#include "StdInc.h" #include "Fonts.h" #include #include "SDL_Pixels.h" #include "../../lib/JsonNode.h" #include "../../lib/vcmi_endian.h" #include "../../lib/Filesystem/CResourceLoader.h" /* * Fonts.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ void IFont::renderTextLeft(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { renderText(surface, data, color, pos); } void IFont::renderTextRight(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { Point size(getStringWidth(data), getLineHeight()); renderText(surface, data, color, pos - size); } void IFont::renderTextCenter(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { Point size(getStringWidth(data), getLineHeight()); renderText(surface, data, color, pos - size / 2); } void IFont::renderTextLinesLeft(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::vector & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { Point currPos = pos; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string & line, data) { renderTextLeft(surface, line, color, currPos); currPos.y += getLineHeight(); } } void IFont::renderTextLinesRight(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::vector & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { Point currPos = pos; currPos.y -= data.size() * getLineHeight(); BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string & line, data) { renderTextRight(surface, line, color, currPos); currPos.y += getLineHeight(); } } void IFont::renderTextLinesCenter(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::vector & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { Point currPos = pos; currPos.y -= data.size() * getLineHeight()/2; BOOST_FOREACH(const std::string & line, data) { renderTextCenter(surface, line, color, currPos); currPos.y += getLineHeight(); } } std::array CBitmapFont::loadChars() const { std::array ret; size_t offset = 32; for (size_t i=0; i< ret.size(); i++) { ret[i].leftOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + offset); offset+=4; ret[i].width = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + offset); offset+=4; ret[i].rightOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + offset); offset+=4; } for (size_t i=0; i< ret.size(); i++) { int pixelOffset = read_le_u32(data.first.get() + offset); offset+=4; ret[i].pixels = data.first.get() + 4128 + pixelOffset; assert(pixelOffset + 4128 < data.second); } return ret; } CBitmapFont::CBitmapFont(const std::string & filename): data(CResourceHandler::get()->loadData(ResourceID("data/" + filename, EResType::BMP_FONT))), chars(loadChars()), height(data.first.get()[5]) {} size_t CBitmapFont::getLineHeight() const { return height; } size_t CBitmapFont::getSymbolWidth(char data) const { const Char & ch = chars[ui8(data)]; return ch.leftOffset + ch.width + ch.rightOffset; } size_t CBitmapFont::getStringWidth(const std::string & data) const { size_t width = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(auto & ch, data) { width += getSymbolWidth(ch); } return width; } void CBitmapFont::renderCharacter(SDL_Surface * surface, const Char & character, const SDL_Color & color, int &posX, int &posY) const { Rect clipRect; SDL_GetClipRect(surface, &clipRect); posX += character.leftOffset; TColorPutter colorPutter = CSDL_Ext::getPutterFor(surface, 0); Uint8 bpp = surface->format->BytesPerPixel; // start of line, may differ from 0 due to end of surface or clipped surface int lineBegin = std::max(0, clipRect.y - posY); int lineEnd = std::min(height, clipRect.y + clipRect.h - posY - 1); // start end end of each row, may differ from 0 int rowBegin = std::max(0, clipRect.x - posX); int rowEnd = std::min(character.width, clipRect.x + clipRect.w - posX - 1); //for each line in symbol for(int dy = lineBegin; dy pixels; Uint8 *srcLine = character.pixels; // shift source\destination pixels to current position dstLine += (posY+dy) * surface->pitch + posX * bpp; srcLine += dy * character.width; //for each column in line for(int dx = rowBegin; dx < rowEnd; dx++) { Uint8* dstPixel = dstLine + dx*bpp; switch(srcLine[dx]) { case 1: //black "shadow" std::fill(dstPixel, dstPixel + bpp, 0); break; case 255: //text colour colorPutter(dstPixel, color.r, color.g, color.b); break; default : break; //transparency } } } posX += character.width; posX += character.rightOffset; } void CBitmapFont::renderText(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { if (data.empty()) return; assert(surface); int posX = pos.x; int posY = pos.y; // Safe to remove but I would like to trace all cases of this. Please report on Mantis or send note to me // Ivan assert(data[0] != '{'); assert(data[data.size()-1] != '}'); SDL_LockSurface(surface); // for each symbol for(size_t index = 0; index < data.size(); index++) { renderCharacter(surface, chars[ui8(data[index])], color, posX, posY); } SDL_UnlockSurface(surface); } std::pair, ui64> CTrueTypeFont::loadData(const JsonNode & config) { std::string filename = "Data/" + config["file"].String(); return CResourceHandler::get()->loadData(ResourceID(filename, EResType::TTF_FONT)); } TTF_Font * CTrueTypeFont::loadFont(const JsonNode &config) { int pointSize = config["size"].Float(); if(!TTF_WasInit() && TTF_Init()==-1) throw std::runtime_error(std::string("Failed to initialize true type support: ") + TTF_GetError() + "\n"); return TTF_OpenFontRW(SDL_RWFromConstMem(data.first.get(), data.second), 1, pointSize); } int CTrueTypeFont::getFontStyle(const JsonNode &config) { const JsonVector & names = config["style"].Vector(); int ret = 0; BOOST_FOREACH(const JsonNode & node, names) { if (node.String() == "bold") ret |= TTF_STYLE_BOLD; else if (node.String() == "italic") ret |= TTF_STYLE_ITALIC; } return ret; } CTrueTypeFont::CTrueTypeFont(const JsonNode & fontConfig): data(loadData(fontConfig)), font(loadFont(fontConfig), TTF_CloseFont), blended(fontConfig["blend"].Bool()) { assert(font); TTF_SetFontStyle(font.get(), getFontStyle(fontConfig)); } size_t CTrueTypeFont::getLineHeight() const { return TTF_FontHeight(font.get()); } size_t CTrueTypeFont::getSymbolWidth(char data) const { int advance; TTF_GlyphMetrics(font.get(), data, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &advance); return advance; } size_t CTrueTypeFont::getStringWidth(const std::string & data) const { int width; TTF_SizeText(font.get(), data.c_str(), &width, NULL); return width; } void CTrueTypeFont::renderText(SDL_Surface * surface, const std::string & data, const SDL_Color & color, const Point & pos) const { if (!data.empty()) { SDL_Surface * rendered; if (blended) rendered = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font.get(), data.c_str(), color); else rendered = TTF_RenderText_Blended(font.get(), data.c_str(), color); assert(rendered); Rect rect(pos.x, pos.y, rendered->w, rendered->h); SDL_BlitSurface(rendered, NULL, surface, &rect); SDL_FreeSurface(rendered); } }