#pragma once #ifndef __GLOBAL_H__ #define __GLOBAL_H__ #include <iostream> #include <sstream> #include <algorithm> //std::find #include <string> //std::find #include <boost/logic/tribool.hpp> #include <boost/unordered_set.hpp> using boost::logic::tribool; #include <boost/cstdint.hpp> #include <assert.h> #ifdef ANDROID #include <android/log.h> #include <sstream> #endif //filesystem version 3 causes problems (and it's default as of boost 1.46) #define BOOST_FILESYSTEM_VERSION 2 typedef boost::uint64_t ui64; //unsigned int 64 bits (8 bytes) typedef boost::uint32_t ui32; //unsigned int 32 bits (4 bytes) typedef boost::uint16_t ui16; //unsigned int 16 bits (2 bytes) typedef boost::uint8_t ui8; //unsigned int 8 bits (1 byte) typedef boost::int64_t si64; //signed int 64 bits (8 bytes) typedef boost::int32_t si32; //signed int 32 bits (4 bytes) typedef boost::int16_t si16; //signed int 16 bits (2 bytes) typedef boost::int8_t si8; //signed int 8 bits (1 byte) typedef si64 expType; typedef ui32 TSpell; typedef std::pair<ui32, ui32> TDmgRange; typedef ui8 TBonusType; typedef si32 TBonusSubtype; #include "int3.h" #include <map> #include <vector> #define CHECKTIME 1 #if CHECKTIME #include "timeHandler.h" #define THC #endif #define NAME_VER ("VCMI 0.86b") extern std::string NAME; //full name extern std::string NAME_AFFIX; //client / server #define CONSOLE_LOGGING_LEVEL 5 #define FILE_LOGGING_LEVEL 6 /* * DATA_DIR contains the game data (Data/, MP3/, ...). * BIN_DIR is where the vcmiclient/vcmiserver binaries reside * LIB_DIR is where the AI libraries reside (linux only) */ #ifdef _WIN32 #define DATA_DIR "." #define BIN_DIR "." #define LIB_DIR "." #define SERVER_NAME "VCMI_server.exe" #define LIB_EXT "dll" #else #ifndef DATA_DIR #error DATA_DIR undefined. #endif #ifndef BIN_DIR #error BIN_DIR undefined. #endif #ifndef LIB_DIR #error LIB_DIR undefined. #endif #define SERVER_NAME "vcmiserver" #define LIB_EXT "so" #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define PATH_SEPARATOR "\\" #else #define PATH_SEPARATOR "/" #endif /* * global.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ enum Ecolor {RED, BLUE, TAN, GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE, TEAL, PINK}; //player's colors enum EvictoryConditions {artifact, gatherTroop, gatherResource, buildCity, buildGrail, beatHero, captureCity, beatMonster, takeDwellings, takeMines, transportItem, winStandard=255}; enum ElossCon {lossCastle, lossHero, timeExpires, lossStandard=255}; enum ECombatInfo{ALIVE = 180, SUMMONED, CLONED, HAD_MORALE, WAITING, MOVED, DEFENDING}; class CGameInfo; extern const CGameInfo* CGI; //game info for general use class CClientState; extern CClientState * CCS; //a few typedefs for CCreatureSet typedef si32 TSlot; typedef si32 TQuantity; typedef ui32 TCreature; //creature id const int ARMY_SIZE = 7; const int BOATI_TYPE = 8, HEROI_TYPE = 34, TOWNI_TYPE = 98, SUBTERRANEAN_GATE_TYPE = 103, CREI_TYPE = 54, EVENTI_TYPE = 26; const int CREATURES_COUNT = 197; const int CRE_LEVELS = 10; const int F_NUMBER = 9; //factions (town types) quantity const int PLAYER_LIMIT = 8; //player limit per map const int ALL_PLAYERS = 255; //bitfield const int HEROES_PER_TYPE=8; //amount of heroes of each type const int SKILL_QUANTITY=28; const int SKILL_PER_HERO=8; const int ARTIFACTS_QUANTITY=171; const int HEROES_QUANTITY=156; const int SPELLS_QUANTITY=70; const int RESOURCE_QUANTITY=8; const int TERRAIN_TYPES=10; const int PRIMARY_SKILLS=4; const int NEUTRAL_PLAYER=255; const int NAMES_PER_TOWN=16; const int CREATURES_PER_TOWN = 7; //without upgrades const int MAX_BUILDING_PER_TURN = 1; const int SPELL_LEVELS = 5; const int CREEP_SIZE = 4000; // neutral stacks won't grow beyond this number //const int CREEP_SIZE = 2000000000; const int WEEKLY_GROWTH = 10; //percent const int AVAILABLE_HEROES_PER_PLAYER = 2; const bool DWELLINGS_ACCUMULATE_CREATURES = false; const bool STACK_EXP = true; const bool STACK_ARTIFACT = true; const int BFIELD_WIDTH = 17; const int BFIELD_HEIGHT = 11; const int BFIELD_SIZE = BFIELD_WIDTH * BFIELD_HEIGHT; const int SPELLBOOK_GOLD_COST = 500; const bool DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES = true; //for battle stacks' positions struct THex { static const si16 INVALID = -1; enum EDir{RIGHT, BOTTOM_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, LEFT, TOP_LEFT, TOP_RIGHT}; si16 hex; THex() : hex(INVALID) {} THex(si16 _hex) : hex(_hex) { //assert(isValid()); } operator si16() const { return hex; } bool isValid() const { return hex >= 0 && hex < BFIELD_SIZE; } template<typename inttype> THex(inttype x, inttype y) { setXY(x, y); } template<typename inttype> THex(std::pair<inttype, inttype> xy) { setXY(xy); } template<typename inttype> void setX(inttype x) { setXY(x, getY()); } template<typename inttype> void setY(inttype y) { setXY(getX(), y); } void setXY(si16 x, si16 y) { assert(x >= 0 && x < BFIELD_WIDTH && y >= 0 && y < BFIELD_HEIGHT); hex = x + y * BFIELD_WIDTH; } template<typename inttype> void setXY(std::pair<inttype, inttype> xy) { setXY(xy.first, xy.second); } si16 getY() const { return hex/BFIELD_WIDTH; } si16 getX() const { int pos = hex - getY() * BFIELD_WIDTH; return pos; } std::pair<si16, si16> getXY() const { return std::make_pair(getX(), getY()); } //moving to direction void operator+=(EDir dir) { si16 x = getX(), y = getY(); switch(dir) { case TOP_LEFT: setXY(y%2 ? x-1 : x, y-1); break; case TOP_RIGHT: setXY(y%2 ? x : x+1, y-1); break; case RIGHT: setXY(x+1, y); break; case BOTTOM_RIGHT: setXY(y%2 ? x : x+1, y+1); break; case BOTTOM_LEFT: setXY(y%2 ? x-1 : x, y+1); break; case LEFT: setXY(x-1, y); break; default: throw std::string("Disaster: wrong direction in THex::operator+=!\n"); break; } } //generates new THex moved by given dir THex operator+(EDir dir) const { THex ret(*this); ret += dir; return ret; } std::vector<THex> neighbouringTiles() const { std::vector<THex> ret; const int WN = BFIELD_WIDTH; checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN+1 : WN ), ret); checkAndPush(hex - ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN-1 ), ret); checkAndPush(hex - 1, ret); checkAndPush(hex + 1, ret); checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN-1 : WN ), ret); checkAndPush(hex + ( (hex/WN)%2 ? WN : WN+1 ), ret); return ret; } //returns info about mutual position of given hexes (-1 - they're distant, 0 - left top, 1 - right top, 2 - right, 3 - right bottom, 4 - left bottom, 5 - left) static signed char mutualPosition(THex hex1, THex hex2) { if(hex2 == hex1 - ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 18 : 17 )) //top left return 0; if(hex2 == hex1 - ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 17 : 16 )) //top right return 1; if(hex2 == hex1 - 1 && hex1%17 != 0) //left return 5; if(hex2 == hex1 + 1 && hex1%17 != 16) //right return 2; if(hex2 == hex1 + ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 16 : 17 )) //bottom left return 4; if(hex2 == hex1 + ( (hex1/17)%2 ? 17 : 18 )) //bottom right return 3; return -1; } //returns distance between given hexes static si8 getDistance(THex hex1, THex hex2) { int xDst = std::abs(hex1 % BFIELD_WIDTH - hex2 % BFIELD_WIDTH), yDst = std::abs(hex1 / BFIELD_WIDTH - hex2 / BFIELD_WIDTH); return std::max(xDst, yDst) + std::min(xDst, yDst) - (yDst + 1)/2; } template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & hex; } static void checkAndPush(int tile, std::vector<THex> & ret) { if( tile>=0 && tile<BFIELD_SIZE && (tile%BFIELD_WIDTH != (BFIELD_WIDTH - 1)) && (tile%BFIELD_WIDTH != 0) ) ret.push_back(THex(tile)); } }; enum EMarketMode { RESOURCE_RESOURCE, RESOURCE_PLAYER, CREATURE_RESOURCE, RESOURCE_ARTIFACT, ARTIFACT_RESOURCE, ARTIFACT_EXP, CREATURE_EXP, CREATURE_UNDEAD, RESOURCE_SKILL, MARTKET_AFTER_LAST_PLACEHOLDER }; namespace SpellCasting { enum ESpellCastProblem { OK, NO_HERO_TO_CAST_SPELL, ALREADY_CASTED_THIS_TURN, NO_SPELLBOOK, ANOTHER_ELEMENTAL_SUMMONED, HERO_DOESNT_KNOW_SPELL, NOT_ENOUGH_MANA, ADVMAP_SPELL_INSTEAD_OF_BATTLE_SPELL, SECOND_HEROS_SPELL_IMMUNITY, SPELL_LEVEL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED, NO_SPELLS_TO_DISPEL, NO_APPROPRIATE_TARGET, STACK_IMMUNE_TO_SPELL, WRONG_SPELL_TARGET }; enum ECastingMode {HERO_CASTING, AFTER_ATTACK_CASTING, //also includes cast before attack MAGIC_MIRROR}; } namespace Buildings { enum EBuildStructure { HAVE_CAPITAL, NO_WATER, FORBIDDEN, ADD_MAGES_GUILD, ALREADY_PRESENT, CANT_BUILD_TODAY, NO_RESOURCES, ALLOWED, PREREQUIRES, ERROR }; //Quite useful as long as most of building mechanics hardcoded enum EBuilding { MAGES_GUILD_1, MAGES_GUILD_2, MAGES_GUILD_3, MAGES_GUILD_4, MAGES_GUILD_5, TAVERN, SHIPYARD, FORT, CITADEL, CASTLE, VILLAGE_HALL, TOWN_HALL, CITY_HALL, CAPITOL, MARKETPLACE, RESOURCE_SILO, BLACKSMITH, SPECIAL_1, HORDE_1, HORDE_1_UPGR, SHIP, SPECIAL_2, SPECIAL_3, SPECIAL_4, HORDE_2, HORDE_2_UPGR, GRAIL, EXTRA_CITY_HALL, EXTRA_TOWN_HALL, EXTRA_CAPITOL, DWELL_FIRST=30, DWELL_LAST=36, DWELL_UP_FIRST=37, DWELL_UP_LAST=43 }; } namespace Arts { enum EPos { PRE_FIRST = -1, HEAD, SHOULDERS, NECK, RIGHT_HAND, LEFT_HAND, TORSO, RIGHT_RING, LEFT_RING, FEET, MISC1, MISC2, MISC3, MISC4, MACH1, MACH2, MACH3, MACH4, SPELLBOOK, MISC5, AFTER_LAST }; const ui16 BACKPACK_START = 19; const int ID_CATAPULT = 3, ID_LOCK = 145; const ui16 CREATURE_ART = 0; } enum EAlignment { GOOD, EVIL, NEUTRAL }; //uncomment to make it work //#define MARK_BLOCKED_POSITIONS //#define MARK_VISITABLE_POSITIONS #define DEFBYPASS #ifdef _WIN32 #define DLL_F_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #else #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 #define DLL_F_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else #define DLL_F_EXPORT #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #define DLL_F_IMPORT __declspec(dllimport) #else #if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4 #define DLL_F_IMPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) #else #define DLL_F_IMPORT #endif #endif #ifdef VCMI_DLL #define DLL_EXPORT DLL_F_EXPORT #else #define DLL_EXPORT DLL_F_IMPORT #endif template<typename T, size_t N> char (&_ArrayCountObj(const T (&)[N]))[N]; #define ARRAY_COUNT(arr) (sizeof(_ArrayCountObj(arr))) //a normal std::map with consted operator[] for sanity template<typename KeyT, typename ValT> class bmap : public std::map<KeyT, ValT> { public: const ValT & operator[](KeyT key) const { return find(key)->second; } ValT & operator[](KeyT key) { return static_cast<std::map<KeyT, ValT> &>(*this)[key]; } template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & static_cast<std::map<KeyT, ValT> &>(*this); } }; namespace vstd { template <typename Container, typename Item> bool contains(const Container & c, const Item &i) //returns true if container c contains item i { return std::find(c.begin(),c.end(),i) != c.end(); } template <typename V, typename Item, typename Item2> bool contains(const std::map<Item,V> & c, const Item2 &i) //returns true if map c contains item i { return c.find(i)!=c.end(); } template <typename V, typename Item, typename Item2> bool contains(const bmap<Item,V> & c, const Item2 &i) //returns true if bmap c contains item i { return c.find(i)!=c.end(); } template <typename Item> bool contains(const boost::unordered_set<Item> & c, const Item &i) //returns true if unordered set c contains item i { return c.find(i)!=c.end(); } template <typename Item, size_t N> bool contains(const Item (&c)[N], const Item &i) //returns true if given array contains item i { return std::find(c, c+N, i) != c+N; //TODO: find out why template is not resolved } template <typename Container1, typename Container2> typename Container2::iterator findFirstNot(Container1 &c1, Container2 &c2)//returns first element of c2 not present in c1 { typename Container2::iterator itr = c2.begin(); while(itr != c2.end()) if(!contains(c1,*itr)) return itr; else ++itr; return c2.end(); } template <typename Container1, typename Container2> typename Container2::const_iterator findFirstNot(const Container1 &c1, const Container2 &c2)//returns const first element of c2 not present in c1 { typename Container2::const_iterator itr = c2.begin(); while(itr != c2.end()) if(!contains(c1,*itr)) return itr; else ++itr; return c2.end(); } template <typename Container, typename Item> typename Container::iterator find(const Container & c, const Item &i) { return std::find(c.begin(),c.end(),i); } template <typename T1, typename T2> int findPos(const std::vector<T1> & c, const T2 &s) //returns position of first element in vector c equal to s, if there is no such element, -1 is returned { for(size_t i=0; i < c.size(); ++i) if(c[i] == s) return i; return -1; } template <typename T1, typename T2, typename Func> int findPos(const std::vector<T1> & c, const T2 &s, const Func &f) //Func(T1,T2) must say if these elements matches { for(size_t i=0; i < c.size(); ++i) if(f(c[i],s)) return i; return -1; } template <typename Container, typename Item> typename Container::iterator find(Container & c, const Item &i) //returns iterator to the given element if present in container, end() if not { return std::find(c.begin(),c.end(),i); } template <typename Container, typename Item> typename Container::const_iterator find(const Container & c, const Item &i)//returns const iterator to the given element if present in container, end() if not { return std::find(c.begin(),c.end(),i); } template <typename Container, typename Item> typename Container::size_type operator-=(Container &c, const Item &i) //removes element i from container c, returns false if c does not contain i { typename Container::iterator itr = find(c,i); if(itr == c.end()) return false; c.erase(itr); return true; } template <typename t1> void delObj(t1 *a1) { delete a1; } template <typename t1, typename t2> void assign(t1 &a1, const t2 &a2) { a1 = a2; } template <typename t1, typename t2> struct assigner { public: t1 &op1; t2 op2; assigner(t1 &a1, const t2 & a2) :op1(a1), op2(a2) {} void operator()() { op1 = op2; } }; template <typename t1, typename t2> assigner<t1,t2> assigno(t1 &a1, const t2 &a2) { return assigner<t1,t2>(a1,a2); } template <typename t1, typename t2, typename t3> bool equal(const t1 &a1, const t3 t1::* point, const t2 &a2) { return a1.*point == a2; } template <typename t1, typename t2> bool equal(const t1 &a1, const t2 &a2) { return a1 == a2; } } using vstd::operator-=; template <typename t1, typename t2> t1 & amax(t1 &a, const t2 &b) //assigns greater of (a, b) to a and returns maximum of (a, b) { if(a >= b) return a; else { a = b; return a; } } template <typename t1, typename t2> t1 & amin(t1 &a, const t2 &b) //assigns smaller of (a, b) to a and returns minimum of (a, b) { if(a <= b) return a; else { a = b; return a; } } template <typename t1, typename t2, typename t3> t1 & abetw(t1 &a, const t2 &b, const t3 &c) //makes a to fit the range <b, c> { amax(a,b); amin(a,c); return a; } template <typename t1, typename t2, typename t3> bool isbetw(const t1 &a, const t2 &b, const t3 &c) //checks if a is between b and c { return a > b && a < c; } template <typename t1, typename t2, typename t3> bool iswith(const t1 &a, const t2 &b, const t3 &c) //checks if a is within b and c { return a >= b && a <= c; } template <typename T> void delNull(T* &ptr) //deleted pointer and sets it to NULL { delete ptr; ptr = NULL; } #include "lib/CConsoleHandler.h" extern DLL_EXPORT std::ostream *logfile; extern DLL_EXPORT CConsoleHandler *console; class CLogger //logger, prints log info to console and saves in file { const int lvl; #ifdef ANDROID std::ostringstream buf; int androidloglevel; void outputAndroid() { int pos = buf.str().find("\n"); while( pos >= 0 ) { __android_log_print(androidloglevel, "VCMI", "%s", buf.str().substr(0, pos).c_str() ); buf.str( buf.str().substr(pos+1) ); pos = buf.str().find("\n"); } } #endif public: CLogger& operator<<(std::ostream& (*fun)(std::ostream&)) { #ifdef ANDROID buf << fun; outputAndroid(); #else if(lvl < CONSOLE_LOGGING_LEVEL) std::cout << fun; if((lvl < FILE_LOGGING_LEVEL) && logfile) *logfile << fun; #endif return *this; } template<typename T> CLogger & operator<<(const T & data) { #ifdef ANDROID buf << data; outputAndroid(); #else if(lvl < CONSOLE_LOGGING_LEVEL) { if(console) console->print(data,lvl); else std::cout << data << std::flush; } if((lvl < FILE_LOGGING_LEVEL) && logfile) *logfile << data << std::flush; #endif return *this; } CLogger(const int Lvl) : lvl(Lvl) { #ifdef ANDROID androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; switch(lvl) { case 0: androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; break; case 1: androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_FATAL; break; case 2: androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_ERROR; break; case 3: androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_WARN; break; case 4: androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_INFO; break; case 5: androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_DEBUG; break; case 6: case -2: androidloglevel = ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE; break; } #endif } }; extern DLL_EXPORT CLogger tlog0; //green - standard progress info extern DLL_EXPORT CLogger tlog1; //red - big errors extern DLL_EXPORT CLogger tlog2; //magenta - major warnings extern DLL_EXPORT CLogger tlog3; //yellow - minor warnings extern DLL_EXPORT CLogger tlog4; //white - detailed log info extern DLL_EXPORT CLogger tlog5; //gray - minor log info extern DLL_EXPORT CLogger tlog6; //teal - AI info //XXX pls dont - 'debug macros' are usually more trouble than it's worth #define HANDLE_EXCEPTION \ catch (const std::exception& e) { \ tlog1 << e.what() << std::endl; \ throw; \ } \ catch (const std::exception * e) \ { \ tlog1 << e->what()<< std::endl; \ throw; \ } \ catch (const std::string& e) { \ tlog1 << e << std::endl; \ throw; \ } #define HANDLE_EXCEPTIONC(COMMAND) \ catch (const std::exception& e) { \ COMMAND; \ tlog1 << e.what() << std::endl; \ throw; \ } \ catch (const std::string &e) \ { \ COMMAND; \ tlog1 << e << std::endl; \ throw; \ } #if defined(linux) && defined(sparc) /* SPARC does not support unaligned memory access. Let gcc know when * to emit the right code. */ struct unaligned_Uint16 { ui16 val __attribute__(( packed )); }; struct unaligned_Uint32 { ui32 val __attribute__(( packed )); }; static inline ui16 read_unaligned_u16(const void *p) { const struct unaligned_Uint16 *v = (const struct unaligned_Uint16 *)p; return v->val; } static inline ui32 read_unaligned_u32(const void *p) { const struct unaligned_Uint32 *v = (const struct unaligned_Uint32 *)p; return v->val; } #else #define read_unaligned_u16(p) (* reinterpret_cast<const Uint16 *>(p)) #define read_unaligned_u32(p) (* reinterpret_cast<const Uint32 *>(p)) #endif //for explicit overrides #ifdef _MSC_VER #define OVERRIDE override #else #define OVERRIDE //is there any working counterpart? #endif #define BONUS_TREE_DESERIALIZATION_FIX if(!h.saving && h.smartPointerSerialization) deserializationFix(); #endif // __GLOBAL_H__