#include "StdInc.h" #include "maphandler.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../lib/mapObjects/CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/CModHandler.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "../lib/GameConstants.h" #include "../lib/JsonDetail.h" const int tileSize = 32; static bool objectBlitOrderSorter(const TerrainTileObject & a, const TerrainTileObject & b) { return MapHandler::compareObjectBlitOrder(a.obj, b.obj); } MapHandler::MapHandler(const CMap * Map): map(Map) { init(); } void MapHandler::init() { //sizes of terrain sizes.x = map->width; sizes.y = map->height; sizes.z = map->twoLevel ? 2 : 1; initTerrainGraphics(); logGlobal->info("\tPreparing terrain, roads, rivers, borders"); initObjectRects(); logGlobal->info("\tMaking object rects"); } void MapHandler::initTerrainGraphics() { static const std::map ROAD_FILES = { {ROAD_NAMES[1], "dirtrd"}, {ROAD_NAMES[2], "gravrd"}, {ROAD_NAMES[3], "cobbrd"} }; static const std::map RIVER_FILES = { {RIVER_NAMES[1], "clrrvr"}, {RIVER_NAMES[2], "icyrvr"}, {RIVER_NAMES[3], "mudrvr"}, {RIVER_NAMES[4], "lavrvr"} }; auto loadFlipped = [](TFlippedAnimations & animation, TFlippedCache & cache, const std::map & files) { for(auto & type : files) { animation[type.first] = make_unique(type.second); animation[type.first]->preload(); const size_t views = animation[type.first]->size(0); cache[type.first].resize(views); for(int j = 0; j < views; j++) cache[type.first][j] = animation[type.first]->getImage(j); } }; std::map terrainFiles; for(auto & terrain : Terrain::Manager::terrains()) { terrainFiles[terrain] = Terrain::Manager::getInfo(terrain).tilesFilename; } loadFlipped(terrainAnimations, terrainImages, terrainFiles); loadFlipped(roadAnimations, roadImages, ROAD_FILES); loadFlipped(riverAnimations, riverImages, RIVER_FILES); ttiles.resize(sizes.x * sizes.y * sizes.z); } void MapHandler::drawTerrainTile(QPainter & painter, int x, int y, int z) { auto & tinfo = map->getTile(int3(x, y, z)); //Rect destRect(realTileRect); ui8 rotation = tinfo.extTileFlags % 4; if(terrainImages.at(tinfo.terType).size() <= tinfo.terView) return; bool hflip = (rotation == 1 || rotation == 3), vflip = (rotation == 2 || rotation == 3); painter.drawImage(x * tileSize, y * tileSize, terrainImages.at(tinfo.terType)[tinfo.terView]->mirrored(hflip, vflip)); } void MapHandler::initObjectRects() { //initializing objects / rects for(const CGObjectInstance * elem : map->objects) { CGObjectInstance *obj = const_cast(elem); if( !obj || (obj->ID==Obj::HERO && static_cast(obj)->inTownGarrison) //garrisoned hero || (obj->ID==Obj::BOAT && static_cast(obj)->hero)) //boat with hero (hero graphics is used) { continue; } std::shared_ptr animation = graphics->getAnimation(obj); //no animation at all if(!animation) continue; //empty animation if(animation->size(0) == 0) continue; auto image = animation->getImage(0,0); bool real = true; for(int fx=0; fx < obj->getWidth(); ++fx) { for(int fy=0; fy < obj->getHeight(); ++fy) { int3 currTile(obj->pos.x - fx, obj->pos.y - fy, obj->pos.z); QRect cr(image->width() - fx * 32 - 32, image->height() - fy * 32 - 32, image->width(), image->height()); TerrainTileObject toAdd(obj, cr, real/*obj->visitableAt(currTile.x, currTile.y)*/); real = false; if( map->isInTheMap(currTile) && // within map cr.x() + cr.width() > 0 && // image has data on this tile cr.y() + cr.height() > 0 && obj->coveringAt(currTile.x, currTile.y) // object is visible here ) { ttiles[currTile.z * (sizes.x * sizes.y) + currTile.y * sizes.x + currTile.x].objects.push_back(toAdd); } } } } for(auto & tt : ttiles) { stable_sort(tt.objects.begin(), tt.objects.end(), objectBlitOrderSorter); } } bool MapHandler::compareObjectBlitOrder(const CGObjectInstance * a, const CGObjectInstance * b) { if (!a) return true; if (!b) return false; if (a->appearance.printPriority != b->appearance.printPriority) return a->appearance.printPriority > b->appearance.printPriority; if(a->pos.y != b->pos.y) return a->pos.y < b->pos.y; if(b->ID==Obj::HERO && a->ID!=Obj::HERO) return true; if(b->ID!=Obj::HERO && a->ID==Obj::HERO) return false; if(!a->isVisitable() && b->isVisitable()) return true; if(!b->isVisitable() && a->isVisitable()) return false; if(a->pos.x < b->pos.x) return true; return false; } TerrainTileObject::TerrainTileObject(CGObjectInstance * obj_, QRect rect_, bool real_) : obj(obj_), rect(rect_), real(real_) { } TerrainTileObject::~TerrainTileObject() { } ui8 MapHandler::getHeroFrameGroup(ui8 dir, bool isMoving) const { if(isMoving) { static const ui8 frame [] = {0xff, 10, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 11}; return frame[dir]; } else //if(isMoving) { static const ui8 frame [] = {0xff, 13, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 15, 14}; return frame[dir]; } } ui8 MapHandler::getPhaseShift(const CGObjectInstance *object) const { auto i = animationPhase.find(object); if(i == animationPhase.end()) { ui8 ret = CRandomGenerator::getDefault().nextInt(254); animationPhase[object] = ret; return ret; } return i->second; } MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder MapHandler::findHeroBitmap(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int anim) const { if(hero && hero->moveDir && hero->type) //it's hero or boat { if(hero->tempOwner >= PlayerColor::PLAYER_LIMIT) //Neutral hero? { logGlobal->error("A neutral hero (%s) at %s. Should not happen!", hero->name, hero->pos.toString()); return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(); } //pick graphics of hero (or boat if hero is sailing) std::shared_ptr animation; if (hero->boat) animation = graphics->boatAnimations[hero->boat->subID]; else animation = graphics->heroAnimations[hero->appearance.animationFile]; bool moving = !hero->isStanding; int group = getHeroFrameGroup(hero->moveDir, moving); if(animation->size(group) > 0) { int frame = anim % animation->size(group); auto heroImage = animation->getImage(frame, group); //get flag overlay only if we have main image auto flagImage = findFlagBitmap(hero, anim, &hero->tempOwner, group); return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(heroImage, flagImage); } } return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(); } MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder MapHandler::findBoatBitmap(const CGBoat * boat, int anim) const { auto animation = graphics->boatAnimations.at(boat->subID); int group = getHeroFrameGroup(boat->direction, false); if(animation->size(group) > 0) return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(animation->getImage(anim % animation->size(group), group)); else return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(); } std::shared_ptr MapHandler::findFlagBitmap(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int anim, const PlayerColor * color, int group) const { if(!hero) return std::shared_ptr(); if(hero->boat) return findBoatFlagBitmap(hero->boat, anim, color, group, hero->moveDir); return findHeroFlagBitmap(hero, anim, color, group); } std::shared_ptr MapHandler::findHeroFlagBitmap(const CGHeroInstance * hero, int anim, const PlayerColor * color, int group) const { return findFlagBitmapInternal(graphics->heroFlagAnimations.at(color->getNum()), anim, group, hero->moveDir, !hero->isStanding); } std::shared_ptr MapHandler::findBoatFlagBitmap(const CGBoat * boat, int anim, const PlayerColor * color, int group, ui8 dir) const { int boatType = boat->subID; if(boatType < 0 || boatType >= graphics->boatFlagAnimations.size()) { logGlobal->error("Not supported boat subtype: %d", boat->subID); return nullptr; } const auto & subtypeFlags = graphics->boatFlagAnimations.at(boatType); int colorIndex = color->getNum(); if(colorIndex < 0 || colorIndex >= subtypeFlags.size()) { logGlobal->error("Invalid player color %d", colorIndex); return nullptr; } return findFlagBitmapInternal(subtypeFlags.at(colorIndex), anim, group, dir, false); } std::shared_ptr MapHandler::findFlagBitmapInternal(std::shared_ptr animation, int anim, int group, ui8 dir, bool moving) const { size_t groupSize = animation->size(group); if(groupSize == 0) return nullptr; if(moving) return animation->getImage(anim % groupSize, group); else return animation->getImage((anim / 4) % groupSize, group); } MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder MapHandler::findObjectBitmap(const CGObjectInstance * obj, int anim) const { if (!obj) return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(); if (obj->ID == Obj::HERO) return findHeroBitmap(static_cast(obj), anim); if (obj->ID == Obj::BOAT) return findBoatBitmap(static_cast(obj), anim); // normal object std::shared_ptr animation = graphics->getAnimation(obj); size_t groupSize = animation->size(); if(groupSize == 0) return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(); animation->playerColored(obj->tempOwner); auto bitmap = animation->getImage((anim + getPhaseShift(obj)) % groupSize); if(!bitmap) return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(); return MapHandler::AnimBitmapHolder(bitmap); } std::vector & MapHandler::getObjects(int x, int y, int z) { return ttiles[z * (sizes.x * sizes.y) + y * sizes.x + x].objects; } void MapHandler::drawObjects(QPainter & painter, int x, int y, int z) { for(auto & object : getObjects(x, y, z)) { const CGObjectInstance * obj = object.obj; if (!obj) { logGlobal->error("Stray map object that isn't fading"); return; } uint8_t animationFrame = 0; auto objData = findObjectBitmap(obj, animationFrame); if (objData.objBitmap) { auto pos = obj->getPosition(); QRect srcRect(object.rect.x() + pos.x * 32, object.rect.y() + pos.y * 32, tileSize, tileSize); painter.drawImage(QPoint(x * 32, y * 32), *objData.objBitmap, object.rect); //painter.drawImage(pos.x * 32 - object.rect.x(), pos.y * 32 - object.rect.y(), *objData.objBitmap); //drawObject(targetSurf, objData.objBitmap, &srcRect, objData.isMoving); if (objData.flagBitmap) { /*if (objData.isMoving) { srcRect.y += FRAMES_PER_MOVE_ANIM_GROUP * 2 - tileSize; Rect dstRect(realPos.x, realPos.y - tileSize / 2, tileSize, tileSize); drawHeroFlag(targetSurf, objData.flagBitmap, &srcRect, &dstRect, true); } else if (obj->pos.x == pos.x && obj->pos.y == pos.y) { Rect dstRect(realPos.x - 2 * tileSize, realPos.y - tileSize, 3 * tileSize, 2 * tileSize); drawHeroFlag(targetSurf, objData.flagBitmap, nullptr, &dstRect, false); }*/ } } } } void MapHandler::drawObject(QPainter & painter, const TerrainTileObject & object) { //if(object.visi) const CGObjectInstance * obj = object.obj; if (!obj) { logGlobal->error("Stray map object that isn't fading"); return; } uint8_t animationFrame = 0; auto objData = findObjectBitmap(obj, animationFrame); if (objData.objBitmap) { auto pos = obj->getPosition(); QRect srcRect(object.rect.x() + pos.x * 32, object.rect.y() + pos.y * 32, tileSize, tileSize); painter.drawImage(pos.x * 32 - object.rect.x(), pos.y * 32 - object.rect.y(), *objData.objBitmap); //drawObject(targetSurf, objData.objBitmap, &srcRect, objData.isMoving); if (objData.flagBitmap) { /*if (objData.isMoving) { srcRect.y += FRAMES_PER_MOVE_ANIM_GROUP * 2 - tileSize; Rect dstRect(realPos.x, realPos.y - tileSize / 2, tileSize, tileSize); drawHeroFlag(targetSurf, objData.flagBitmap, &srcRect, &dstRect, true); } else if (obj->pos.x == pos.x && obj->pos.y == pos.y) { Rect dstRect(realPos.x - 2 * tileSize, realPos.y - tileSize, 3 * tileSize, 2 * tileSize); drawHeroFlag(targetSurf, objData.flagBitmap, nullptr, &dstRect, false); }*/ } } } void MapHandler::drawObjectAt(QPainter & painter, const CGObjectInstance * obj, int x, int y) { if (!obj) { logGlobal->error("Stray map object that isn't fading"); return; } uint8_t animationFrame = 0; auto objData = findObjectBitmap(obj, animationFrame); if (objData.objBitmap) { painter.drawImage(QPoint((x + 1) * 32 - objData.objBitmap->width(), (y + 1) * 32 - objData.objBitmap->height()), *objData.objBitmap); //drawObject(targetSurf, objData.objBitmap, &srcRect, objData.isMoving); if (objData.flagBitmap) { /*if (objData.isMoving) { srcRect.y += FRAMES_PER_MOVE_ANIM_GROUP * 2 - tileSize; Rect dstRect(realPos.x, realPos.y - tileSize / 2, tileSize, tileSize); drawHeroFlag(targetSurf, objData.flagBitmap, &srcRect, &dstRect, true); } else if (obj->pos.x == pos.x && obj->pos.y == pos.y) { Rect dstRect(realPos.x - 2 * tileSize, realPos.y - tileSize, 3 * tileSize, 2 * tileSize); drawHeroFlag(targetSurf, objData.flagBitmap, nullptr, &dstRect, false); }*/ } } }