* ResourceManager.cpp, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#include "StdInc.h"
#include "ResourceManager.h"
#include "Goals/Goals.h"

#include "../../CCallback.h"
#include "../../lib/mapObjects/MapObjects.h"

ResourceObjective::ResourceObjective(const TResources & Res, Goals::TSubgoal Goal)
	: resources(Res), goal(Goal)

bool ResourceObjective::operator<(const ResourceObjective & ro) const
	return goal->priority < ro.goal->priority;

ResourceManager::ResourceManager(CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * CB, VCAI * AI)
	: ai(AI), cb(CB)

void ResourceManager::init(CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * CB)
	cb = CB;

void ResourceManager::setAI(VCAI * AI)
	ai = AI;

bool ResourceManager::canAfford(const TResources & cost) const
	return freeResources().canAfford(cost);

TResources ResourceManager::estimateIncome() const
	TResources ret;
	for (const CGTownInstance * t : cb->getTownsInfo())
		ret += t->dailyIncome();

	for (const CGObjectInstance * obj : ai->getFlaggedObjects())
		if (obj->ID == Obj::MINE)
			auto mine = dynamic_cast<const CGMine*>(obj);
			ret += mine->dailyIncome();

	return ret;

void ResourceManager::reserveResources(const TResources & res, Goals::TSubgoal goal)
	if (!goal->invalid())
		tryPush(ResourceObjective(res, goal));
		logAi->warn("Attempt to reserve resources for Invalid goal");

Goals::TSubgoal ResourceManager::collectResourcesForOurGoal(ResourceObjective &o) const
	auto allResources = cb->getResourceAmount();
	auto income = estimateIncome();
	GameResID resourceType = EGameResID::NONE;
	TResource amountToCollect = 0;

	using resPair = std::pair<GameResID, TResource>;
	std::map<GameResID, TResource> missingResources;

	//TODO: unit test for complex resource sets

	//sum missing resources of given type for ALL reserved objectives
	for (auto it = queue.ordered_begin(); it != queue.ordered_end(); it++)
		//choose specific resources we need for this goal (not 0)
		for (auto r = ResourceSet::nziterator(o.resources); r.valid(); r++)
			missingResources[r->resType] += it->resources[r->resType]; //goal it costs r units of resType
	for (auto it = ResourceSet::nziterator(o.resources); it.valid(); it++)
		missingResources[it->resType] -= allResources[it->resType]; //missing = (what we need) - (what we have)
		vstd::amax(missingResources[it->resType], 0); // if we have more resources than reserved, we don't need them
	vstd::erase_if(missingResources, [=](const resPair & p) -> bool
		return !(p.second); //in case evaluated to 0 or less
	if (missingResources.empty()) //FIXME: should be unit-tested out
		logAi->error("We don't need to collect resources %s for goal %s", o.resources.toString(), o.goal->name());
		return o.goal;

	for (const resPair p : missingResources)
		if (!income[p.first]) //prioritize resources with 0 income
			resourceType = p.first;
			amountToCollect = p.second;
	if (resourceType == EGameResID::NONE) //no needed resources has 0 income,
		//find the one which takes longest to collect
		using timePair = std::pair<GameResID, float>;
		std::map<GameResID, float> daysToEarn;
		for (auto it : missingResources)
			daysToEarn[it.first] = (float)missingResources[it.first] / income[it.first];
		auto incomeComparer = [](const timePair & lhs, const timePair & rhs) -> bool
			//theoretically income can be negative, but that falls into this comparison
			return lhs.second < rhs.second;

		resourceType = boost::max_element(daysToEarn, incomeComparer)->first;
		amountToCollect = missingResources[resourceType];

	//this is abstract goal and might take some time to complete
	return Goals::sptr(Goals::CollectRes(resourceType, amountToCollect).setisAbstract(true));

Goals::TSubgoal ResourceManager::whatToDo() const //suggest any goal
	if (queue.size())
		auto o = queue.top();

		auto allResources = cb->getResourceAmount(); //we don't consider savings, it's out top-priority goal
		if (allResources.canAfford(o.resources))
			return o.goal;
		else //we can't afford even top-priority goal, need to collect resources
			return collectResourcesForOurGoal(o);
		return Goals::sptr(Goals::Invalid()); //nothing else to do

Goals::TSubgoal ResourceManager::whatToDo(TResources &res, Goals::TSubgoal goal)
	logAi->trace("ResourceManager: checking goal %s which requires resources %s", goal->name(), res.toString());

	TResources accumulatedResources;
	auto allResources = cb->getResourceAmount();

	ResourceObjective ro(res, goal);
	//check if we can afford all the objectives with higher priority first
	for (auto it = queue.ordered_begin(); it != queue.ordered_end(); it++)
		accumulatedResources += it->resources;

			"ResourceManager: checking goal %s, accumulatedResources=%s, available=%s",

			//can't afford
		else //can afford all goals up to this point
			if(it->goal == goal)
				logAi->debug("ResourceManager: can afford goal %s", goal->name());
				return goal; //can afford immediately

	logAi->debug("ResourceManager: can not afford goal %s", goal->name());

	return collectResourcesForOurGoal(ro);

bool ResourceManager::containsObjective(Goals::TSubgoal goal) const
	logAi->trace("Entering ResourceManager.containsObjective goal=%s", goal->name());

	//TODO: unit tests for once
	for (auto objective : queue)
		if (objective.goal == goal)
			return true;
	return false;

bool ResourceManager::notifyGoalCompleted(Goals::TSubgoal goal)
	logAi->trace("Entering ResourceManager.notifyGoalCompleted goal=%s", goal->name());

	if (goal->invalid())
		logAi->warn("Attempt to complete Invalid goal");

	std::function<bool(const Goals::TSubgoal &)> equivalentGoalsCheck = [goal](const Goals::TSubgoal & x) -> bool
		return x == goal || x->fulfillsMe(goal);

	bool removedGoal = removeOutdatedObjectives(equivalentGoalsCheck);


	return removedGoal;

bool ResourceManager::updateGoal(Goals::TSubgoal goal)
	//we update priority of goal if it is easier or more difficult to complete
	if (goal->invalid())
		logAi->warn("Attempt to update Invalid goal");

	auto it = boost::find_if(queue, [goal](const ResourceObjective & ro) -> bool
		return ro.goal == goal;
	if (it != queue.end())
		auto handle = queue.s_handle_from_iterator(it);
		queue.update(handle); //restore order
		return true;
		return false;

void ResourceManager::dumpToLog() const
	for(auto it = queue.ordered_begin(); it != queue.ordered_end(); it++)
		logAi->trace("ResourceManager contains goal %s which requires resources %s", it->goal->name(), it->resources.toString());

bool ResourceManager::tryPush(const ResourceObjective & o)
	auto goal = o.goal;

	logAi->trace("ResourceManager: Trying to add goal %s which requires resources %s", goal->name(), o.resources.toString());

	auto it = boost::find_if(queue, [goal](const ResourceObjective & ro) -> bool
		return ro.goal == goal;
	if (it != queue.end())
		auto handle = queue.s_handle_from_iterator(it);
		vstd::amax(goal->priority, it->goal->priority); //increase priority if case
		//update resources with new value
		queue.update(handle, ResourceObjective(o.resources, goal)); //restore order
		return false;
		queue.push(o); //add new objective
		logAi->debug("Reserved resources (%s) for %s", o.resources.toString(), goal->name());
		return true;

bool ResourceManager::hasTasksLeft() const
	return !queue.empty();

bool ResourceManager::removeOutdatedObjectives(std::function<bool(const Goals::TSubgoal &)> predicate)
	bool removedAnything = false;
	{ //unfortunately we can't use remove_if on heap
		auto it = boost::find_if(queue, [&](const ResourceObjective & ro) -> bool
			return predicate(ro.goal);

		if(it != queue.end()) //removed at least one
			logAi->debug("Removing goal %s from ResourceManager.", it->goal->name());
			removedAnything = true;
		{ //found nothing more to remove
	return removedAnything;

TResources ResourceManager::reservedResources() const
	TResources res;
	for (auto it : queue) //subtract the value of reserved goals
		res += it.resources;
	return res;

TResources ResourceManager::freeResources() const
	TResources myRes = cb->getResourceAmount();
	myRes -= reservedResources(); //subtract the value of reserved goals

	for (auto & val : myRes)
		vstd::amax(val, 0); //never negative

	return myRes;

TResource ResourceManager::freeGold() const
	return freeResources()[EGameResID::GOLD];

TResources ResourceManager::allResources() const
	return cb->getResourceAmount();

TResource ResourceManager::allGold() const
	return cb->getResourceAmount()[EGameResID::GOLD];