* ArmyManager.h, part of VCMI engine
* Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
* License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
* Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder

#pragma once

#include "../AIUtility.h"

#include "../../../lib/GameConstants.h"
#include "../../../lib/VCMI_Lib.h"
#include "../../../lib/CTownHandler.h"
#include "../../../lib/CBuildingHandler.h"

namespace NKAI

class Nullkiller;

struct SlotInfo
	const CCreature * creature;
	int count;
	uint64_t power;

struct ArmyUpgradeInfo
	std::vector<SlotInfo> resultingArmy;
	uint64_t upgradeValue;
	TResources upgradeCost;

		: resultingArmy(), upgradeValue(0), upgradeCost()

class DLL_EXPORT IArmyManager //: public: IAbstractManager
	virtual ~IArmyManager() = default;
	virtual void update() = 0;
	virtual ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(const CCreatureSet * target, const CGDwelling * source) const = 0;
	virtual	ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(
		const CCreatureSet * targetArmy,
		const CGDwelling * dwelling,
		const TResources & availableResources) const = 0;
	virtual ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanGet(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * source) const = 0;
	virtual ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanGet(const IBonusBearer * armyCarrier, const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const = 0;
	virtual std::vector<SlotInfo> getBestArmy(const IBonusBearer * armyCarrier, const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const = 0;
	virtual std::vector<SlotInfo>::iterator getWeakestCreature(std::vector<SlotInfo> & army) const = 0;
	virtual std::vector<SlotInfo> getSortedSlots(const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const = 0;
	virtual std::vector<creInfo> getArmyAvailableToBuy(const CCreatureSet * hero, const CGDwelling * dwelling, TResources availableRes) const = 0;
	virtual uint64_t evaluateStackPower(const CCreature * creature, int count) const = 0;
	virtual SlotInfo getTotalCreaturesAvailable(CreatureID creatureID) const = 0;
	virtual ArmyUpgradeInfo calculateCreaturesUpgrade(
		const CCreatureSet * army,
		const CGObjectInstance * upgrader,
		const TResources & availableResources) const = 0;
	virtual std::vector<creInfo> getArmyAvailableToBuy(const CCreatureSet * hero, const CGDwelling * dwelling) const = 0;
	virtual std::shared_ptr<CCreatureSet> getArmyAvailableToBuyAsCCreatureSet(const CGDwelling * dwelling, TResources availableRes) const = 0;

class StackUpgradeInfo;

class DLL_EXPORT ArmyManager : public IArmyManager
	CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * cb; //this is enough, but we downcast from CCallback
	const Nullkiller * ai;
	std::map<CreatureID, SlotInfo> totalArmy;

	ArmyManager(CPlayerSpecificInfoCallback * CB, const Nullkiller * ai): cb(CB), ai(ai) {}
	void update() override;
	ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(const CCreatureSet * target, const CGDwelling * source) const override;
	ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanBuy(
		const CCreatureSet * targetArmy,
		const CGDwelling * dwelling,
		const TResources & availableResources) const override;
	ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanGet(const CGHeroInstance * hero, const CCreatureSet * source) const override;
	ui64 howManyReinforcementsCanGet(const IBonusBearer * armyCarrier, const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const override;
	std::vector<SlotInfo> getBestArmy(const IBonusBearer * armyCarrier, const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const override;
	std::vector<SlotInfo>::iterator getWeakestCreature(std::vector<SlotInfo> & army) const override;
	std::vector<SlotInfo> getSortedSlots(const CCreatureSet * target, const CCreatureSet * source) const override;
	std::vector<creInfo> getArmyAvailableToBuy(const CCreatureSet * hero, const CGDwelling * dwelling, TResources availableRes) const override;
	std::vector<creInfo> getArmyAvailableToBuy(const CCreatureSet * hero, const CGDwelling * dwelling) const override;
	std::shared_ptr<CCreatureSet> getArmyAvailableToBuyAsCCreatureSet(const CGDwelling * dwelling, TResources availableRes) const override;
	uint64_t evaluateStackPower(const CCreature * creature, int count) const override;
	SlotInfo getTotalCreaturesAvailable(CreatureID creatureID) const override;
	ArmyUpgradeInfo calculateCreaturesUpgrade(
		const CCreatureSet * army, 
		const CGObjectInstance * upgrader,
		const TResources & availableResources) const override;

	std::vector<SlotInfo> convertToSlots(const CCreatureSet * army) const;
	std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> getPossibleUpgrades(const CCreatureSet * army, const CGObjectInstance * upgrader) const;
	std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> getHillFortUpgrades(const CCreatureSet * army) const;
	std::vector<StackUpgradeInfo> getDwellingUpgrades(const CCreatureSet * army, const CGDwelling * dwelling) const;
