#include "../stdafx.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "CDefHandler.h" #include "CCreatureHandler.h" #include "CLodHandler.h" #include #include #include #include #include "../SDL_Extensions.h" int CCreature::getQuantityID(int quantity) { if (quantity<5) return 0; if (quantity<10) return 1; if (quantity<20) return 2; if (quantity<50) return 3; if (quantity<100) return 4; if (quantity<250) return 5; if (quantity<500) return 5; if (quantity<1000) return 6; if (quantity<4000) return 7; return 8; } void CCreatureHandler::loadCreatures() { std::string buf = CGameInfo::mainObj->bitmaph->getTextFile("ZCRTRAIT.TXT"); int andame = buf.size(); int i=0; //buf iterator int hmcr=0; for(i; i> tempi >> temps; if (tempi>=creatures.size()) break; boost::assign::insert(nameToID)(temps,tempi); creatures[tempi].nameRef=temps; } ifs.close(); ifs.clear(); for(int i=1;i<=10;i++) levelCreatures.insert(std::pair >(i,std::vector())); ifs.open("config/monsters.txt"); { while(!ifs.eof()) { int id, lvl; ifs >> id >> lvl; if(lvl>0) { creatures[id].level = lvl; levelCreatures[lvl].push_back(&(creatures[id])); } } } //loading 32x32px imgs CDefHandler *smi = CGI->spriteh->giveDef("CPRSMALL.DEF"); smi->notFreeImgs = true; for (int i=0; iourImages.size(); i++) { boost::assign::insert(smallImgs)(i-2,smi->ourImages[i].bitmap); } delete smi; smi = CGI->spriteh->giveDef("TWCRPORT.DEF"); smi->notFreeImgs = true; for (int i=0; iourImages.size(); i++) { boost::assign::insert(bigImgs)(i-2,smi->ourImages[i].bitmap); } delete smi; // //loading unit animation def names std::ifstream inp("config/CREDEFS.TXT", std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); //this file is not in lod inp.seekg(0,std::ios::end); // na koniec int andame2 = inp.tellg(); // read length inp.seekg(0,std::ios::beg); // wracamy na poczatek char * bufor = new char[andame2]; // allocate memory inp.read((char*)bufor, andame2); // read map file to buffer inp.close(); buf = std::string(bufor); delete [andame2] bufor; i = 0; //buf iterator hmcr = 0; for(i; ibitmaph->getTextFile("CRANIM.TXT"); int andame = buf.size(); int i=0; //buf iterator int hmcr=0; for(i; ispriteh->giveDef(defName); else creatures[s].battleAnimation = NULL; i+=2; } } int CCreatureAnimation::getType() const { return type; } void CCreatureAnimation::setType(int type) { this->type = type; curFrame = 0; if(type!=-1) { if(SEntries[curFrame].group!=type) //rewind { int j=-1; //first frame in displayed group for(int g=0; g=frames) curFrame = 0; } } CCreatureAnimation::CCreatureAnimation(std::string name) : RLEntries(NULL), RWEntries(NULL) { //load main file std::string data2 = CGI->spriteh->getTextFile(name); FDef = new unsigned char[data2.size()]; for(int g=0; g=amp/2) { ret = ret-amp; } return ret; } int CCreatureAnimation::nextFrame(SDL_Surface *dest, int x, int y, bool attacker, bool incrementFrame) { if(dest->format->BytesPerPixel<3) return -1; //not enough depth //increasing frame numer int SIndex = -1; if(incrementFrame) { SIndex = curFrame++; if(type!=-1) { if(SEntries[curFrame].group!=type) //rewind { int j=-1; //first frame in displayed group for(int g=0; g=frames) curFrame = 0; } } else { SIndex = curFrame; } //frame number increased long BaseOffset, SpriteWidth, SpriteHeight, //sprite format LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin,BottomMargin, i, add, FullHeight,FullWidth, TotalRowLength, // length of read segment NextSpriteOffset, RowAdd; unsigned char SegmentType, SegmentLength; i=BaseOffset=SEntries[SIndex].offset; int prSize=readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; int defType2 = readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; FullWidth = readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; FullHeight = readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; SpriteWidth = readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; SpriteHeight = readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; LeftMargin = readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; TopMargin = readNormalNr(i,4,FDef);i+=4; RightMargin = FullWidth - SpriteWidth - LeftMargin; BottomMargin = FullHeight - SpriteHeight - TopMargin; add = 4 - FullWidth%4; int BaseOffsetor = BaseOffset = i; int ftcp = 0; if (defType2==1) //as it should be allways in creature animations { if (TopMargin>0) { for (int i=0;i0) { ftcp+=LeftMargin; } TotalRowLength=0; do { SegmentType=FDef[BaseOffset++]; SegmentLength=FDef[BaseOffset++]; if (SegmentType==0xFF) { for (int k=0;k<=SegmentLength;k++) { int xB = (attacker ? ftcp%(FullWidth+add) : (FullWidth+add) - ftcp%(FullWidth+add) - 1) + x; int yB = ftcp/(FullWidth+add) + y; if(xB>=0 && yB>=0 && xBw && yBh) { putPixel(dest, xB + yB*dest->w, palette[FDef[BaseOffset+k]], FDef[BaseOffset+k]); } ftcp++; //increment pos if ((TotalRowLength+k+1)>=SpriteWidth) break; } BaseOffset+=SegmentLength+1;//// TotalRowLength+=SegmentLength+1; } else { for (int k=0;k=0 && yB>=0 && xBw && yBh) { putPixel(dest, xB + yB*dest->w, palette[SegmentType], SegmentType); } ftcp++; //increment pos } TotalRowLength+=SegmentLength+1; } }while(TotalRowLength0) { ftcp+=RightMargin; } if (add>0) { ftcp+=add+RowAdd; } } delete [] RLEntries; RLEntries = NULL; if (BottomMargin>0) { ftcp += BottomMargin * (FullWidth+add); } } //for (int i=0; ih && j+xw && i+y>=0 && j+x>=0) // { // unsigned char coln = FTemp[i*(FullWidth+add)+j]; //number of color from palette // if(coln==0) // continue; // unsigned char* ptr = ((unsigned char*)dest->pixels + dest->format->BytesPerPixel * ((i + y)*dest->w + j + x)); // if(coln>7 || coln == 5) //normal or yellow border // { // *ptr = palette[coln].B; // *(ptr+1) = palette[coln].G; // *(ptr+2) = palette[coln].R; // } // else if(coln<5) //shadow // { // *ptr = ((*ptr) * (palette[coln].G + 50)) /200; // *(ptr+1) = ((*(ptr+1)) * (palette[coln].G + 50)) /200 ; // *(ptr+2) = ((*(ptr+2)) * (palette[coln].G + 50)) /200 ; // } // else if(coln == 6) //yellow border shadowed // { // *ptr = ((*ptr) + palette[coln-1].B) / 2; // *(ptr+1) = ((*(ptr+1)) + palette[coln-1].G) / 2; // *(ptr+2) = ((*(ptr+2)) + palette[coln-1].R) / 2; // } // } // } //} //SDL_UpdateRect(dest, x, y, FullWidth+add, FullHeight); return 0; } CCreatureAnimation::~CCreatureAnimation() { delete [] FDef; if (RWEntries) delete [] RWEntries; if (RLEntries) delete [] RLEntries; } void CCreatureAnimation::putPixel(SDL_Surface * dest, const int & ftcp, const BMPPalette & color, const unsigned char & palc) const { if(palc!=0) { Uint8 * p = (Uint8*)dest->pixels + ftcp*3; if(palc > 7) //normal color { p[0] = color.B; p[1] = color.G; p[2] = color.R; } else if(palc == 6 || palc == 7) //dark yellow border { p[0] = 0; p[1] = 0xff; p[2] = 0xff; } else if(palc == 5) //yellow border { p[0] = color.B; p[1] = color.G; p[2] = color.R; } else if(palc < 5) //shadow { Uint16 alpha; switch(color.G) { case 0: alpha = 128; break; case 50: alpha = 50+32; break; case 100: alpha = 100+64; break; case 125: alpha = 125+64; break; case 128: alpha = 128+64; break; case 150: alpha = 150+64; break; default: alpha = 255; break; } //alpha counted p[0] = (p[0] * alpha)>>8; p[1] = (p[1] * alpha)>>8; p[2] = (p[2] * alpha)>>8; } } }