#include "StdInc.h" #include "CObjectClassesHandler.h" #include "../filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../filesystem/CBinaryReader.h" #include "../VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../GameConstants.h" #include "../StringConstants.h" #include "../CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../CModHandler.h" #include "../JsonNode.h" #include "CRewardableConstructor.h" #include "CommonConstructors.h" #include "MapObjects.h" /* * CObjectClassesHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ CObjectClassesHandler::CObjectClassesHandler() { #define SET_HANDLER_CLASS(STRING, CLASSNAME) handlerConstructors[STRING] = std::make_shared; #define SET_HANDLER(STRING, TYPENAME) handlerConstructors[STRING] = std::make_shared > // list of all known handlers, hardcoded for now since the only way to add new objects is via C++ code //Note: should be in sync with registerTypesMapObjectTypes function SET_HANDLER_CLASS("configurable", CRewardableConstructor); SET_HANDLER_CLASS("dwelling", CDwellingInstanceConstructor); SET_HANDLER_CLASS("hero", CHeroInstanceConstructor); SET_HANDLER_CLASS("town", CTownInstanceConstructor); SET_HANDLER_CLASS("bank", CBankInstanceConstructor); SET_HANDLER_CLASS("static", CObstacleConstructor); SET_HANDLER_CLASS("", CObstacleConstructor); SET_HANDLER("randomArtifact", CGArtifact); SET_HANDLER("randomHero", CGHeroInstance); SET_HANDLER("randomResource", CGResource); SET_HANDLER("randomTown", CGTownInstance); SET_HANDLER("randomMonster", CGCreature); SET_HANDLER("randomDwelling", CGDwelling); SET_HANDLER("generic", CGObjectInstance); SET_HANDLER("market", CGMarket); SET_HANDLER("cartographer", CCartographer); SET_HANDLER("artifact", CGArtifact); SET_HANDLER("blackMarket", CGBlackMarket); SET_HANDLER("boat", CGBoat); SET_HANDLER("bonusingObject", CGBonusingObject); SET_HANDLER("borderGate", CGBorderGate); SET_HANDLER("borderGuard", CGBorderGuard); SET_HANDLER("monster", CGCreature); SET_HANDLER("denOfThieves", CGDenOfthieves); SET_HANDLER("event", CGEvent); SET_HANDLER("garrison", CGGarrison); SET_HANDLER("heroPlaceholder", CGHeroPlaceholder); SET_HANDLER("keymaster", CGKeymasterTent); SET_HANDLER("lighthouse", CGLighthouse); SET_HANDLER("magi", CGMagi); SET_HANDLER("magicSpring", CGMagicSpring); SET_HANDLER("magicWell", CGMagicWell); SET_HANDLER("market", CGMarket); SET_HANDLER("mine", CGMine); SET_HANDLER("obelisk", CGObelisk); SET_HANDLER("observatory", CGObservatory); SET_HANDLER("onceVisitable", CGOnceVisitable); SET_HANDLER("pandora", CGPandoraBox); SET_HANDLER("pickable", CGPickable); SET_HANDLER("prison", CGHeroInstance); SET_HANDLER("questGuard", CGQuestGuard); SET_HANDLER("resource", CGResource); SET_HANDLER("scholar", CGScholar); SET_HANDLER("seerHut", CGSeerHut); SET_HANDLER("shipyard", CGShipyard); SET_HANDLER("shrine", CGShrine); SET_HANDLER("sign", CGSignBottle); SET_HANDLER("siren", CGSirens); SET_HANDLER("monolith", CGMonolith); SET_HANDLER("subterraneanGate", CGSubterraneanGate); SET_HANDLER("whirlpool", CGWhirlpool); SET_HANDLER("university", CGUniversity); SET_HANDLER("oncePerHero", CGVisitableOPH); SET_HANDLER("oncePerWeek", CGVisitableOPW); SET_HANDLER("witch", CGWitchHut); #undef SET_HANDLER_CLASS #undef SET_HANDLER } CObjectClassesHandler::~CObjectClassesHandler() { for(auto p : objects) delete p.second; } std::vector CObjectClassesHandler::loadLegacyData(size_t dataSize) { CLegacyConfigParser parser("Data/Objects.txt"); size_t totalNumber = parser.readNumber(); // first line contains number of objects to read and nothing else parser.endLine(); for (size_t i=0; i key(templ.id.num, templ.subid); legacyTemplates.insert(std::make_pair(key, templ)); } std::vector ret(dataSize);// create storage for 256 objects assert(dataSize == 256); CLegacyConfigParser namesParser("Data/ObjNames.txt"); for (size_t i=0; i<256; i++) { ret[i]["name"].String() = namesParser.readString(); namesParser.endLine(); } CLegacyConfigParser cregen1Parser("data/crgen1"); do customNames[Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR1].push_back(cregen1Parser.readString()); while(cregen1Parser.endLine()); CLegacyConfigParser cregen4Parser("data/crgen4"); do customNames[Obj::CREATURE_GENERATOR4].push_back(cregen4Parser.readString()); while(cregen4Parser.endLine()); return ret; } /// selects preferred ID (or subID) for new object template si32 selectNextID(const JsonNode & fixedID, const Map & map, si32 defaultID) { if (!fixedID.isNull() && fixedID.Float() < defaultID) return fixedID.Float(); // H3M object with fixed ID if (map.empty()) return defaultID; // no objects loaded, keep gap for H3M objects if (map.rbegin()->first >= defaultID) return map.rbegin()->first + 1; // some modded objects loaded, return next available return defaultID; // some H3M objects loaded, first modded found } void CObjectClassesHandler::loadObjectEntry(const std::string & identifier, const JsonNode & entry, ObjectContainter * obj) { if (!handlerConstructors.count(obj->handlerName)) { logGlobal->errorStream() << "Handler with name " << obj->handlerName << " was not found!"; return; } std::string convertedId = VLC->modh->normalizeIdentifier(entry.meta, "core", identifier); si32 id = selectNextID(entry["index"], obj->subObjects, 1000); auto handler = handlerConstructors.at(obj->handlerName)(); handler->setType(obj->id, id); handler->setTypeName(obj->identifier, convertedId); if (customNames.count(obj->id) && customNames.at(obj->id).size() > id) handler->init(entry, customNames.at(obj->id).at(id)); else handler->init(entry); if (handler->getTemplates().empty()) { auto range = legacyTemplates.equal_range(std::make_pair(obj->id, id)); for (auto & templ : boost::make_iterator_range(range.first, range.second)) { handler->addTemplate(templ.second); } legacyTemplates.erase(range.first, range.second); } logGlobal->debugStream() << "Loaded object " << obj->identifier << "(" << obj->id << ")" << ":" << convertedId << "(" << id << ")" ; assert(!obj->subObjects.count(id)); // DO NOT override obj->subObjects[id] = handler; obj->subIds[convertedId] = id; } CObjectClassesHandler::ObjectContainter * CObjectClassesHandler::loadFromJson(const JsonNode & json, const std::string & name) { auto obj = new ObjectContainter(); obj->identifier = name; obj->name = json["name"].String(); obj->handlerName = json["handler"].String(); obj->base = json["base"]; obj->id = selectNextID(json["index"], objects, 256); for (auto entry : json["types"].Struct()) { loadObjectEntry(entry.first, entry.second, obj); } return obj; } void CObjectClassesHandler::loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data) { auto object = loadFromJson(data, normalizeIdentifier(scope, "core", name)); objects[object->id] = object; VLC->modh->identifiers.registerObject(scope, "object", name, object->id); } void CObjectClassesHandler::loadObject(std::string scope, std::string name, const JsonNode & data, size_t index) { auto object = loadFromJson(data, normalizeIdentifier(scope, "core", name)); assert(objects[index] == nullptr); // ensure that this id was not loaded before objects[index] = object; VLC->modh->identifiers.registerObject(scope, "object", name, object->id); } void CObjectClassesHandler::loadSubObject(const std::string & identifier, JsonNode config, si32 ID, boost::optional subID) { config.setType(JsonNode::DATA_STRUCT); // ensure that input is not NULL assert(objects.count(ID)); if (subID) { assert(objects.at(ID)->subObjects.count(subID.get()) == 0); assert(config["index"].isNull()); config["index"].Float() = subID.get(); } std::string oldMeta = config.meta; // FIXME: move into inheritNode? JsonUtils::inherit(config, objects.at(ID)->base); config.setMeta(oldMeta); loadObjectEntry(identifier, config, objects[ID]); } void CObjectClassesHandler::removeSubObject(si32 ID, si32 subID) { assert(objects.count(ID)); assert(objects.at(ID)->subObjects.count(subID)); objects.at(ID)->subObjects.erase(subID); //TODO: cleanup string id map } std::vector CObjectClassesHandler::getDefaultAllowed() const { return std::vector(); //TODO? } TObjectTypeHandler CObjectClassesHandler::getHandlerFor(si32 type, si32 subtype) const { if (objects.count(type)) { if (objects.at(type)->subObjects.count(subtype)) return objects.at(type)->subObjects.at(subtype); } logGlobal->errorStream() << "Failed to find object of type " << type << ":" << subtype; throw std::runtime_error("Object type handler not found"); return nullptr; } TObjectTypeHandler CObjectClassesHandler::getHandlerFor(std::string type, std::string subtype) const { boost::optional id = VLC->modh->identifiers.getIdentifier("core", "object", type, false); if(id) { si32 subId = objects.at(id.get())->subIds.at(subtype); return objects.at(id.get())->subObjects.at(subId); } logGlobal->errorStream() << "Failed to find object of type " << type << ":" << subtype; throw std::runtime_error("Object type handler not found"); return nullptr; } std::set CObjectClassesHandler::knownObjects() const { std::set ret; for (auto entry : objects) ret.insert(entry.first); return ret; } std::set CObjectClassesHandler::knownSubObjects(si32 primaryID) const { std::set ret; if (objects.count(primaryID)) { for (auto entry : objects.at(primaryID)->subObjects) ret.insert(entry.first); } return ret; } void CObjectClassesHandler::beforeValidate(JsonNode & object) { for (auto & entry : object["types"].Struct()) { JsonUtils::inherit(entry.second, object["base"]); for (auto & templ : entry.second["templates"].Struct()) { JsonUtils::inherit(templ.second, entry.second["base"]); } } } void CObjectClassesHandler::afterLoadFinalization() { for (auto entry : objects) { for (auto obj : entry.second->subObjects) { obj.second->afterLoadFinalization(); if (obj.second->getTemplates().empty()) logGlobal->warnStream() << "No templates found for " << entry.first << ":" << obj.first; } } //duplicate existing two-way portals to make reserve for RMG auto& portalVec = objects[Obj::MONOLITH_TWO_WAY]->subObjects; size_t portalCount = portalVec.size(); size_t currentIndex = portalCount; while (portalVec.size() < 100) { portalVec[currentIndex] = portalVec[currentIndex % portalCount]; currentIndex++; } } std::string CObjectClassesHandler::getObjectName(si32 type) const { if (objects.count(type)) return objects.at(type)->name; logGlobal->errorStream() << "Access to non existing object of type " << type; return ""; } std::string CObjectClassesHandler::getObjectName(si32 type, si32 subtype) const { if (knownSubObjects(type).count(subtype)) { auto name = getHandlerFor(type, subtype)->getCustomName(); if (name) return name.get(); } return getObjectName(type); } std::string CObjectClassesHandler::getObjectHandlerName(si32 type) const { return objects.at(type)->handlerName; } void AObjectTypeHandler::setType(si32 type, si32 subtype) { this->type = type; this->subtype = subtype; } void AObjectTypeHandler::setTypeName(std::string type, std::string subtype) { this->typeName = type; this->subTypeName = subtype; } static ui32 loadJsonOrMax(const JsonNode & input) { if (input.isNull()) return std::numeric_limits::max(); else return input.Float(); } void AObjectTypeHandler::init(const JsonNode & input, boost::optional name) { base = input["base"]; if (!input["rmg"].isNull()) { rmgInfo.value = input["rmg"]["value"].Float(); rmgInfo.mapLimit = loadJsonOrMax(input["rmg"]["mapLimit"]); rmgInfo.zoneLimit = loadJsonOrMax(input["rmg"]["zoneLimit"]); rmgInfo.rarity = input["rmg"]["rarity"].Float(); } // else block is not needed - set in constructor for (auto entry : input["templates"].Struct()) { entry.second.setType(JsonNode::DATA_STRUCT); JsonUtils::inherit(entry.second, base); ObjectTemplate tmpl; tmpl.id = Obj(type); tmpl.subid = subtype; tmpl.stringID = entry.first; // FIXME: create "fullID" - type.object.template? tmpl.readJson(entry.second); templates.push_back(tmpl); } if (input["name"].isNull()) objectName = name; else objectName.reset(input["name"].String()); initTypeData(input); } bool AObjectTypeHandler::objectFilter(const CGObjectInstance *, const ObjectTemplate &) const { return false; // by default there are no overrides } void AObjectTypeHandler::preInitObject(CGObjectInstance * obj) const { obj->ID = Obj(type); obj->subID = subtype; obj->typeName = typeName; obj->subTypeName = subTypeName; } void AObjectTypeHandler::initTypeData(const JsonNode & input) { // empty implementation for overrides } boost::optional AObjectTypeHandler::getCustomName() const { return objectName; } void AObjectTypeHandler::addTemplate(const ObjectTemplate & templ) { templates.push_back(templ); templates.back().id = Obj(type); templates.back().subid = subtype; } void AObjectTypeHandler::addTemplate(JsonNode config) { config.setType(JsonNode::DATA_STRUCT); // ensure that input is not null JsonUtils::inherit(config, base); ObjectTemplate tmpl; tmpl.id = Obj(type); tmpl.subid = subtype; tmpl.stringID = ""; // TODO? tmpl.readJson(config); templates.push_back(tmpl); } std::vector AObjectTypeHandler::getTemplates() const { return templates; } std::vector AObjectTypeHandler::getTemplates(si32 terrainType) const// FIXME: replace with ETerrainType { std::vector templates = getTemplates(); std::vector filtered; std::copy_if(templates.begin(), templates.end(), std::back_inserter(filtered), [&](const ObjectTemplate & obj) { return obj.canBePlacedAt(ETerrainType(terrainType)); }); // H3 defines allowed terrains in a weird way - artifacts, monsters and resources have faulty masks here // Perhaps we should re-define faulty templates and remove this workaround (already done for resources) if (type == Obj::ARTIFACT || type == Obj::MONSTER) return templates; else return filtered; } boost::optional AObjectTypeHandler::getOverride(si32 terrainType, const CGObjectInstance * object) const { std::vector ret = getTemplates(terrainType); for (auto & tmpl : ret) { if (objectFilter(object, tmpl)) return tmpl; } return boost::optional(); } const RandomMapInfo & AObjectTypeHandler::getRMGInfo() { return rmgInfo; } bool AObjectTypeHandler::isStaticObject() { return false; // most of classes are not static } void AObjectTypeHandler::afterLoadFinalization() { }