/* * VisitObj.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Goals.h" #include "../VCAI.h" #include "../AIUtility.h" #include "../AIhelper.h" #include "../FuzzyHelper.h" #include "../ResourceManager.h" #include "../BuildingManager.h" #include "../../../lib/StringConstants.h" extern boost::thread_specific_ptr<CCallback> cb; extern boost::thread_specific_ptr<VCAI> ai; extern FuzzyHelper * fh; using namespace Goals; bool VisitObj::operator==(const VisitObj & other) const { return other.hero.h == hero.h && other.objid == objid; } std::string VisitObj::completeMessage() const { return "hero " + hero.get()->getNameTranslated() + " captured Object ID = " + std::to_string(objid); } TGoalVec VisitObj::getAllPossibleSubgoals() { TGoalVec goalList; const CGObjectInstance * obj = cb->getObjInstance(ObjectInstanceID(objid)); if(!obj) { throw cannotFulfillGoalException("Object is missing - goal is invalid now!"); } int3 pos = obj->visitablePos(); if(hero) { if(ai->isAccessibleForHero(pos, hero)) { if(isSafeToVisit(hero, pos)) goalList.push_back(sptr(VisitObj(obj->id.getNum()).sethero(hero))); else goalList.push_back(sptr(GatherArmy((int)(fh->evaluateDanger(pos, hero.h) * SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT)).sethero(hero).setisAbstract(true))); return goalList; } } else { for(auto potentialVisitor : cb->getHeroesInfo()) { if(ai->isAccessibleForHero(pos, potentialVisitor)) { if(isSafeToVisit(potentialVisitor, pos)) goalList.push_back(sptr(VisitObj(obj->id.getNum()).sethero(potentialVisitor))); else goalList.push_back(sptr(GatherArmy((int)(fh->evaluateDanger(pos, potentialVisitor) * SAFE_ATTACK_CONSTANT)).sethero(potentialVisitor).setisAbstract(true))); } } if(!goalList.empty()) { return goalList; } } goalList.push_back(sptr(ClearWayTo(pos))); return goalList; } TSubgoal VisitObj::whatToDoToAchieve() { auto bestGoal = fh->chooseSolution(getAllPossibleSubgoals()); if(bestGoal->goalType == VISIT_OBJ && bestGoal->hero) bestGoal->setisElementar(true); return bestGoal; } VisitObj::VisitObj(int Objid) : CGoal(VISIT_OBJ) { objid = Objid; auto obj = ai->myCb->getObjInstance(ObjectInstanceID(objid)); if(obj) tile = obj->visitablePos(); else logAi->error("VisitObj constructed with invalid object instance %d", Objid); priority = 3; } bool VisitObj::fulfillsMe(TSubgoal goal) { if(goal->goalType == VISIT_TILE) { if (!hero || hero == goal->hero) { auto obj = cb->getObjInstance(ObjectInstanceID(objid)); if (obj && obj->visitablePos() == goal->tile) //object could be removed return true; } } return false; }