#include "StdInc.h" #include "VCAI.h" #include "../../lib/UnlockGuard.h" #include "../../lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #define I_AM_ELEMENTAR return CGoal(*this).setisElementar(true) CLogger &aiLogger = tlog6; extern FuzzyHelper *fh; class CGVisitableOPW; const int ACTUAL_RESOURCE_COUNT = 7; const double SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT = 1.5; using namespace vstd; //one thread may be turn of AI and another will be handling a side effect for AI2 boost::thread_specific_ptr cb; boost::thread_specific_ptr ai; //std::map > HeroView::infosCount; // CCallback *cb; // VCAI *ai; //helper RAII to manage global ai/cb ptrs struct SetGlobalState { SetGlobalState(VCAI * AI) { assert(!ai.get()); assert(!cb.get()); ai.reset(AI); cb.reset(AI->myCb); } ~SetGlobalState() { ai.release(); cb.release(); } }; template typename Container::value_type backOrNull(const Container &c) //returns last element of container or NULL if it is empty (to be used with containers of pointers) { if(c.size()) return c.back(); else return NULL; } template typename Container::value_type frontOrNull(const Container &c) //returns first element of container or NULL if it is empty (to be used with containers of pointers) { if(c.size()) return c.front(); else return NULL; } #define SET_GLOBAL_STATE(ai) SetGlobalState _hlpSetState(ai); #define NET_EVENT_HANDLER SET_GLOBAL_STATE(this) #define MAKING_TURN SET_GLOBAL_STATE(this) const int GOLD_RESERVE = 10000; //when buying creatures we want to keep at least this much gold (10000 so at least we'll be able to reach capitol) const int HERO_GOLD_COST = 2500; const int ALLOWED_ROAMING_HEROES = 8; const int GOLD_MINE_PRODUCTION = 1000, WOOD_ORE_MINE_PRODUCTION = 2, RESOURCE_MINE_PRODUCTION = 1; std::string goalName(EGoals goalType) { switch (goalType) { case INVALID: return "INVALID"; case WIN: return "WIN"; case DO_NOT_LOSE: return "DO NOT LOOSE"; case CONQUER: return "CONQUER"; case BUILD: return "BUILD"; case EXPLORE: return "EXPLORE"; case GATHER_ARMY: return "GATHER ARMY"; case BOOST_HERO: return "BOOST_HERO (unsupported)"; case BUILD_STRUCTURE: return "BUILD STRUCTURE"; case COLLECT_RES: return "COLLECT RESOURCE"; case GET_OBJ: return "GET OBJECT"; case FIND_OBJ: return "FIND OBJECT"; case VISIT_HERO: return "VISIT HERO"; case GET_ART_TYPE: return "GET ARTIFACT OF TYPE"; case ISSUE_COMMAND: return "ISSUE COMMAND (unsupported)"; case VISIT_TILE: return "VISIT TILE"; case CLEAR_WAY_TO: return "CLEAR WAY TO"; case DIG_AT_TILE: return "DIG AT TILE"; default: return boost::lexical_cast(goalType); } } bool compareHeroStrength(HeroPtr h1, HeroPtr h2) { return h1->getTotalStrength() < h2->getTotalStrength(); } bool compareArmyStrength(const CArmedInstance *a1, const CArmedInstance *a2) { return a1->getArmyStrength() < a2->getArmyStrength(); } static const int3 dirs[] = { int3(0,1,0),int3(0,-1,0),int3(-1,0,0),int3(+1,0,0), int3(1,1,0),int3(-1,1,0),int3(1,-1,0),int3(-1,-1,0) }; struct AILogger { AILogger() { lvl = 0; } int lvl; struct Tab { Tab(); ~Tab(); }; } logger; AILogger::Tab::Tab() { logger.lvl++; } AILogger::Tab::~Tab() { logger.lvl--; } struct TimeCheck { CStopWatch time; std::string txt; TimeCheck(crstring TXT) : txt(TXT) { } ~TimeCheck() { BNLOG("Time of %s was %d ms.", txt % time.getDiff()); } }; template void removeDuplicates(std::vector &vec) { boost::sort(vec); vec.erase(std::unique(vec.begin(), vec.end()), vec.end()); } struct AtScopeExit { boost::function foo; AtScopeExit(const boost::function &FOO) : foo(FOO) {} ~AtScopeExit() { foo(); } }; void foreach_tile_pos(boost::function foo) { for(int i = 0; i < cb->getMapSize().x; i++) for(int j = 0; j < cb->getMapSize().y; j++) for(int k = 0; k < cb->getMapSize().z; k++) foo(int3(i,j,k)); } void foreach_neighbour(const int3 &pos, boost::function foo) { BOOST_FOREACH(const int3 &dir, dirs) { const int3 n = pos + dir; if(cb->isInTheMap(n)) foo(pos+dir); } } unsigned char &retreiveTileN(std::vector< std::vector< std::vector > > &vectors, const int3 &pos) { return vectors[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z]; } const unsigned char &retreiveTileN(const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector > > &vectors, const int3 &pos) { return vectors[pos.x][pos.y][pos.z]; } void foreach_tile(std::vector< std::vector< std::vector > > &vectors, boost::function foo) { for(auto i = vectors.begin(); i != vectors.end(); i++) for(auto j = i->begin(); j != i->end(); j++) for(auto z = j->begin(); z != j->end(); z++) foo(*z); } struct ObjInfo { int3 pos; std::string name; ObjInfo(){} ObjInfo(const CGObjectInstance *obj) { pos = obj->pos; name = obj->getHoverText(); } }; std::map helperObjInfo; template bool remove_if_present(Container &c, const Item &item) { auto i = std::find(c.begin(), c.end(), item); if (i != c.end()) { c.erase(i); return true; } return false; } template bool remove_if_present(std::map & c, const Item2 &item) { auto i = c.find(item); if (i != c.end()) { c.erase(i); return true; } return false; } template void erase(Container &c, Pred pred) { c.erase(boost::remove_if(c, pred), c.end()); } bool isReachable(const CGObjectInstance *obj) { return cb->getPathInfo(obj->visitablePos())->turns < 255; } ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanGet(HeroPtr h, const CGTownInstance *t) { ui64 ret = 0; int freeHeroSlots = GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE - h->stacksCount(); std::vector toMove; BOOST_FOREACH(auto const slot, t->Slots()) { //can be merged woth another stack? TSlot dst = h->getSlotFor(slot.second->getCreatureID()); if(h->hasStackAtSlot(dst)) ret += t->getPower(slot.first); else toMove.push_back(slot.second); } boost::sort(toMove, [](const CStackInstance *lhs, const CStackInstance *rhs) { return lhs->getPower() < rhs->getPower(); }); BOOST_REVERSE_FOREACH(const CStackInstance *stack, toMove) { if(freeHeroSlots) { ret += stack->getPower(); freeHeroSlots--; } else break; } return ret; } std::string strFromInt3(int3 pos) { std::ostringstream oss; oss << pos; return oss.str(); } bool isCloser(const CGObjectInstance *lhs, const CGObjectInstance *rhs) { const CGPathNode *ln = cb->getPathInfo(lhs->visitablePos()), *rn = cb->getPathInfo(rhs->visitablePos()); if(ln->turns != rn->turns) return ln->turns < rn->turns; return (ln->moveRemains > rn->moveRemains); }; bool compareMovement(HeroPtr lhs, HeroPtr rhs) { return lhs->movement > rhs->movement; }; ui64 evaluateDanger(const CGObjectInstance *obj); ui64 evaluateDanger(crint3 tile) { const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(tile, false); if(!t) //we can know about guard but can't check its tile (the edge of fow) return 190000000; //MUCH ui64 objectDanger = 0, guardDanger = 0; auto visObjs = cb->getVisitableObjs(tile); if(visObjs.size()) objectDanger = evaluateDanger(visObjs.back()); int3 guardPos = cb->guardingCreaturePosition(tile); if(guardPos.x >= 0 && guardPos != tile) guardDanger = evaluateDanger(guardPos); //TODO mozna odwiedzic blockvis nie ruszajac straznika return std::max(objectDanger, guardDanger); return 0; } ui64 evaluateDanger(crint3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) { const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(tile, false); if(!t) //we can know about guard but can't check its tile (the edge of fow) return 190000000; //MUCH ui64 objectDanger = 0, guardDanger = 0; auto visitableObjects = cb->getVisitableObjs(tile); // in some scenarios hero happens to be "under" the object (eg town). Then we consider ONLY the hero. if(vstd::contains_if(visitableObjects, objWithID)) erase_if(visitableObjects, ! boost::bind(objWithID, _1)); if(const CGObjectInstance * dangerousObject = backOrNull(visitableObjects)) { objectDanger = evaluateDanger(dangerousObject); //unguarded objects can also be dangerous or unhandled if (objectDanger) { //TODO: don't downcast objects AI shouldnt know about! auto armedObj = dynamic_cast(dangerousObject); if(armedObj) objectDanger *= fh->getTacticalAdvantage(visitor, armedObj); //this line tends to go infinite for allied towns (?) } } int3 guardPos = cb->guardingCreaturePosition(tile); if(guardPos.x >= 0 && guardPos != tile) guardDanger = evaluateDanger(guardPos, visitor); //TODO mozna odwiedzic blockvis nie ruszajac straznika return std::max(objectDanger, guardDanger); } ui64 evaluateDanger(const CGObjectInstance *obj) { if(obj->tempOwner < GameConstants::PLAYER_LIMIT && cb->getPlayerRelations(obj->tempOwner, ai->playerID)) //owned or allied objects don't pose any threat return 0; switch(obj->ID) { case Obj::HERO: { InfoAboutHero iah; cb->getHeroInfo(obj, iah); return iah.army.getStrength(); } case Obj::TOWN: case Obj::GARRISON: case Obj::GARRISON2: //garrison { InfoAboutTown iat; cb->getTownInfo(obj, iat); return iat.army.getStrength(); } case Obj::MONSTER: { //TODO!!!!!!!! const CGCreature *cre = dynamic_cast(obj); return cre->getArmyStrength(); } case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1: { const CGDwelling *d = dynamic_cast(obj); return d->getArmyStrength(); } case Obj::MINE: case Obj::ABANDONED_MINE: { const CArmedInstance * a = dynamic_cast(obj); return a->getArmyStrength(); } case Obj::CRYPT: //crypt case Obj::CREATURE_BANK: //crebank case Obj::DRAGON_UTOPIA: case Obj::SHIPWRECK: //shipwreck case Obj::DERELICT_SHIP: //derelict ship case Obj::PYRAMID: return fh->estimateBankDanger (VLC->objh->bankObjToIndex(obj)); default: return 0; } } bool compareDanger(const CGObjectInstance *lhs, const CGObjectInstance *rhs) { return evaluateDanger(lhs) < evaluateDanger(rhs); } VCAI::VCAI(void) { LOG_ENTRY; myCb = NULL; makingTurn = NULL; } VCAI::~VCAI(void) { LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::availableCreaturesChanged(const CGDwelling *town) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroMoved(const TryMoveHero & details) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; if(details.result == TryMoveHero::TELEPORTATION) { const int3 from = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(details.start, false), to = CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(details.end, false); const CGObjectInstance *o1 = frontOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(from)), *o2 = frontOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(to)); if(o1 && o2 && o1->ID == Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE && o2->ID == Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE) { knownSubterraneanGates[o1] = o2; knownSubterraneanGates[o2] = o1; BNLOG("Found a pair of subterranean gates between %s and %s!", from % to); } } } void VCAI::stackChagedCount(const StackLocation &location, const TQuantity &change, bool isAbsolute) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroInGarrisonChange(const CGTownInstance *town) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::centerView(int3 pos, int focusTime) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::artifactMoved(const ArtifactLocation &src, const ArtifactLocation &dst) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::artifactAssembled(const ArtifactLocation &al) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::showTavernWindow(const CGObjectInstance *townOrTavern) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::showThievesGuildWindow (const CGObjectInstance * obj) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::playerBlocked(int reason) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; if (reason == PlayerBlocked::UPCOMING_BATTLE) status.setBattle(UPCOMING_BATTLE); } void VCAI::showPuzzleMap() { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::showShipyardDialog(const IShipyard *obj) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::gameOver(ui8 player, bool victory) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; BNLOG("Player %d: I heard that player %d %s.", playerID % (int)player % (victory ? "won" : "lost")); if(player == playerID) { if(victory) { tlog0 << "VCAI: I won! Incredible!\n"; tlog0 << "Turn nr " << myCb->getDate() << std::endl; } else { tlog0 << "VCAI: Player " << (int)player << " lost. It's me. What a disappointment! :(\n"; } // //let's make Impossible difficulty finally standing to its name :> // if(myCb->getStartInfo()->difficulty == 4 && !victory) // { // //play dirty: crash the whole engine to avoid lose // //that way AI is unbeatable! // *(int*)NULL = 666; // } // TODO - at least write some insults on stdout finish(); } } void VCAI::artifactPut(const ArtifactLocation &al) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::artifactRemoved(const ArtifactLocation &al) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::stacksErased(const StackLocation &location) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::artifactDisassembled(const ArtifactLocation &al) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance *visitor, const CGObjectInstance *visitedObj, bool start) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; if (start) { visitedObject = const_cast(visitedObj); // remember the object and wait for return markObjectVisited (visitedObj); remove_if_present(reservedObjs, visitedObj); //unreserve objects remove_if_present(reservedHeroesMap[visitor], visitedObj); completeGoal (CGoal(GET_OBJ).sethero(visitor)); //we don't need to visit in anymore } } void VCAI::availableArtifactsChanged(const CGBlackMarket *bm /*= NULL*/) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroVisitsTown(const CGHeroInstance* hero, const CGTownInstance * town) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; //buildArmyIn(town); //moveCreaturesToHero(town); } void VCAI::tileHidden(const boost::unordered_set &pos) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; // BOOST_FOREACH(int3 tile, pos) // BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, cb->getVisitableObjs(tile)) // remove_if_present(visitableObjs, obj); visitableObjs.erase(boost::remove_if(visitableObjs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj){return !myCb->getObj(obj->id);}), visitableObjs.end()); } void VCAI::tileRevealed(const boost::unordered_set &pos) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; BOOST_FOREACH(int3 tile, pos) BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, myCb->getVisitableObjs(tile)) addVisitableObj(obj); } void VCAI::heroExchangeStarted(si32 hero1, si32 hero2) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; auto firstHero = cb->getHero(hero1); auto secondHero = cb->getHero(hero2); requestActionASAP([=]() { if (firstHero->getHeroStrength() > secondHero->getHeroStrength() && canGetArmy (firstHero, secondHero)) pickBestCreatures (firstHero, secondHero); else if (canGetArmy (secondHero, firstHero)) pickBestCreatures (secondHero, firstHero); completeGoal(CGoal(VISIT_HERO).sethero(firstHero)); //TODO: what if we were visited by other hero in the meantime? completeGoal(CGoal(VISIT_HERO).sethero(secondHero)); //TODO: exchange artifacts }); } void VCAI::heroPrimarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int which, si64 val) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::showRecruitmentDialog(const CGDwelling *dwelling, const CArmedInstance *dst, int level) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroMovePointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::stackChangedType(const StackLocation &location, const CCreature &newType) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::stacksRebalanced(const StackLocation &src, const StackLocation &dst, TQuantity count) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::newObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; if(obj->isVisitable()) addVisitableObj(obj); } void VCAI::objectRemoved(const CGObjectInstance *obj) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; if(remove_if_present(visitableObjs, obj)) assert(obj->isVisitable()); BOOST_FOREACH(auto &p, reservedHeroesMap) remove_if_present(p.second, obj); //TODO //there are other places where CGObjectinstance ptrs are stored... // if(obj->ID == Obj::HERO && obj->tempOwner == playerID) { lostHero(cb->getHero(obj->id)); //we can promote, since objectRemoved is killed just before actual deletion } } void VCAI::showHillFortWindow(const CGObjectInstance *object, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; requestActionASAP([=]() { makePossibleUpgrades(visitor); }); } void VCAI::playerBonusChanged(const Bonus &bonus, bool gain) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::newStackInserted(const StackLocation &location, const CStackInstance &stack) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroCreated(const CGHeroInstance*) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::advmapSpellCast(const CGHeroInstance * caster, int spellID) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::showInfoDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector &components, int soundID) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::requestRealized(PackageApplied *pa) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; if(status.haveTurn()) { if(pa->packType == typeList.getTypeID()) if(pa->result) status.madeTurn(); } if(pa->packType == typeList.getTypeID()) { status.receivedAnswerConfirmation(pa->requestID, pa->result); } } void VCAI::receivedResource(int type, int val) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::stacksSwapped(const StackLocation &loc1, const StackLocation &loc2) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::showUniversityWindow(const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroManaPointsChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroSecondarySkillChanged(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int which, int val) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::battleResultsApplied() { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; assert(status.getBattle() == ENDING_BATTLE); status.setBattle(NO_BATTLE); } void VCAI::objectPropertyChanged(const SetObjectProperty * sop) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; if(sop->what == ObjProperty::OWNER) { if(sop->val == playerID) remove_if_present(visitableObjs, myCb->getObj(sop->id)); //TODO restore lost obj } } void VCAI::buildChanged(const CGTownInstance *town, int buildingID, int what) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::heroBonusChanged(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const Bonus &bonus, bool gain) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::showMarketWindow(const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance *visitor) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::init(CCallback * CB) { myCb = CB; cbc = CB; NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; playerID = myCb->getMyColor(); myCb->waitTillRealize = true; myCb->unlockGsWhenWaiting = true; if(!fh) fh = new FuzzyHelper(); retreiveVisitableObjs(visitableObjs); } void VCAI::yourTurn() { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; status.startedTurn(); makingTurn = new boost::thread(&VCAI::makeTurn, this); } void VCAI::heroGotLevel(const CGHeroInstance *hero, int pskill, std::vector &skills, int queryID) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; status.addQuery(queryID, boost::str(boost::format("Hero %s got level %d") % hero->name % hero->level)); requestActionASAP([=]{ answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void VCAI::commanderGotLevel (const CCommanderInstance * commander, std::vector skills, int queryID) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; status.addQuery(queryID, boost::str(boost::format("Commander %s of %s got level %d") % commander->name % commander->armyObj->nodeName() % (int)commander->level)); requestActionASAP([=]{ answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void VCAI::showBlockingDialog(const std::string &text, const std::vector &components, ui32 askID, const int soundID, bool selection, bool cancel) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; int sel = 0; status.addQuery(askID, boost::str(boost::format("Blocking dialog query with %d components - %s") % components.size() % text)); if(selection) //select from multiple components -> take the last one (they're indexed [1-size]) sel = components.size(); if(!selection && cancel) //yes&no -> always answer yes, we are a brave AI :) sel = 1; requestActionASAP([=]() { answerQuery(askID, sel); }); } void VCAI::showGarrisonDialog(const CArmedInstance *up, const CGHeroInstance *down, bool removableUnits, int queryID) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; std::string s1 = up ? up->nodeName() : "NONE"; std::string s2 = down ? down->nodeName() : "NONE"; status.addQuery(queryID, boost::str(boost::format("Garrison dialog with %s and %s") % s1 % s2)); //you can't request action from action-response thread requestActionASAP([=]() { pickBestCreatures (down, up); answerQuery(queryID, 0); }); } void VCAI::serialize(COSer &h, const int version) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void VCAI::serialize(CISer &h, const int version) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; LOG_ENTRY; } void makePossibleUpgrades(const CArmedInstance *obj) { if(!obj) return; for(int i = 0; i < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; i++) { if(const CStackInstance *s = obj->getStackPtr(i)) { UpgradeInfo ui; cb->getUpgradeInfo(obj, i, ui); if(ui.oldID >= 0 && cb->getResourceAmount().canAfford(ui.cost[0] * s->count)) { cb->upgradeCreature(obj, i, ui.newID[0]); } } } } void VCAI::makeTurn() { MAKING_TURN; boost::shared_lock gsLock(cb->getGsMutex()); setThreadName("VCAI::makeTurn"); BNLOG("Player %d starting turn", playerID); INDENT; switch(cb->getDate(1)) { case 1: { townVisitsThisWeek.clear(); std::vector objs; retreiveVisitableObjs(objs, true); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, objs) { if (isWeeklyRevisitable(obj)) { if (!vstd::contains(visitableObjs, obj)) visitableObjs.push_back(obj); auto o = std::find (alreadyVisited.begin(), alreadyVisited.end(), obj); if (o != alreadyVisited.end()) alreadyVisited.erase(o); } } } break; case 7: //reconsider strategy { if(auto h = primaryHero()) //check if our primary hero can handle danger { ui64 totalDanger = 0; int dangerousObjects = 0; std::vector objs; retreiveVisitableObjs(objs, false); BOOST_FOREACH (auto obj, objs) { if (evaluateDanger(obj)) //potentilaly dnagerous { totalDanger += evaluateDanger(obj->visitablePos(), *h); ++dangerousObjects; } } ui64 averageDanger = totalDanger / std::max(dangerousObjects, 1); if (dangerousObjects && averageDanger > h->getHeroStrength()) { setGoal (h, CGoal(GATHER_ARMY).sethero(h).setvalue(averageDanger * SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT).setisAbstract(true)); } } } break; } if(cb->getSelectedHero()) cb->recalculatePaths(); makeTurnInternal(); vstd::clear_pointer(makingTurn); return; } void VCAI::makeTurnInternal() { saving = 0; //it looks messy here, but it's better to have armed heroes before attempting realizing goals BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) moveCreaturesToHero(t); try { //Pick objects reserved in previous turn - we expect only nerby objects there auto reservedHeroesCopy = reservedHeroesMap; //work on copy => the map may be changed while iterating (eg because hero died when attempting a goal) BOOST_FOREACH (auto hero, reservedHeroesCopy) { cb->setSelection(hero.first.get()); boost::sort (hero.second, isCloser); BOOST_FOREACH (auto obj, hero.second) { striveToGoal (CGoal(VISIT_TILE).sethero(hero.first).settile(obj->visitablePos())); } } //now try to win striveToGoal(CGoal(WIN)); //finally, continue our abstract long-term goals //heroes tend to die in the process and loose their goals, unsafe to iterate it std::vector > safeCopy; boost::copy(lockedHeroes, std::back_inserter(safeCopy)); typedef std::pair TItrType; auto lockedHeroesSorter = [](TItrType h1, TItrType h2) -> bool { return compareMovement (h1.first, h2.first); }; boost::sort(safeCopy, lockedHeroesSorter); while (safeCopy.size()) //continue our goals { auto it = safeCopy.begin(); if (it->first && it->first->tempOwner == playerID && vstd::contains(lockedHeroes, it->first)) //make sure hero still has his goal { cb->setSelection(*it->first); striveToGoal (it->second); } safeCopy.erase(it); } auto quests = myCb->getMyQuests(); BOOST_FOREACH (auto quest, quests) { striveToQuest (quest); } striveToGoal(CGoal(BUILD)); //TODO: smarter building management } catch(boost::thread_interrupted &e) { tlog0 << "Making turn thread has been interrupted. We'll end without calling endTurn.\n"; return; } catch(std::exception &e) { tlog0 << "Making turn thread has caught an exception: " << e.what() << "\n"; } endTurn(); } bool VCAI::goVisitObj(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h) { int3 dst = obj->visitablePos(); BNLOG("%s will try to visit %s at (%s)", h->name % obj->getHoverText() % strFromInt3(dst)); return moveHeroToTile(dst, h); } void VCAI::performObjectInteraction(const CGObjectInstance * obj, HeroPtr h) { switch (obj->ID) { case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1: recruitCreatures (dynamic_cast(obj)); checkHeroArmy (h); break; case Obj::TOWN: moveCreaturesToHero (dynamic_cast(obj)); if (h->visitedTown) //we are inside, not just attacking { townVisitsThisWeek[h].push_back(h->visitedTown); if (!h->hasSpellbook() && cb->getResourceAmount(Res::GOLD) >= GameConstants::SPELLBOOK_GOLD_COST + saving[Res::GOLD] && h->visitedTown->hasBuilt (EBuilding::MAGES_GUILD_1)) cb->buyArtifact(h.get(), 0); //buy spellbook } break; } } void VCAI::moveCreaturesToHero(const CGTownInstance * t) { if(t->visitingHero && t->armedGarrison()) { pickBestCreatures (t->visitingHero, t); } } bool VCAI::canGetArmy (const CGHeroInstance * army, const CGHeroInstance * source) { //TODO: merge with pickBestCreatures const CArmedInstance *armies[] = {army, source}; int armySize = 0; //we calculate total strength for each creature type available in armies std::map creToPower; BOOST_FOREACH(auto armyPtr, armies) BOOST_FOREACH(auto &i, armyPtr->Slots()) { ++armySize;//TODO: allow splitting stacks? creToPower[i.second->type] += i.second->getPower(); } //TODO - consider more than just power (ie morale penalty, hero specialty in certain stacks, etc) armySize = std::min ((source->needsLastStack() ? armySize - 1 : armySize), GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE); //can't move away last stack std::vector bestArmy; //types that'll be in final dst army for (int i = 0; i < armySize; i++) //pick the creatures from which we can get most power, as many as dest can fit { typedef const std::pair &CrePowerPair; auto creIt = boost::max_element(creToPower, [](CrePowerPair lhs, CrePowerPair rhs) { return lhs.second < rhs.second; }); bestArmy.push_back(creIt->first); creToPower.erase(creIt); if(creToPower.empty()) break; } //foreach best type -> iterate over slots in both armies and if it's the appropriate type, send it to the slot where it belongs for (int i = 0; i < bestArmy.size(); i++) //i-th strongest creature type will go to i-th slot { BOOST_FOREACH(auto armyPtr, armies) for (int j = 0; j < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; j++) { if(armyPtr->getCreature(j) == bestArmy[i] && (i != j || armyPtr != army)) //it's a searched creature not in dst slot if (!(armyPtr->needsLastStack() && armyPtr->Slots().size() == 1 && armyPtr != army)) //can't take away last creature return true; //at least one exchange will be performed } } return false; } void VCAI::pickBestCreatures(const CArmedInstance * army, const CArmedInstance * source) { //TODO - what if source is a hero (the last stack problem) -> it'd good to create a single stack of weakest cre const CArmedInstance *armies[] = {army, source}; int armySize = 0; //we calculate total strength for each creature type available in armies std::map creToPower; BOOST_FOREACH(auto armyPtr, armies) BOOST_FOREACH(auto &i, armyPtr->Slots()) { ++armySize;//TODO: allow splitting stacks? creToPower[i.second->type] += i.second->getPower(); } //TODO - consider more than just power (ie morale penalty, hero specialty in certain stacks, etc) armySize = std::min ((source->needsLastStack() ? armySize - 1 : armySize), GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE); //can't move away last stack std::vector bestArmy; //types that'll be in final dst army for (int i = 0; i < armySize; i++) //pick the creatures from which we can get most power, as many as dest can fit { typedef const std::pair &CrePowerPair; auto creIt = boost::max_element(creToPower, [](CrePowerPair lhs, CrePowerPair rhs) { return lhs.second < rhs.second; }); bestArmy.push_back(creIt->first); creToPower.erase(creIt); if(creToPower.empty()) break; } //foreach best type -> iterate over slots in both armies and if it's the appropriate type, send it to the slot where it belongs for (int i = 0; i < bestArmy.size(); i++) //i-th strongest creature type will go to i-th slot { BOOST_FOREACH(auto armyPtr, armies) for (int j = 0; j < GameConstants::ARMY_SIZE; j++) { if(armyPtr->getCreature(j) == bestArmy[i] && (i != j || armyPtr != army)) //it's a searched creature not in dst slot if (!(armyPtr->needsLastStack() && armyPtr->Slots().size() == 1 && armyPtr != army)) cb->mergeOrSwapStacks(armyPtr, army, j, i); } } //TODO - having now strongest possible army, we may want to think about arranging stacks auto hero = dynamic_cast(army); if (hero) { checkHeroArmy (hero); } } void VCAI::recruitCreatures(const CGDwelling * d) { for(int i = 0; i < d->creatures.size(); i++) { if(!d->creatures[i].second.size()) continue; int count = d->creatures[i].first; int creID = d->creatures[i].second.back(); // const CCreature *c = VLC->creh->creatures[creID]; // if(containsSavedRes(c->cost)) // continue; TResources myRes = cb->getResourceAmount(); myRes[Res::GOLD] -= GOLD_RESERVE; amin(count, myRes / VLC->creh->creatures[creID]->cost); if(count > 0) cb->recruitCreatures(d, creID, count, i); } } bool VCAI::tryBuildStructure(const CGTownInstance * t, int building, unsigned int maxDays) { if (!vstd::contains(t->town->buildings, building)) return false; // no such building in town if (t->hasBuilt(building)) //Already built? Shouldn't happen in general return true; std::set toBuild = cb->getBuildingRequiments(t, building); //erase all already built buildings for (auto buildIter = toBuild.begin(); buildIter != toBuild.end();) { if (t->hasBuilt(*buildIter)) toBuild.erase(buildIter++); else buildIter++; } toBuild.insert(building); BOOST_FOREACH(int buildID, toBuild) { int canBuild = cb->canBuildStructure(t, buildID); if (canBuild == EBuildingState::HAVE_CAPITAL || canBuild == EBuildingState::FORBIDDEN || canBuild == EBuildingState::NO_WATER) return false; //we won't be able to build this } if (maxDays && toBuild.size() > maxDays) return false; TResources currentRes = cb->getResourceAmount(); TResources income = estimateIncome(); //TODO: calculate if we have enough resources to build it in maxDays BOOST_FOREACH(int buildID, toBuild) { const CBuilding *b = t->town->buildings[buildID]; int canBuild = cb->canBuildStructure(t, buildID); if(canBuild == EBuildingState::ALLOWED) { if(!containsSavedRes(b->resources)) { BNLOG("Player %d will build %s in town of %s at %s", playerID % b->Name() % t->name % t->pos); cb->buildBuilding(t, buildID); return true; } continue; } else if(canBuild == EBuildingState::NO_RESOURCES) { TResources cost = t->town->buildings[buildID]->resources; for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::RESOURCE_QUANTITY; i++) { int diff = currentRes[i] - cost[i] + income[i]; if(diff < 0) saving[i] = 1; } continue; } } return false; } bool VCAI::tryBuildAnyStructure(const CGTownInstance * t, std::vector buildList, unsigned int maxDays) { BOOST_FOREACH(int building, buildList) { if(t->hasBuilt(building)) continue; if (tryBuildStructure(t, building, maxDays)) return true; } return false; //Can't build anything } bool VCAI::tryBuildNextStructure(const CGTownInstance * t, std::vector buildList, unsigned int maxDays) { BOOST_FOREACH(int building, buildList) { if(t->hasBuilt(building)) continue; return tryBuildStructure(t, building, maxDays); } return false;//Nothing to build } void VCAI::buildStructure(const CGTownInstance * t) { using namespace EBuilding; //TODO make *real* town development system //TODO: faction-specific development: use special buildings, build dwellings in better order, etc //TODO: build resource silo, defences when needed //Possible - allow "locking" on specific building (build prerequisites and then building itself) //Set of buildings for different goals. Does not include any prerequisites. const int essential[] = {TAVERN, TOWN_HALL}; const int goldSource[] = {TOWN_HALL, CITY_HALL, CAPITOL}; const int unitsSource[] = { 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36}; const int unitsUpgrade[] = { 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43}; const int unitGrowth[] = { FORT, CITADEL, CASTLE, HORDE_1, HORDE_1_UPGR, HORDE_2, HORDE_2_UPGR}; const int spells[] = {MAGES_GUILD_1, MAGES_GUILD_2, MAGES_GUILD_3, MAGES_GUILD_4, MAGES_GUILD_5}; const int extra[] = {RESOURCE_SILO, SPECIAL_1, SPECIAL_2, SPECIAL_3, SPECIAL_4, SHIPYARD}; // all remaining buildings TResources currentRes = cb->getResourceAmount(); TResources income = estimateIncome(); if (tryBuildAnyStructure(t, std::vector(essential, essential + ARRAY_COUNT(essential)))) return; //we're running out of gold - try to build something gold-producing. Multiplier can be tweaked, 6 is minimum due to buildings costs if (currentRes[Res::GOLD] < income[Res::GOLD] * 6) if (tryBuildNextStructure(t, std::vector(goldSource, goldSource + ARRAY_COUNT(goldSource)))) return; if (cb->getDate(1) > 6)// last 2 days of week - try to focus on growth { if (tryBuildNextStructure(t, std::vector(unitGrowth, unitGrowth + ARRAY_COUNT(unitGrowth)), 2)) return; } // first in-game week or second half of any week: try build dwellings if (cb->getDate(0) < 7 || cb->getDate(1) > 3) if (tryBuildAnyStructure(t, std::vector(unitsSource, unitsSource + ARRAY_COUNT(unitsSource)), 8 - cb->getDate(1))) return; //try to upgrade dwelling for(int i = 0; i < ARRAY_COUNT(unitsUpgrade); i++) { if (t->hasBuilt(unitsSource[i]) && !t->hasBuilt(unitsUpgrade[i])) { if (tryBuildStructure(t, unitsUpgrade[i])) return; } } //remaining tasks if (tryBuildNextStructure(t, std::vector(goldSource, goldSource + ARRAY_COUNT(goldSource)))) return; if (tryBuildNextStructure(t, std::vector(spells, spells + ARRAY_COUNT(spells)))) return; if (tryBuildAnyStructure(t, std::vector(extra, extra + ARRAY_COUNT(extra)))) return; } bool isSafeToVisit(HeroPtr h, crint3 tile) { const ui64 heroStrength = h->getTotalStrength(), dangerStrength = evaluateDanger(tile, *h); if(dangerStrength) { if(heroStrength / SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT > dangerStrength) { BNLOG("It's, safe for %s to visit tile %s", h->name % tile); return true; } else return false; } return true; //there's no danger } std::vector VCAI::getPossibleDestinations(HeroPtr h) { validateVisitableObjs(); std::vector possibleDestinations; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, visitableObjs) { if(cb->getPathInfo(obj->visitablePos())->reachable() && !obj->wasVisited(playerID) && (obj->tempOwner != playerID || isWeeklyRevisitable(obj))) //flag or get weekly resources / creatures possibleDestinations.push_back(obj); } boost::sort(possibleDestinations, isCloser); possibleDestinations.erase(boost::remove_if(possibleDestinations, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) -> bool { const int3 pos = obj->visitablePos(); if(vstd::contains(alreadyVisited, obj)) return true; if(!isSafeToVisit(h, pos)) return true; if (!shouldVisit(h, obj)) return true; if (vstd::contains(reservedObjs, obj)) //does checking for our own reserved objects make sense? here? return true; const CGObjectInstance *topObj = cb->getVisitableObjs(pos).back(); //it may be hero visiting this obj //we don't try visiting object on which allied or owned hero stands // -> it will just trigger exchange windows and AI will be confused that obj behind doesn't get visited if(topObj->ID == Obj::HERO && cb->getPlayerRelations(h->tempOwner, topObj->tempOwner) != 0) return true; return false; }),possibleDestinations.end()); return possibleDestinations; } void VCAI::wander(HeroPtr h) { while(1) { std::vector dests; range::copy(reservedHeroesMap[h], std::back_inserter(dests)); if (!dests.size()) range::copy(getPossibleDestinations(h), std::back_inserter(dests)); if(!dests.size()) { auto compareReinforcements = [h](const CGTownInstance *lhs, const CGTownInstance *rhs) -> bool { return howManyReinforcementsCanGet(h, lhs) < howManyReinforcementsCanGet(h, rhs); }; std::vector townsReachable; std::vector townsNotReachable; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { if(!t->visitingHero && howManyReinforcementsCanGet(h,t) && !vstd::contains(townVisitsThisWeek[h], t)) { if(isReachable(t)) townsReachable.push_back(t); else townsNotReachable.push_back(t); } } if(townsReachable.size()) { boost::sort(townsReachable, compareReinforcements); dests.emplace_back(townsReachable.back()); } else if(townsNotReachable.size()) { boost::sort(townsNotReachable, compareReinforcements); //TODO pick the truly best const CGTownInstance *t = townsNotReachable.back(); BNLOG("%s can't reach any town, we'll try to make our way to %s at %s", h->name % t->name % t->visitablePos()); int3 pos1 = h->pos; striveToGoal(CGoal(CLEAR_WAY_TO).settile(t->visitablePos()).sethero(h)); if (pos1 == h->pos && h == primaryHero()) //hero can't move { if(cb->getResourceAmount(Res::GOLD) >= HERO_GOLD_COST && cb->getHeroesInfo().size() < ALLOWED_ROAMING_HEROES && cb->getAvailableHeroes(t).size()) recruitHero(t); } break; } else if(cb->getResourceAmount(Res::GOLD) >= HERO_GOLD_COST) { std::vector towns = cb->getTownsInfo(); erase_if(towns, [](const CGTownInstance *t) -> bool { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGHeroInstance *h, cb->getHeroesInfo()) if(!t->getArmyStrength() || howManyReinforcementsCanGet(h, t)) return true; return false; }); boost::sort(towns, compareArmyStrength); if(towns.size()) recruitHero(towns.back()); break; } else { PNLOG("Nowhere more to go...\n"); break; } } const ObjectIdRef&dest = dests.front(); if(!goVisitObj(dest, h)) { if(!dest) { BNLOG("Visit attempt made the object (id=%d) gone...", dest.id); } else { BNLOG("Hero %s apparently used all MPs (%d left)\n", h->name % h->movement); reserveObject(h, dest); //reserve that object - we predict it will be reached soon //removed - do not forget abstract goal so easily //setGoal(h, CGoal(VISIT_TILE).sethero(h).settile(dest->visitablePos())); } break; } if(h->visitedTown) { townVisitsThisWeek[h].push_back(h->visitedTown); buildArmyIn(h->visitedTown); break; } } } void VCAI::setGoal(HeroPtr h, const CGoal goal) { //TODO: check for presence? if (goal.goalType == EGoals::INVALID) remove_if_present(lockedHeroes, h); else lockedHeroes[h] = CGoal(goal).setisElementar(false); //always evaluate goals before realizing } void VCAI::setGoal(HeroPtr h, EGoals goalType) { if (goalType == EGoals::INVALID) remove_if_present(lockedHeroes, h); else lockedHeroes[h] = CGoal(goalType).setisElementar(false); //always evaluate goals before realizing; } void VCAI::completeGoal (const CGoal goal) { if (const CGHeroInstance * h = goal.hero.get(true)) { auto it = lockedHeroes.find(h); if (it != lockedHeroes.end()) if (it->second.goalType == goal.goalType) lockedHeroes.erase(it); //goal fulfilled, free hero } } void VCAI::battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; assert(playerID > GameConstants::PLAYER_LIMIT || status.getBattle() == UPCOMING_BATTLE); status.setBattle(ONGOING_BATTLE); const CGObjectInstance *presumedEnemy = backOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(tile)); //may be NULL in some very are cases -> eg. visited monolith and fighting with an enemy at the FoW covered exit battlename = boost::str(boost::format("Starting battle of %s attacking %s at %s") % (hero1 ? hero1->name : "a army") % (presumedEnemy ? presumedEnemy->hoverName : "unknown enemy") % tile); CAdventureAI::battleStart(army1, army2, tile, hero1, hero2, side); } void VCAI::battleEnd(const BattleResult *br) { NET_EVENT_HANDLER; assert(status.getBattle() == ONGOING_BATTLE); status.setBattle(ENDING_BATTLE); bool won = br->winner == myCb->battleGetMySide(); BNLOG("Player %d: I %s the %s!", playerID % (won ? "won" : "lost") % battlename); battlename.clear(); CAdventureAI::battleEnd(br); } void VCAI::waitTillFree() { auto unlock = vstd::makeUnlockSharedGuard(cb->getGsMutex()); status.waitTillFree(); } void VCAI::markObjectVisited (const CGObjectInstance *obj) { if(dynamic_cast(obj) || //we may want to wisit it with another hero dynamic_cast(obj) || //or another time (obj->ID == Obj::MONSTER)) return; alreadyVisited.push_back(obj); } void VCAI::reserveObject(HeroPtr h, const CGObjectInstance *obj) { reservedObjs.push_back(obj); reservedHeroesMap[h].push_back(obj); } void VCAI::validateVisitableObjs() { std::vector hlp; retreiveVisitableObjs(hlp, true); start: BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, visitableObjs) if(!vstd::contains(hlp, obj)) { tlog1 << helperObjInfo[obj].name << " at " << helperObjInfo[obj].pos << " shouldn't be on list!\n"; remove_if_present(visitableObjs, obj); goto start; } } void VCAI::retreiveVisitableObjs(std::vector &out, bool includeOwned /*= false*/) const { foreach_tile_pos([&](const int3 &pos) { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, myCb->getVisitableObjs(pos, false)) { if(includeOwned || obj->tempOwner != playerID) out.push_back(obj); } }); } std::vector VCAI::getFlaggedObjects() const { std::vector ret; retreiveVisitableObjs(ret, true); erase_if(ret, [](const CGObjectInstance *obj) { return obj->tempOwner != ai->playerID; }); return ret; } void VCAI::addVisitableObj(const CGObjectInstance *obj) { visitableObjs.push_back(obj); helperObjInfo[obj] = ObjInfo(obj); } const CGObjectInstance * VCAI::lookForArt(int aid) const { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ai->visitableObjs) { if(obj->ID == 5 && obj->subID == aid) return obj; } return NULL; //TODO what if more than one artifact is available? return them all or some slection criteria } bool VCAI::isAccessible(const int3 &pos) { //TODO precalculate for speed BOOST_FOREACH(const CGHeroInstance *h, cb->getHeroesInfo()) { if(isAccessibleForHero(pos, h)) return true; } return false; } HeroPtr VCAI::getHeroWithGrail() const { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGHeroInstance *h, cb->getHeroesInfo()) if(h->hasArt(2)) //grail return h; return NULL; } const CGObjectInstance * VCAI::getUnvisitedObj(const boost::function &predicate) { //TODO smarter definition of unvisited BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, visitableObjs) if(predicate(obj) && !vstd::contains(alreadyVisited, obj)) return obj; return NULL; } bool VCAI::isAccessibleForHero(const int3 & pos, HeroPtr h, bool includeAllies /*= false*/) const { cb->setSelection(*h); if (!includeAllies) { //don't visit tile occupied by allied hero BOOST_FOREACH (auto obj, cb->getVisitableObjs(pos)) { if (obj->ID == Obj::HERO && obj->tempOwner == h->tempOwner && obj != h) return false; } } return cb->getPathInfo(pos)->reachable(); } bool VCAI::moveHeroToTile(int3 dst, HeroPtr h) { visitedObject = NULL; int3 startHpos = h->visitablePos(); bool ret = false; if(startHpos == dst) { assert(cb->getVisitableObjs(dst).size() > 1); //there's no point in revisiting tile where there is no visitable object cb->moveHero(*h, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(dst, true)); waitTillFree(); //movement may cause battle or blocking dialog ret = true; } else { CGPath path; cb->getPath2(dst, path); if(path.nodes.empty()) { tlog1 << "Hero " << h->name << " cannot reach " << dst << std::endl; //setGoal(h, INVALID); completeGoal (CGoal(VISIT_TILE).sethero(h)); cb->recalculatePaths(); throw std::runtime_error("Wrong move order!"); } int i=path.nodes.size()-1; for(; i>0; i--) { //stop sending move requests if the next node can't be reached at the current turn (hero exhausted his move points) if(path.nodes[i-1].turns) { //blockedHeroes.insert(h); //to avoid attempts of moving heroes with very little MPs break; } int3 endpos = path.nodes[i-1].coord; if(endpos == h->visitablePos()) //if (endpos == h->pos) continue; // if(i > 1) // { // int3 afterEndPos = path.nodes[i-2].coord; // if(afterEndPos.z != endpos.z) // // } //tlog0 << "Moving " << h->name << " from " << h->getPosition() << " to " << endpos << std::endl; cb->moveHero(*h, CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(endpos, true)); waitTillFree(); //movement may cause battle or blocking dialog boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); if(!h) //we lost hero - remove all tasks assigned to him/her { lostHero(h); //we need to throw, otherwise hero will be assigned to sth again throw std::runtime_error("Hero was lost!"); break; } } ret = !i; } if (visitedObject) //we step into something interesting { performObjectInteraction (visitedObject, h); //BNLOG("Hero %s moved from %s to %s at %s", h->name % startHpos % visitedObject->hoverName % h->visitablePos()); //throw goalFulfilledException (CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(visitedObject->id)); } if(h) //we could have lost hero after last move { cb->recalculatePaths(); if (startHpos == h->visitablePos() && !ret) //we didn't move and didn't reach the target { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Invalid path found!"); } } BNLOG("Hero %s moved from %s to %s", h->name % startHpos % h->visitablePos()); return ret; } int howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(const int3 &pos, int radious) { //TODO: do not explore dead-end boundaries int ret = 0; for(int x = pos.x - radious; x <= pos.x + radious; x++) { for(int y = pos.y - radious; y <= pos.y + radious; y++) { int3 npos = int3(x,y,pos.z); if(cb->isInTheMap(npos) && pos.dist2d(npos) - 0.5 < radious && !cb->isVisible(npos)) { if (!boundaryBetweenTwoPoints (pos, npos)) ret++; } } } return ret; } bool boundaryBetweenTwoPoints (int3 pos1, int3 pos2) //determines if two points are separated by known barrier { int xMin = std::min (pos1.x, pos2.x); int xMax = std::max (pos1.x, pos2.x); int yMin = std::min (pos1.y, pos2.y); int yMax = std::max (pos1.y, pos2.y); for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; ++x) { for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; ++y) { int3 tile = int3(x, y, pos1.z); //use only on same level, ofc if (abs(pos1.dist2d(tile) - pos2.dist2d(tile)) < 1.5) { if (!(cb->isVisible(tile) && cb->getTile(tile)->blocked)) //if there's invisible or unblocked tile inbetween, it's good return false; } } } return true; //if all are visible and blocked, we're at dead end } int howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(int radious, int3 pos, crint3 dir) { return howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(pos + dir, radious); } void getVisibleNeighbours(const std::vector &tiles, std::vector &out) { BOOST_FOREACH(const int3 &tile, tiles) { foreach_neighbour(tile, [&](int3 neighbour) { if(cb->isVisible(neighbour)) out.push_back(neighbour); }); } } void VCAI::tryRealize(CGoal g) { BNLOG("Attempting realizing goal with code %s", goalName(g.goalType)); switch(g.goalType) { case EXPLORE: { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("EXPLORE is not a elementar goal!"); } break; case RECRUIT_HERO: { if(const CGTownInstance *t = findTownWithTavern()) { //TODO co jesli nie ma dostepnego bohatera? //TODO jezeli miasto jest zablokowane, sprobowac oczyscic wejscie cb->recruitHero(t, cb->getAvailableHeroes(t)[0]); } //TODO karkolomna alternatywa - tawerna na mapie przygod lub wiezienie (nie wiem, czy warto?) } break; case VISIT_TILE: { //cb->recalculatePaths(); if(!g.hero->movement) throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs!"); //if(!g.isBlockedBorderGate(g.tile)) //{ if (ai->moveHeroToTile(g.tile, g.hero.get())) { throw goalFulfilledException (g); } //} //else // throw cannotFulfillGoalException("There's a blocked gate!, we should never be here"); //CLEAR_WAY_TO should get keymaster tent } break; case VISIT_HERO: { if(!g.hero->movement) throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Cannot visit tile: hero is out of MPs!"); if (ai->moveHeroToTile(g.tile, g.hero.get())) { throw goalFulfilledException (g); } } break; case BUILD_STRUCTURE: { const CGTownInstance *t = g.town; if(!t && g.hero) t = g.hero->visitedTown; if(!t) { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { switch(cb->canBuildStructure(t, g.bid)) { case EBuildingState::ALLOWED: cb->buildBuilding(t, g.bid); return; default: break; } } } else if(cb->canBuildStructure(t, g.bid) == EBuildingState::ALLOWED) { cb->buildBuilding(t, g.bid); return; } throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Cannot build a given structure!"); } break; case DIG_AT_TILE: { assert(g.hero->visitablePos() == g.tile); if (g.hero->diggingStatus() == CGHeroInstance::CAN_DIG) { cb->dig(g.hero.get()); setGoal(g.hero, INVALID); // finished digging } else { ai->lockedHeroes[g.hero] = g; //hero who tries to dig shouldn't do anything else throw cannotFulfillGoalException("A hero can't dig!\n"); } } break; case COLLECT_RES: //TODO: use piles and mines? if(cb->getResourceAmount(g.resID) >= g.value) throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Goal is already fulfilled!"); if(const CGObjectInstance *obj = cb->getObj(g.objid, false)) { if(const IMarket *m = IMarket::castFrom(obj, false)) { for (int i = 0; i < ACTUAL_RESOURCE_COUNT; i++) { if(i == g.resID) continue; int toGive, toGet; m->getOffer(i, g.resID, toGive, toGet, EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE); toGive = toGive * (cb->getResourceAmount(i) / toGive); //TODO trade only as much as needed cb->trade(obj, EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE, i, g.resID, toGive); if(cb->getResourceAmount(g.resID) >= g.value) return; } throw cannotFulfillGoalException("I cannot get needed resources by trade!"); } else { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("I don't know how to use this object to raise resources!"); } } else { saving[g.resID] = 1; throw cannotFulfillGoalException("No object that could be used to raise resources!"); } case CONQUER: case GATHER_ARMY: case BOOST_HERO: // TODO: conquer?? throw cannotFulfillGoalException("I don't know how to fulfill this!"); case BUILD: performTypicalActions(); //TODO: separate build and wander throw cannotFulfillGoalException("BUILD has been realized as much as possible."); case INVALID: throw cannotFulfillGoalException("I don't know how to fulfill this!"); default: throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Unknown type of goal !"); } } const CGTownInstance * VCAI::findTownWithTavern() const { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) if(t->hasBuilt(EBuilding::TAVERN) && !t->visitingHero) return t; return NULL; } std::vector VCAI::getUnblockedHeroes() const { std::vector ret; boost::copy(cb->getHeroesInfo(), std::back_inserter(ret)); BOOST_FOREACH(auto h, lockedHeroes) { //if (!h.second.invalid()) //we can use heroes without valid goal if (h.second.goalType == DIG_AT_TILE || !h.first->movement) //experiment: use all heroes that have movement left, TODO: unlock heroes that couldn't realize their goals remove_if_present(ret, h.first); } return ret; } HeroPtr VCAI::primaryHero() const { auto hs = cb->getHeroesInfo(); boost::sort(hs, compareHeroStrength); if(hs.empty()) return NULL; return hs.back(); } void VCAI::endTurn() { tlog4 << "Player " << playerID << " ends turn\n"; if(!status.haveTurn()) { tlog1 << "Not having turn at the end of turn???\n"; } do { cb->endTurn(); } while(status.haveTurn()); //for some reasons, our request may fail -> stop requesting end of turn only after we've received a confirmation that it's over tlog4 << "Player " << playerID << " ended turn\n"; } bool VCAI::fulfillsGoal (CGoal &goal, CGoal &mainGoal) { if (mainGoal.goalType == GET_OBJ && goal.goalType == VISIT_TILE) //deduce that GET_OBJ was completed by visiting object's tile { //TODO: more universal mechanism if (cb->getObj(mainGoal.objid)->visitablePos() == goal.tile) return true; } return false; } bool VCAI::fulfillsGoal (CGoal &goal, const CGoal &mainGoal) { if (mainGoal.goalType == GET_OBJ && goal.goalType == VISIT_TILE) //deduce that GET_OBJ was completed by visiting object's tile { //TODO: more universal mechanism if (cb->getObj(mainGoal.objid)->visitablePos() == goal.tile) return true; } return false; } void VCAI::striveToGoal(const CGoal &ultimateGoal) { if (ultimateGoal.invalid()) return; CGoal abstractGoal; while(1) { CGoal goal = ultimateGoal; BNLOG("Striving to goal of type %s", goalName(ultimateGoal.goalType)); int maxGoals = 100; //preventing deadlock for mutually dependent goals while(!goal.isElementar && !goal.isAbstract && maxGoals) { INDENT; BNLOG("Considering goal %s", goalName(goal.goalType)); try { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); goal = goal.whatToDoToAchieve(); --maxGoals; } catch(std::exception &e) { BNLOG("Goal %s decomposition failed: %s", goalName(goal.goalType) % e.what()); //setGoal (goal.hero, INVALID); //test: if we don't know how to realize goal, we should abandon it for now return; } } try { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); if (goal.hero) //lock this hero to fulfill ultimate goal { if (maxGoals) { setGoal(goal.hero, goal); } else { setGoal(goal.hero, INVALID); // we seemingly don't know what to do with hero } } if (goal.isAbstract) { abstractGoal = goal; //allow only one abstract goal per call BNLOG("Choosing abstract goal %s", goalName(goal.goalType)); break; } else tryRealize(goal); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); } catch(boost::thread_interrupted &e) { BNLOG("Player %d: Making turn thread received an interruption!", playerID); throw; //rethrow, we want to truly end this thread } catch(goalFulfilledException &e) { completeGoal (goal); if (fulfillsGoal (goal, ultimateGoal) || maxGoals > 98) //completed goal was main goal //TODO: find better condition return; } catch(std::exception &e) { BNLOG("Failed to realize subgoal of type %s (greater goal type was %s), I will stop.", goalName(goal.goalType) % goalName(ultimateGoal.goalType)); BNLOG("The error message was: %s", e.what()); break; } } //TODO: save abstract goals not related to hero if (!abstractGoal.invalid()) //try to realize our one goal { while (1) { CGoal goal = CGoal(abstractGoal).setisAbstract(false); int maxGoals = 50; while (!goal.isElementar && maxGoals) //find elementar goal and fulfill it { try { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); goal = goal.whatToDoToAchieve(); --maxGoals; } catch(std::exception &e) { BNLOG("Goal %s decomposition failed: %s", goalName(goal.goalType) % e.what()); //setGoal (goal.hero, INVALID); return; } } try { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); tryRealize(goal); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); } catch(boost::thread_interrupted &e) { BNLOG("Player %d: Making turn thread received an interruption!", playerID); throw; //rethrow, we want to truly end this thread } catch(goalFulfilledException &e) { completeGoal (goal); //FIXME: deduce that we have realized GET_OBJ goal if (fulfillsGoal (goal, abstractGoal) || maxGoals > 98) //completed goal was main goal return; } catch(std::exception &e) { BNLOG("Failed to realize subgoal of type %s (greater goal type was %s), I will stop.", goalName(goal.goalType) % goalName(ultimateGoal.goalType)); BNLOG("The error message was: %s", e.what()); break; } } } } void VCAI::striveToQuest (const QuestInfo &q) { if (q.quest->missionType && q.quest->progress < CQuest::COMPLETE) //FIXME: quests are never synchronized. Pointer handling needed { MetaString ms; q.quest->getRolloverText(ms, false); BNLOG ("Trying to realize quest: %s", ms.toString()); auto heroes = cb->getHeroesInfo(); switch (q.quest->missionType) { case CQuest::MISSION_ART: { BOOST_FOREACH (auto hero, heroes) //TODO: remove duplicated code? { if (q.quest->checkQuest(hero)) { striveToGoal (CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(q.obj->id).sethero(hero)); return; } } BOOST_FOREACH (auto art, q.quest->m5arts) { striveToGoal (CGoal(GET_ART_TYPE).setaid(art)); //TODO: transport? } break; } case CQuest::MISSION_HERO: { //striveToGoal (CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO)); BOOST_FOREACH (auto hero, heroes) { if (q.quest->checkQuest(hero)) { striveToGoal (CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(q.obj->id).sethero(hero)); return; } } striveToGoal (CGoal(FIND_OBJ).setobjid(Obj::PRISON)); //rule of a thumb - quest heroes usually are locked in prisons //BNLOG ("Don't know how to recruit hero with id %d\n", q.quest->m13489val); break; } case CQuest::MISSION_ARMY: { BOOST_FOREACH (auto hero, heroes) { if (q.quest->checkQuest(hero)) //veyr bad info - stacks can be split between multiple heroes :( { striveToGoal (CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(q.obj->id).sethero(hero)); return; } } BOOST_FOREACH (auto creature, q.quest->m6creatures) { striveToGoal (CGoal(GATHER_TROOPS).setobjid(creature.type->idNumber).setvalue(creature.count)); } //TODO: exchange armies... oh my //BNLOG ("Don't know how to recruit %d of %s\n", (int)(creature.count) % creature.type->namePl); break; } case CQuest::MISSION_RESOURCES: { if (heroes.size()) { if (q.quest->checkQuest(heroes.front())) //it doesn't matter which hero it is { striveToGoal (CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(q.tile)); } else { for (int i = 0; i < q.quest->m7resources.size(); ++i) { if (q.quest->m7resources[i]) striveToGoal (CGoal(COLLECT_RES).setresID(i).setvalue(q.quest->m7resources[i])); } } } else striveToGoal (CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO)); //FIXME: checkQuest requires any hero belonging to player :( break; } case CQuest::MISSION_KILL_HERO: case CQuest::MISSION_KILL_CREATURE: { auto obj = cb->getObjByQuestIdentifier(q.quest->m13489val); if (obj) striveToGoal (CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(obj->id)); else striveToGoal (CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(q.tile)); //visit seer hut break; } case CQuest::MISSION_PRIMARY_STAT: { auto heroes = cb->getHeroesInfo(); BOOST_FOREACH (auto hero, heroes) { if (q.quest->checkQuest(hero)) { striveToGoal (CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(q.obj->id).sethero(hero)); return; } } for (int i = 0; i < q.quest->m2stats.size(); ++i) { BNLOG ("Don't know how to increase primary stat %d\n", i); } break; } case CQuest::MISSION_LEVEL: { auto heroes = cb->getHeroesInfo(); BOOST_FOREACH (auto hero, heroes) { if (q.quest->checkQuest(hero)) { striveToGoal (CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(q.tile).sethero(hero)); //TODO: causes infinite loop :/ return; } } BNLOG ("Don't know how to reach hero level %d\n", q.quest->m13489val); break; } case CQuest::MISSION_PLAYER: { if (playerID != q.quest->m13489val) BNLOG ("Can't be player of color %d\n", q.quest->m13489val); break; } case CQuest::MISSION_KEYMASTER: { striveToGoal (CGoal(FIND_OBJ).setobjid(Obj::KEYMASTER).setresID(q.obj->subID)); break; } } } } void VCAI::performTypicalActions() { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { BNLOG("Looking into %s", t->name); buildStructure(t); buildArmyIn(t); if(!ai->primaryHero() || (t->getArmyStrength() > ai->primaryHero()->getArmyStrength() * 2 && !isAccessibleForHero(t->visitablePos(), ai->primaryHero()))) { recruitHero(t); buildArmyIn(t); } } BOOST_FOREACH(auto h, getUnblockedHeroes()) { BNLOG("Looking into %s, MP=%d", h->name.c_str() % h->movement); INDENT; makePossibleUpgrades(*h); cb->setSelection(*h); try { wander(h); } catch(std::exception &e) { BNLOG("Cannot use this hero anymore, received exception: %s", e.what()); continue; } } } void VCAI::buildArmyIn(const CGTownInstance * t) { makePossibleUpgrades(t->visitingHero); makePossibleUpgrades(t); recruitCreatures(t); moveCreaturesToHero(t); } int3 VCAI::explorationBestNeighbour(int3 hpos, int radius, HeroPtr h) { TimeCheck tc("looking for best exploration neighbour"); std::map dstToRevealedTiles; BOOST_FOREACH(crint3 dir, dirs) if(cb->isInTheMap(hpos+dir)) dstToRevealedTiles[hpos + dir] = howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(radius, hpos, dir) * isSafeToVisit(h, hpos + dir); auto best = dstToRevealedTiles.begin(); best->second *= cb->getPathInfo(best->first)->reachable(); best->second *= cb->getPathInfo(best->first)->accessible == CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE; for(auto i = dstToRevealedTiles.begin(); i != dstToRevealedTiles.end(); i++) { const CGPathNode *pn = cb->getPathInfo(i->first); //const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(i->first); if(best->second < i->second && i->second && pn->reachable() && pn->accessible == CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE) best = i; } if(best->second) return best->first; throw cannotFulfillGoalException("No neighbour will bring new discoveries!"); } int3 VCAI::explorationNewPoint(int radius, HeroPtr h, std::vector > &tiles) { TimeCheck tc("looking for new exploration point"); PNLOG("Looking for an another place for exploration..."); tiles.resize(radius); foreach_tile_pos([&](const int3 &pos) { if(!cb->isVisible(pos)) tiles[0].push_back(pos); }); for (int i = 1; i < radius; i++) { getVisibleNeighbours(tiles[i-1], tiles[i]); removeDuplicates(tiles[i]); BOOST_FOREACH(const int3 &tile, tiles[i]) { if(cb->getPathInfo(tile)->reachable() && isSafeToVisit(h, tile) && howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(tile, radius) && !isBlockedBorderGate(tile)) { return tile; } } } throw cannotFulfillGoalException("No accessible tile will bring discoveries!"); } TResources VCAI::estimateIncome() const { TResources ret; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { ret[Res::GOLD] += t->dailyIncome(); //TODO duplikuje newturn if(t->hasBuilt(EBuilding::RESOURCE_SILO)) //there is resource silo { if(t->town->primaryRes == 127) //we'll give wood and ore { ret[Res::WOOD] ++; ret[Res::ORE] ++; } else { ret[t->town->primaryRes] ++; } } } BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, getFlaggedObjects()) { if(obj->ID == Obj::MINE) { switch(obj->subID) { case Res::WOOD: case Res::ORE: ret[obj->subID] += WOOD_ORE_MINE_PRODUCTION; break; case Res::GOLD: case 7: //abandoned mine -> also gold ret[Res::GOLD] += GOLD_MINE_PRODUCTION; break; default: ret[obj->subID] += RESOURCE_MINE_PRODUCTION; break; } } } return ret; } bool VCAI::containsSavedRes(const TResources &cost) const { for (int i = 0; i < GameConstants::RESOURCE_QUANTITY; i++) { if(saving[i] && cost[i]) return true; } return false; } void VCAI::checkHeroArmy (HeroPtr h) { auto it = lockedHeroes.find(h); if (it != lockedHeroes.end()) { if (it->second.goalType == GATHER_ARMY && it->second.value <= h->getArmyStrength()) completeGoal(CGoal (GATHER_ARMY).sethero(h)); } } void VCAI::recruitHero(const CGTownInstance * t) { BNLOG("Trying to recruit a hero in %s at %s", t->name % t->visitablePos()) cb->recruitHero(t, cb->getAvailableHeroes(t).front()); } void VCAI::finish() { if(makingTurn) makingTurn->interrupt(); } void VCAI::requestActionASAP(boost::function whatToDo) { // static boost::mutex m; // boost::unique_lock mylock(m); boost::barrier b(2); boost::thread newThread([&b,this,whatToDo]() { setThreadName("VCAI::requestActionASAP::helper"); SET_GLOBAL_STATE(this); boost::shared_lock gsLock(cb->getGsMutex()); b.wait(); whatToDo(); }); b.wait(); } void VCAI::lostHero(HeroPtr h) { BNLOG("I lost my hero %s. It's best to forget and move on.\n", h.name); remove_if_present(lockedHeroes, h); BOOST_FOREACH(auto obj, reservedHeroesMap[h]) { remove_if_present(reservedObjs, obj); //unreserve all objects for that hero } remove_if_present(reservedHeroesMap, h); } void VCAI::answerQuery(int queryID, int selection) { BNLOG("I'll answer the query %d giving the choice %d", queryID % selection); if(queryID != -1) { cb->selectionMade(selection, queryID); } else { BNLOG("Since the query ID is %d, the answer won't be sent. This is not a real query!", queryID); //do nothing } } void VCAI::requestSent(const CPackForServer *pack, int requestID) { //BNLOG("I have sent request of type %s", typeid(*pack).name()); if(auto reply = dynamic_cast(pack)) { status.attemptedAnsweringQuery(reply->qid, requestID); } } std::string VCAI::getBattleAIName() const { if(settings["server"]["neutralAI"].getType() == JsonNode::DATA_STRING) return settings["server"]["neutralAI"].String(); else return "StupidAI"; } AIStatus::AIStatus() { battle = NO_BATTLE; havingTurn = false; } AIStatus::~AIStatus() { } void AIStatus::setBattle(BattleState BS) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); battle = BS; cv.notify_all(); } BattleState AIStatus::getBattle() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); return battle; } void AIStatus::addQuery(int ID, std::string description) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); if(ID == -1) { BNLOG("The \"query\" has an id %d, it'll be ignored as non-query. Description: %s", ID % description); return; } assert(!vstd::contains(remainingQueries, ID)); assert(ID >= 0); remainingQueries[ID] = description; cv.notify_all(); BNLOG("Adding query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d", ID % description % remainingQueries.size()); } void AIStatus::removeQuery(int ID) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); assert(vstd::contains(remainingQueries, ID)); std::string description = remainingQueries[ID]; remainingQueries.erase(ID); cv.notify_all(); BNLOG("Removing query %d - %s. Total queries count: %d", ID % description % remainingQueries.size()); } int AIStatus::getQueriesCount() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); return remainingQueries.size(); } void AIStatus::startedTurn() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); havingTurn = true; cv.notify_all(); } void AIStatus::madeTurn() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); havingTurn = false; cv.notify_all(); } void AIStatus::waitTillFree() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); while(battle != NO_BATTLE || remainingQueries.size()) cv.wait(lock); } bool AIStatus::haveTurn() { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); return havingTurn; } void AIStatus::attemptedAnsweringQuery(int queryID, int answerRequestID) { boost::unique_lock lock(mx); assert(vstd::contains(remainingQueries, queryID)); std::string description = remainingQueries[queryID]; BNLOG("Attempted answering query %d - %s. Request id=%d. Waiting for results...", queryID % description % answerRequestID); requestToQueryID[answerRequestID] = queryID; } void AIStatus::receivedAnswerConfirmation(int answerRequestID, int result) { assert(vstd::contains(requestToQueryID, answerRequestID)); int query = requestToQueryID[answerRequestID]; assert(vstd::contains(remainingQueries, query)); requestToQueryID.erase(answerRequestID); if(result) { removeQuery(query); } else { tlog1 << "Something went really wrong, failed to answer query " << query << ": " << remainingQueries[query]; //TODO safely retry } } int3 whereToExplore(HeroPtr h) { //TODO it's stupid and ineffective, write sth better cb->setSelection(*h); int radius = h->getSightRadious(); int3 hpos = h->visitablePos(); //look for nearby objs -> visit them if they're close enouh const int DIST_LIMIT = 3; std::vector nearbyVisitableObjs; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ai->getPossibleDestinations(h)) { int3 op = obj->visitablePos(); CGPath p; cb->getPath2(op, p); if(p.nodes.size() && p.endPos() == op && p.nodes.size() <= DIST_LIMIT) nearbyVisitableObjs.push_back(obj); } boost::sort(nearbyVisitableObjs, isCloser); if(nearbyVisitableObjs.size()) return nearbyVisitableObjs.back()->visitablePos(); try { return ai->explorationBestNeighbour(hpos, radius, h); } catch(cannotFulfillGoalException &e) { std::vector > tiles; //tiles[distance_to_fow] try { return ai->explorationNewPoint(radius, h, tiles); } catch(cannotFulfillGoalException &e) { std::map > profits; { TimeCheck tc("Evaluating exploration possibilities"); tiles[0].clear(); //we can't reach FoW anyway BOOST_FOREACH(auto &vt, tiles) BOOST_FOREACH(auto &tile, vt) profits[howManyTilesWillBeDiscovered(tile, radius)].push_back(tile); } if(profits.empty()) return int3 (-1,-1,-1); auto bestDest = profits.end(); bestDest--; return bestDest->second.front(); //TODO which is the real best tile? } } } TSubgoal CGoal::whatToDoToAchieve() { BNLOG("Decomposing goal of type %s", goalName(goalType)); INDENT; switch(goalType) { case WIN: { const CVictoryCondition &vc = cb->getMapHeader()->victoryCondition; EVictoryConditionType::EVictoryConditionType cond = vc.condition; if(!vc.appliesToAI) { //TODO deduce victory from human loss condition cond = EVictoryConditionType::WINSTANDARD; } switch(cond) { case EVictoryConditionType::ARTIFACT: return CGoal(GET_ART_TYPE).setaid(vc.ID); case EVictoryConditionType::BEATHERO: return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(vc.obj->id); case EVictoryConditionType::BEATMONSTER: return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(vc.obj->id); case EVictoryConditionType::BUILDCITY: //TODO build castle/capitol break; case EVictoryConditionType::BUILDGRAIL: { if(auto h = ai->getHeroWithGrail()) { //hero is in a town that can host Grail if(h->visitedTown && !vstd::contains(h->visitedTown->forbiddenBuildings, EBuilding::GRAIL)) { const CGTownInstance *t = h->visitedTown; return CGoal(BUILD_STRUCTURE).setbid(EBuilding::GRAIL).settown(t); } else { auto towns = cb->getTownsInfo(); towns.erase(boost::remove_if(towns, [](const CGTownInstance *t) -> bool { return vstd::contains(t->forbiddenBuildings, EBuilding::GRAIL); }), towns.end()); boost::sort(towns, isCloser); if(towns.size()) { return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).sethero(h).settile(towns.front()->visitablePos()); } } } double ratio = 0; int3 grailPos = cb->getGrailPos(ratio); if(ratio > 0.99) { return CGoal(DIG_AT_TILE).settile(grailPos); } //TODO: use FIND_OBJ else if(const CGObjectInstance * obj = ai->getUnvisitedObj(objWithID)) //there are unvisited Obelisks { return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(obj->id); } else return CGoal(EXPLORE); } break; case EVictoryConditionType::CAPTURECITY: return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(vc.obj->id); case EVictoryConditionType::GATHERRESOURCE: return CGoal(COLLECT_RES).setresID(vc.ID).setvalue(vc.count); //TODO mines? piles? marketplace? //save? break; case EVictoryConditionType::GATHERTROOP: return CGoal(GATHER_TROOPS).setobjid(vc.ID).setvalue(vc.count); break; case EVictoryConditionType::TAKEDWELLINGS: break; case EVictoryConditionType::TAKEMINES: break; case EVictoryConditionType::TRANSPORTITEM: break; case EVictoryConditionType::WINSTANDARD: return CGoal(CONQUER); default: assert(0); } } break; case FIND_OBJ: { const CGObjectInstance * o = NULL; if (resID > -1) //specified { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ai->visitableObjs) { if(obj->ID == objid && obj->subID == resID) { o = obj; break; //TODO: consider multiple objects and choose best } } } else { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ai->visitableObjs) { if(obj->ID == objid) { o = obj; break; //TODO: consider multiple objects and choose best } } } if (o && isReachable(o)) return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(o->id); else return CGoal(EXPLORE); } break; case GET_OBJ: { const CGObjectInstance * obj = cb->getObj(objid); if(!obj) return CGoal(EXPLORE); int3 pos = obj->visitablePos(); return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(pos); } break; case VISIT_HERO: { const CGObjectInstance * obj = cb->getObj(objid); if(!obj) return CGoal(EXPLORE); int3 pos = obj->visitablePos(); if (hero && ai->isAccessibleForHero(pos, hero, true) && isSafeToVisit(hero, pos)) //enemy heroes can get reinforcements return CGoal(*this).settile(pos).setisElementar(true); } break; case GET_ART_TYPE: { TSubgoal alternativeWay = CGoal::lookForArtSmart(aid); //TODO: use if(alternativeWay.invalid()) return CGoal(FIND_OBJ).setobjid(Obj::ARTIFACT).setresID(aid); } break; case CLEAR_WAY_TO: { assert(tile.x >= 0); //set tile if(!cb->isVisible(tile)) { tlog1 << "Clear way should be used with visible tiles!\n"; return CGoal(EXPLORE); } HeroPtr h = hero ? hero : ai->primaryHero(); if(!h) return CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO); cb->setSelection(*h); SectorMap sm; bool dropToFile = false; if(dropToFile) //for debug purposes sm.write("test.txt"); int3 tileToHit = sm.firstTileToGet(h, tile); //if(isSafeToVisit(h, tileToHit)) if(isBlockedBorderGate(tileToHit)) { //FIXME: this way we'll not visit gate and activate quest :? return CGoal(FIND_OBJ).setobjid(Obj::KEYMASTER).setresID(cb->getTile(tileToHit)->visitableObjects.back()->subID); } //FIXME: this code shouldn't be necessary if(tileToHit == tile) { tlog1 << boost::format("Very strange, tile to hit is %s and tile is also %s, while hero %s is at %s\n") % tileToHit % tile % h->name % h->visitablePos(); throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Retrieving first tile to hit failed (probably)!"); } auto topObj = backOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(tileToHit)); if(topObj && topObj->ID == Obj::HERO && cb->getPlayerRelations(h->tempOwner, topObj->tempOwner) != 0) { std::string problem = boost::str(boost::format("%s stands in the way of %s.\n") % topObj->getHoverText() % h->getHoverText()); throw cannotFulfillGoalException(problem); } return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(tileToHit).sethero(h); //FIXME:: attempts to visit completely unreachable tile with hero results in stall //TODO czy istnieje lepsza droga? } throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Cannot reach given tile!"); case EXPLORE: { auto objs = ai->visitableObjs; //try to use buildings that uncover map erase_if(objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) -> bool { if (vstd::contains(ai->alreadyVisited, obj)) return true; switch (obj->ID) { case Obj::REDWOOD_OBSERVATORY: case Obj::PILLAR_OF_FIRE: case Obj::CARTOGRAPHER: case Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE: //TODO: check ai->knownSubterraneanGates //case Obj::MONOLITH1: //case obj::MONOLITH2: //case obj::MONOLITH3: //case Obj::WHIRLPOOL: return false; //do not erase break; default: return true; } }); if (objs.size()) { if (hero.get(true)) { BOOST_FOREACH (auto obj, objs) { auto pos = obj->visitablePos(); //FIXME: this confition fails if everything but guarded subterranen gate was explored. in this case we should gather army for hero if (isSafeToVisit(hero, pos) && ai->isAccessibleForHero(pos, hero)) return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(pos).sethero(hero); } } else { BOOST_FOREACH (auto obj, objs) { auto pos = obj->visitablePos(); if (ai->isAccessible (pos)) //TODO: check safety? return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(pos).sethero(hero); } } } if (hero) { int3 t = whereToExplore(hero); if (t.z == -1) //no safe tile to explore - we need to break! { erase_if (objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) -> bool { switch (obj->ID) { case Obj::CARTOGRAPHER: case Obj::SUBTERRANEAN_GATE: //case Obj::MONOLITH1: //case obj::MONOLITH2: //case obj::MONOLITH3: //case Obj::WHIRLPOOL: return false; //do not erase break; default: return true; } }); if (objs.size()) { return CGoal (VISIT_TILE).settile(objs.front()->visitablePos()).sethero(hero).setisAbstract(true); } else throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Cannot explore - no possible ways found!"); } return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(t).sethero(hero); } auto hs = cb->getHeroesInfo(); int howManyHeroes = hs.size(); erase(hs, [](const CGHeroInstance *h) { return contains(ai->lockedHeroes, h); }); if(hs.empty()) //all heroes are busy. buy new one { if (howManyHeroes < 3 && ai->findTownWithTavern()) //we may want to recruit second hero. TODO: make it smart finally return CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO); else //find mobile hero with weakest army { hs = cb->getHeroesInfo(); erase_if(hs, [](const CGHeroInstance *h) { return !h->movement; //only hero with movement are of interest for us }); if (hs.empty()) { if (howManyHeroes < GameConstants::MAX_HEROES_PER_PLAYER) return CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO); else throw cannotFulfillGoalException("No heroes with remaining MPs for exploring!\n"); } boost::sort(hs, compareMovement); //closer to what? } } const CGHeroInstance *h = hs.front(); return (*this).sethero(h).setisAbstract(true); } I_AM_ELEMENTAR; case RECRUIT_HERO: { const CGTownInstance *t = ai->findTownWithTavern(); if(!t) return CGoal(BUILD_STRUCTURE).setbid(EBuilding::TAVERN); if(cb->getResourceAmount(Res::GOLD) < HERO_GOLD_COST) return CGoal(COLLECT_RES).setresID(Res::GOLD).setvalue(HERO_GOLD_COST); I_AM_ELEMENTAR; } break; case VISIT_TILE: { if(!cb->isVisible(tile)) return CGoal(EXPLORE); if(hero && !ai->isAccessibleForHero(tile, hero)) hero = NULL; if(!hero) { if(cb->getHeroesInfo().empty()) { return CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO); } BOOST_FOREACH(const CGHeroInstance *h, cb->getHeroesInfo()) { if(ai->isAccessibleForHero(tile, h)) { hero = h; break; } } } if(hero) { if(isSafeToVisit(hero, tile)) return CGoal(*this).setisElementar(true); else { return CGoal(GATHER_ARMY).sethero(hero).setvalue(evaluateDanger(tile, *hero) * SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT); //TODO: should it be abstract? } } else //inaccessible for all heroes { return CGoal(CLEAR_WAY_TO).settile(tile); } } break; case DIG_AT_TILE: { const CGObjectInstance *firstObj = frontOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(tile)); if(firstObj && firstObj->ID == Obj::HERO && firstObj->tempOwner == ai->playerID) //we have hero at dest { const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(firstObj); return CGoal(*this).sethero(h).setisElementar(true); } return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).settile(tile); } break; case BUILD_STRUCTURE: //TODO check res //look for town //prerequisites? I_AM_ELEMENTAR; case COLLECT_RES: { std::vector markets; std::vector visObjs; ai->retreiveVisitableObjs(visObjs, true); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, visObjs) { if(const IMarket *m = IMarket::castFrom(obj, false)) { if(obj->ID == Obj::TOWN && obj->tempOwner == ai->playerID && m->allowsTrade(EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE)) markets.push_back(m); else if(obj->ID == Obj::TRADING_POST) //TODO a moze po prostu test na pozwalanie handlu? markets.push_back(m); } } boost::sort(markets, [](const IMarket *m1, const IMarket *m2) -> bool { return m1->getMarketEfficiency() < m2->getMarketEfficiency(); }); markets.erase(boost::remove_if(markets, [](const IMarket *market) -> bool { return !(market->o->ID == Obj::TOWN && market->o->tempOwner == ai->playerID) && !ai->isAccessible(market->o->visitablePos()); }),markets.end()); if(!markets.size()) { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { if(cb->canBuildStructure(t, EBuilding::MARKETPLACE) == EBuildingState::ALLOWED) return CGoal(BUILD_STRUCTURE).settown(t).setbid(EBuilding::MARKETPLACE); } } else { const IMarket *m = markets.back(); //attempt trade at back (best prices) int howManyCanWeBuy = 0; for(int i = 0; i < ACTUAL_RESOURCE_COUNT; i++) { if(i == resID) continue; int toGive = -1, toReceive = -1; m->getOffer(i, resID, toGive, toReceive, EMarketMode::RESOURCE_RESOURCE); assert(toGive > 0 && toReceive > 0); howManyCanWeBuy += toReceive * (cb->getResourceAmount(i) / toGive); } if(howManyCanWeBuy + cb->getResourceAmount(resID) >= value) { auto backObj = backOrNull(cb->getVisitableObjs(m->o->visitablePos())); //it'll be a hero if we have one there; otherwise marketplace assert(backObj); if(backObj->tempOwner != ai->playerID) return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(m->o->id); return setobjid(m->o->id).setisElementar(true); } } } return CGoal(INVALID); case GATHER_TROOPS: { std::vector dwellings; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { auto creature = VLC->creh->creatures[objid]; if (t->subID == creature->faction) //TODO: how to force AI to build unupgraded creatures? :O { auto creatures = t->town->creatures[creature->level]; int upgradeNumber = std::find(creatures.begin(), creatures.end(), creature->idNumber) - creatures.begin(); int bid = EBuilding::DWELL_FIRST + creature->level + upgradeNumber * GameConstants::CREATURES_PER_TOWN; if (t->hasBuilt(bid)) //this assumes only creatures with dwellings are assigned to faction { dwellings.push_back(t); } else { return CGoal (BUILD_STRUCTURE).settown(t).setbid(bid); } } } BOOST_FOREACH (auto obj, ai->visitableObjs) { if (obj->ID != Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1) //TODO: what with other creature generators? continue; auto d = dynamic_cast(obj); BOOST_FOREACH (auto creature, d->creatures) { if (creature.first) //there are more than 0 creatures avaliabe { BOOST_FOREACH (auto type, creature.second) { if (type == objid) dwellings.push_back(d); } } } } if (dwellings.size()) { boost::sort(dwellings, isCloser); return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid (dwellings.front()->id); //TODO: consider needed resources } else return CGoal(EXPLORE); //TODO: exchange troops between heroes } break; case CONQUER: //TODO: put it into a function? { auto hs = cb->getHeroesInfo(); int howManyHeroes = hs.size(); erase(hs, [](const CGHeroInstance *h) { return contains(ai->lockedHeroes, h); }); if(hs.empty()) //all heroes are busy. buy new one { if (howManyHeroes < 3 && ai->findTownWithTavern()) //we may want to recruit second hero. TODO: make it smart finally return CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO); else //find mobile hero with weakest army { hs = cb->getHeroesInfo(); erase_if(hs, [](const CGHeroInstance *h) { return !h->movement; //only hero with movement are of interest for us }); if (hs.empty()) { if (howManyHeroes < GameConstants::MAX_HEROES_PER_PLAYER) return CGoal(RECRUIT_HERO); else throw cannotFulfillGoalException("No heroes with remaining MPs for exploring!\n"); } boost::sort(hs, compareHeroStrength); } } const CGHeroInstance *h = hs.back(); cb->setSelection(h); std::vector objs; //here we'll gather enemy towns and heroes ai->retreiveVisitableObjs(objs); erase_if(objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) { return (obj->ID != Obj::TOWN && obj->ID != Obj::HERO) //not town/hero || cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, obj->tempOwner) != 0; //not enemy }); if (objs.empty()) //experiment - try to conquer dwellings and mines, it should pay off { ai->retreiveVisitableObjs(objs); erase_if(objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) { return (obj->ID != Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1 && obj->ID != Obj::MINE) //not dwelling or mine || cb->getPlayerRelations(ai->playerID, obj->tempOwner) != 0; //not enemy }); } if(objs.empty()) return CGoal(EXPLORE); //we need to find an enemy erase_if(objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) { return !isSafeToVisit(h, obj->visitablePos()) || vstd::contains (ai->reservedObjs, obj); //no need to capture same object twice }); if(objs.empty()) I_AM_ELEMENTAR; boost::sort(objs, isCloser); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, objs) { if (ai->isAccessibleForHero(obj->visitablePos(), h)) { ai->reserveObject(h, obj); //no one else will capture same object until we fail if (obj->ID == Obj::HERO) return CGoal(VISIT_HERO).sethero(h).setobjid(obj->id).setisAbstract(true); //track enemy hero else return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).sethero(h).settile(obj->visitablePos()); } } return CGoal(EXPLORE); //enemy is inaccessible } break; case BUILD: I_AM_ELEMENTAR; case INVALID: I_AM_ELEMENTAR; case GATHER_ARMY: { //TODO: find hero if none set assert(hero); cb->setSelection(*hero); auto compareReinforcements = [this](const CGTownInstance *lhs, const CGTownInstance *rhs) -> bool { return howManyReinforcementsCanGet(hero, lhs) < howManyReinforcementsCanGet(hero, rhs); }; std::vector townsReachable; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { if(!t->visitingHero && howManyReinforcementsCanGet(hero,t)) { if(isReachable(t) && !vstd::contains (ai->townVisitsThisWeek[hero], t)) townsReachable.push_back(t); } } if(townsReachable.size()) //try towns first { boost::sort(townsReachable, compareReinforcements); return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).sethero(hero).settile(townsReachable.back()->visitablePos()); } else { if (hero == ai->primaryHero()) //we can get army from other heroes { auto otherHeroes = cb->getHeroesInfo(); auto heroDummy = hero; erase_if(otherHeroes, [heroDummy](const CGHeroInstance * h) { return (h == heroDummy.h || !ai->isAccessibleForHero(heroDummy->pos, h, true) || !ai->canGetArmy(heroDummy.h, h)); }); if (otherHeroes.size()) { boost::sort(otherHeroes, compareArmyStrength); //TODO: check if hero has at least one stack more powerful than ours? not likely to fail int primaryPath, secondaryPath; auto h = otherHeroes.back(); cb->setSelection(hero.h); primaryPath = cb->getPathInfo(h->pos)->turns; //FIXME: investigate crash at this line cb->setSelection(h); secondaryPath = cb->getPathInfo(hero->pos)->turns; if (primaryPath < secondaryPath) return CGoal(VISIT_HERO).setisAbstract(true).setobjid(h->id).sethero(hero); //go to the other hero if we are faster else return CGoal(VISIT_HERO).setisAbstract(true).setobjid(hero->id).sethero(h); //let the other hero come to us } } std::vector objs; //here we'll gather all dwellings ai->retreiveVisitableObjs(objs); erase_if(objs, [&](const CGObjectInstance *obj) { return (obj->ID != Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1); }); if(objs.empty()) //no possible objects, we did eveyrthing already return CGoal(EXPLORE).sethero(hero); //TODO: check if we can recruit any creatures there, evaluate army else { boost::sort(objs, isCloser); HeroPtr h = NULL; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, objs) { //find safe dwelling auto pos = obj->visitablePos(); if (shouldVisit (hero, obj)) //creatures fit in army h = hero; else { BOOST_FOREACH(auto ourHero, cb->getHeroesInfo()) //make use of multiple heroes { if (shouldVisit(ourHero, obj)) h = ourHero; } } if (h && isSafeToVisit(h, pos) && ai->isAccessibleForHero(pos, h)) return CGoal(VISIT_TILE).sethero(h).settile(pos); } } } return CGoal(EXPLORE).sethero(hero); //find dwelling. use current hero to prevent him from doing nothing. } break; default: assert(0); } return CGoal(EXPLORE); } TSubgoal CGoal::goVisitOrLookFor(const CGObjectInstance *obj) { if(obj) return CGoal(GET_OBJ).setobjid(obj->id); else return CGoal(EXPLORE); } TSubgoal CGoal::lookForArtSmart(int aid) { return CGoal(INVALID); } bool CGoal::invalid() const { return goalType == INVALID; } bool isBlockedBorderGate(int3 tileToHit) { return cb->getTile(tileToHit)->topVisitableID() == Obj::BORDER_GATE && cb->getPathInfo(tileToHit)->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE; } SectorMap::SectorMap() { // int3 sizes = cb->getMapSize(); // sector.resize(sizes.x); // BOOST_FOREACH(auto &i, sector) // i.resize(sizes.y); // // BOOST_FOREACH(auto &i, sector) // BOOST_FOREACH(auto &j, i) // j.resize(sizes.z, 0); update(); } bool markIfBlocked(ui8 &sec, crint3 pos, const TerrainTile *t) { if(t->blocked && !t->visitable) { sec = NOT_AVAILABLE; return true; } return false; } bool markIfBlocked(ui8 &sec, crint3 pos) { return markIfBlocked(sec, pos, cb->getTile(pos)); } void SectorMap::update() { clear(); int curSector = 3; //0 is invisible, 1 is not explored foreach_tile_pos([&](crint3 pos) { if(retreiveTile(pos) == NOT_CHECKED) { if(!markIfBlocked(retreiveTile(pos), pos)) exploreNewSector(pos, curSector++); } }); valid = true; } void SectorMap::clear() { sector = cb->getVisibilityMap(); valid = false; } bool canBeEmbarkmentPoint(const TerrainTile *t) { //tile must be free of with unoccupied boat return !t->blocked || (t->visitableObjects.size() == 1 && t->topVisitableID() == Obj::BOAT); } void SectorMap::exploreNewSector(crint3 pos, int num) { Sector &s = infoOnSectors[num]; s.id = num; s.water = cb->getTile(pos)->isWater(); std::queue toVisit; toVisit.push(pos); while(toVisit.size()) { int3 curPos = toVisit.front(); toVisit.pop(); ui8 &sec = retreiveTile(curPos); if(sec == NOT_CHECKED) { const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(curPos); if(!markIfBlocked(sec, curPos, t)) { if(t->isWater() == s.water) //sector is only-water or only-land { sec = num; s.tiles.push_back(curPos); foreach_neighbour(curPos, [&](crint3 neighPos) { if(retreiveTile(neighPos) == NOT_CHECKED) { toVisit.push(neighPos); //parent[neighPos] = curPos; } const TerrainTile *nt = cb->getTile(neighPos, false); if(nt && nt->isWater() != s.water && canBeEmbarkmentPoint(nt)) { s.embarkmentPoints.push_back(neighPos); } }); if(t->visitable && vstd::contains(ai->knownSubterraneanGates, t->visitableObjects.front())) toVisit.push(ai->knownSubterraneanGates[t->visitableObjects.front()]->pos); } } } } removeDuplicates(s.embarkmentPoints); } void SectorMap::write(crstring fname) { std::ofstream out(fname); for(int k = 0; k < cb->getMapSize().z; k++) { for(int j = 0; j < cb->getMapSize().y; j++) { for(int i = 0; i < cb->getMapSize().x; i++) { out << (int)sector[i][j][k] << '\t'; } out << std::endl; } out << std::endl; } } bool isWeeklyRevisitable (const CGObjectInstance * obj) { //TODO: allow polling of remaining creatures in dwelling if (dynamic_cast(obj) || //ensures future compatibility, unlike IDs dynamic_cast(obj) || dynamic_cast(obj)) //banks tend to respawn often in mods return true; switch (obj->ID) { case Obj::STABLES: case Obj::MAGIC_WELL: case Obj::HILL_FORT: return true; break; case Obj::BORDER_GATE: case Obj::BORDERGUARD: return (dynamic_cast (obj))->wasMyColorVisited (ai->playerID); //FIXME: they could be revisited sooner than in a week break; } return false; } bool shouldVisit(HeroPtr h, const CGObjectInstance * obj) { switch (obj->ID) { case Obj::BORDERGUARD: case Obj::BORDER_GATE: { BOOST_FOREACH (auto q, ai->myCb->getMyQuests()) { if (q.obj == obj) { return false; // do not visit guards or gates when wandering } } return true; //we don't have this quest yet break; } case Obj::SEER_HUT: case Obj::QUEST_GUARD: { BOOST_FOREACH (auto q, ai->myCb->getMyQuests()) { if (q.obj == obj) { if (q.quest->checkQuest(*h)) return true; //we completed the quest else return false; //we can't complete this quest } } return true; //we don't have this quest yet break; } case Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1: { if (obj->tempOwner != h->tempOwner) return true; //flag just in case bool canRecruitCreatures = false; const CGDwelling * d = dynamic_cast(obj); BOOST_FOREACH(auto level, d->creatures) { BOOST_FOREACH(auto c, level.second) { if (h->getSlotFor(c) != -1) canRecruitCreatures = true; } } return canRecruitCreatures; break; } case Obj::HILL_FORT: { BOOST_FOREACH (auto slot, h->Slots()) { if (slot.second->type->upgrades.size()) return true; //TODO: check price? } return false; break; } case Obj::MONOLITH1: case Obj::MONOLITH2: case Obj::MONOLITH3: case Obj::WHIRLPOOL: //TODO: mechanism for handling monoliths return false; break; case Obj::SCHOOL_OF_MAGIC: case Obj::SCHOOL_OF_WAR: { TResources myRes = ai->myCb->getResourceAmount(); if (myRes[Res::GOLD] - GOLD_RESERVE < 1000) return false; } break; case Obj::LIBRARY_OF_ENLIGHTENMENT: if (h->level < 12) return false; break; case Obj::TREE_OF_KNOWLEDGE: { TResources myRes = ai->myCb->getResourceAmount(); if (myRes[Res::GOLD] - GOLD_RESERVE < 2000 || myRes[Res::GEMS] < 10) return false; } break; case Obj::MAGIC_WELL: return h->mana < h->manaLimit(); break; case Obj::PRISON: return ai->myCb->getHeroesInfo().size() < GameConstants::MAX_HEROES_PER_PLAYER; break; case Obj::BOAT: return false; //Boats are handled by pathfinder } if (obj->wasVisited(*h)) //it must pointer to hero instance, heroPtr calls function wasVisited(ui8 player); return false; return true; } int3 SectorMap::firstTileToGet(HeroPtr h, crint3 dst) { int sourceSector = retreiveTile(h->visitablePos()), destinationSector = retreiveTile(dst); if(sourceSector != destinationSector) { const Sector *src = &infoOnSectors[sourceSector], *dst = &infoOnSectors[destinationSector]; std::map preds; std::queue sq; sq.push(src); while(!sq.empty()) { const Sector *s = sq.front(); sq.pop(); BOOST_FOREACH(int3 ep, s->embarkmentPoints) { Sector *neigh = &infoOnSectors[retreiveTile(ep)]; //preds[s].push_back(neigh); if(!preds[neigh]) { preds[neigh] = s; sq.push(neigh); } } //TODO consider other types of connections between sectors? } if(!preds[dst]) { write("test.txt"); ai->completeGoal (CGoal(EXPLORE).sethero(h)); //if we can't find the way, seemingly all tiles were explored //TODO: more organized way? throw cannotFulfillGoalException(str(format("Cannot find connection between sectors %d and %d") % src->id % dst->id)); } std::vector toTraverse; toTraverse.push_back(dst); while(toTraverse.back() != src) { toTraverse.push_back(preds[toTraverse.back()]); } if(preds[dst]) { const Sector *sectorToReach = toTraverse.at(toTraverse.size() - 2); if(!src->water && sectorToReach->water) //embark { //embark on ship -> look for an EP with a boat auto firstEP = boost::find_if(src->embarkmentPoints, [=](crint3 pos) -> bool { const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(pos); return t && t->visitableObjects.size() == 1 && t->topVisitableID() == Obj::BOAT && retreiveTile(pos) == sectorToReach->id; }); if(firstEP != src->embarkmentPoints.end()) { return *firstEP; } else { //we need to find a shipyard with an access to the desired sector's EP //TODO what about Summon Boat spell? std::vector shipyards; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, cb->getTownsInfo()) { if(t->hasBuilt(EBuilding::SHIPYARD)) shipyards.push_back(t); } std::vector visObjs; ai->retreiveVisitableObjs(visObjs, true); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, visObjs) { if(obj->ID != Obj::TOWN) //towns were handled in the previous loop if(const IShipyard *shipyard = IShipyard::castFrom(obj)) shipyards.push_back(shipyard); } shipyards.erase(boost::remove_if(shipyards, [=](const IShipyard *shipyard) -> bool { return shipyard->state() != 0 || retreiveTile(shipyard->bestLocation()) != sectorToReach->id; }),shipyards.end()); if(!shipyards.size()) { //TODO consider possibility of building shipyard in a town throw cannotFulfillGoalException("There is no known shipyard!"); } //we have only shipyards that possibly can build ships onto the appropriate EP auto ownedGoodShipyard = boost::find_if(shipyards, [](const IShipyard *s) -> bool { return s->o->tempOwner == ai->playerID; }); if(ownedGoodShipyard != shipyards.end()) { const IShipyard *s = *ownedGoodShipyard; TResources shipCost; s->getBoatCost(shipCost); if(cb->getResourceAmount().canAfford(shipCost)) { int3 ret = s->bestLocation(); cb->buildBoat(s); return ret; } else { //TODO gather res throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Not enough resources to build a boat"); } } else { //TODO pick best shipyard to take over return shipyards.front()->o->pos; } } } else if(src->water && !sectorToReach->water) { //TODO //disembark } else { //TODO //transition between two land/water sectors. Monolith? Whirlpool? ... throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Land-land and water-water inter-sector transitions are not implemented!"); } } else { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Inter-sector route detection failed: not connected sectors?"); } } else { makeParentBFS(h->visitablePos()); int3 curtile = dst; while(curtile != h->visitablePos()) { if(cb->getPathInfo(curtile)->reachable()) { return curtile; } else { auto i = parent.find(curtile); if(i != parent.end()) { assert(curtile != i->second); curtile = i->second; } else throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Unreachable tile in sector? Should not happen!"); } } } throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Impossible happened."); } void SectorMap::makeParentBFS(crint3 source) { parent.clear(); int mySector = retreiveTile(source); std::queue toVisit; toVisit.push(source); while(toVisit.size()) { int3 curPos = toVisit.front(); toVisit.pop(); ui8 &sec = retreiveTile(curPos); assert(sec == mySector); //consider only tiles from the same sector //const TerrainTile *t = cb->getTile(curPos); foreach_neighbour(curPos, [&](crint3 neighPos) { if(retreiveTile(neighPos) == mySector && !vstd::contains(parent, neighPos)) { toVisit.push(neighPos); parent[neighPos] = curPos; } }); } } unsigned char & SectorMap::retreiveTile(crint3 pos) { return retreiveTileN(sector, pos); } const CGObjectInstance * ObjectIdRef::operator->() const { return cb->getObj(id, false); } ObjectIdRef::operator const CGObjectInstance*() const { return cb->getObj(id, false); } ObjectIdRef::ObjectIdRef(int _id) : id(_id) { } ObjectIdRef::ObjectIdRef(const CGObjectInstance *obj) : id(obj->id) { } bool ObjectIdRef::operator<(const ObjectIdRef &rhs) const { return id < rhs.id; } HeroPtr::HeroPtr(const CGHeroInstance *H) { if(!H) { //init from nullptr should equal to default init *this = HeroPtr(); return; } h = H; name = h->name; hid = H->id; // infosCount[ai->playerID][hid]++; } HeroPtr::HeroPtr() { h = nullptr; hid = -1; } HeroPtr::~HeroPtr() { // if(hid >= 0) // infosCount[ai->playerID][hid]--; } bool HeroPtr::operator<(const HeroPtr &rhs) const { return hid < rhs.hid; } const CGHeroInstance * HeroPtr::get(bool doWeExpectNull /*= false*/) const { //TODO? check if these all assertions every time we get info about hero affect efficiency // //behave terribly when attempting unauthorized access to hero that is not ours (or was lost) assert(doWeExpectNull || h); if(h) { auto obj = cb->getObj(hid); const bool owned = obj && obj->tempOwner == ai->playerID; if(doWeExpectNull && !owned) { return nullptr; } else { assert(obj); assert(owned); } } return h; } const CGHeroInstance * HeroPtr::operator->() const { return get(); } bool HeroPtr::validAndSet() const { return get(true); } const CGHeroInstance * HeroPtr::operator*() const { return get(); }