#ifndef __CGAMEHANDLER_H__ #define __CGAMEHANDLER_H__ #include "../global.h" #include <set> #include "../client/FunctionList.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../lib/Connection.h" #include "../lib/IGameCallback.h" #include "../lib/BattleAction.h" #include <boost/function.hpp> #include <boost/thread.hpp> /* * CGameHandler.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ class CVCMIServer; class CGameState; struct StartInfo; class CCPPObjectScript; class CScriptCallback; struct BattleResult; struct BattleAttack; struct BattleStackAttacked; struct CPack; struct Query; class CGHeroInstance; extern std::map<ui32, CFunctionList<void(ui32)> > callbacks; //question id => callback functions - for selection dialogs extern boost::mutex gsm; struct PlayerStatus { bool makingTurn, engagedIntoBattle; std::set<ui32> queries; PlayerStatus():makingTurn(false),engagedIntoBattle(false){}; template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & makingTurn & engagedIntoBattle & queries; } }; class PlayerStatuses { public: std::map<ui8,PlayerStatus> players; boost::mutex mx; boost::condition_variable cv; //notifies when any changes are made void addPlayer(ui8 player); PlayerStatus operator[](ui8 player); bool hasQueries(ui8 player); bool checkFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag); void setFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag, bool val); void addQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id); void removeQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id); template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & players; } }; class CGameHandler : public IGameCallback { public: CVCMIServer *s; std::map<int,CConnection*> connections; //player color -> connection to client with interface of that player PlayerStatuses states; //player color -> player state std::set<CConnection*> conns; //queries stuff boost::recursive_mutex gsm; ui32 QID; std::map<ui32, CFunctionList<void(ui32)> > callbacks; //query id => callback function - for selection and yes/no dialogs std::map<ui32, boost::function<void()> > garrisonCallbacks; //query id => callback - for garrison dialogs std::map<ui32, std::pair<si32,si32> > allowedExchanges; bool isAllowedExchange(int id1, int id2); void giveSpells(const CGTownInstance *t, const CGHeroInstance *h); int moveStack(int stack, int dest); //returned value - travelled distance void startBattle(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool creatureBank, boost::function<void(BattleResult*)> cb, const CGTownInstance *town = NULL); //use hero=NULL for no hero ////used only in endBattle - don't touch elsewhere boost::function<void(BattleResult*)> * battleEndCallback; const CArmedInstance * bEndArmy1, * bEndArmy2; // void endBattle(int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2); //ends battle void prepareAttack(BattleAttack &bat, const CStack *att, const CStack *def, int distance); //distance - number of hexes travelled before attacking void prepareAttacked(BattleStackAttacked &bsa, const CStack *def); void checkForBattleEnd( std::vector<CStack*> &stacks ); void setupBattle( BattleInfo * curB, int3 tile, const CCreatureSet &army1, const CCreatureSet &army2, const CGHeroInstance * hero1, const CGHeroInstance * hero2, bool creatureBank, const CGTownInstance *town); CGameHandler(void); ~CGameHandler(void); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //from IGameCallback //get info int getCurrentPlayer(); int getSelectedHero(); //do sth void changeSpells(int hid, bool give, const std::set<ui32> &spells); bool removeObject(int objid); void setBlockVis(int objid, bool bv); void setOwner(int objid, ui8 owner); void setHoverName(int objid, MetaString * name); void setObjProperty(int objid, int prop, si64 val); void changePrimSkill(int ID, int which, si64 val, bool abs=false); void changeSecSkill(int ID, int which, int val, bool abs=false); void showInfoDialog(InfoWindow *iw); void showBlockingDialog(BlockingDialog *iw, const CFunctionList<void(ui32)> &callback); ui32 showBlockingDialog(BlockingDialog *iw); //synchronous version of above void showGarrisonDialog(int upobj, int hid, bool removableUnits, const boost::function<void()> &cb); void giveResource(int player, int which, int val); void giveCreatures (int objid, const CGHeroInstance * h, CCreatureSet creatures); void showCompInfo(ShowInInfobox * comp); void heroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID); void vistiCastleObjects (const CGTownInstance *t, const CGHeroInstance *h); void stopHeroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID); void giveHeroArtifact(int artid, int hid, int position); //pos==-1 - first free slot in backpack; pos==-2 - default if available or backpack void moveArtifact(int hid, int oldPosition, int destPos); void removeArtifact(int hid, int pos); void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool creatureBank = false, boost::function<void(BattleResult*)> cb = 0, const CGTownInstance *town = NULL); //use hero=NULL for no hero void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, boost::function<void(BattleResult*)> cb = 0, bool creatureBank = false); //if any of armies is hero, hero will be used void startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, boost::function<void(BattleResult*)> cb = 0, bool creatureBank = false); //if any of armies is hero, hero will be used, visitable tile of second obj is place of battle//void startBattleI(int heroID, CCreatureSet army, int3 tile, boost::function<void(BattleResult*)> cb); //for hero<=>neutral army void setAmount(int objid, ui32 val); bool moveHero(si32 hid, int3 dst, ui8 instant, ui8 asker = 255); void giveHeroBonus(GiveBonus * bonus); void setMovePoints(SetMovePoints * smp); void setManaPoints(int hid, int val); void giveHero(int id, int player); void changeObjPos(int objid, int3 newPos, ui8 flags); void heroExchange(si32 hero1, si32 hero2); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void init(StartInfo *si, int Seed); void handleConnection(std::set<int> players, CConnection &c); int getPlayerAt(CConnection *c) const; void playerMessage( ui8 player, const std::string &message); bool makeBattleAction(BattleAction &ba); bool makeCustomAction(BattleAction &ba); bool queryReply( ui32 qid, ui32 answer ); bool hireHero( ui32 tid, ui8 hid ); bool buildBoat( ui32 objid ); bool setFormation( si32 hid, ui8 formation ); bool tradeResources( ui32 val, ui8 player, ui32 id1, ui32 id2 ); bool buyArtifact( ui32 hid, si32 aid ); bool swapArtifacts( si32 hid1, si32 hid2, ui16 slot1, ui16 slot2 ); bool garrisonSwap(si32 tid); bool upgradeCreature( ui32 objid, ui8 pos, ui32 upgID ); bool recruitCreatures(si32 objid, ui32 crid, ui32 cram); bool buildStructure(si32 tid, si32 bid); bool razeStructure(si32 tid, si32 bid); bool disbandCreature( si32 id, ui8 pos ); bool arrangeStacks( si32 id1, si32 id2, ui8 what, ui8 p1, ui8 p2, si32 val ); void save(const std::string &fname); void close(); void handleTimeEvents(); bool complain(const std::string &problem); //sends message to all clients, prints on the logs and return true void objectVisited( const CGObjectInstance * obj, const CGHeroInstance * h ); void engageIntoBattle( ui8 player ); template <typename Handler> void serialize(Handler &h, const int version) { h & QID & states; } ui32 getQueryResult(ui8 player, int queryID); void sendMessageToAll(const std::string &message); void sendMessageTo(CConnection &c, const std::string &message); void applyAndAsk(Query * sel, ui8 player, boost::function<void(ui32)> &callback); void ask(Query * sel, ui8 player, const CFunctionList<void(ui32)> &callback); void sendToAllClients(CPackForClient * info); void sendAndApply(CPackForClient * info); void run(bool resume); void newTurn(); friend class CVCMIServer; friend class CScriptCallback; }; #endif // __CGAMEHANDLER_H__