 * MinizipExtensions.cpp, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "MinizipExtensions.h"

#include "CMemoryBuffer.h"
#include "FileStream.h"

template <class _Stream> inline uLong streamRead(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void * buf, uLong size)
	assert(opaque != nullptr);
	assert(stream != nullptr);

	_Stream * actualStream = static_cast<_Stream *>(stream);

	return actualStream->read((ui8 *)buf, size);

template <class _Stream> inline ZPOS64_T streamTell(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
	assert(opaque != nullptr);
	assert(stream != nullptr);

	_Stream * actualStream = static_cast<_Stream *>(stream);
    return actualStream->tell();

template <class _Stream> inline long streamSeek(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)
	assert(opaque != nullptr);
	assert(stream != nullptr);

	_Stream * actualStream = static_cast<_Stream *>(stream);

    long ret = 0;
    switch (origin)
        if(actualStream->skip(offset) != offset)
			ret = -1;
    		const si64 pos = actualStream->getSize() - offset;
    		if(actualStream->seek(pos) != pos)
				ret = -1;
		if(actualStream->seek(offset) != offset)
			ret = -1;
    default: ret = -1;
    if(ret == -1)
		logGlobal->error("Stream seek failed");
    return ret;

template <class _Stream> inline int streamProxyClose(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
	assert(opaque != nullptr);
	assert(stream != nullptr);

	_Stream * actualStream = static_cast<_Stream *>(stream);

	logGlobal->traceStream() << "Proxy stream closed";


    return 0;





zlib_filefunc64_def CDefaultIOApi::getApiStructure()
	return * FileStream::GetMinizipFilefunc();

CProxyIOApi::CProxyIOApi(CInputOutputStream * buffer):




zlib_filefunc64_def CProxyIOApi::getApiStructure()
	zlib_filefunc64_def api;
	api.opaque = this;
	api.zopen64_file = &openFileProxy;
	api.zread_file = &readFileProxy;
	api.zwrite_file = &writeFileProxy;
	api.ztell64_file = &tellFileProxy;
	api.zseek64_file = &seekFileProxy;
	api.zclose_file = &closeFileProxy;
	api.zerror_file = &errorFileProxy;

	return api;

voidpf ZCALLBACK CProxyIOApi::openFileProxy(voidpf opaque, const void * filename, int mode)
	assert(opaque != nullptr);

	boost::filesystem::path path;

	if(filename != nullptr)
		path =  static_cast<const boost::filesystem::path::value_type *>(filename);

	return ((CProxyIOApi *)opaque)->openFile(path, mode);

uLong ZCALLBACK CProxyIOApi::readFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void * buf, uLong size)
	return streamRead<CInputOutputStream>(opaque, stream, buf, size);

uLong ZCALLBACK CProxyIOApi::writeFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void * buf, uLong size)
	assert(opaque != nullptr);
	assert(stream != nullptr);

	CInputOutputStream * actualStream = static_cast<CInputOutputStream *>(stream);
    return (uLong)actualStream->write((const ui8 *)buf, size);

ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK CProxyIOApi::tellFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
	return streamTell<CInputOutputStream>(opaque, stream);

long ZCALLBACK CProxyIOApi::seekFileProxy(voidpf  opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)
	return streamSeek<CInputOutputStream>(opaque, stream, offset, origin);

int ZCALLBACK CProxyIOApi::closeFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
	return streamProxyClose<CInputOutputStream>(opaque, stream);

int ZCALLBACK CProxyIOApi::errorFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
    return 0;

CInputOutputStream * CProxyIOApi::openFile(const boost::filesystem::path & filename, int mode)
	logGlobal->traceStream() << "CProxyIOApi: stream opened for " <<filename.string() <<" with mode "<<mode;

	return data;

CProxyROIOApi::CProxyROIOApi(CInputStream * buffer):




zlib_filefunc64_def CProxyROIOApi::getApiStructure()
	zlib_filefunc64_def api;
	api.opaque = this;
	api.zopen64_file = &openFileProxy;
	api.zread_file = &readFileProxy;
	api.zwrite_file = &writeFileProxy;
	api.ztell64_file = &tellFileProxy;
	api.zseek64_file = &seekFileProxy;
	api.zclose_file = &closeFileProxy;
	api.zerror_file = &errorFileProxy;

	return api;

CInputStream * CProxyROIOApi::openFile(const boost::filesystem::path& filename, int mode)
	logGlobal->traceStream() << "CProxyIOApi: stream opened for " <<filename.string() <<" with mode "<<mode;

	return data;

voidpf ZCALLBACK CProxyROIOApi::openFileProxy(voidpf opaque, const void* filename, int mode)
	assert(opaque != nullptr);

	boost::filesystem::path path;

	if(filename != nullptr)
		path =  static_cast<const boost::filesystem::path::value_type *>(filename);

	return ((CProxyROIOApi *)opaque)->openFile(path, mode);

uLong ZCALLBACK CProxyROIOApi::readFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, void * buf, uLong size)
	return streamRead<CInputStream>(opaque, stream, buf, size);

uLong ZCALLBACK CProxyROIOApi::writeFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, const void* buf, uLong size)
	logGlobal->errorStream() << "Attempt to write to read-only stream";
	return 0;

ZPOS64_T ZCALLBACK CProxyROIOApi::tellFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
	return streamTell<CInputStream>(opaque, stream);

long ZCALLBACK CProxyROIOApi::seekFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream, ZPOS64_T offset, int origin)
	return streamSeek<CInputStream>(opaque, stream, offset, origin);

int ZCALLBACK CProxyROIOApi::closeFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
	return streamProxyClose<CInputStream>(opaque, stream);

int ZCALLBACK CProxyROIOApi::errorFileProxy(voidpf opaque, voidpf stream)
	return 0;