/* * ClientCommandManager.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "ClientCommandManager.h" #include "Client.h" #include "CPlayerInterface.h" #include "CServerHandler.h" #include "gui/CGuiHandler.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "../lib/CConfigHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../lib/CPlayerState.h" #include "../lib/StringConstants.h" #include "gui/CAnimation.h" #include "windows/CAdvmapInterface.h" #include "windows/CCastleInterface.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/CModHandler.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #ifdef SCRIPTING_ENABLED #include "../lib/ScriptHandler.h" #endif void ClientCommandManager::handleGoSolo() { Settings session = settings.write["session"]; boost::unique_lock un(*CPlayerInterface::pim); if(!CSH->client) { printCommandMessage("Game is not in playing state"); return; } PlayerColor color; if(session["aiSolo"].Bool()) { for(auto & elem : CSH->client->gameState()->players) { if(elem.second.human) CSH->client->installNewPlayerInterface(std::make_shared(elem.first), elem.first); } } else { color = LOCPLINT->playerID; CSH->client->removeGUI(); for(auto & elem : CSH->client->gameState()->players) { if(elem.second.human) { auto AiToGive = CSH->client->aiNameForPlayer(*CSH->client->getPlayerSettings(elem.first), false); printCommandMessage("Player " + elem.first.getStr() + " will be lead by " + AiToGive, ELogLevel::INFO); CSH->client->installNewPlayerInterface(CDynLibHandler::getNewAI(AiToGive), elem.first); } } GH.totalRedraw(); giveTurn(color); } session["aiSolo"].Bool() = !session["aiSolo"].Bool(); } void ClientCommandManager::handleControlAi(const std::string &colorName) { boost::unique_lock un(*CPlayerInterface::pim); if(!CSH->client) { printCommandMessage("Game is not in playing state"); return; } PlayerColor color; if(LOCPLINT) color = LOCPLINT->playerID; for(auto & elem : CSH->client->gameState()->players) { if(elem.second.human || (colorName.length() && elem.first.getNum() != vstd::find_pos(GameConstants::PLAYER_COLOR_NAMES, colorName))) { continue; } CSH->client->removeGUI(); CSH->client->installNewPlayerInterface(std::make_shared(elem.first), elem.first); } GH.totalRedraw(); if(color != PlayerColor::NEUTRAL) giveTurn(color); } void ClientCommandManager::processCommand(const std::string &message, bool calledFromIngameConsole) { std::istringstream singleWordBuffer; singleWordBuffer.str(message); std::string commandName; singleWordBuffer >> commandName; currentCallFromIngameConsole = calledFromIngameConsole; if(message==std::string("die, fool")) { exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } else if(commandName == std::string("activate")) { int what; singleWordBuffer >> what; switch (what) { case 0: GH.topInt()->activate(); break; case 1: adventureInt->activate(); break; case 2: LOCPLINT->castleInt->activate(); break; default: printCommandMessage("Wrong argument specified!", ELogLevel::ERROR); } } else if(commandName == "redraw") { GH.totalRedraw(); } else if(commandName == "screen") { printCommandMessage("Screenbuf points to "); if(screenBuf == screen) printCommandMessage("screen", ELogLevel::ERROR); else if(screenBuf == screen2) printCommandMessage("screen2", ELogLevel::ERROR); else printCommandMessage("?!?", ELogLevel::ERROR); SDL_SaveBMP(screen, "Screen_c.bmp"); SDL_SaveBMP(screen2, "Screen2_c.bmp"); } else if(commandName == "save") { if(!CSH->client) { printCommandMessage("Game is not in playing state"); return; } std::string fname; singleWordBuffer >> fname; CSH->client->save(fname); } // else if(commandName=="load") // { // // TODO: this code should end the running game and manage to call startGame instead // std::string fname; // singleWordBuffer >> fname; // CSH->client->loadGame(fname); // } else if(message=="convert txt") { VLC->generaltexth->dumpAllTexts(); } else if(message=="get config") { printCommandMessage("Command accepted.\t"); const boost::filesystem::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath() / "configuration"; boost::filesystem::create_directories(outPath); const std::vector contentNames = {"heroClasses", "artifacts", "creatures", "factions", "objects", "heroes", "spells", "skills"}; for(auto contentName : contentNames) { auto & content = (*VLC->modh->content)[contentName]; auto contentOutPath = outPath / contentName; boost::filesystem::create_directories(contentOutPath); for(auto & iter : content.modData) { const JsonNode & modData = iter.second.modData; for(auto & nameAndObject : modData.Struct()) { const JsonNode & object = nameAndObject.second; std::string name = CModHandler::makeFullIdentifier(object.meta, contentName, nameAndObject.first); boost::algorithm::replace_all(name,":","_"); const boost::filesystem::path filePath = contentOutPath / (name + ".json"); boost::filesystem::ofstream file(filePath); file << object.toJson(); } } } printCommandMessage("\rExtracting done :)\n"); printCommandMessage("Extracted files can be found in " + outPath.string() + " directory\n"); } #if SCRIPTING_ENABLED else if(message=="get scripts") { printCommandMessage("Command accepted.\t"); const boost::filesystem::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath() / "scripts"; boost::filesystem::create_directories(outPath); for(auto & kv : VLC->scriptHandler->objects) { std::string name = kv.first; boost::algorithm::replace_all(name,":","_"); const scripting::ScriptImpl * script = kv.second.get(); boost::filesystem::path filePath = outPath / (name + ".lua"); boost::filesystem::ofstream file(filePath); file << script->getSource(); } printCommandMessage("\rExtracting done :)\n"); printCommandMessage("Extracted files can be found in " + outPath.string() + " directory\n"); } #endif else if(message=="get txt") { printCommandMessage("Command accepted.\t"); const boost::filesystem::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath(); auto list = CResourceHandler::get()->getFilteredFiles([](const ResourceID & ident) { return ident.getType() == EResType::TEXT && boost::algorithm::starts_with(ident.getName(), "DATA/"); }); for (auto & filename : list) { const boost::filesystem::path filePath = outPath / (filename.getName() + ".TXT"); boost::filesystem::create_directories(filePath.parent_path()); boost::filesystem::ofstream file(filePath); auto text = CResourceHandler::get()->load(filename)->readAll(); file.write((char*)text.first.get(), text.second); } printCommandMessage("\rExtracting done :)\n"); printCommandMessage("Extracted files can be found in " + outPath.string() + " directory\n"); } else if(commandName == "crash") { int *ptr = nullptr; *ptr = 666; //disaster! } else if(commandName == "mp" && adventureInt) { if(const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(adventureInt->selection)) printCommandMessage(std::to_string(h->movement) + "; max: " + std::to_string(h->maxMovePoints(true)) + "/" + std::to_string(h->maxMovePoints(false)) + "\n"); } else if(commandName == "bonuses") { bool jsonFormat = (message == "bonuses json"); auto format = [jsonFormat](const BonusList & b) -> std::string { if(jsonFormat) return b.toJsonNode().toJson(true); std::ostringstream ss; ss << b; return ss.str(); }; printCommandMessage("Bonuses of " + adventureInt->selection->getObjectName() + "\n"); printCommandMessage(format(adventureInt->selection->getBonusList()) + "\n"); printCommandMessage("\nInherited bonuses:\n"); TCNodes parents; adventureInt->selection->getParents(parents); for(const CBonusSystemNode *parent : parents) { printCommandMessage(std::string("\nBonuses from ") + typeid(*parent).name() + "\n" + format(*parent->getAllBonuses(Selector::all, Selector::all)) + "\n"); } } else if(commandName == "not dialog") { LOCPLINT->showingDialog->setn(false); } else if(commandName == "gui") { for(auto & child : GH.listInt) { const auto childPtr = child.get(); if(const CIntObject * obj = dynamic_cast(childPtr)) printInfoAboutInterfaceObject(obj, 0); else printCommandMessage(std::string(typeid(childPtr).name()) + "\n"); } } else if(commandName == "tell") { std::string what; int id1, id2; singleWordBuffer >> what >> id1 >> id2; if(what == "hs") { for(const CGHeroInstance *h : LOCPLINT->cb->getHeroesInfo()) if(h->type->getIndex() == id1) if(const CArtifactInstance *a = h->getArt(ArtifactPosition(id2))) printCommandMessage(a->nodeName()); } } else if (commandName == "set") { std::string what, value; singleWordBuffer >> what; Settings config = settings.write["session"][what]; singleWordBuffer >> value; if (value == "on") { config->Bool() = true; printCommandMessage("Option " + what + " enabled!", ELogLevel::INFO); } else if (value == "off") { config->Bool() = false; printCommandMessage("Option " + what + " disabled!", ELogLevel::INFO); } } else if(commandName == "unlock") { std::string mxname; singleWordBuffer >> mxname; if(mxname == "pim" && LOCPLINT) LOCPLINT->pim->unlock(); } else if(commandName == "def2bmp") { std::string URI; singleWordBuffer >> URI; std::unique_ptr anim = std::make_unique(URI); anim->preload(); anim->exportBitmaps(VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath()); } else if(commandName == "extract") { std::string URI; singleWordBuffer >> URI; if (CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(ResourceID(URI))) { const boost::filesystem::path outPath = VCMIDirs::get().userExtractedPath() / URI; auto data = CResourceHandler::get()->load(ResourceID(URI))->readAll(); boost::filesystem::create_directories(outPath.parent_path()); boost::filesystem::ofstream outFile(outPath, boost::filesystem::ofstream::binary); outFile.write((char*)data.first.get(), data.second); } else printCommandMessage("File not found!", ELogLevel::ERROR); } else if(commandName == "setBattleAI") { std::string fname; singleWordBuffer >> fname; printCommandMessage("Will try loading that AI to see if it is correct name...\n"); try { if(auto ai = CDynLibHandler::getNewBattleAI(fname)) //test that given AI is indeed available... heavy but it is easy to make a typo and break the game { Settings neutralAI = settings.write["server"]["neutralAI"]; neutralAI->String() = fname; printCommandMessage("Setting changed, from now the battle ai will be " + fname + "!\n"); } } catch(std::exception &e) { printCommandMessage("Failed opening " + fname + ": " + e.what(), ELogLevel::WARN); printCommandMessage("Setting not changed, AI not found or invalid!", ELogLevel::WARN); } } else if(commandName == "autoskip") { Settings session = settings.write["session"]; session["autoSkip"].Bool() = !session["autoSkip"].Bool(); } else if(commandName == "gosolo") { ClientCommandManager::handleGoSolo(); } else if(commandName == "controlai") { std::string colorName; singleWordBuffer >> colorName; boost::to_lower(colorName); ClientCommandManager::handleControlAi(colorName); } else { printCommandMessage("Command not found :(", ELogLevel::ERROR); } } void ClientCommandManager::giveTurn(const PlayerColor &colorIdentifier) { YourTurn yt; yt.player = colorIdentifier; yt.daysWithoutCastle = CSH->client->getPlayerState(colorIdentifier)->daysWithoutCastle; yt.applyCl(CSH->client); } void ClientCommandManager::printInfoAboutInterfaceObject(const CIntObject *obj, int level) { std::stringstream sbuffer; sbuffer << std::string(level, '\t'); sbuffer << typeid(*obj).name() << " *** "; if (obj->active) { #define PRINT(check, text) if (obj->active & CIntObject::check) sbuffer << text PRINT(LCLICK, 'L'); PRINT(RCLICK, 'R'); PRINT(HOVER, 'H'); PRINT(MOVE, 'M'); PRINT(KEYBOARD, 'K'); PRINT(TIME, 'T'); PRINT(GENERAL, 'A'); PRINT(WHEEL, 'W'); PRINT(DOUBLECLICK, 'D'); #undef PRINT } else sbuffer << "inactive"; sbuffer << " at " << obj->pos.x <<"x"<< obj->pos.y; sbuffer << " (" << obj->pos.w <<"x"<< obj->pos.h << ")"; printCommandMessage(sbuffer.str(), ELogLevel::INFO); for(const CIntObject *child : obj->children) printInfoAboutInterfaceObject(child, level+1); } void ClientCommandManager::printCommandMessage(const std::string &commandMessage, ELogLevel::ELogLevel messageType) { switch(messageType) { case ELogLevel::NOT_SET: std::cout << commandMessage; break; case ELogLevel::TRACE: logGlobal->trace(commandMessage); break; case ELogLevel::DEBUG: logGlobal->debug(commandMessage); break; case ELogLevel::INFO: logGlobal->info(commandMessage); break; case ELogLevel::WARN: logGlobal->warn(commandMessage); break; case ELogLevel::ERROR: logGlobal->error(commandMessage); break; default: std::cout << commandMessage; break; } if(currentCallFromIngameConsole) { boost::unique_lock un(*CPlayerInterface::pim); if(LOCPLINT && LOCPLINT->cingconsole) { LOCPLINT->cingconsole->print(commandMessage); } } }