/* * CBank.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CBank.h" #include "../NetPacks.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../CSoundBase.h" #include "CommonConstructors.h" #include "../spells/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../IGameCallback.h" #include "../CGameState.h" ///helpers static std::string & visitedTxt(const bool visited) { int id = visited ? 352 : 353; return VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[id]; } CBank::CBank() { daycounter = 0; resetDuration = 0; } CBank::~CBank() { } void CBank::initObj(CRandomGenerator & rand) { daycounter = 0; resetDuration = 0; VLC->objtypeh->getHandlerFor(ID, subID)->configureObject(this, rand); } std::string CBank::getHoverText(PlayerColor player) const { // TODO: record visited players return getObjectName() + " " + visitedTxt(bc == nullptr); } void CBank::setConfig(const BankConfig & config) { bc.reset(new BankConfig(config)); clear(); // remove all stacks, if any for (auto & stack : config.guards) setCreature (SlotID(stacksCount()), stack.type->idNumber, stack.count); } void CBank::setPropertyDer (ui8 what, ui32 val) { switch (what) { case ObjProperty::BANK_DAYCOUNTER: //daycounter daycounter+=val; break; case ObjProperty::BANK_RESET: // FIXME: Object reset must be done by separate netpack from server initObj(cb->gameState()->getRandomGenerator()); daycounter = 1; //yes, 1 since "today" daycounter won't be incremented break; case ObjProperty::BANK_CLEAR: bc.reset(); break; } } void CBank::newTurn(CRandomGenerator & rand) const { if (bc == nullptr) { if (resetDuration != 0) { if (daycounter >= resetDuration) cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_RESET, 0); //daycounter 0 else cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_DAYCOUNTER, 1); //daycounter++ } } } bool CBank::wasVisited (PlayerColor player) const { return !bc; //FIXME: player A should not know about visit done by player B } void CBank::onHeroVisit (const CGHeroInstance * h) const { if (bc) { int banktext = 0; ui16 soundID = soundBase::ROGUE; switch (ID) { case Obj::CREATURE_BANK: banktext = 32; break; case Obj::DERELICT_SHIP: banktext = 41; break; case Obj::DRAGON_UTOPIA: banktext = 47; break; case Obj::CRYPT: banktext = 119; break; case Obj::SHIPWRECK: banktext = 122; break; case Obj::PYRAMID: soundID = soundBase::MYSTERY; banktext = 105; break; } BlockingDialog bd (true, false); bd.player = h->getOwner(); bd.soundID = soundID; bd.text.addTxt(MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, banktext); if (ID == Obj::CREATURE_BANK) bd.text.addReplacement(getObjectName()); cb->showBlockingDialog (&bd); } else { InfoWindow iw; iw.soundID = soundBase::GRAVEYARD; iw.player = h->getOwner(); if (ID == Obj::PYRAMID) // You come upon the pyramid ... pyramid is completely empty. { iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt[107]; iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::LUCK, 0 , -2, 0)); GiveBonus gb; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_BATTLE,Bonus::LUCK,Bonus::OBJECT,-2,id.getNum(),VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[70]); gb.id = h->id.getNum(); cb->giveHeroBonus(&gb); } else { iw.text << VLC->generaltexth->advobtxt[33];// This was X, now is completely empty iw.text.addReplacement(getObjectName()); } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } } void CBank::doVisit(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { int textID = -1; InfoWindow iw; iw.player = hero->getOwner(); MetaString loot; switch (ID) { case Obj::CREATURE_BANK: case Obj::DRAGON_UTOPIA: textID = 34; break; case Obj::DERELICT_SHIP: if (!bc) textID = 43; else { GiveBonus gbonus; gbonus.id = hero->id.getNum(); gbonus.bonus.duration = Bonus::ONE_BATTLE; gbonus.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gbonus.bonus.sid = ID; gbonus.bdescr << "\n" << VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[101]; gbonus.bonus.type = Bonus::MORALE; gbonus.bonus.val = -1; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gbonus); textID = 42; iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::MORALE, 0 , -1, 0)); } break; case Obj::CRYPT: if (bc) textID = 121; else { iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::MORALE, 0 , -1, 0)); GiveBonus gbonus; gbonus.id = hero->id.getNum(); gbonus.bonus.duration = Bonus::ONE_BATTLE; gbonus.bonus.source = Bonus::OBJECT; gbonus.bonus.sid = ID; gbonus.bdescr << "\n" << VLC->generaltexth->arraytxt[ID]; gbonus.bonus.type = Bonus::MORALE; gbonus.bonus.val = -1; cb->giveHeroBonus(&gbonus); textID = 120; iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::MORALE, 0 , -1, 0)); } break; case Obj::SHIPWRECK: if (bc) textID = 124; else textID = 123; break; case Obj::PYRAMID: textID = 106; } //grant resources if (bc) { for (int it = 0; it < bc->resources.size(); it++) { if (bc->resources[it] != 0) { iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::RESOURCE, it, bc->resources[it], 0)); loot << "%d %s"; loot.addReplacement(iw.components.back().val); loot.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, iw.components.back().subtype); cb->giveResource (hero->getOwner(), static_cast<Res::ERes>(it), bc->resources[it]); } } //grant artifacts for (auto & elem : bc->artifacts) { iw.components.push_back (Component (Component::ARTIFACT, elem, 0, 0)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES, elem); cb->giveHeroNewArtifact (hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[elem], ArtifactPosition::FIRST_AVAILABLE); } //display loot if (!iw.components.empty()) { iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, textID); if (textID == 34) { const CCreature * strongest = boost::range::max_element(bc->guards, [](const CStackBasicDescriptor & a, const CStackBasicDescriptor & b) { return a.type->fightValue < b.type->fightValue; })->type; iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, strongest->idNumber); iw.text.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); } cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); } loot.clear(); iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); if (!bc->spells.empty()) { std::set<SpellID> spells; bool noWisdom = false; for(const SpellID & spellId : bc->spells) { const CSpell * spell = spellId.toSpell(); iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::SPELL_NAME, spellId); if(spell->level <= hero->getSecSkillLevel(SecondarySkill::WISDOM) + 2) { if(hero->canLearnSpell(spell)) { spells.insert(spellId); iw.components.push_back(Component (Component::SPELL, spellId, 0, 0)); } } else noWisdom = true; } if (!hero->getArt(ArtifactPosition::SPELLBOOK)) iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 109); //no spellbook else if (noWisdom) iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 108); //no expert Wisdom if(!iw.components.empty() || !iw.text.toString().empty()) cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); if(!spells.empty()) cb->changeSpells (hero, true, spells); } iw.components.clear(); iw.text.clear(); //grant creatures CCreatureSet ourArmy; for (auto slot : bc->creatures) { ourArmy.addToSlot(ourArmy.getSlotFor(slot.type->idNumber), slot.type->idNumber, slot.count); } for (auto & elem : ourArmy.Slots()) { iw.components.push_back(Component(*elem.second)); loot << "%s"; loot.addReplacement(*elem.second); } if(ourArmy.stacksCount()) { if(ourArmy.stacksCount() == 1 && ourArmy.Slots().begin()->second->count == 1) iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 185); else iw.text.addTxt (MetaString::ADVOB_TXT, 186); iw.text.addReplacement(loot.buildList()); iw.text.addReplacement(hero->name); cb->showInfoDialog(&iw); cb->giveCreatures(this, hero, ourArmy, false); } cb->setObjProperty (id, ObjProperty::BANK_CLEAR, 0); //bc = nullptr } } void CBank::battleFinished(const CGHeroInstance *hero, const BattleResult &result) const { if (result.winner == 0) { doVisit(hero); } } void CBank::blockingDialogAnswered(const CGHeroInstance *hero, ui32 answer) const { if (answer) { if (bc) // not looted bank cb->startBattleI(hero, this, true); else doVisit(hero); } }