/* * CPathfinder.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CPathfinder.h" #include "CHeroHandler.h" #include "mapping/CMap.h" #include "CGameState.h" #include "mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "GameConstants.h" #include "CStopWatch.h" #include "CConfigHandler.h" #include "CPlayerState.h" #include "PathfinderUtil.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN bool canSeeObj(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { /// Pathfinder should ignore placed events return obj != nullptr && obj->ID != Obj::EVENT; } void NodeStorage::initialize(const PathfinderOptions & options, const CGameState * gs) { //TODO: fix this code duplication with AINodeStorage::initialize, problem is to keep `resetTile` inline int3 pos; const PlayerColor player = out.hero->tempOwner; const int3 sizes = gs->getMapSize(); const auto fow = static_cast(gs)->getPlayerTeam(player)->fogOfWarMap; //make 200% sure that these are loop invariants (also a bit shorter code), let compiler do the rest(loop unswitching) const bool useFlying = options.useFlying; const bool useWaterWalking = options.useWaterWalking; for(pos.z=0; pos.z < sizes.z; ++pos.z) { for(pos.x=0; pos.x < sizes.x; ++pos.x) { for(pos.y=0; pos.y < sizes.y; ++pos.y) { const TerrainTile tile = gs->map->getTile(pos); if(tile.terType->isWater()) { resetTile(pos, ELayer::SAIL, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); if(useFlying) resetTile(pos, ELayer::AIR, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); if(useWaterWalking) resetTile(pos, ELayer::WATER, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); } if(tile.terType->isLand()) { resetTile(pos, ELayer::LAND, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); if(useFlying) resetTile(pos, ELayer::AIR, PathfinderUtil::evaluateAccessibility(pos, tile, fow, player, gs)); } } } } } std::vector NodeStorage::calculateNeighbours( const PathNodeInfo & source, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) { std::vector neighbours; neighbours.reserve(16); auto accessibleNeighbourTiles = pathfinderHelper->getNeighbourTiles(source); for(auto & neighbour : accessibleNeighbourTiles) { for(EPathfindingLayer i = EPathfindingLayer::LAND; i <= EPathfindingLayer::AIR; i.advance(1)) { auto node = getNode(neighbour, i); if(node->accessible == CGPathNode::NOT_SET) continue; neighbours.push_back(node); } } return neighbours; } std::vector NodeStorage::calculateTeleportations( const PathNodeInfo & source, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) { std::vector neighbours; if(!source.isNodeObjectVisitable()) return neighbours; auto accessibleExits = pathfinderHelper->getTeleportExits(source); for(auto & neighbour : accessibleExits) { auto node = getNode(neighbour, source.node->layer); neighbours.push_back(node); } return neighbours; } std::vector CPathfinderHelper::getNeighbourTiles(const PathNodeInfo & source) const { std::vector neighbourTiles; neighbourTiles.reserve(16); getNeighbours( *source.tile, source.node->coord, neighbourTiles, boost::logic::indeterminate, source.node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::SAIL); if(source.isNodeObjectVisitable()) { vstd::erase_if(neighbourTiles, [&](int3 tile) -> bool { return !canMoveBetween(tile, source.nodeObject->visitablePos()); }); } return neighbourTiles; } NodeStorage::NodeStorage(CPathsInfo & pathsInfo, const CGHeroInstance * hero) :out(pathsInfo) { out.hero = hero; out.hpos = hero->visitablePos(); } void NodeStorage::resetTile( const int3 & tile, EPathfindingLayer layer, CGPathNode::EAccessibility accessibility) { getNode(tile, layer)->update(tile, layer, accessibility); } std::vector NodeStorage::getInitialNodes() { auto initialNode = getNode(out.hpos, out.hero->boat ? EPathfindingLayer::SAIL : EPathfindingLayer::LAND); initialNode->turns = 0; initialNode->moveRemains = out.hero->movement; initialNode->setCost(0.0); if(!initialNode->coord.valid()) { initialNode->coord = out.hpos; } return std::vector { initialNode }; } void NodeStorage::commit(CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathNodeInfo & source) { assert(destination.node != source.node->theNodeBefore); //two tiles can't point to each other destination.node->setCost(destination.cost); destination.node->moveRemains = destination.movementLeft; destination.node->turns = destination.turn; destination.node->theNodeBefore = source.node; destination.node->action = destination.action; } PathfinderOptions::PathfinderOptions() { useFlying = settings["pathfinder"]["layers"]["flying"].Bool(); useWaterWalking = settings["pathfinder"]["layers"]["waterWalking"].Bool(); useEmbarkAndDisembark = settings["pathfinder"]["layers"]["sailing"].Bool(); useTeleportTwoWay = settings["pathfinder"]["teleports"]["twoWay"].Bool(); useTeleportOneWay = settings["pathfinder"]["teleports"]["oneWay"].Bool(); useTeleportOneWayRandom = settings["pathfinder"]["teleports"]["oneWayRandom"].Bool(); useTeleportWhirlpool = settings["pathfinder"]["teleports"]["whirlpool"].Bool(); useCastleGate = settings["pathfinder"]["teleports"]["castleGate"].Bool(); lightweightFlyingMode = settings["pathfinder"]["lightweightFlyingMode"].Bool(); oneTurnSpecialLayersLimit = settings["pathfinder"]["oneTurnSpecialLayersLimit"].Bool(); originalMovementRules = settings["pathfinder"]["originalMovementRules"].Bool(); } void MovementCostRule::process( const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) const { float costAtNextTile = destination.cost; int turnAtNextTile = destination.turn; int moveAtNextTile = destination.movementLeft; int cost = pathfinderHelper->getMovementCost(source, destination, moveAtNextTile); int remains = moveAtNextTile - cost; int sourceLayerMaxMovePoints = pathfinderHelper->getMaxMovePoints(source.node->layer); if(remains < 0) { //occurs rarely, when hero with low movepoints tries to leave the road costAtNextTile += static_cast(moveAtNextTile) / sourceLayerMaxMovePoints;//we spent all points of current turn pathfinderHelper->updateTurnInfo(++turnAtNextTile); int destinationLayerMaxMovePoints = pathfinderHelper->getMaxMovePoints(destination.node->layer); moveAtNextTile = destinationLayerMaxMovePoints; cost = pathfinderHelper->getMovementCost(source, destination, moveAtNextTile); //cost must be updated, movement points changed :( remains = moveAtNextTile - cost; } if(destination.action == CGPathNode::EMBARK || destination.action == CGPathNode::DISEMBARK) { /// FREE_SHIP_BOARDING bonus only remove additional penalty /// land <-> sail transition still cost movement points as normal movement remains = pathfinderHelper->movementPointsAfterEmbark(moveAtNextTile, cost, (destination.action == CGPathNode::DISEMBARK)); cost = moveAtNextTile - remains; } costAtNextTile += static_cast(cost) / sourceLayerMaxMovePoints; destination.cost = costAtNextTile; destination.turn = turnAtNextTile; destination.movementLeft = remains; if(destination.isBetterWay() && ((source.node->turns == turnAtNextTile && remains) || pathfinderHelper->passOneTurnLimitCheck(source))) { pathfinderConfig->nodeStorage->commit(destination, source); return; } destination.blocked = true; } PathfinderConfig::PathfinderConfig( std::shared_ptr nodeStorage, std::vector> rules) : nodeStorage(nodeStorage), rules(rules), options() { } std::vector> SingleHeroPathfinderConfig::buildRuleSet() { return std::vector>{ std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared(), std::make_shared() }; } SingleHeroPathfinderConfig::SingleHeroPathfinderConfig(CPathsInfo & out, CGameState * gs, const CGHeroInstance * hero) : PathfinderConfig(std::make_shared(out, hero), buildRuleSet()) { pathfinderHelper.reset(new CPathfinderHelper(gs, hero, options)); } CPathfinderHelper * SingleHeroPathfinderConfig::getOrCreatePathfinderHelper(const PathNodeInfo & source, CGameState * gs) { return pathfinderHelper.get(); } CPathfinder::CPathfinder( CGameState * _gs, std::shared_ptr config) : gamestate(_gs) , config(config) , source() , destination() { initializeGraph(); } void CPathfinder::push(CGPathNode * node) { if(node && !node->inPQ) { node->inPQ = true; node->pq = &this->pq; auto handle = pq.push(node); node->pqHandle = handle; } } CGPathNode * CPathfinder::topAndPop() { auto node = pq.top(); pq.pop(); node->inPQ = false; node->pq = nullptr; return node; } void CPathfinder::calculatePaths() { //logGlobal->info("Calculating paths for hero %s (adress %d) of player %d", hero->name, hero , hero->tempOwner); //initial tile - set cost on 0 and add to the queue std::vector initialNodes = config->nodeStorage->getInitialNodes(); int counter = 0; for(auto initialNode : initialNodes) { if(!gamestate->isInTheMap(initialNode->coord)/* || !gs->map->isInTheMap(dest)*/) //check input { logGlobal->error("CGameState::calculatePaths: Hero outside the gs->map? How dare you..."); throw std::runtime_error("Wrong checksum"); } source.setNode(gamestate, initialNode); auto hlp = config->getOrCreatePathfinderHelper(source, gamestate); if(hlp->isHeroPatrolLocked()) continue; pq.push(initialNode); } while(!pq.empty()) { counter++; auto node = topAndPop(); source.setNode(gamestate, node); source.node->locked = true; int movement = source.node->moveRemains; uint8_t turn = source.node->turns; float cost = source.node->getCost(); auto hlp = config->getOrCreatePathfinderHelper(source, gamestate); hlp->updateTurnInfo(turn); if(!movement) { hlp->updateTurnInfo(++turn); movement = hlp->getMaxMovePoints(source.node->layer); if(!hlp->passOneTurnLimitCheck(source)) continue; } source.isInitialPosition = source.nodeHero == hlp->hero; source.updateInfo(hlp, gamestate); //add accessible neighbouring nodes to the queue auto neighbourNodes = config->nodeStorage->calculateNeighbours(source, config.get(), hlp); for(CGPathNode * neighbour : neighbourNodes) { if(neighbour->locked) continue; if(!hlp->isLayerAvailable(neighbour->layer)) continue; destination.setNode(gamestate, neighbour); hlp = config->getOrCreatePathfinderHelper(destination, gamestate); if(!hlp->isPatrolMovementAllowed(neighbour->coord)) continue; /// Check transition without tile accessability rules if(source.node->layer != neighbour->layer && !isLayerTransitionPossible()) continue; destination.turn = turn; destination.movementLeft = movement; destination.cost = cost; destination.updateInfo(hlp, gamestate); destination.isGuardianTile = destination.guarded && isDestinationGuardian(); for(auto rule : config->rules) { rule->process(source, destination, config.get(), hlp); if(destination.blocked) break; } if(!destination.blocked) push(destination.node); } //neighbours loop //just add all passable teleport exits hlp = config->getOrCreatePathfinderHelper(source, gamestate); /// For now we disable teleports usage for patrol movement /// VCAI not aware about patrol and may stuck while attempt to use teleport if(hlp->patrolState == CPathfinderHelper::PATROL_RADIUS) continue; auto teleportationNodes = config->nodeStorage->calculateTeleportations(source, config.get(), hlp); for(CGPathNode * teleportNode : teleportationNodes) { if(teleportNode->locked) continue; /// TODO: We may consider use invisible exits on FoW border in future /// Useful for AI when at least one tile around exit is visible and passable /// Objects are usually visible on FoW border anyway so it's not cheating. /// /// For now it's disabled as it's will cause crashes in movement code. if(teleportNode->accessible == CGPathNode::BLOCKED) continue; destination.setNode(gamestate, teleportNode); destination.turn = turn; destination.movementLeft = movement; destination.cost = cost; if(destination.isBetterWay()) { destination.action = getTeleportDestAction(); config->nodeStorage->commit(destination, source); if(destination.node->action == CGPathNode::TELEPORT_NORMAL) push(destination.node); } } } //queue loop logAi->trace("CPathfinder finished with %s iterations", std::to_string(counter)); } std::vector CPathfinderHelper::getAllowedTeleportChannelExits(TeleportChannelID channelID) const { std::vector allowedExits; for(auto objId : getTeleportChannelExits(channelID, hero->tempOwner)) { auto obj = getObj(objId); if(dynamic_cast(obj)) { auto pos = obj->getBlockedPos(); for(auto p : pos) { if(gs->map->getTile(p).topVisitableId() == obj->ID) allowedExits.push_back(p); } } else if(obj && CGTeleport::isExitPassable(gs, hero, obj)) allowedExits.push_back(obj->visitablePos()); } return allowedExits; } std::vector CPathfinderHelper::getCastleGates(const PathNodeInfo & source) const { std::vector allowedExits; auto towns = getPlayerState(hero->tempOwner)->towns; for(const auto & town : towns) { if(town->id != source.nodeObject->id && town->visitingHero == nullptr && town->hasBuilt(BuildingID::CASTLE_GATE, ETownType::INFERNO)) { allowedExits.push_back(town->visitablePos()); } } return allowedExits; } std::vector CPathfinderHelper::getTeleportExits(const PathNodeInfo & source) const { std::vector teleportationExits; const CGTeleport * objTeleport = dynamic_cast(source.nodeObject); if(isAllowedTeleportEntrance(objTeleport)) { for(auto exit : getAllowedTeleportChannelExits(objTeleport->channel)) { teleportationExits.push_back(exit); } } else if(options.useCastleGate && (source.nodeObject->ID == Obj::TOWN && source.nodeObject->subID == ETownType::INFERNO && source.objectRelations != PlayerRelations::ENEMIES)) { /// TODO: Find way to reuse CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback::getTownsInfo /// This may be handy if we allow to use teleportation to friendly towns for(auto exit : getCastleGates(source)) { teleportationExits.push_back(exit); } } return teleportationExits; } bool CPathfinderHelper::isHeroPatrolLocked() const { return patrolState == PATROL_LOCKED; } bool CPathfinderHelper::isPatrolMovementAllowed(const int3 & dst) const { if(patrolState == PATROL_RADIUS) { if(!vstd::contains(patrolTiles, dst)) return false; } return true; } bool CPathfinder::isLayerTransitionPossible() const { ELayer destLayer = destination.node->layer; /// No layer transition allowed when previous node action is BATTLE if(source.node->action == CGPathNode::BATTLE) return false; switch(source.node->layer) { case ELayer::LAND: if(destLayer == ELayer::AIR) { if(!config->options.lightweightFlyingMode || source.isInitialPosition) return true; } else if(destLayer == ELayer::SAIL) { if(destination.tile->isWater()) return true; } else return true; break; case ELayer::SAIL: if(destLayer == ELayer::LAND && !destination.tile->isWater()) return true; break; case ELayer::AIR: if(destLayer == ELayer::LAND) return true; break; case ELayer::WATER: if(destLayer == ELayer::LAND) return true; break; } return false; } void LayerTransitionRule::process( const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) const { if(source.node->layer == destination.node->layer) return; switch(source.node->layer) { case EPathfindingLayer::LAND: if(destination.node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::SAIL) { /// Cannot enter empty water tile from land -> it has to be visitable if(destination.node->accessible == CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE) destination.blocked = true; } break; case EPathfindingLayer::SAIL: //tile must be accessible -> exception: unblocked blockvis tiles -> clear but guarded by nearby monster coast if((destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE && (destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::BLOCKVIS || destination.tile->blocked)) || destination.tile->visitable) //TODO: passableness problem -> town says it's passable (thus accessible) but we obviously can't disembark onto town gate { destination.blocked = true; } break; case EPathfindingLayer::AIR: if(pathfinderConfig->options.originalMovementRules) { if((source.node->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE && source.node->accessible != CGPathNode::VISITABLE) && (destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::VISITABLE && destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE)) { destination.blocked = true; } } else if(destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE) { /// Hero that fly can only land on accessible tiles if(destination.nodeObject) destination.blocked = true; } break; case EPathfindingLayer::WATER: if(destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE && destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::VISITABLE) { /// Hero that walking on water can transit to accessible and visitable tiles /// Though hero can't interact with blocking visit objects while standing on water destination.blocked = true; } break; } } PathfinderBlockingRule::BlockingReason MovementToDestinationRule::getBlockingReason( const PathNodeInfo & source, const CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) const { if(destination.node->accessible == CGPathNode::BLOCKED) return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; switch(destination.node->layer) { case EPathfindingLayer::LAND: if(!pathfinderHelper->canMoveBetween(source.coord, destination.coord)) return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; if(source.guarded) { if(!(pathfinderConfig->options.originalMovementRules && source.node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::AIR) && !destination.isGuardianTile) // Can step into tile of guard { return BlockingReason::SOURCE_GUARDED; } } break; case EPathfindingLayer::SAIL: if(!pathfinderHelper->canMoveBetween(source.coord, destination.coord)) return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; if(source.guarded) { // Hero embarked a boat standing on a guarded tile -> we must allow to move away from that tile if(source.node->action != CGPathNode::EMBARK && !destination.isGuardianTile) return BlockingReason::SOURCE_GUARDED; } if(source.node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::LAND) { if(!destination.isNodeObjectVisitable()) return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; if(destination.nodeObject->ID != Obj::BOAT && !destination.nodeHero) return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; } else if(destination.isNodeObjectVisitable() && destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::BOAT) { /// Hero in boat can't visit empty boats return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; } break; case EPathfindingLayer::WATER: if(!pathfinderHelper->canMoveBetween(source.coord, destination.coord) || destination.node->accessible != CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE) { return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; } if(destination.guarded) return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; break; } return BlockingReason::NONE; } void MovementAfterDestinationRule::process( const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathfinderConfig * config, CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) const { auto blocker = getBlockingReason(source, destination, config, pathfinderHelper); if(blocker == BlockingReason::DESTINATION_GUARDED && destination.action == CGPathNode::ENodeAction::BATTLE) { return; // allow bypass guarded tile but only in direction of guard, a bit UI related thing } destination.blocked = blocker != BlockingReason::NONE; } PathfinderBlockingRule::BlockingReason MovementAfterDestinationRule::getBlockingReason( const PathNodeInfo & source, const CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathfinderConfig * config, const CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) const { switch(destination.action) { /// TODO: Investigate what kind of limitation is possible to apply on movement from visitable tiles /// Likely in many cases we don't need to add visitable tile to queue when hero don't fly case CGPathNode::VISIT: { /// For now we only add visitable tile into queue when it's teleporter that allow transit /// Movement from visitable tile when hero is standing on it is possible into any layer const CGTeleport * objTeleport = dynamic_cast(destination.nodeObject); if(pathfinderHelper->isAllowedTeleportEntrance(objTeleport)) { /// For now we'll always allow transit over teleporters /// Transit over whirlpools only allowed when hero protected return BlockingReason::NONE; } else if(destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::GARRISON || destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::GARRISON2 || destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::BORDER_GATE) { /// Transit via unguarded garrisons is always possible return BlockingReason::NONE; } return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_VISIT; } case CGPathNode::BLOCKING_VISIT: return destination.guarded ? BlockingReason::DESTINATION_GUARDED : BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKVIS; case CGPathNode::NORMAL: return BlockingReason::NONE; case CGPathNode::EMBARK: if(pathfinderHelper->options.useEmbarkAndDisembark) return BlockingReason::NONE; return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; case CGPathNode::DISEMBARK: if(pathfinderHelper->options.useEmbarkAndDisembark) return destination.guarded ? BlockingReason::DESTINATION_GUARDED : BlockingReason::NONE; return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; case CGPathNode::BATTLE: /// Movement after BATTLE action only possible from guarded tile to guardian tile if(destination.guarded) return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_GUARDED; break; } return BlockingReason::DESTINATION_BLOCKED; } void DestinationActionRule::process( const PathNodeInfo & source, CDestinationNodeInfo & destination, const PathfinderConfig * pathfinderConfig, CPathfinderHelper * pathfinderHelper) const { if(destination.action != CGPathNode::ENodeAction::UNKNOWN) { #ifdef VCMI_TRACE_PATHFINDER logAi->trace("Accepted precalculated action at %s", destination.coord.toString()); #endif return; } CGPathNode::ENodeAction action = CGPathNode::NORMAL; auto hero = pathfinderHelper->hero; switch(destination.node->layer) { case EPathfindingLayer::LAND: if(source.node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::SAIL) { // TODO: Handle dismebark into guarded areaa action = CGPathNode::DISEMBARK; break; } /// don't break - next case shared for both land and sail layers FALLTHROUGH case EPathfindingLayer::SAIL: if(destination.isNodeObjectVisitable()) { auto objRel = destination.objectRelations; if(destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::BOAT) action = CGPathNode::EMBARK; else if(destination.nodeHero) { if(destination.heroRelations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; else action = CGPathNode::BLOCKING_VISIT; } else if(destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::TOWN) { if(destination.nodeObject->passableFor(hero->tempOwner)) action = CGPathNode::VISIT; else if(objRel == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; } else if(destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::GARRISON || destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::GARRISON2) { if(destination.nodeObject->passableFor(hero->tempOwner)) { if(destination.guarded) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; } else if(objRel == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; } else if(destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::BORDER_GATE) { if(destination.nodeObject->passableFor(hero->tempOwner)) { if(destination.guarded) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; } else action = CGPathNode::BLOCKING_VISIT; } else if(destination.isGuardianTile) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; else if(destination.nodeObject->blockVisit && !(pathfinderConfig->options.useCastleGate && destination.nodeObject->ID == Obj::TOWN)) action = CGPathNode::BLOCKING_VISIT; if(action == CGPathNode::NORMAL) { if(destination.guarded) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; else action = CGPathNode::VISIT; } } else if(destination.guarded) action = CGPathNode::BATTLE; break; } destination.action = action; } CGPathNode::ENodeAction CPathfinder::getTeleportDestAction() const { CGPathNode::ENodeAction action = CGPathNode::TELEPORT_NORMAL; if(destination.isNodeObjectVisitable() && destination.nodeHero) { if(destination.heroRelations == PlayerRelations::ENEMIES) action = CGPathNode::TELEPORT_BATTLE; else action = CGPathNode::TELEPORT_BLOCKING_VISIT; } return action; } bool CPathfinder::isDestinationGuardian() const { return gamestate->guardingCreaturePosition(destination.node->coord) == destination.node->coord; } void CPathfinderHelper::initializePatrol() { auto state = PATROL_NONE; if(hero->patrol.patrolling && !getPlayerState(hero->tempOwner)->human) { if(hero->patrol.patrolRadius) { state = PATROL_RADIUS; gs->getTilesInRange(patrolTiles, hero->patrol.initialPos, hero->patrol.patrolRadius, boost::optional(), 0, int3::DIST_MANHATTAN); } else state = PATROL_LOCKED; } patrolState = state; } void CPathfinder::initializeGraph() { INodeStorage * nodeStorage = config->nodeStorage.get(); nodeStorage->initialize(config->options, gamestate); } bool CPathfinderHelper::canMoveBetween(const int3 & a, const int3 & b) const { return gs->checkForVisitableDir(a, b); } bool CPathfinderHelper::isAllowedTeleportEntrance(const CGTeleport * obj) const { if(!obj || !isTeleportEntrancePassable(obj, hero->tempOwner)) return false; auto whirlpool = dynamic_cast(obj); if(whirlpool) { if(addTeleportWhirlpool(whirlpool)) return true; } else if(addTeleportTwoWay(obj) || addTeleportOneWay(obj) || addTeleportOneWayRandom(obj)) return true; return false; } bool CPathfinderHelper::addTeleportTwoWay(const CGTeleport * obj) const { return options.useTeleportTwoWay && isTeleportChannelBidirectional(obj->channel, hero->tempOwner); } bool CPathfinderHelper::addTeleportOneWay(const CGTeleport * obj) const { if(options.useTeleportOneWay && isTeleportChannelUnidirectional(obj->channel, hero->tempOwner)) { auto passableExits = CGTeleport::getPassableExits(gs, hero, getTeleportChannelExits(obj->channel, hero->tempOwner)); if(passableExits.size() == 1) return true; } return false; } bool CPathfinderHelper::addTeleportOneWayRandom(const CGTeleport * obj) const { if(options.useTeleportOneWayRandom && isTeleportChannelUnidirectional(obj->channel, hero->tempOwner)) { auto passableExits = CGTeleport::getPassableExits(gs, hero, getTeleportChannelExits(obj->channel, hero->tempOwner)); if(passableExits.size() > 1) return true; } return false; } bool CPathfinderHelper::addTeleportWhirlpool(const CGWhirlpool * obj) const { return options.useTeleportWhirlpool && hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WHIRLPOOL_PROTECTION) && obj; } int CPathfinderHelper::movementPointsAfterEmbark(int movement, int basicCost, bool disembark) const { return hero->movementPointsAfterEmbark(movement, basicCost, disembark, getTurnInfo()); } bool CPathfinderHelper::passOneTurnLimitCheck(const PathNodeInfo & source) const { if(!options.oneTurnSpecialLayersLimit) return true; if(source.node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::WATER) return false; if(source.node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::AIR) { if(options.originalMovementRules && source.node->accessible == CGPathNode::ACCESSIBLE) return true; else return false; } return true; } TurnInfo::BonusCache::BonusCache(TConstBonusListPtr bl) { for(const auto & terrain : VLC->terrainTypeHandler->objects) { noTerrainPenalty.push_back(static_cast( bl->getFirst(Selector::type()(Bonus::NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY).And(Selector::subtype()(terrain->getIndex()))))); } freeShipBoarding = static_cast(bl->getFirst(Selector::type()(Bonus::FREE_SHIP_BOARDING))); flyingMovement = static_cast(bl->getFirst(Selector::type()(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT))); flyingMovementVal = bl->valOfBonuses(Selector::type()(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT)); waterWalking = static_cast(bl->getFirst(Selector::type()(Bonus::WATER_WALKING))); waterWalkingVal = bl->valOfBonuses(Selector::type()(Bonus::WATER_WALKING)); pathfindingVal = bl->valOfBonuses(Selector::type()(Bonus::ROUGH_TERRAIN_DISCOUNT)); } TurnInfo::TurnInfo(const CGHeroInstance * Hero, const int turn) : hero(Hero), maxMovePointsLand(-1), maxMovePointsWater(-1) { bonuses = hero->getAllBonuses(Selector::days(turn), Selector::all, nullptr, ""); bonusCache = std::make_unique(bonuses); nativeTerrain = hero->getNativeTerrain(); } bool TurnInfo::isLayerAvailable(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const { switch(layer) { case EPathfindingLayer::AIR: if(!hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT)) return false; break; case EPathfindingLayer::WATER: if(!hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WATER_WALKING)) return false; break; } return true; } bool TurnInfo::hasBonusOfType(Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype) const { switch(type) { case Bonus::FREE_SHIP_BOARDING: return bonusCache->freeShipBoarding; case Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT: return bonusCache->flyingMovement; case Bonus::WATER_WALKING: return bonusCache->waterWalking; case Bonus::NO_TERRAIN_PENALTY: return bonusCache->noTerrainPenalty[subtype]; } return static_cast( bonuses->getFirst(Selector::type()(type).And(Selector::subtype()(subtype)))); } int TurnInfo::valOfBonuses(Bonus::BonusType type, int subtype) const { switch(type) { case Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT: return bonusCache->flyingMovementVal; case Bonus::WATER_WALKING: return bonusCache->waterWalkingVal; case Bonus::ROUGH_TERRAIN_DISCOUNT: return bonusCache->pathfindingVal; } return bonuses->valOfBonuses(Selector::type()(type).And(Selector::subtype()(subtype))); } int TurnInfo::getMaxMovePoints(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const { if(maxMovePointsLand == -1) maxMovePointsLand = hero->maxMovePointsCached(true, this); if(maxMovePointsWater == -1) maxMovePointsWater = hero->maxMovePointsCached(false, this); return layer == EPathfindingLayer::SAIL ? maxMovePointsWater : maxMovePointsLand; } CPathfinderHelper::CPathfinderHelper(CGameState * gs, const CGHeroInstance * Hero, const PathfinderOptions & Options) : CGameInfoCallback(gs, boost::optional()), turn(-1), hero(Hero), options(Options), owner(Hero->tempOwner) { turnsInfo.reserve(16); updateTurnInfo(); initializePatrol(); } CPathfinderHelper::~CPathfinderHelper() { for(auto ti : turnsInfo) delete ti; } void CPathfinderHelper::updateTurnInfo(const int Turn) { if(turn != Turn) { turn = Turn; if(turn >= turnsInfo.size()) { auto ti = new TurnInfo(hero, turn); turnsInfo.push_back(ti); } } } bool CPathfinderHelper::isLayerAvailable(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const { switch(layer) { case EPathfindingLayer::AIR: if(!options.useFlying) return false; break; case EPathfindingLayer::WATER: if(!options.useWaterWalking) return false; break; } return turnsInfo[turn]->isLayerAvailable(layer); } const TurnInfo * CPathfinderHelper::getTurnInfo() const { return turnsInfo[turn]; } bool CPathfinderHelper::hasBonusOfType(const Bonus::BonusType type, const int subtype) const { return turnsInfo[turn]->hasBonusOfType(type, subtype); } int CPathfinderHelper::getMaxMovePoints(const EPathfindingLayer layer) const { return turnsInfo[turn]->getMaxMovePoints(layer); } void CPathfinderHelper::getNeighbours( const TerrainTile & srct, const int3 & tile, std::vector & vec, const boost::logic::tribool & onLand, const bool limitCoastSailing) const { CMap * map = gs->map; static const int3 dirs[] = { int3(-1, +1, +0), int3(0, +1, +0), int3(+1, +1, +0), int3(-1, +0, +0), /* source pos */ int3(+1, +0, +0), int3(-1, -1, +0), int3(0, -1, +0), int3(+1, -1, +0) }; for(auto & dir : dirs) { const int3 hlp = tile + dir; if(!map->isInTheMap(hlp)) continue; const TerrainTile & hlpt = map->getTile(hlp); if(!hlpt.terType->isPassable()) continue; // //we cannot visit things from blocked tiles // if(srct.blocked && !srct.visitable && hlpt.visitable && srct.blockingObjects.front()->ID != HEROI_TYPE) // { // continue; // } /// Following condition let us avoid diagonal movement over coast when sailing if(srct.terType->isWater() && limitCoastSailing && hlpt.terType->isWater() && dir.x && dir.y) //diagonal move through water { int3 hlp1 = tile, hlp2 = tile; hlp1.x += dir.x; hlp2.y += dir.y; if(map->getTile(hlp1).terType->isLand() || map->getTile(hlp2).terType->isLand()) continue; } if(indeterminate(onLand) || onLand == hlpt.terType->isLand()) { vec.push_back(hlp); } } } int CPathfinderHelper::getMovementCost( const int3 & src, const int3 & dst, const TerrainTile * ct, const TerrainTile * dt, const int remainingMovePoints, const bool checkLast) const { if(src == dst) //same tile return 0; auto ti = getTurnInfo(); if(ct == nullptr || dt == nullptr) { ct = hero->cb->getTile(src); dt = hero->cb->getTile(dst); } /// TODO: by the original game rules hero shouldn't be affected by terrain penalty while flying. /// Also flying movement only has penalty when player moving over blocked tiles. /// So if you only have base flying with 40% penalty you can still ignore terrain penalty while having zero flying penalty. int ret = hero->getTileCost(*dt, *ct, ti); /// Unfortunately this can't be implemented yet as server don't know when player flying and when he's not. /// Difference in cost calculation on client and server is much worse than incorrect cost. /// So this one is waiting till server going to use pathfinder rules for path validation. if(dt->blocked && ti->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT)) { ret = static_cast(ret * (100.0 + ti->valOfBonuses(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT)) / 100.0); } else if(dt->terType->isWater()) { if(hero->boat && ct->hasFavorableWinds() && dt->hasFavorableWinds()) ret = static_cast(ret * 0.666); else if(!hero->boat && ti->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::WATER_WALKING)) { ret = static_cast(ret * (100.0 + ti->valOfBonuses(Bonus::WATER_WALKING)) / 100.0); } } if(src.x != dst.x && src.y != dst.y) //it's diagonal move { int old = ret; ret = static_cast(ret * M_SQRT2); //diagonal move costs too much but normal move is possible - allow diagonal move for remaining move points if(ret > remainingMovePoints && remainingMovePoints >= old) { return remainingMovePoints; } } /// TODO: This part need rework in order to work properly with flying and water walking /// Currently it's only work properly for normal movement or sailing int left = remainingMovePoints-ret; if(checkLast && left > 0 && remainingMovePoints-ret < 250) //it might be the last tile - if no further move possible we take all move points { std::vector vec; vec.reserve(8); //optimization getNeighbours(*dt, dst, vec, ct->terType->isLand(), true); for(auto & elem : vec) { int fcost = getMovementCost(dst, elem, nullptr, nullptr, left, false); if(fcost <= left) { return ret; } } ret = remainingMovePoints; } return ret; } int3 CGPath::startPos() const { return nodes[nodes.size()-1].coord; } int3 CGPath::endPos() const { return nodes[0].coord; } CPathsInfo::CPathsInfo(const int3 & Sizes, const CGHeroInstance * hero_) : sizes(Sizes), hero(hero_) { nodes.resize(boost::extents[ELayer::NUM_LAYERS][sizes.z][sizes.x][sizes.y]); } CPathsInfo::~CPathsInfo() = default; const CGPathNode * CPathsInfo::getPathInfo(const int3 & tile) const { assert(vstd::iswithin(tile.x, 0, sizes.x)); assert(vstd::iswithin(tile.y, 0, sizes.y)); assert(vstd::iswithin(tile.z, 0, sizes.z)); return getNode(tile); } bool CPathsInfo::getPath(CGPath & out, const int3 & dst) const { out.nodes.clear(); const CGPathNode * curnode = getNode(dst); if(!curnode->theNodeBefore) return false; while(curnode) { const CGPathNode cpn = * curnode; curnode = curnode->theNodeBefore; out.nodes.push_back(cpn); } return true; } const CGPathNode * CPathsInfo::getNode(const int3 & coord) const { auto landNode = &nodes[ELayer::LAND][coord.z][coord.x][coord.y]; if(landNode->reachable()) return landNode; else return &nodes[ELayer::SAIL][coord.z][coord.x][coord.y]; } PathNodeInfo::PathNodeInfo() : node(nullptr), nodeObject(nullptr), tile(nullptr), coord(-1, -1, -1), guarded(false), isInitialPosition(false) { } void PathNodeInfo::setNode(CGameState * gs, CGPathNode * n) { node = n; if(coord != node->coord) { assert(node->coord.valid()); coord = node->coord; tile = gs->getTile(coord); nodeObject = tile->topVisitableObj(); if(nodeObject && nodeObject->ID == Obj::HERO) { nodeHero = dynamic_cast(nodeObject); nodeObject = tile->topVisitableObj(true); if(!nodeObject) nodeObject = nodeHero; } else { nodeHero = nullptr; } } guarded = false; } void PathNodeInfo::updateInfo(CPathfinderHelper * hlp, CGameState * gs) { if(gs->guardingCreaturePosition(node->coord).valid() && !isInitialPosition) { guarded = true; } if(nodeObject) { objectRelations = gs->getPlayerRelations(hlp->owner, nodeObject->tempOwner); } if(nodeHero) { heroRelations = gs->getPlayerRelations(hlp->owner, nodeHero->tempOwner); } } CDestinationNodeInfo::CDestinationNodeInfo() : PathNodeInfo(), blocked(false), action(CGPathNode::ENodeAction::UNKNOWN) { } void CDestinationNodeInfo::setNode(CGameState * gs, CGPathNode * n) { PathNodeInfo::setNode(gs, n); blocked = false; action = CGPathNode::ENodeAction::UNKNOWN; } bool CDestinationNodeInfo::isBetterWay() const { if(node->turns == 0xff) //we haven't been here before return true; else return cost < node->getCost(); //this route is faster } bool PathNodeInfo::isNodeObjectVisitable() const { /// Hero can't visit objects while walking on water or flying return (node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::LAND || node->layer == EPathfindingLayer::SAIL) && (canSeeObj(nodeObject) || canSeeObj(nodeHero)); } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END