: " << text << std::endl; } BattleAction CStupidAI::goTowards(const CStack * stack, THex hex) { THex realDest = hex; THex predecessors[BFIELD_SIZE]; std::vector dists = cb->battleGetDistances(stack, hex); if(distToNearestNeighbour(hex, dists, &realDest) > BFIELD_SIZE) { print("goTowards: Cannot reach"); return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } dists = cb->battleGetDistances(stack, realDest, predecessors); std::vector avHexes = cb->battleGetAvailableHexes(stack, false); if(!avHexes.size()) { print("goTowards: Stack cannot move! That's " + stack->nodeName()); return BattleAction::makeDefend(stack); } while(1) { assert(realDest.isValid()); if(vstd::contains(avHexes, hex)) return BattleAction::makeMove(stack, hex); hex = predecessors[hex]; } } void CStupidAI::printOpeningReport() { TStacks myStacks = cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleCallback::ONLY_MINE); tlog5 << "My side: " << side << std::endl; if(const CGHeroInstance *h = cb->battleGetFightingHero(side)) { tlog5 << boost::format("I have a hero named %s (Type ID=%d)\n") % h->name % h->type->ID; tlog5 << boost::format("Hero skills: Attack %d, Defense %d, Spell Power %d, Knowledge %d, Mana %d/%d\n") % h->Attack() % h->Defense() % h->getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::SPELL_POWER) % h->getPrimSkillLevel(PrimarySkill::KNOWLEDGE) % h->mana % h->manaLimit(); tlog5 << "Number of known spells: " << h->spells.size() << std::endl; } else tlog5 << "I do not have a hero.\n"; tlog5 << "I have " << myStacks.size() << " stacks. They are:\n"; for(int i = 0; i < myStacks.size(); i++) { const CStack *s = myStacks.at(i); tlog5 << format("%2d) Stack of %4d %s.\n\tAttack:\t\t%4d, \n\tDefense:\t%4d, \n\tHP:\t\t%4d\n\tDamage:\t\t%4d-%d\n") % (i+1) % s->count % s->getCreature()->namePl % s->Attack() % s->Defense() % s->MaxHealth() % s->getMinDamage() % s->getMaxDamage(); } } void CStupidAI::castSpell(int spellID, int destinationTile, bool safe/* = true*/) { const CGHeroInstance *h = cb->battleGetFightingHero(side); if(!h) { tlog1 << "A hero is required for casting spells!\n"; return; } SpellCasting::ESpellCastProblem canCast = safe ? cb->battleCanCastThisSpell(VLC->spellh->spells[spellID]) : SpellCasting::OK; if(canCast != SpellCasting::OK) { tlog1 << "Spell cannot be cast (problem=" << canCast << ")!\n"; return; } BattleAction ba; ba.actionType = BattleAction::HERO_SPELL; ba.destinationTile = destinationTile; ba.side = side; ba.stackNumber = -(side+1); //-1 dla lewego bohatera, -2 dla prawego ba.additionalInfo = spellID; cb->battleMakeAction(&ba); } void CStupidAI::yourTacticPhase(int distance) { print("yourTacticPhase called"); const CStack *someEnemy = cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleInfoCallback::ONLY_ENEMY).front(); BOOST_FOREACH(const CStack *someStack, cb->battleGetStacks(CBattleCallback::ONLY_MINE)) { BattleAction move; if(cb->battleCanShoot(someStack, someEnemy->position)) move = BattleAction::makeMove(someStack, someStack->position + THex::RIGHT); else move = BattleAction::makeMove(someStack, someStack->position + THex::TOP_RIGHT); tlog0 << "Moving " << someStack->nodeName() << " to " << move.destinationTile << std::endl; cb->battleMakeTacticAction(&move); } BattleAction endTactics = BattleAction::makeEndOFTacticPhase(side); cb->battleMakeTacticAction(&endTactics); //wazne - trzeba zakonczyc faze taktyczna! }