language: cpp before_install: #new boost - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:boost-latest/ppa #new GCC - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test #new Clang - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:h-rayflood/llvm #new SDL2 - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:zoogie/sdl2-snapshots #new Qt - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:beineri/opt-qt531 #new FFmpeg - sudo add-apt-repository --yes ppa:djcj/vlc-stable - sudo apt-get update -qq - sudo apt-get install -qq $SUPPORT - sudo apt-get install -qq $PACKAGE - sudo apt-get install -qq cmake yasm libboost1.55-all-dev zlib1g-dev - sudo apt-get install -qq libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev - sudo apt-get install -qq libavformat-dev libswscale-dev - sudo apt-get install -qq qt53declarative #setup compiler - source /opt/qt53/bin/ - export CC=${REAL_CC} CXX=${REAL_CXX} before_script: - mkdir build - cd build - cmake .. script: - make env: - ignore=this matrix: exclude: - env: ignore=this include: #- compiler: clang # fails all the time - missing packages? # env: REAL_CC=clang-3.2 REAL_CXX=clang++-3.2 PACKAGE=clang-3.2 SUPPORT=g++-4.8 - compiler: clang env: REAL_CC=clang-3.3 REAL_CXX=clang++-3.3 PACKAGE=clang-3.3 SUPPORT=g++-4.8 - compiler: clang env: REAL_CC=clang-3.4 REAL_CXX=clang++-3.4 PACKAGE=clang-3.4 SUPPORT=g++-4.8 #- compiler: gcc # fails due to running out of memory - vcmi need too much of it for successfull compilation # env: REAL_CC=gcc-4.7 REAL_CXX=g++-4.7 PACKAGE=g++-4.7 SUPPORT= #- compiler: gcc # same as 4.7 # env: REAL_CC=gcc-4.8 REAL_CXX=g++-4.8 PACKAGE=g++-4.8 SUPPORT= notifications: email: recipients: - - on_success: change on_failure: always