/* * BattleInfo.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "BattleInfo.h" #include "../CStack.h" #include "../CHeroHandler.h" #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../mapObjects/CGTownInstance.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../BattleFieldHandler.h" #include "../ObstacleHandler.h" //TODO: remove #include "../IGameCallback.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN ///BattleInfo std::pair< std::vector<BattleHex>, int > BattleInfo::getPath(BattleHex start, BattleHex dest, const CStack * stack) { auto reachability = getReachability(stack); if(reachability.predecessors[dest] == -1) //cannot reach destination { return std::make_pair(std::vector<BattleHex>(), 0); } //making the Path std::vector<BattleHex> path; BattleHex curElem = dest; while(curElem != start) { path.push_back(curElem); curElem = reachability.predecessors[curElem]; } return std::make_pair(path, reachability.distances[dest]); } void BattleInfo::calculateCasualties(std::map<ui32,si32> * casualties) const { for(const auto & elem : stacks) //setting casualties { const CStack * const st = elem; si32 killed = st->getKilled(); if(killed > 0) casualties[st->side][st->getCreature()->getId()] += killed; } } CStack * BattleInfo::generateNewStack(uint32_t id, const CStackInstance & base, ui8 side, const SlotID & slot, BattleHex position) { PlayerColor owner = sides[side].color; assert((owner >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) || (base.armyObj && base.armyObj->tempOwner == owner)); auto * ret = new CStack(&base, owner, id, side, slot); ret->initialPosition = getAvaliableHex(base.getCreatureID(), side, position); //TODO: what if no free tile on battlefield was found? stacks.push_back(ret); return ret; } CStack * BattleInfo::generateNewStack(uint32_t id, const CStackBasicDescriptor & base, ui8 side, const SlotID & slot, BattleHex position) { PlayerColor owner = sides[side].color; auto * ret = new CStack(&base, owner, id, side, slot); ret->initialPosition = position; stacks.push_back(ret); return ret; } void BattleInfo::localInit() { for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { auto * armyObj = battleGetArmyObject(i); armyObj->battle = this; armyObj->attachTo(*this); } for(CStack * s : stacks) s->localInit(this); exportBonuses(); } namespace CGH { static void readBattlePositions(const JsonNode &node, std::vector< std::vector<int> > & dest) { for(const JsonNode &level : node.Vector()) { std::vector<int> pom; for(const JsonNode &value : level.Vector()) { pom.push_back(static_cast<int>(value.Float())); } dest.push_back(pom); } } } //RNG that works like H3 one struct RandGen { ui32 seed; void srand(ui32 s) { seed = s; } void srand(const int3 & pos) { srand(110291 * static_cast<ui32>(pos.x) + 167801 * static_cast<ui32>(pos.y) + 81569); } int rand() { seed = 214013 * seed + 2531011; return (seed >> 16) & 0x7FFF; } int rand(int min, int max) { if(min == max) return min; if(min > max) return min; return min + rand() % (max - min + 1); } }; struct RangeGenerator { class ExhaustedPossibilities : public std::exception { }; RangeGenerator(int _min, int _max, std::function<int()> _myRand): min(_min), remainingCount(_max - _min + 1), remaining(remainingCount, true), myRand(std::move(_myRand)) { } int generateNumber() const { if(!remainingCount) throw ExhaustedPossibilities(); if(remainingCount == 1) return 0; return myRand() % remainingCount; } //get number fulfilling predicate. Never gives the same number twice. int getSuchNumber(const std::function<bool(int)> & goodNumberPred = nullptr) { int ret = -1; do { int n = generateNumber(); int i = 0; for(;;i++) { assert(i < (int)remaining.size()); if(!remaining[i]) continue; if(!n) break; n--; } remainingCount--; remaining[i] = false; ret = i + min; } while(goodNumberPred && !goodNumberPred(ret)); return ret; } int min, remainingCount; std::vector<bool> remaining; std::function<int()> myRand; }; BattleInfo * BattleInfo::setupBattle(const int3 & tile, TerrainId terrain, const BattleField & battlefieldType, const CArmedInstance * armies[2], const CGHeroInstance * heroes[2], bool creatureBank, const CGTownInstance * town) { CMP_stack cmpst; auto * curB = new BattleInfo(); for(auto i = 0u; i < curB->sides.size(); i++) curB->sides[i].init(heroes[i], armies[i]); std::vector<CStack*> & stacks = (curB->stacks); curB->tile = tile; curB->battlefieldType = battlefieldType; curB->round = -2; curB->activeStack = -1; if(town) { curB->town = town; curB->terrainType = (*VLC->townh)[town->subID]->nativeTerrain; } else { curB->town = nullptr; curB->terrainType = terrain; } //setting up siege obstacles if (town && town->hasFort()) { curB->si.gateState = EGateState::CLOSED; curB->si.wallState[EWallPart::GATE] = EWallState::INTACT; for(const auto wall : {EWallPart::BOTTOM_WALL, EWallPart::BELOW_GATE, EWallPart::OVER_GATE, EWallPart::UPPER_WALL}) { if (town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE)) curB->si.wallState[wall] = EWallState::REINFORCED; else curB->si.wallState[wall] = EWallState::INTACT; } if (town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::CITADEL)) curB->si.wallState[EWallPart::KEEP] = EWallState::INTACT; if (town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE)) { curB->si.wallState[EWallPart::UPPER_TOWER] = EWallState::INTACT; curB->si.wallState[EWallPart::BOTTOM_TOWER] = EWallState::INTACT; } } //randomize obstacles if (town == nullptr && !creatureBank) //do it only when it's not siege and not creature bank { RandGen r{}; auto ourRand = [&](){ return r.rand(); }; r.srand(tile); r.rand(1,8); //battle sound ID to play... can't do anything with it here int tilesToBlock = r.rand(5,12); std::vector<BattleHex> blockedTiles; auto appropriateAbsoluteObstacle = [&](int id) { const auto * info = Obstacle(id).getInfo(); return info && info->isAbsoluteObstacle && info->isAppropriate(curB->terrainType, battlefieldType); }; auto appropriateUsualObstacle = [&](int id) { const auto * info = Obstacle(id).getInfo(); return info && !info->isAbsoluteObstacle && info->isAppropriate(curB->terrainType, battlefieldType); }; if(r.rand(1,100) <= 40) //put cliff-like obstacle { try { RangeGenerator obidgen(0, VLC->obstacleHandler->objects.size() - 1, ourRand); auto obstPtr = std::make_shared<CObstacleInstance>(); obstPtr->obstacleType = CObstacleInstance::ABSOLUTE_OBSTACLE; obstPtr->ID = obidgen.getSuchNumber(appropriateAbsoluteObstacle); obstPtr->uniqueID = static_cast<si32>(curB->obstacles.size()); curB->obstacles.push_back(obstPtr); for(BattleHex blocked : obstPtr->getBlockedTiles()) blockedTiles.push_back(blocked); tilesToBlock -= Obstacle(obstPtr->ID).getInfo()->blockedTiles.size() / 2; } catch(RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities &) { //silently ignore, if we can't place absolute obstacle, we'll go with the usual ones logGlobal->debug("RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities exception occured - cannot place absolute obstacle"); } } try { while(tilesToBlock > 0) { RangeGenerator obidgen(0, VLC->obstacleHandler->objects.size() - 1, ourRand); auto tileAccessibility = curB->getAccesibility(); const int obid = obidgen.getSuchNumber(appropriateUsualObstacle); const ObstacleInfo &obi = *Obstacle(obid).getInfo(); auto validPosition = [&](BattleHex pos) -> bool { if(obi.height >= pos.getY()) return false; if(pos.getX() == 0) return false; if(pos.getX() + obi.width > 15) return false; if(vstd::contains(blockedTiles, pos)) return false; for(BattleHex blocked : obi.getBlocked(pos)) { if(tileAccessibility[blocked] == EAccessibility::UNAVAILABLE) //for ship-to-ship battlefield - exclude hardcoded unavailable tiles return false; if(vstd::contains(blockedTiles, blocked)) return false; int x = blocked.getX(); if(x <= 2 || x >= 14) return false; } return true; }; RangeGenerator posgenerator(18, 168, ourRand); auto obstPtr = std::make_shared<CObstacleInstance>(); obstPtr->ID = obid; obstPtr->pos = posgenerator.getSuchNumber(validPosition); obstPtr->uniqueID = static_cast<si32>(curB->obstacles.size()); curB->obstacles.push_back(obstPtr); for(BattleHex blocked : obstPtr->getBlockedTiles()) blockedTiles.push_back(blocked); tilesToBlock -= static_cast<int>(obi.blockedTiles.size()); } } catch(RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities &) { logGlobal->debug("RangeGenerator::ExhaustedPossibilities exception occured - cannot place usual obstacle"); } } //reading battleStartpos - add creatures AFTER random obstacles are generated //TODO: parse once to some structure std::vector<std::vector<int>> looseFormations[2]; std::vector<std::vector<int>> tightFormations[2]; std::vector<std::vector<int>> creBankFormations[2]; std::vector<int> commanderField; std::vector<int> commanderBank; const JsonNode config(ResourceID("config/battleStartpos.json")); const JsonVector &positions = config["battle_positions"].Vector(); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[0]["levels"], looseFormations[0]); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[1]["levels"], looseFormations[1]); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[2]["levels"], tightFormations[0]); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[3]["levels"], tightFormations[1]); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[4]["levels"], creBankFormations[0]); CGH::readBattlePositions(positions[5]["levels"], creBankFormations[1]); for (auto position : config["commanderPositions"]["field"].Vector()) { commanderField.push_back(static_cast<int>(position.Float())); } for (auto position : config["commanderPositions"]["creBank"].Vector()) { commanderBank.push_back(static_cast<int>(position.Float())); } //adding war machines if(!creatureBank) { //Checks if hero has artifact and create appropriate stack auto handleWarMachine = [&](int side, const ArtifactPosition & artslot, BattleHex hex) { const CArtifactInstance * warMachineArt = heroes[side]->getArt(artslot); if(nullptr != warMachineArt) { CreatureID cre = warMachineArt->artType->warMachine; if(cre != CreatureID::NONE) curB->generateNewStack(curB->nextUnitId(), CStackBasicDescriptor(cre, 1), side, SlotID::WAR_MACHINES_SLOT, hex); } }; if(heroes[0]) { handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH1, 52); handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH2, 18); handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH3, 154); if(town && town->hasFort()) handleWarMachine(0, ArtifactPosition::MACH4, 120); } if(heroes[1]) { if(!town) //defending hero shouldn't receive ballista (bug #551) handleWarMachine(1, ArtifactPosition::MACH1, 66); handleWarMachine(1, ArtifactPosition::MACH2, 32); handleWarMachine(1, ArtifactPosition::MACH3, 168); } } //war machines added //battleStartpos read for(int side = 0; side < 2; side++) { int formationNo = armies[side]->stacksCount() - 1; vstd::abetween(formationNo, 0, GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE - 1); int k = 0; //stack serial for(auto i = armies[side]->Slots().begin(); i != armies[side]->Slots().end(); i++, k++) { std::vector<int> *formationVector = nullptr; if(creatureBank) formationVector = &creBankFormations[side][formationNo]; else if(armies[side]->formation) formationVector = &tightFormations[side][formationNo]; else formationVector = &looseFormations[side][formationNo]; BattleHex pos = (k < formationVector->size() ? formationVector->at(k) : 0); if(creatureBank && i->second->type->isDoubleWide()) pos += side ? BattleHex::LEFT : BattleHex::RIGHT; curB->generateNewStack(curB->nextUnitId(), *i->second, side, i->first, pos); } } //adding commanders for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (heroes[i] && heroes[i]->commander && heroes[i]->commander->alive) { curB->generateNewStack(curB->nextUnitId(), *heroes[i]->commander, i, SlotID::COMMANDER_SLOT_PLACEHOLDER, creatureBank ? commanderBank[i] : commanderField[i]); } } if (curB->town && curB->town->fortLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CITADEL) { // keep tower curB->generateNewStack(curB->nextUnitId(), CStackBasicDescriptor(CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS, 1), 1, SlotID::ARROW_TOWERS_SLOT, BattleHex::CASTLE_CENTRAL_TOWER); if (curB->town->fortLevel() >= CGTownInstance::CASTLE) { // lower tower + upper tower curB->generateNewStack(curB->nextUnitId(), CStackBasicDescriptor(CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS, 1), 1, SlotID::ARROW_TOWERS_SLOT, BattleHex::CASTLE_UPPER_TOWER); curB->generateNewStack(curB->nextUnitId(), CStackBasicDescriptor(CreatureID::ARROW_TOWERS, 1), 1, SlotID::ARROW_TOWERS_SLOT, BattleHex::CASTLE_BOTTOM_TOWER); } //moat auto moat = std::make_shared<MoatObstacle>(); moat->ID = curB->town->subID; moat->obstacleType = CObstacleInstance::MOAT; moat->uniqueID = static_cast<si32>(curB->obstacles.size()); curB->obstacles.push_back(moat); } std::stable_sort(stacks.begin(),stacks.end(),cmpst); auto neutral = std::make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::NEUTRAL); auto good = std::make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::GOOD); auto evil = std::make_shared<CreatureAlignmentLimiter>(EAlignment::EVIL); const auto * bgInfo = VLC->battlefields()->getById(battlefieldType); for(const std::shared_ptr<Bonus> & bonus : bgInfo->bonuses) { curB->addNewBonus(bonus); } //native terrain bonuses static auto nativeTerrain = std::make_shared<CreatureTerrainLimiter>(); curB->addNewBonus(std::make_shared<Bonus>(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, Bonus::STACKS_SPEED, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE, 1, 0, 0)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain)); curB->addNewBonus(std::make_shared<Bonus>(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE, 1, 0, PrimarySkill::ATTACK)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain)); curB->addNewBonus(std::make_shared<Bonus>(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::TERRAIN_NATIVE, 1, 0, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE)->addLimiter(nativeTerrain)); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //tactics bool isTacticsAllowed = !creatureBank; //no tactics in creature banks constexpr int sideSize = 2; std::array<int, sideSize> battleRepositionHex = {}; std::array<int, sideSize> battleRepositionHexBlock = {}; for(int i = 0; i < sideSize; i++) { if(heroes[i]) { battleRepositionHex[i] += heroes[i]->valOfBonuses(Selector::type()(Bonus::BEFORE_BATTLE_REPOSITION)); battleRepositionHexBlock[i] += heroes[i]->valOfBonuses(Selector::type()(Bonus::BEFORE_BATTLE_REPOSITION_BLOCK)); } } int tacticsSkillDiffAttacker = battleRepositionHex[BattleSide::ATTACKER] - battleRepositionHexBlock[BattleSide::DEFENDER]; int tacticsSkillDiffDefender = battleRepositionHex[BattleSide::DEFENDER] - battleRepositionHexBlock[BattleSide::ATTACKER]; /* for current tactics, we need to choose one side, so, we will choose side when first - second > 0, and ignore sides when first - second <= 0. If there will be situations when both > 0, attacker will be chosen. Anyway, in OH3 this will not happen because tactics block opposite tactics on same value. TODO: For now, it is an error to use BEFORE_BATTLE_REPOSITION bonus without counterpart, but it can be changed if double tactics will be implemented. */ if(isTacticsAllowed) { if(tacticsSkillDiffAttacker > 0 && tacticsSkillDiffDefender > 0) logGlobal->warn("Double tactics is not implemented, only attacker will have tactics!"); if(tacticsSkillDiffAttacker > 0) { curB->tacticsSide = BattleSide::ATTACKER; //bonus specifies distance you can move beyond base row; this allows 100% compatibility with HMM3 mechanics curB->tacticDistance = 1 + tacticsSkillDiffAttacker; } else if(tacticsSkillDiffDefender > 0) { curB->tacticsSide = BattleSide::DEFENDER; //bonus specifies distance you can move beyond base row; this allows 100% compatibility with HMM3 mechanics curB->tacticDistance = 1 + tacticsSkillDiffDefender; } else curB->tacticDistance = 0; } return curB; } const CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::getHero(const PlayerColor & player) const { for(const auto & side : sides) if(side.color == player) return side.hero; logGlobal->error("Player %s is not in battle!", player.getStr()); return nullptr; } ui8 BattleInfo::whatSide(const PlayerColor & player) const { for(int i = 0; i < sides.size(); i++) if(sides[i].color == player) return i; logGlobal->warn("BattleInfo::whatSide: Player %s is not in battle!", player.getStr()); return -1; } CStack * BattleInfo::getStack(int stackID, bool onlyAlive) { return const_cast<CStack *>(battleGetStackByID(stackID, onlyAlive)); } BattleInfo::BattleInfo(): round(-1), activeStack(-1), town(nullptr), tile(-1,-1,-1), battlefieldType(BattleField::NONE), tacticsSide(0), tacticDistance(0) { setBattle(this); setNodeType(BATTLE); } BattleInfo::~BattleInfo() = default; int32_t BattleInfo::getActiveStackID() const { return activeStack; } TStacks BattleInfo::getStacksIf(TStackFilter predicate) const { TStacks ret; vstd::copy_if(stacks, std::back_inserter(ret), predicate); return ret; } battle::Units BattleInfo::getUnitsIf(battle::UnitFilter predicate) const { battle::Units ret; vstd::copy_if(stacks, std::back_inserter(ret), predicate); return ret; } BattleField BattleInfo::getBattlefieldType() const { return battlefieldType; } TerrainId BattleInfo::getTerrainType() const { return terrainType; } IBattleInfo::ObstacleCList BattleInfo::getAllObstacles() const { ObstacleCList ret; for(const auto & obstacle : obstacles) ret.push_back(obstacle); return ret; } PlayerColor BattleInfo::getSidePlayer(ui8 side) const { return sides.at(side).color; } const CArmedInstance * BattleInfo::getSideArmy(ui8 side) const { return sides.at(side).armyObject; } const CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::getSideHero(ui8 side) const { return sides.at(side).hero; } ui8 BattleInfo::getTacticDist() const { return tacticDistance; } ui8 BattleInfo::getTacticsSide() const { return tacticsSide; } const CGTownInstance * BattleInfo::getDefendedTown() const { return town; } EWallState BattleInfo::getWallState(EWallPart partOfWall) const { return si.wallState.at(partOfWall); } EGateState BattleInfo::getGateState() const { return si.gateState; } uint32_t BattleInfo::getCastSpells(ui8 side) const { return sides.at(side).castSpellsCount; } int32_t BattleInfo::getEnchanterCounter(ui8 side) const { return sides.at(side).enchanterCounter; } const IBonusBearer * BattleInfo::asBearer() const { return this; } int64_t BattleInfo::getActualDamage(const DamageRange & damage, int32_t attackerCount, vstd::RNG & rng) const { if(damage.min != damage.max) { int64_t sum = 0; auto howManyToAv = std::min<int32_t>(10, attackerCount); auto rangeGen = rng.getInt64Range(damage.min, damage.max); for(int32_t g = 0; g < howManyToAv; ++g) sum += rangeGen(); return sum / howManyToAv; } else { return damage.min; } } void BattleInfo::nextRound(int32_t roundNr) { for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { sides.at(i).castSpellsCount = 0; vstd::amax(--sides.at(i).enchanterCounter, 0); } round = roundNr; for(CStack * s : stacks) { // new turn effects s->reduceBonusDurations(Bonus::NTurns); s->afterNewRound(); } for(auto & obst : obstacles) obst->battleTurnPassed(); } void BattleInfo::nextTurn(uint32_t unitId) { activeStack = unitId; CStack * st = getStack(activeStack); //remove bonuses that last until when stack gets new turn st->removeBonusesRecursive(Bonus::UntilGetsTurn); st->afterGetsTurn(); } void BattleInfo::addUnit(uint32_t id, const JsonNode & data) { battle::UnitInfo info; info.load(id, data); CStackBasicDescriptor base(info.type, info.count); PlayerColor owner = getSidePlayer(info.side); auto * ret = new CStack(&base, owner, info.id, info.side, SlotID::SUMMONED_SLOT_PLACEHOLDER); ret->initialPosition = info.position; stacks.push_back(ret); ret->localInit(this); ret->summoned = info.summoned; } void BattleInfo::moveUnit(uint32_t id, BattleHex destination) { auto * sta = getStack(id); if(!sta) { logGlobal->error("Cannot find stack %d", id); return; } sta->position = destination; } void BattleInfo::setUnitState(uint32_t id, const JsonNode & data, int64_t healthDelta) { CStack * changedStack = getStack(id, false); if(!changedStack) throw std::runtime_error("Invalid unit id in BattleInfo update"); if(!changedStack->alive() && healthDelta > 0) { //checking if we resurrect a stack that is under a living stack auto accessibility = getAccesibility(); if(!accessibility.accessible(changedStack->getPosition(), changedStack)) { logNetwork->error("Cannot resurrect %s because hex %d is occupied!", changedStack->nodeName(), changedStack->getPosition().hex); return; //position is already occupied } } bool killed = (-healthDelta) >= changedStack->getAvailableHealth();//todo: check using alive state once rebirth will be handled separately bool resurrected = !changedStack->alive() && healthDelta > 0; //applying changes changedStack->load(data); if(healthDelta < 0) { changedStack->removeBonusesRecursive(Bonus::UntilBeingAttacked); } resurrected = resurrected || (killed && changedStack->alive()); if(killed) { if(changedStack->cloneID >= 0) { //remove clone as well CStack * clone = getStack(changedStack->cloneID); if(clone) clone->makeGhost(); changedStack->cloneID = -1; } } if(resurrected || killed) { //removing all spells effects auto selector = [](const Bonus * b) { //Special case: DISRUPTING_RAY is absolutely permanent return b->source == Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT && b->sid != SpellID::DISRUPTING_RAY; }; changedStack->removeBonusesRecursive(selector); } if(!changedStack->alive() && changedStack->isClone()) { for(CStack * s : stacks) { if(s->cloneID == changedStack->unitId()) s->cloneID = -1; } } } void BattleInfo::removeUnit(uint32_t id) { std::set<uint32_t> ids; ids.insert(id); while(!ids.empty()) { auto toRemoveId = *ids.begin(); auto * toRemove = getStack(toRemoveId, false); if(!toRemove) { logGlobal->error("Cannot find stack %d", toRemoveId); return; } if(!toRemove->ghost) { toRemove->onRemoved(); toRemove->detachFromAll(); //stack may be removed instantly (not being killed first) //handle clone remove also here if(toRemove->cloneID >= 0) { ids.insert(toRemove->cloneID); toRemove->cloneID = -1; } //cleanup remaining clone links if any for(auto * s : stacks) { if(s->cloneID == toRemoveId) s->cloneID = -1; } } ids.erase(toRemoveId); } } void BattleInfo::updateUnit(uint32_t id, const JsonNode & data) { //TODO } void BattleInfo::addUnitBonus(uint32_t id, const std::vector<Bonus> & bonus) { CStack * sta = getStack(id, false); if(!sta) { logGlobal->error("Cannot find stack %d", id); return; } for(const Bonus & b : bonus) addOrUpdateUnitBonus(sta, b, true); } void BattleInfo::updateUnitBonus(uint32_t id, const std::vector<Bonus> & bonus) { CStack * sta = getStack(id, false); if(!sta) { logGlobal->error("Cannot find stack %d", id); return; } for(const Bonus & b : bonus) addOrUpdateUnitBonus(sta, b, false); } void BattleInfo::removeUnitBonus(uint32_t id, const std::vector<Bonus> & bonus) { CStack * sta = getStack(id, false); if(!sta) { logGlobal->error("Cannot find stack %d", id); return; } for(const Bonus & one : bonus) { auto selector = [one](const Bonus * b) { //compare everything but turnsRemain, limiter and propagator return one.duration == b->duration && one.type == b->type && one.subtype == b->subtype && one.source == b->source && one.val == b->val && one.sid == b->sid && one.valType == b->valType && one.additionalInfo == b->additionalInfo && one.effectRange == b->effectRange && one.description == b->description; }; sta->removeBonusesRecursive(selector); } } uint32_t BattleInfo::nextUnitId() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(stacks.size()); } void BattleInfo::addOrUpdateUnitBonus(CStack * sta, const Bonus & value, bool forceAdd) { if(forceAdd || !sta->hasBonus(Selector::source(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, value.sid).And(Selector::typeSubtype(value.type, value.subtype)))) { //no such effect or cumulative - add new logBonus->trace("%s receives a new bonus: %s", sta->nodeName(), value.Description()); sta->addNewBonus(std::make_shared<Bonus>(value)); } else { logBonus->trace("%s updated bonus: %s", sta->nodeName(), value.Description()); for(const auto & stackBonus : sta->getExportedBonusList()) //TODO: optimize { if(stackBonus->source == value.source && stackBonus->sid == value.sid && stackBonus->type == value.type && stackBonus->subtype == value.subtype) { stackBonus->turnsRemain = std::max(stackBonus->turnsRemain, value.turnsRemain); } } CBonusSystemNode::treeHasChanged(); } } void BattleInfo::setWallState(EWallPart partOfWall, EWallState state) { si.wallState[partOfWall] = state; } void BattleInfo::addObstacle(const ObstacleChanges & changes) { std::shared_ptr<SpellCreatedObstacle> obstacle = std::make_shared<SpellCreatedObstacle>(); obstacle->fromInfo(changes); obstacles.push_back(obstacle); } void BattleInfo::updateObstacle(const ObstacleChanges& changes) { std::shared_ptr<SpellCreatedObstacle> changedObstacle = std::make_shared<SpellCreatedObstacle>(); changedObstacle->fromInfo(changes); for(auto & obstacle : obstacles) { if(obstacle->uniqueID == changes.id) // update this obstacle { auto * spellObstacle = dynamic_cast<SpellCreatedObstacle *>(obstacle.get()); assert(spellObstacle); // Currently we only support to update the "revealed" property spellObstacle->revealed = changedObstacle->revealed; break; } } } void BattleInfo::removeObstacle(uint32_t id) { for(int i=0; i < obstacles.size(); ++i) { if(obstacles[i]->uniqueID == id) //remove this obstacle { obstacles.erase(obstacles.begin() + i); break; } } } CArmedInstance * BattleInfo::battleGetArmyObject(ui8 side) const { return const_cast<CArmedInstance*>(CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetArmyObject(side)); } CGHeroInstance * BattleInfo::battleGetFightingHero(ui8 side) const { return const_cast<CGHeroInstance*>(CBattleInfoEssentials::battleGetFightingHero(side)); } #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED scripting::Pool * BattleInfo::getContextPool() const { //this is real battle, use global scripting context pool //TODO: make this line not ugly return IObjectInterface::cb->getGlobalContextPool(); } #endif bool CMP_stack::operator()(const battle::Unit * a, const battle::Unit * b) const { switch(phase) { case 0: //catapult moves after turrets return a->creatureIndex() > b->creatureIndex(); //catapult is 145 and turrets are 149 case 1: case 2: case 3: { int as = a->getInitiative(turn); int bs = b->getInitiative(turn); if(as != bs) return as > bs; if(a->unitSide() == b->unitSide()) return a->unitSlot() < b->unitSlot(); return (a->unitSide() == side || b->unitSide() == side) ? a->unitSide() != side : a->unitSide() < b->unitSide(); } default: assert(false); return false; } assert(false); return false; } CMP_stack::CMP_stack(int Phase, int Turn, uint8_t Side): phase(Phase), turn(Turn), side(Side) { } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END