#include "stdafx.h" #include "../int3.h" #include "../lib/CCampaignHandler.h" #include "../StartInfo.h" #include "../lib/CArtHandler.h" #include "../lib/CBuildingHandler.h" #include "../lib/CDefObjInfoHandler.h" #include "../lib/CHeroHandler.h" #include "../lib/CObjectHandler.h" #include "../lib/CSpellHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGeneralTextHandler.h" #include "../lib/CTownHandler.h" #include "../lib/CCreatureHandler.h" #include "../lib/CGameState.h" #include "../lib/BattleState.h" #include "../lib/CondSh.h" #include "../lib/NetPacks.h" #include "../lib/VCMI_Lib.h" #include "../lib/map.h" #include "../lib/VCMIDirs.h" #include "../client/CSoundBase.h" #include "CGameHandler.h" #include #include #include #include "../lib/CCreatureSet.h" /* * CGameHandler.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #undef DLL_EXPORT #define DLL_EXPORT #include "../lib/RegisterTypes.cpp" #ifndef _MSC_VER #include #endif extern bool end2; #ifdef min #undef min #endif #ifdef max #undef max #endif #define COMPLAIN_RET_IF(cond, txt) do {if(cond){complain(txt); return;}} while(0) #define COMPLAIN_RET(txt) {complain(txt); return false;} #define NEW_ROUND BattleNextRound bnr;\ bnr.round = gs->curB->round + 1;\ sendAndApply(&bnr); CondSh battleMadeAction; CondSh battleResult(NULL); std::ptrdiff_t randomizer (ptrdiff_t i) {return rand();} std::ptrdiff_t (*p_myrandom)(std::ptrdiff_t) = randomizer; template class CApplyOnGH; class CBaseForGHApply { public: virtual bool applyOnGH(CGameHandler *gh, CConnection *c, void *pack) const =0; virtual ~CBaseForGHApply(){} template static CBaseForGHApply *getApplier(const U * t=NULL) { return new CApplyOnGH; } }; template class CApplyOnGH : public CBaseForGHApply { public: bool applyOnGH(CGameHandler *gh, CConnection *c, void *pack) const { T *ptr = static_cast(pack); ptr->c = c; return ptr->applyGh(gh); } }; static CApplier *applier = NULL; CMP_stack cmpst ; static inline double distance(int3 a, int3 b) { return std::sqrt( (double)(a.x-b.x)*(a.x-b.x) + (a.y-b.y)*(a.y-b.y) ); } static void giveExp(BattleResult &r) { r.exp[0] = 0; r.exp[1] = 0; for(std::map::iterator i = r.casualties[!r.winner].begin(); i!=r.casualties[!r.winner].end(); i++) { r.exp[r.winner] += VLC->creh->creatures[i->first]->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH) * i->second; } } PlayerStatus PlayerStatuses::operator[](ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player]; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } void PlayerStatuses::addPlayer(ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); players[player]; } bool PlayerStatuses::hasQueries(ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player].queries.size(); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } bool PlayerStatuses::checkFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { return players[player].*flag; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } } void PlayerStatuses::setFlag(ui8 player, bool PlayerStatus::*flag, bool val) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].*flag = val; } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } void PlayerStatuses::addQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].queries.insert(id); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } void PlayerStatuses::removeQuery(ui8 player, ui32 id) { boost::unique_lock l(mx); if(players.find(player) != players.end()) { players[player].queries.erase(id); } else { throw std::string("No such player!"); } cv.notify_all(); } template void callWith(std::vector args, boost::function fun, ui32 which) { fun(args[which]); } void CGameHandler::levelUpHero(int ID, int skill) { changeSecSkill(ID, skill, 1, 0); levelUpHero(ID); } void CGameHandler::levelUpHero(int ID) { CGHeroInstance *hero = static_cast(gs->map->objects[ID].get()); // required exp for at least 1 lvl-up hasn't been reached if (hero->exp < VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level+1)) { afterBattleCallback(); return; } //give prim skill tlog5 << hero->name <<" got level "<level<::*g = (hero->level>9) ? (&std::pair::second) : (&std::pair::first); for(;xtype->heroClass->primChance[x].*g; if(rlevel+1; //picking sec. skills for choice std::set basicAndAdv, expert, none; for(int i=0;isecSkills.size();i++) { if(hero->secSkills[i].second < 3) basicAndAdv.insert(hero->secSkills[i].first); else expert.insert(hero->secSkills[i].first); none.erase(hero->secSkills[i].first); } //first offered skill if(basicAndAdv.size()) { int s = hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv);//upgrade existing hlu.skills.push_back(s); basicAndAdv.erase(s); } else if(none.size() && hero->secSkills.size() < hero->type->heroClass->skillLimit) { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none)); //give new skill none.erase(hlu.skills.back()); } //second offered skill if(none.size() && hero->secSkills.size() < hero->type->heroClass->skillLimit) //hero have free skill slot { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(none)); //new skill } else if(basicAndAdv.size()) { hlu.skills.push_back(hero->type->heroClass->chooseSecSkill(basicAndAdv)); //upgrade existing } if(hlu.skills.size() > 1) //apply and ask for secondary skill { boost::function callback = boost::function(boost::bind(callWith,hlu.skills,boost::function(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::levelUpHero,this,ID,_1)),_1)); applyAndAsk(&hlu,hero->tempOwner,callback); //call levelUpHero when client responds } else if(hlu.skills.size() == 1) //apply, give only possible skill and send info { sendAndApply(&hlu); levelUpHero(ID, hlu.skills.back()); } else //apply and send info { sendAndApply(&hlu); levelUpHero(ID); } } void CGameHandler::changePrimSkill(int ID, int which, si64 val, bool abs) { SetPrimSkill sps; sps.id = ID; sps.which = which; sps.abs = abs; sps.val = val; sendAndApply(&sps); //only for exp - hero may level up if(which==4) { levelUpHero(ID); //TODO: Commander //TODO: Stack Experience only after battle } } void CGameHandler::changeSecSkill( int ID, int which, int val, bool abs/*=false*/ ) { SetSecSkill sss; sss.id = ID; sss.which = which; sss.val = val; sss.abs = abs; sendAndApply(&sss); if(which == 7) //Wisdom { const CGHeroInstance *h = getHero(ID); if(h && h->visitedTown) giveSpells(h->visitedTown, h); } } void CGameHandler::startBattle( const CArmedInstance *armies[2], int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *heroes[2], bool creatureBank, boost::function cb, const CGTownInstance *town /*= NULL*/ ) { battleEndCallback = new boost::function(cb); { setupBattle(tile, armies, heroes, creatureBank, town); //initializes stacks, places creatures on battlefield, blocks and informs player interfaces } runBattle(); } void CGameHandler::endBattle(int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2) { bool duel = gs->initialOpts->mode == StartInfo::DUEL; BattleResultsApplied resultsApplied; const CArmedInstance *bEndArmy1 = gs->curB->belligerents[0]; const CArmedInstance *bEndArmy2 = gs->curB->belligerents[1]; resultsApplied.player1 = bEndArmy1->tempOwner; resultsApplied.player2 = bEndArmy2->tempOwner; const CGHeroInstance *victoriousHero = gs->curB->heroes[battleResult.data->winner]; if(!duel) { //unblock engaged players if(bEndArmy1->tempOwnertempOwner, &PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle, false); if(bEndArmy2 && bEndArmy2->tempOwnertempOwner, &PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle, false); } //end battle, remove all info, free memory giveExp(*battleResult.data); if (hero1) battleResult.data->exp[0] = hero1->calculateXp(battleResult.data->exp[0]);//scholar skill if (hero2) battleResult.data->exp[1] = hero2->calculateXp(battleResult.data->exp[1]); ui8 sides[2]; for(int i=0; i<2; ++i) { sides[i] = gs->curB->sides[i]; } ui8 loser = sides[!battleResult.data->winner]; CasualtiesAfterBattle cab1(bEndArmy1, gs->curB), cab2(bEndArmy2, gs->curB); //calculate casualties before deleting battle ChangeSpells cs; //for Eagle Eye if(victoriousHero) { if(int eagleEyeLevel = victoriousHero->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::EAGLE_EYE)) { int maxLevel = eagleEyeLevel + 1; double eagleEyeChance = victoriousHero->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, CGHeroInstance::EAGLE_EYE); BOOST_FOREACH(const CSpell *sp, gs->curB->usedSpellsHistory[!battleResult.data->winner]) if(sp->level <= maxLevel && !vstd::contains(victoriousHero->spells, sp->id) && rand() % 100 < eagleEyeChance) cs.spells.insert(sp->id); } } sendAndApply(battleResult.data); //Eagle Eye secondary skill handling if(cs.spells.size()) { cs.learn = 1; cs.hid = victoriousHero->id; InfoWindow iw; iw.player = victoriousHero->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 221); //Through eagle-eyed observation, %s is able to learn %s iw.text.addReplacement(victoriousHero->name); std::ostringstream names; for(int i = 0; i < cs.spells.size(); i++) { names << "%s"; if(i < cs.spells.size() - 2) names << ", "; else if(i < cs.spells.size() - 1) names << "%s"; } names << "."; iw.text.addReplacement(names.str()); std::set::iterator it = cs.spells.begin(); for(int i = 0; i < cs.spells.size(); i++, it++) { iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::SPELL_NAME, *it); if(i == cs.spells.size() - 2) //we just added pre-last name iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 141); // " and " iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SPELL, *it, 0, 0)); } sendAndApply(&iw); sendAndApply(&cs); } // Necromancy if applicable. const CGHeroInstance *winnerHero = battleResult.data->winner != 0 ? hero2 : hero1; const CGHeroInstance *loserHero = battleResult.data->winner != 0 ? hero1 : hero2; const CStackBasicDescriptor raisedStack = winnerHero ? winnerHero->calculateNecromancy(*battleResult.data) : CStackBasicDescriptor(); // Give raised units to winner and show dialog, if any were raised, // units will be given after casualities are taken const TSlot necroSlot = raisedStack.type ? winnerHero->getSlotFor(raisedStack.type) : -1; if(!duel) { cab1.takeFromArmy(this); cab2.takeFromArmy(this); //take casualties after battle is deleted //if one hero has lost we will erase him if(battleResult.data->winner!=0 && hero1) { RemoveObject ro(hero1->id); sendAndApply(&ro); } if(battleResult.data->winner!=1 && hero2) { RemoveObject ro(hero2->id); sendAndApply(&ro); } //give exp if (battleResult.data->exp[0] && hero1) changePrimSkill(hero1->id,4,battleResult.data->exp[0]); else if (battleResult.data->exp[1] && hero2) changePrimSkill(hero2->id,4,battleResult.data->exp[1]); else afterBattleCallback(); } if (necroSlot != -1) { winnerHero->showNecromancyDialog(raisedStack); addToSlot(StackLocation(winnerHero, necroSlot), raisedStack.type, raisedStack.count); } if(duel) { CSaveFile resultFile("result.vdrst"); resultFile << *battleResult.data; int casualtiesPoints = 0; tlog0 << boost::format("Winner side %d\nWinner casualties:\n") % (int)battleResult.data->winner; for(std::map::const_iterator i = battleResult.data->casualties[battleResult.data->winner].begin(); i != battleResult.data->casualties[battleResult.data->winner].end(); i++) { const CCreature *c = VLC->creh->creatures[i->first]; tlog0 << boost::format("\t* %d of %s\n") % i->second % c->namePl; casualtiesPoints = c->AIValue * i->second; } tlog0 << boost::format("Total casualties points: %d\n") % casualtiesPoints; //battle ai1 ai2 winner_side winner_casualties time_t czas; time(&czas); std::string resultTypes[] = {"SIDE_DEFEATED", "SIDE_RETREATED", "SIDE_SURRENDERED", "SIDE_DISQUALIFIED"}; std::ofstream resultsList("results.txt", std::fstream::out | std::fstream::app); resultsList << boost::format("%s\t%s\t%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\t%s") % gs->scenarioOps->mapname % ais[0] % ais[1] % (int)battleResult.data->winner % casualtiesPoints % resultTypes[battleResult.data->result] % asctime(localtime(&czas)); } sendAndApply(&resultsApplied); if(duel) return; if(visitObjectAfterVictory && winnerHero == hero1) { visitObjectOnTile(*getTile(winnerHero->getPosition()), winnerHero); } visitObjectAfterVictory = false; winLoseHandle(1<result; if(result == 1 || result == 2) //loser has escaped or surrendered { SetAvailableHeroes sah; sah.player = loser; sah.hid[0] = loserHero->subID; if(result == 1) //retreat { sah.army[0].clear(); sah.army[0].setCreature(0, VLC->creh->nameToID[loserHero->type->refTypeStack[0]],1); } if(const CGHeroInstance *another = getPlayer(loser)->availableHeroes[1]) sah.hid[1] = another->subID; else sah.hid[1] = -1; sendAndApply(&sah); } } void CGameHandler::afterBattleCallback() //object interaction after leveling up is done { if(battleEndCallback && *battleEndCallback) { boost::function *backup = battleEndCallback; battleEndCallback = NULL; //we need to set it to NULL or else we have infinite recursion when after battle callback gives exp (eg Pandora Box with exp) (*backup)(battleResult.data); delete backup; } } void CGameHandler::prepareAttack(BattleAttack &bat, const CStack *att, const CStack *def, int distance, int targetHex) { bat.bsa.clear(); bat.stackAttacking = att->ID; int attackerLuck = att->LuckVal(); const CGHeroInstance * h0 = gs->curB->heroes[0], * h1 = gs->curB->heroes[1]; bool noLuck = false; if((h0 && NBonus::hasOfType(h0, Bonus::BLOCK_LUCK)) || (h1 && NBonus::hasOfType(h1, Bonus::BLOCK_LUCK))) { noLuck = true; } if(!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && !noLuck && attackerLuck > 0 && rand()%24 < attackerLuck) //TODO?: negative luck option? { bat.flags |= BattleAttack::LUCKY; } if(!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && rand()%100 < att->valOfBonuses(Bonus::DOUBLE_DAMAGE_CHANCE)) { bat.flags |= BattleAttack::DEATH_BLOW; } if(att->getCreature()->idNumber == 146) { static const int artilleryLvlToChance[] = {0, 50, 75, 100}; const CGHeroInstance * owner = gs->curB->getHero(att->owner); int chance = artilleryLvlToChance[owner->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::ARTILLERY)]; if(!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && chance > rand() % 100) { bat.flags |= BattleAttack::BALLISTA_DOUBLE_DMG; } } // only primary target applyBattleEffects(bat, att, def, distance, false); if (!bat.shot()) //multiple-hex attack - only in meele { std::set attackedCreatures = gs->curB->getAttackedCreatures(att, targetHex); //TODO: get exact attacked hex for defender BOOST_FOREACH(CStack * stack, attackedCreatures) { if (stack != def) //do not hit same stack twice { applyBattleEffects(bat, att, stack, distance, true); } } } const Bonus * bonus = att->getBonus(Selector::type(Bonus::SPELL_LIKE_ATTACK)); if (bonus && (bat.shot())) //TODO: make it work in meele? { bat.bsa.front().flags |= BattleStackAttacked::EFFECT; bat.bsa.front().effect = VLC->spellh->spells[bonus->subtype]->mainEffectAnim; //hopefully it does not interfere with any other effect? std::set attackedCreatures = gs->curB->getAttackedCreatures(VLC->spellh->spells[bonus->subtype], bonus->val, att->owner, targetHex); //TODO: get exact attacked hex for defender BOOST_FOREACH(CStack * stack, attackedCreatures) { if (stack != def) //do not hit same stack twice { applyBattleEffects(bat, att, stack, distance, true); } } } } void CGameHandler::applyBattleEffects(BattleAttack &bat, const CStack *att, const CStack *def, int distance, bool secondary) //helper function for prepareAttack { BattleStackAttacked bsa; if (secondary) bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::SECONDARY; //all other targets do not suffer from spells & spell-like abilities bsa.attackerID = att->ID; bsa.stackAttacked = def->ID; bsa.damageAmount = gs->curB->calculateDmg(att, def, gs->curB->battleGetOwner(att), gs->curB->battleGetOwner(def), bat.shot(), distance, bat.lucky(), bat.deathBlow(), bat.ballistaDoubleDmg()); def->prepareAttacked(bsa); //calculate casualties //life drain handling if (att->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::LIFE_DRAIN) && def->isLiving()) { StacksHealedOrResurrected shi; shi.lifeDrain = (ui8)true; shi.tentHealing = (ui8)false; shi.drainedFrom = def->ID; StacksHealedOrResurrected::HealInfo hi; hi.stackID = att->ID; hi.healedHP = std::min(bsa.damageAmount, att->MaxHealth() - att->firstHPleft + att->MaxHealth() * (att->baseAmount - att->count) ); hi.lowLevelResurrection = false; shi.healedStacks.push_back(hi); if (hi.healedHP > 0) { bsa.healedStacks.push_back(shi); } } bat.bsa.push_back(bsa); //add this stack to the list of victims after drain life has been calculated //fire shield handling if (!bat.shot() && def->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FIRE_SHIELD) && !att->hasBonusOfType (Bonus::FIRE_IMMUNITY) && !bsa.killed() ) { BattleStackAttacked bsa; bsa.stackAttacked = att->ID; //invert bsa.attackerID = def->ID; bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::EFFECT; bsa.effect = 11; bsa.damageAmount = (bsa.damageAmount * def->valOfBonuses(Bonus::FIRE_SHIELD)) / 100; att->prepareAttacked(bsa); bat.bsa.push_back(bsa); } } void CGameHandler::disqualifyPlayer(int side) { tlog0 << "The side " << (int)side << " will be disqualified!\n"; boost::unique_lock lock(*gs->mx); setBattleResult(3, !side); battleMadeAction.setn(true); } void CGameHandler::handleConnection(std::set players, CConnection &c) { setThreadName(-1, "CGameHandler::handleConnection"); srand(time(NULL)); CPack *pack = NULL; boost::function onException; try { if(gs->curB && gs->initialOpts->mode == StartInfo::DUEL) { onException = boost::bind(&CGameHandler::disqualifyPlayer, this, *players.begin()); } while(1)//server should never shut connection first //was: while(!end2) { pack = c.retreivePack(); receivedPack(c.connectionID, pack); int packType = typeList.getTypeID(pack); //get the id of type if(packType == typeList.getTypeID()) { tlog0 << "Ending listening thread for side " << *players.begin() << std::endl; break; } CBaseForGHApply *apply = applier->apps[packType]; //and appropriae applier object if(packType != typeList.getTypeID() &&(packType != typeList.getTypeID() || !isAllowedArrangePack((ArrangeStacks*)pack)) // for dialogs like garrison && vstd::contains(states.players, getCurrentPlayer()) && states[getCurrentPlayer()].queries.size()) { complain("Answer the query before attempting any further actions!"); PackageApplied applied; applied.result = false; applied.packType = packType; { boost::unique_lock lock(*c.wmx); c << &applied; } } else if(apply) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); bool result = apply->applyOnGH(this,&c,pack); tlog5 << "Message successfully applied (result=" << result << ")!\n"; //send confirmation that we've applied the package PackageApplied applied; applied.result = result; applied.packType = packType; { boost::unique_lock lock(*c.wmx); c << &applied; } } else { tlog1 << "Message cannot be applied, cannot find applier (unregistered type)!\n"; } delete pack; pack = NULL; } } catch(boost::system::system_error &e) //for boost errors just log, not crash - probably client shut down connection { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); if(gs->scenarioOps->mode != StartInfo::DUEL) { assert(!c.connected); //make sure that connection has been marked as broken } tlog1 << e.what() << std::endl; end2 = true; if(onException) onException(); } HANDLE_EXCEPTIONC(boost::unique_lock lock(gsm);end2 = true; if(onException) {onException();return;}); tlog1 << "Ended handling connection\n"; } int CGameHandler::moveStack(int stack, THex dest) { int ret = 0; CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(stack), *stackAtEnd = gs->curB->getStackT(dest); assert(curStack); assert(dest < BFIELD_SIZE); if (gs->curB->tacticDistance) { assert(gs->curB->isInTacticRange(dest)); } //initing necessary tables bool accessibility[BFIELD_SIZE]; std::vector accessible = gs->curB->getAccessibility(curStack, false); for(int b=0; bdoubleWide() && !accessibility[dest]) { if(curStack->attackerOwned) { if(accessibility[dest+1]) dest += THex::RIGHT; } else { if(accessibility[dest-1]) dest += THex::LEFT; } } if((stackAtEnd && stackAtEnd!=curStack && stackAtEnd->alive()) || !accessibility[dest]) return 0; bool accessibilityWithOccupyable[BFIELD_SIZE]; std::vector accOc = gs->curB->getAccessibility(curStack, true); for(int b=0; b curStack->creature->speed && !(stackAtEnd && dists[dest] == curStack->creature->speed+1)) //we can attack a stack if we can go to adjacent hex // return false; std::pair< std::vector, int > path = gs->curB->getPath(curStack->position, dest, accessibilityWithOccupyable, curStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING), curStack->doubleWide(), curStack->attackerOwned); ret = path.second; int creSpeed = gs->curB->tacticDistance ? BFIELD_SIZE : curStack->Speed(); if(curStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING)) { if(path.second <= creSpeed && path.first.size() > 0) { //inform clients about move BattleStackMoved sm; sm.stack = curStack->ID; std::vector tiles; tiles.push_back(path.first[0]); sm.tilesToMove = tiles; sm.distance = path.second; sm.teleporting = false; sendAndApply(&sm); } } else //for non-flying creatures { // send one package with the creature path information std::vector tiles; int tilesToMove = std::max((int)(path.first.size() - creSpeed), 0); for(int v=path.first.size()-1; v>=tilesToMove; --v) { tiles.push_back(path.first[v]); } if (tiles.size() > 0) { BattleStackMoved sm; sm.stack = curStack->ID; sm.distance = path.second; sm.teleporting = false; sm.tilesToMove = tiles; sendAndApply(&sm); } } return ret; } CGameHandler::CGameHandler(void) { QID = 1; //gs = NULL; IObjectInterface::cb = this; applier = new CApplier; registerTypes3(*applier); visitObjectAfterVictory = false; battleEndCallback = NULL; } CGameHandler::~CGameHandler(void) { delete applier; applier = NULL; delete gs; } void CGameHandler::init(StartInfo *si, int Seed) { gs = new CGameState(); tlog0 << "Gamestate created!" << std::endl; gs->init(si, 0, Seed); tlog0 << "Gamestate initialized!" << std::endl; for(std::map::iterator i = gs->players.begin(); i != gs->players.end(); i++) states.addPlayer(i->first); } static bool evntCmp(const CMapEvent *a, const CMapEvent *b) { return *a < *b; } void CGameHandler::setPortalDwelling(const CGTownInstance * town, bool forced=false, bool clear = false) {// bool forced = true - if creature should be replaced, if false - only if no creature was set const PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(town->tempOwner); if(!p) { tlog3 << "There is no player owner of town " << town->name << " at " << town->pos << std::endl; return; } if (forced || town->creatures[CREATURES_PER_TOWN].second.empty())//we need to change creature { SetAvailableCreatures ssi; ssi.tid = town->id; ssi.creatures = town->creatures; ssi.creatures[CREATURES_PER_TOWN].second.clear();//remove old one const std::vector > &dwellings = p->dwellings; if (dwellings.empty())//no dwellings - just remove { sendAndApply(&ssi); return; } ui32 dwellpos = rand()%dwellings.size();//take random dwelling ui32 creapos = rand()%dwellings[dwellpos]->creatures.size();//for multi-creature dwellings like Golem Factory ui32 creature = dwellings[dwellpos]->creatures[creapos].second[0]; if (clear) ssi.creatures[CREATURES_PER_TOWN].first = std::max((ui32)1, (VLC->creh->creatures[creature]->growth)/2); else ssi.creatures[CREATURES_PER_TOWN].first = VLC->creh->creatures[creature]->growth; ssi.creatures[CREATURES_PER_TOWN].second.push_back(creature); sendAndApply(&ssi); } } void CGameHandler::newTurn() { tlog5 << "Turn " << gs->day+1 << std::endl; NewTurn n; n.specialWeek = NewTurn::NO_ACTION; n.creatureid = -1; n.day = gs->day + 1; bool firstTurn = !getDate(0); bool newWeek = getDate(1) == 7; //day numbers are confusing, as day was not yet switched bool newMonth = getDate(4) == 28; std::map hadGold;//starting gold - for buildings like dwarven treasury srand(time(NULL)); if (newWeek && !firstTurn) { n.specialWeek = NewTurn::NORMAL; bool deityOfFireBuilt = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, gs->map->towns) { if(t->subID == 3 && vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, Buildings::GRAIL)) { deityOfFireBuilt = true; break; } } if(deityOfFireBuilt) { n.specialWeek = NewTurn::DEITYOFFIRE; n.creatureid = 42; } else { int monthType = rand()%100; if(newMonth) //new month { if (monthType < 40) //double growth { n.specialWeek = NewTurn::DOUBLE_GROWTH; if (ALLCREATURESGETDOUBLEMONTHS) { std::pair newMonster(54, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(boost::ref(rand))); n.creatureid = newMonster.second; } else { std::set::const_iterator it = VLC->creh->doubledCreatures.begin(); std::advance (it, rand() % VLC->creh->doubledCreatures.size()); //picking random element of set is tiring n.creatureid = *it; } } else if (monthType < 50) n.specialWeek = NewTurn::PLAGUE; } else //it's a week, but not full month { if (monthType < 25) { n.specialWeek = NewTurn::BONUS_GROWTH; //+5 std::pair newMonster (54, VLC->creh->pickRandomMonster(boost::ref(rand))); //TODO do not pick neutrals n.creatureid = newMonster.second; } } } } bmap > pool = gs->hpool.heroesPool; for ( std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++) { if(i->first == 255) continue; else if(i->first >= PLAYER_LIMIT) assert(0); //illegal player number! std::pair playerGold(i->first,i->second.resources[Res::GOLD]); hadGold.insert(playerGold); if(newWeek) //new heroes in tavern { SetAvailableHeroes sah; sah.player = i->first; //pick heroes and their armies CHeroClass *banned = NULL; for (int j = 0; j < AVAILABLE_HEROES_PER_PLAYER; j++) { if(CGHeroInstance *h = gs->hpool.pickHeroFor(j == 0, i->first, getNativeTown(i->first), pool, banned)) //first hero - native if possible, second hero -> any other class { sah.hid[j] = h->subID; h->initArmy(&sah.army[j]); banned = h->type->heroClass; } else sah.hid[j] = -1; } sendAndApply(&sah); } n.res[i->first] = i->second.resources; BOOST_FOREACH(CGHeroInstance *h, (*i).second.heroes) { if(h->visitedTown) giveSpells(h->visitedTown, h); NewTurn::Hero hth; hth.id = h->id; hth.move = h->maxMovePoints(gs->map->getTile(h->getPosition(false)).tertype != TerrainTile::water); if(h->visitedTown && vstd::contains(h->visitedTown->builtBuildings,0)) //if hero starts turn in town with mage guild hth.mana = std::max(h->mana, h->manaLimit()); //restore all mana else hth.mana = std::max(si32(0), std::max(h->mana, std::min(h->mana + h->manaRegain(), h->manaLimit())) ); n.heroes.insert(hth); if(!firstTurn) //not first day { n.res[i->first][Res::GOLD] += h->valOfBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, CGHeroInstance::ESTATES)); //estates for (int k = 0; k < RESOURCE_QUANTITY; k++) { n.res[i->first][k] += h->valOfBonuses(Bonus::GENERATE_RESOURCE, k); } } } } // townID, creatureID, amount std::map > newCreas;//creatures that needs to be added by town events BOOST_FOREACH(CGTownInstance *t, gs->map->towns) { ui8 player = t->tempOwner; handleTownEvents(t, n, newCreas); if(newWeek) //first day of week { if(t->subID == 5 && vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, Buildings::SPECIAL_3)) setPortalDwelling(t, true, (n.specialWeek == NewTurn::PLAGUE ? true : false)); //set creatures for Portal of Summoning if(!firstTurn) if (t->subID == 1 && player < PLAYER_LIMIT && vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, Buildings::SPECIAL_3))//dwarven treasury n.res[player][Res::GOLD] += hadGold[player]/10; //give 10% of starting gold SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = t->id; sac.creatures = t->creatures; for (int k=0; k < CREATURES_PER_TOWN; k++) //creature growths { if(t->creatureDwelling(k))//there is dwelling (k-level) { ui32 &availableCount = sac.creatures[k].first; const CCreature *cre = VLC->creh->creatures[t->creatureDwelling(k, true) ? t->town->upgradedCreatures[k] : t->town->basicCreatures[k]]; if (n.specialWeek == NewTurn::PLAGUE) availableCount = t->creatures[k].first / 2; //halve their number, no growth else { if(firstTurn) //first day of game: use only basic growths availableCount = cre->growth; else availableCount += t->creatureGrowth(k); if(n.creatureid == cre->idNumber || (n.specialWeek == NewTurn::DEITYOFFIRE && (cre->idNumber == 42 || cre->idNumber == 43))) { if(n.specialWeek == NewTurn::DOUBLE_GROWTH) availableCount *= 2; else if(n.specialWeek == NewTurn::BONUS_GROWTH) availableCount += 5; else if(n.specialWeek == NewTurn::DEITYOFFIRE) availableCount += 15; } } } } //add creatures from town events if (vstd::contains(newCreas, t->id)) for(std::map::iterator i=newCreas[t->id].begin() ; i!=newCreas[t->id].end(); i++) sac.creatures[i->first].first += i->second; n.cres.push_back(sac); } if(!firstTurn && player < PLAYER_LIMIT)//not the first day and town not neutral { if(vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, Buildings::RESOURCE_SILO)) //there is resource silo { if(t->town->primaryRes == 127) //we'll give wood and ore { n.res[player][Res::WOOD] ++; n.res[player][Res::ORE] ++; } else { n.res[player][t->town->primaryRes] ++; } } n.res[player][Res::GOLD] += t->dailyIncome(); } if(vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, Buildings::GRAIL) && t->subID == 2) { // Skyship, probably easier to handle same as Veil of darkness //do it every new day after veils apply FoWChange fw; fw.mode = 1; fw.player = player; getAllTiles(fw.tiles, player, -1, 0); sendAndApply (&fw); } if (t->hasBonusOfType (Bonus::DARKNESS)) { t->hideTiles(t->getOwner(), t->getBonus(Selector::type(Bonus::DARKNESS))->val); } //unhiding what shouldn't be hidden? //that's handled in netpacks client } if(newMonth) { SetAvailableArtifacts saa; saa.id = -1; pickAllowedArtsSet(saa.arts); sendAndApply(&saa); } sendAndApply(&n); if(newWeek) { //spawn wandering monsters if (newMonth && (n.specialWeek == NewTurn::DOUBLE_GROWTH || n.specialWeek == NewTurn::DEITYOFFIRE)) { spawnWanderingMonsters(n.creatureid); } //new week info popup if(!firstTurn) { InfoWindow iw; switch (n.specialWeek) { case NewTurn::DOUBLE_GROWTH: iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, 131); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_SING_NAMES, n.creatureid); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_SING_NAMES, n.creatureid); break; case NewTurn::PLAGUE: iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, 132); break; case NewTurn::BONUS_GROWTH: iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, 134); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_SING_NAMES, n.creatureid); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_SING_NAMES, n.creatureid); break; case NewTurn::DEITYOFFIRE: iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, 135); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_SING_NAMES, 42); //%s imp iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_SING_NAMES, 42); //%s imp iw.text.addReplacement2(15); //%+d 15 iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_SING_NAMES, 43); //%s familiar iw.text.addReplacement2(15); //%+d 15 break; default: iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, (newMonth ? 130 : 133)); iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT, 43 + rand()%15); } for (std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end(); i++) { iw.player = i->first; sendAndApply(&iw); } } } tlog5 << "Info about turn " << n.day << "has been sent!" << std::endl; handleTimeEvents(); //call objects for(size_t i = 0; imap->objects.size(); i++) { if(gs->map->objects[i]) gs->map->objects[i]->newTurn(); } winLoseHandle(0xff); //warn players without town if(gs->day) { for (std::map::iterator i=gs->players.begin() ; i!=gs->players.end();i++) { if(i->second.status || i->second.towns.size() || i->second.color >= PLAYER_LIMIT) continue; InfoWindow iw; iw.player = i->first; iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::FLAG,i->first,0,0)); if(!i->second.daysWithoutCastle) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT,6); //%s, you have lost your last town. If you do not conquer another town in the next week, you will be eliminated. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::COLOR, i->first); } else if(i->second.daysWithoutCastle == 6) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT,129); //%s, this is your last day to capture a town or you will be banished from this land. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::COLOR, i->first); } else { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ARRAY_TXT,128); //%s, you only have %d days left to capture a town or you will be banished from this land. iw.text.addReplacement(MetaString::COLOR, i->first); iw.text.addReplacement(7 - i->second.daysWithoutCastle); } sendAndApply(&iw); } } } void CGameHandler::run(bool resume) { using namespace boost::posix_time; BOOST_FOREACH(CConnection *cc, conns) {//init conn. ui32 quantity; ui8 pom; //ui32 seed; if(!resume) { ui32 sum = gs->map ? gs->map->checksum : 612; (*cc) << gs->initialOpts << sum << gs->seed; // gs->scenarioOps } (*cc) >> quantity; //how many players will be handled at that client tlog0 << "Connection " << cc->connectionID << " will handle " << quantity << " player: "; for(int i=0;i> pom; //read player color tlog0 << (int)pom << " "; { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); connections[pom] = cc; } } tlog0 << std::endl; } for(std::set::iterator i = conns.begin(); i!=conns.end();i++) { std::set pom; for(std::map::iterator j = connections.begin(); j!=connections.end();j++) if(j->second == *i) pom.insert(j->first); boost::thread(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::handleConnection,this,pom,boost::ref(**i))); } while (!end2) { if(!resume) newTurn(); std::map::iterator i; if(!resume) i = gs->players.begin(); else i = gs->players.find(gs->currentPlayer); resume = false; for(; i != gs->players.end(); i++) { if((i->second.towns.size()==0 && i->second.heroes.size()==0) || i->second.color<0 || i->first>=PLAYER_LIMIT || i->second.status) { continue; } states.setFlag(i->first,&PlayerStatus::makingTurn,true); { YourTurn yt; yt.player = i->first; applyAndSend(&yt); } //wait till turn is done boost::unique_lock lock(states.mx); while(states.players[i->first].makingTurn && !end2) { static time_duration p = milliseconds(200); states.cv.timed_wait(lock,p); } } } while(conns.size() && (*conns.begin())->isOpen()) boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(5)); //give time client to close socket } //namespace CGH //{ // using namespace std; // static void readItTo(ifstream & input, vector< vector > & dest) //reads 7 lines, i-th one containing i integers, and puts it to dest // { // for(int j=0; j<7; ++j) // { // std::vector pom; // for(int g=0; g>hlp; // pom.push_back(hlp); // } // dest.push_back(pom); // } // } //} void CGameHandler::setupBattle( int3 tile, const CArmedInstance *armies[2], const CGHeroInstance *heroes[2], bool creatureBank, const CGTownInstance *town ) { battleResult.set(NULL); //send info about battles BattleStart bs; bs.info = gs->setupBattle(tile, armies, heroes, creatureBank, town); sendAndApply(&bs); } void CGameHandler::checkForBattleEnd( std::vector &stacks ) { //checking winning condition bool hasStack[2]; //hasStack[0] - true if attacker has a living stack; defender similarly hasStack[0] = hasStack[1] = false; for(int b = 0; balive() && !stacks[b]->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)) { hasStack[1-stacks[b]->attackerOwned] = true; } } if(!hasStack[0] || !hasStack[1]) //somebody has won { setBattleResult(0, hasStack[1]); } } void CGameHandler::giveSpells( const CGTownInstance *t, const CGHeroInstance *h ) { if(!h->hasSpellbook()) return; //hero hasn't spellbok ChangeSpells cs; cs.hid = h->id; cs.learn = true; for(int i=0; imageGuildLevel(),h->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::WISDOM)+2);i++) { if (t->subID == 8 && vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, Buildings::GRAIL)) //Aurora Borealis { std::vector spells; getAllowedSpells(spells, i); for (int j = 0; j < spells.size(); ++j) cs.spells.insert(spells[j]); } else { for(int j=0; jspellsAtLevel(i+1,true) && jspells[i].size(); j++) { if(!vstd::contains(h->spells,t->spells[i][j])) cs.spells.insert(t->spells[i][j]); } } } if(cs.spells.size()) sendAndApply(&cs); } void CGameHandler::setBlockVis(int objid, bool bv) { SetObjectProperty sop(objid,2,bv); sendAndApply(&sop); } bool CGameHandler::removeObject( int objid ) { if(!getObj(objid)) { tlog1 << "Something wrong, that object already has been removed or hasn't existed!\n"; return false; } RemoveObject ro; ro.id = objid; sendAndApply(&ro); winLoseHandle(255); //eg if monster escaped (removing objs after battle is done dircetly by endBattle, not this function) return true; } void CGameHandler::setAmount(int objid, ui32 val) { SetObjectProperty sop(objid,3,val); sendAndApply(&sop); } bool CGameHandler::moveHero( si32 hid, int3 dst, ui8 instant, ui8 asker /*= 255*/ ) { bool blockvis = false; const CGHeroInstance *h = getHero(hid); if(!h || (asker != 255 && (instant || h->getOwner() != gs->currentPlayer)) //not turn of that hero or player can't simply teleport hero (at least not with this function) ) { tlog1 << "Illegal call to move hero!\n"; return false; } tlog5 << "Player " <pos << " to " << dst << std::endl; int3 hmpos = dst + int3(-1,0,0); if(!gs->map->isInTheMap(hmpos)) { tlog1 << "Destination tile is outside the map!\n"; return false; } TerrainTile t = gs->map->terrain[hmpos.x][hmpos.y][hmpos.z]; int cost = gs->getMovementCost(h, h->getPosition(false), CGHeroInstance::convertPosition(dst,false),h->movement); int3 guardPos = gs->guardingCreaturePosition(hmpos); //result structure for start - movement failed, no move points used TryMoveHero tmh; tmh.id = hid; tmh.start = h->pos; tmh.end = dst; tmh.result = TryMoveHero::FAILED; tmh.movePoints = h->movement; //check if destination tile is available //it's a rock or blocked and not visitable tile //OR hero is on land and dest is water and (there is not present only one object - boat) if(((t.tertype == TerrainTile::rock || (t.blocked && !t.visitable && !h->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT) )) && complain("Cannot move hero, destination tile is blocked!")) || ((!h->boat && !h->canWalkOnSea() && t.tertype == TerrainTile::water && (t.visitableObjects.size() < 1 || (t.visitableObjects.back()->ID != 8 && t.visitableObjects.back()->ID != HEROI_TYPE))) //hero is not on boat/water walking and dst water tile doesn't contain boat/hero (objs visitable from land) -> we test back cause boat may be on top of another object (#276) && complain("Cannot move hero, destination tile is on water!")) || ((h->boat && t.tertype != TerrainTile::water && t.blocked) && complain("Cannot disembark hero, tile is blocked!")) || ((h->movement < cost && dst != h->pos && !instant) && complain("Hero doesn't have any movement points left!")) || (states.checkFlag(h->tempOwner, &PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle) && complain("Cannot move hero during the battle"))) { //send info about movement failure sendAndApply(&tmh); return false; } //hero enters the boat if(!h->boat && t.visitableObjects.size() && t.visitableObjects.back()->ID == 8) { tmh.result = TryMoveHero::EMBARK; tmh.movePoints = h->movementPointsAfterEmbark(h->movement, cost, false); getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); return true; } //hero leaves the boat else if(h->boat && t.tertype != TerrainTile::water && !t.blocked) { //TODO? code similarity with the block above tmh.result = TryMoveHero::DISEMBARK; tmh.movePoints = h->movementPointsAfterEmbark(h->movement, cost, true); getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); tryAttackingGuard(guardPos, h); return true; } //checks for standard movement if(!instant) { if( (distance(h->pos,dst) >= 1.5 && complain("Tiles are not neighboring!")) || (h->movement < cost && h->movement < 100 && complain("Not enough move points!"))) { sendAndApply(&tmh); return false; } //check if there is blocking visitable object blockvis = false; tmh.movePoints = std::max(si32(0),h->movement-cost); //take move points BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, t.visitableObjects) { if(obj != h && obj->blockVisit && !(obj->getPassableness() & 1<tempOwner)) { blockvis = true; break; } } //we start moving if(blockvis)//interaction with blocking object (like resources) { tmh.result = TryMoveHero::BLOCKING_VISIT; sendAndApply(&tmh); //failed to move to that tile but we visit object if(t.visitableObjects.size()) objectVisited(t.visitableObjects.back(), h); tlog5 << "Blocking visit at " << hmpos << std::endl; return true; } else //normal move { BOOST_FOREACH(CGObjectInstance *obj, gs->map->terrain[h->pos.x-1][h->pos.y][h->pos.z].visitableObjects) { obj->onHeroLeave(h); } getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); tmh.result = TryMoveHero::SUCCESS; tmh.attackedFrom = guardPos; sendAndApply(&tmh); tlog5 << "Moved to " <ID==HEROI_TYPE) { CGHeroInstance *dh = static_cast(obj); if( gameState()->getPlayerRelations(dh->tempOwner, h->tempOwner)) { heroExchange(h->id, dh->id); return true; } startBattleI(h, dh); return true; } } tmh.result = TryMoveHero::TELEPORTATION; getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed,h->getSightCenter()+(tmh.end-tmh.start),h->getSightRadious(),h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); return true; } } bool CGameHandler::teleportHero(si32 hid, si32 dstid, ui8 source, ui8 asker/* = 255*/) { const CGHeroInstance *h = getHero(hid); const CGTownInstance *t = getTown(dstid); if ( !h || !t || h->getOwner() != gs->currentPlayer ) tlog1<<"Invalid call to teleportHero!"; const CGTownInstance *from = h->visitedTown; if(((h->getOwner() != t->getOwner()) && complain("Cannot teleport hero to another player")) || ((!from || from->subID!=3 || !vstd::contains(from->builtBuildings, Buildings::SPECIAL_3)) && complain("Hero must be in town with Castle gate for teleporting")) || ((t->subID!=3 || !vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, Buildings::SPECIAL_3)) && complain("Cannot teleport hero to town without Castle gate in it"))) return false; int3 pos = t->visitablePos(); pos += h->getVisitableOffset(); stopHeroVisitCastle(from->id, hid); moveHero(hid,pos,1); heroVisitCastle(dstid, hid); return true; } void CGameHandler::setOwner(int objid, ui8 owner) { ui8 oldOwner = getOwner(objid); SetObjectProperty sop(objid,1,owner); sendAndApply(&sop); winLoseHandle(1<subID == 5 && vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, 22)) setPortalDwelling(town, true, false); if (!gs->getPlayer(owner)->towns.size())//player lost last town { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = oldOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 6); //%s, you have lost your last town. If you do not conquer another town in the next week, you will be eliminated. sendAndApply(&iw); } } const CGObjectInstance * obj = getObj(objid); const PlayerState * p = gs->getPlayer(owner); if((obj->ID == 17 || obj->ID == 20 ) && p && p->dwellings.size()==1)//first dwelling captured { BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance *t, gs->getPlayer(owner)->towns) { if (t->subID == 5 && vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings, 22)) setPortalDwelling(t);//set initial creatures for all portals of summoning } } } void CGameHandler::setHoverName(int objid, MetaString* name) { SetHoverName shn(objid, *name); sendAndApply(&shn); } void CGameHandler::showBlockingDialog( BlockingDialog *iw, const CFunctionList &callback ) { ask(iw,iw->player,callback); } ui32 CGameHandler::showBlockingDialog( BlockingDialog *iw ) { //TODO //gsm.lock(); //int query = QID++; //states.addQuery(player,query); //sendToAllClients(iw); //gsm.unlock(); //ui32 ret = getQueryResult(iw->player, query); //gsm.lock(); //states.removeQuery(player, query); //gsm.unlock(); return 0; } void CGameHandler::giveResource(int player, int which, int val) { if(!val) return; //don't waste time on empty call SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = which; sr.val = gs->players.find(player)->second.resources[which] + val; sendAndApply(&sr); } void CGameHandler::giveCreatures(const CArmedInstance *obj, const CGHeroInstance * h, const CCreatureSet &creatures, bool remove) { boost::function removeOrNot = 0; if(remove) removeOrNot = boost::bind(&CGameHandler::removeObject, this, obj->id); COMPLAIN_RET_IF(!creatures.stacksCount(), "Strange, giveCreatures called without args!"); COMPLAIN_RET_IF(obj->stacksCount(), "Cannot give creatures from not-cleared object!"); COMPLAIN_RET_IF(creatures.stacksCount() > ARMY_SIZE, "Too many stacks to give!"); //first we move creatures to give to make them army of object-source for (TSlots::const_iterator stack = creatures.Slots().begin(); stack != creatures.Slots().end(); stack++) { addToSlot(StackLocation(obj, obj->getSlotFor(stack->second->type)), stack->second->type, stack->second->count); } tryJoiningArmy(obj, h, remove, true); } void CGameHandler::takeCreatures(int objid, const std::vector &creatures) { std::vector cres = creatures; if (cres.size() <= 0) return; const CArmedInstance* obj = static_cast(getObj(objid)); BOOST_FOREACH(CStackBasicDescriptor &sbd, cres) { TQuantity collected = 0; while(collected < sbd.count) { TSlots::const_iterator i = obj->Slots().begin(); for(; i != obj->Slots().end(); i++) { if(i->second->type == sbd.type) { TQuantity take = std::min(sbd.count - collected, i->second->count); //collect as much cres as we can changeStackCount(StackLocation(obj, i->first), -take, false); collected += take; break; } } if(i == obj->Slots().end()) //we went through the whole loop and haven't found appropriate cres { complain("Unexpected failure during taking creatures!"); return; } } } } void CGameHandler::showCompInfo(ShowInInfobox * comp) { sendToAllClients(comp); } void CGameHandler::heroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID) { HeroVisitCastle vc; vc.hid = heroID; vc.tid = obj; vc.flags |= 1; sendAndApply(&vc); const CGHeroInstance *h = getHero(heroID); vistiCastleObjects (getTown(obj), h); giveSpells (getTown(obj), getHero(heroID)); if(gs->map->victoryCondition.condition == transportItem) checkLossVictory(h->tempOwner); //transported artifact? } void CGameHandler::vistiCastleObjects (const CGTownInstance *t, const CGHeroInstance *h) { std::vector::const_iterator i; for (i = t->bonusingBuildings.begin(); i != t->bonusingBuildings.end(); i++) (*i)->onHeroVisit (h); } void CGameHandler::stopHeroVisitCastle(int obj, int heroID) { HeroVisitCastle vc; vc.hid = heroID; vc.tid = obj; sendAndApply(&vc); } void CGameHandler::removeArtifact(const ArtifactLocation &al) { assert(al.getArt()); EraseArtifact ea; ea.al = al; sendAndApply(&ea); } void CGameHandler::startBattleI(const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool creatureBank, boost::function cb, const CGTownInstance *town) //use hero=NULL for no hero { engageIntoBattle(army1->tempOwner); engageIntoBattle(army2->tempOwner); //block engaged players if(army2->tempOwner < PLAYER_LIMIT) states.setFlag(army2->tempOwner,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,true); static const CArmedInstance *armies[2]; armies[0] = army1; armies[1] = army2; static const CGHeroInstance*heroes[2]; heroes[0] = hero1; heroes[1] = hero2; boost::thread(boost::bind(&CGameHandler::startBattle, this, armies, tile, heroes, creatureBank, cb, town)); } void CGameHandler::startBattleI( const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, int3 tile, boost::function cb, bool creatureBank ) { startBattleI(army1, army2, tile, army1->ID == HEROI_TYPE ? static_cast(army1) : NULL, army2->ID == HEROI_TYPE ? static_cast(army2) : NULL, creatureBank, cb); } void CGameHandler::startBattleI( const CArmedInstance *army1, const CArmedInstance *army2, boost::function cb, bool creatureBank) { startBattleI(army1, army2, army2->visitablePos(), cb, creatureBank); } void CGameHandler::changeSpells( int hid, bool give, const std::set &spells ) { ChangeSpells cs; cs.hid = hid; cs.spells = spells; cs.learn = give; sendAndApply(&cs); } void CGameHandler::sendMessageTo( CConnection &c, const std::string &message ) { SystemMessage sm; sm.text = message; boost::unique_lock lock(*c.wmx); c << &sm; } void CGameHandler::giveHeroBonus( GiveBonus * bonus ) { sendAndApply(bonus); } void CGameHandler::setMovePoints( SetMovePoints * smp ) { sendAndApply(smp); } void CGameHandler::setManaPoints( int hid, int val ) { SetMana sm; sm.hid = hid; sm.val = val; sendAndApply(&sm); } void CGameHandler::giveHero( int id, int player ) { GiveHero gh; gh.id = id; gh.player = player; sendAndApply(&gh); } void CGameHandler::changeObjPos( int objid, int3 newPos, ui8 flags ) { ChangeObjPos cop; cop.objid = objid; cop.nPos = newPos; cop.flags = flags; sendAndApply(&cop); } void CGameHandler::useScholarSkill(si32 fromHero, si32 toHero) { const CGHeroInstance * h1 = getHero(fromHero); const CGHeroInstance * h2 = getHero(toHero); if ( h1->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::SCHOLAR) < h2->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::SCHOLAR) ) { std::swap (h1,h2);//1st hero need to have higher scholar level for correct message std::swap(fromHero, toHero); } int ScholarLevel = h1->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::SCHOLAR);//heroes can trade up to this level if (!ScholarLevel || !h1->hasSpellbook() || !h2->hasSpellbook() ) return;//no scholar skill or no spellbook int h1Lvl = std::min(ScholarLevel+1, h1->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::WISDOM)+2), h2Lvl = std::min(ScholarLevel+1, h2->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::WISDOM)+2);//heroes can receive this levels ChangeSpells cs1; cs1.learn = true; cs1.hid = toHero;//giving spells to first hero for(std::set::const_iterator it=h1->spells.begin(); it!=h1->spells.end();it++) if ( h2Lvl >= VLC->spellh->spells[*it]->level && !vstd::contains(h2->spells, *it))//hero can learn it and don't have it yet cs1.spells.insert(*it);//spell to learn ChangeSpells cs2; cs2.learn = true; cs2.hid = fromHero; for(std::set::const_iterator it=h2->spells.begin(); it!=h2->spells.end();it++) if ( h1Lvl >= VLC->spellh->spells[*it]->level && !vstd::contains(h1->spells, *it)) cs2.spells.insert(*it); if (cs1.spells.size() || cs2.spells.size())//create a message { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h1->tempOwner; iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SEC_SKILL, 18, ScholarLevel, 0)); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 139);//"%s, who has studied magic extensively, iw.text.addReplacement(h1->name); if (cs2.spells.size())//if found new spell - apply { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 140);//learns int size = cs2.spells.size(); for(std::set::const_iterator it=cs2.spells.begin(); it!=cs2.spells.end();it++) { iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SPELL, (*it), 1, 0)); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::SPELL_NAME, (*it)); switch (size--) { case 2: iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 141); case 1: break; default: iw.text << ", "; } } iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 142);//from %s iw.text.addReplacement(h2->name); sendAndApply(&cs2); } if (cs1.spells.size() && cs2.spells.size() ) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 141);//and } if (cs1.spells.size()) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 147);//teaches int size = cs1.spells.size(); for(std::set::const_iterator it=cs1.spells.begin(); it!=cs1.spells.end();it++) { iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::SPELL, (*it), 1, 0)); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::SPELL_NAME, (*it)); switch (size--) { case 2: iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 141); case 1: break; default: iw.text << ", "; } } iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 148);//from %s iw.text.addReplacement(h2->name); sendAndApply(&cs1); } sendAndApply(&iw); } } void CGameHandler::heroExchange(si32 hero1, si32 hero2) { ui8 player1 = getHero(hero1)->tempOwner; ui8 player2 = getHero(hero2)->tempOwner; if( gameState()->getPlayerRelations( player1, player2)) { OpenWindow hex; hex.window = OpenWindow::EXCHANGE_WINDOW; hex.id1 = hero1; hex.id2 = hero2; sendAndApply(&hex); useScholarSkill(hero1,hero2); } } void CGameHandler::applyAndAsk( Query * sel, ui8 player, boost::function &callback ) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); sel->id = QID; callbacks[QID] = callback; states.addQuery(player,QID); QID++; sendAndApply(sel); } void CGameHandler::ask( Query * sel, ui8 player, const CFunctionList &callback ) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); sel->id = QID; callbacks[QID] = callback; states.addQuery(player,QID); sendToAllClients(sel); QID++; } void CGameHandler::sendToAllClients( CPackForClient * info ) { broadcastedPack(info); tlog5 << "Sending to all clients a package of type " << typeid(*info).name() << std::endl; for(std::set::iterator i=conns.begin(); i!=conns.end();i++) { if((**i).connected) { boost::unique_lock lock(*(*i)->wmx); **i << info; } } } void CGameHandler::sendAndApply(CPackForClient * info) { sendToAllClients(info); gs->apply(info); } void CGameHandler::applyAndSend(CPackForClient * info) { gs->apply(info); sendToAllClients(info); } void CGameHandler::sendAndApply(CGarrisonOperationPack * info) { sendAndApply((CPackForClient*)info); if(gs->map->victoryCondition.condition == gatherTroop) winLoseHandle(); } // void CGameHandler::sendAndApply( SetGarrisons * info ) // { // sendAndApply((CPackForClient*)info); // if(gs->map->victoryCondition.condition == gatherTroop) // for(std::map::const_iterator i = info->garrs.begin(); i != info->garrs.end(); i++) // checkLossVictory(getObj(i->first)->tempOwner); // } void CGameHandler::sendAndApply( SetResource * info ) { sendAndApply((CPackForClient*)info); if(gs->map->victoryCondition.condition == gatherResource) checkLossVictory(info->player); } void CGameHandler::sendAndApply( SetResources * info ) { sendAndApply((CPackForClient*)info); if(gs->map->victoryCondition.condition == gatherResource) checkLossVictory(info->player); } void CGameHandler::sendAndApply( NewStructures * info ) { sendAndApply((CPackForClient*)info); if(gs->map->victoryCondition.condition == buildCity) checkLossVictory(getTown(info->tid)->tempOwner); } void CGameHandler::save( const std::string &fname ) { { tlog0 << "Ordering clients to serialize...\n"; SaveGame sg(fname); sendToAllClients(&sg); } { tlog0 << "Serializing game info...\n"; CSaveFile save(GVCMIDirs.UserPath + "/Games/" + fname + ".vlgm1"); char hlp[8] = "VCMISVG"; save << hlp << static_cast(*gs->map) << gs->scenarioOps << *VLC << gs; } { tlog0 << "Serializing server info...\n"; CSaveFile save(GVCMIDirs.UserPath + "/Games/" + fname + ".vsgm1"); save << *this; } tlog0 << "Game has been successfully saved!\n"; } void CGameHandler::close() { tlog0 << "We have been requested to close.\n"; //BOOST_FOREACH(CConnection *cc, conns) // if(cc && cc->socket && cc->socket->is_open()) // cc->socket->close(); //exit(0); } bool CGameHandler::arrangeStacks( si32 id1, si32 id2, ui8 what, ui8 p1, ui8 p2, si32 val, ui8 player ) { const CArmedInstance *s1 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id1].get()), *s2 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id2].get()); const CCreatureSet &S1 = *s1, &S2 = *s2; StackLocation sl1(s1, p1), sl2(s2, p2); if(!isAllowedExchange(id1,id2)) { complain("Cannot exchange stacks between these two objects!\n"); return false; } if(what==1) //swap { if ( ((s1->tempOwner != player && s1->tempOwner != 254) && s1->getStackCount(p1)) //why 254?? || ((s2->tempOwner != player && s2->tempOwner != 254) && s2->getStackCount(p2))) { complain("Can't take troops from another player!"); return false; } swapStacks(sl1, sl2); } else if(what==2)//merge { if (( s1->getCreature(p1) != s2->getCreature(p2) && complain("Cannot merge different creatures stacks!")) || (((s1->tempOwner != player && s1->tempOwner != 254) && s2->getStackCount(p2)) && complain("Can't take troops from another player!"))) return false; moveStack(sl1, sl2); } else if(what==3) //split { if ( (s1->tempOwner != player && s1->getStackCount(p1) < s1->getStackCount(p1) ) || (s2->tempOwner != player && s2->getStackCount(p2) < s2->getStackCount(p2) ) ) { complain("Can't move troops of another player!"); return false; } //general conditions checking if((!vstd::contains(S1.stacks,p1) && complain("no creatures to split")) || (val<1 && complain("no creatures to split")) ) { return false; } if(vstd::contains(S2.stacks,p2)) //dest. slot not free - it must be "rebalancing"... { int total = s1->getStackCount(p1) + s2->getStackCount(p2); if( (total < val && complain("Cannot split that stack, not enough creatures!")) || (s1->getCreature(p1) != s2->getCreature(p2) && complain("Cannot rebalance different creatures stacks!")) ) { return false; } moveStack(sl1, sl2, val - s2->getStackCount(p2)); //S2.slots[p2]->count = val; //S1.slots[p1]->count = total - val; } else //split one stack to the two { if(s1->getStackCount(p1) < val)//not enough creatures { complain("Cannot split that stack, not enough creatures!"); return false; } moveStack(sl1, sl2, val); } } return true; } int CGameHandler::getPlayerAt( CConnection *c ) const { std::set all; for(std::map::const_iterator i=connections.begin(); i!=connections.end(); i++) if(i->second == c) all.insert(i->first); switch(all.size()) { case 0: return 255; case 1: return *all.begin(); default: { //if we have more than one player at this connection, try to pick active one if(vstd::contains(all,int(gs->currentPlayer))) return gs->currentPlayer; else return 253; //cannot say which player is it } } } bool CGameHandler::disbandCreature( si32 id, ui8 pos ) { CArmedInstance *s1 = static_cast(gs->map->objects[id].get()); if(!vstd::contains(s1->stacks,pos)) { complain("Illegal call to disbandCreature - no such stack in army!"); return false; } eraseStack(StackLocation(s1, pos)); return true; } bool CGameHandler::buildStructure( si32 tid, si32 bid, bool force /*=false*/ ) { CGTownInstance * t = static_cast(gs->map->objects[tid].get()); CBuilding * b = VLC->buildh->buildings[t->subID][bid]; if( !force && gs->canBuildStructure(t,bid) != 7) { complain("Cannot build that building!"); return false; } if( !force && bid == 26) //grail { if(!t->visitingHero || !t->visitingHero->hasArt(2)) { complain("Cannot build grail - hero doesn't have it"); return false; } //remove grail removeArtifact(ArtifactLocation(t->visitingHero, t->visitingHero->getArtPos(2, false))); } NewStructures ns; ns.tid = tid; if ( (bid == 18) && (vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings,(t->town->hordeLvl[0]+37))) ) ns.bid.insert(19);//we have upgr. dwelling, upgr. horde will be builded as well else if ( (bid == 24) && (vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings,(t->town->hordeLvl[1]+37))) ) ns.bid.insert(25); else if(bid>36) //upg dwelling { if ( (bid-37 == t->town->hordeLvl[0]) && (vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings,18)) ) ns.bid.insert(19);//we have horde, will be upgraded as well as dwelling if ( (bid-37 == t->town->hordeLvl[1]) && (vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings,24)) ) ns.bid.insert(25); SetAvailableCreatures ssi; ssi.tid = tid; ssi.creatures = t->creatures; ssi.creatures[bid-37].second.push_back(t->town->upgradedCreatures[bid-37]); sendAndApply(&ssi); } else if(bid >= 30) //bas. dwelling { int crid = t->town->basicCreatures[bid-30]; SetAvailableCreatures ssi; ssi.tid = tid; ssi.creatures = t->creatures; ssi.creatures[bid-30].first = VLC->creh->creatures[crid]->growth; ssi.creatures[bid-30].second.push_back(crid); sendAndApply(&ssi); } else if(bid == 11) ns.bid.insert(27); else if(bid == 12) ns.bid.insert(28); else if(bid == 13) ns.bid.insert(29); else if (t->subID == 4 && bid == 17) //veil of darkness { //handled via town->reacreateBonuses in apply // GiveBonus gb(GiveBonus::TOWN); // gb.bonus.type = Bonus::DARKNESS; // gb.bonus.val = 20; // gb.id = t->id; // gb.bonus.duration = Bonus::PERMANENT; // gb.bonus.source = Bonus::TOWN_STRUCTURE; // gb.bonus.id = 17; // sendAndApply(&gb); } else if ( t->subID == 5 && bid == 22 ) { setPortalDwelling(t); } ns.bid.insert(bid); ns.builded = force?t->builded:(t->builded+1); sendAndApply(&ns); //reveal ground for lookout tower FoWChange fw; fw.player = t->tempOwner; fw.mode = 1; getTilesInRange(fw.tiles,t->pos,t->getSightRadious(),t->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&fw); if (!force) { SetResources sr; sr.player = t->tempOwner; sr.res = gs->getPlayer(t->tempOwner)->resources - b->resources; sendAndApply(&sr); } if(bid<5) //it's mage guild { if(t->visitingHero) giveSpells(t,t->visitingHero); if(t->garrisonHero) giveSpells(t,t->garrisonHero); } if(t->visitingHero) vistiCastleObjects (t, t->visitingHero); if(t->garrisonHero) vistiCastleObjects (t, t->garrisonHero); checkLossVictory(t->tempOwner); return true; } bool CGameHandler::razeStructure (si32 tid, si32 bid) { ///incomplete, simply erases target building CGTownInstance * t = static_cast(gs->map->objects[tid].get()); if (t->builtBuildings.find(bid) == t->builtBuildings.end()) return false; RazeStructures rs; rs.tid = tid; rs.bid.insert(bid); rs.destroyed = t->destroyed + 1; sendAndApply(&rs); //TODO: Remove dwellers // if (t->subID == 4 && bid == 17) //Veil of Darkness // { // RemoveBonus rb(RemoveBonus::TOWN); // rb.whoID = t->id; // rb.source = Bonus::TOWN_STRUCTURE; // rb.id = 17; // sendAndApply(&rb); // } return true; } void CGameHandler::sendMessageToAll( const std::string &message ) { SystemMessage sm; sm.text = message; sendToAllClients(&sm); } bool CGameHandler::recruitCreatures( si32 objid, ui32 crid, ui32 cram, si32 fromLvl ) { const CGDwelling *dw = static_cast(gs->map->objects[objid].get()); const CArmedInstance *dst = NULL; const CCreature *c = VLC->creh->creatures[crid]; bool warMachine = c->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON); //TODO: test for owning if(dw->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) dst = (static_cast(dw))->getUpperArmy(); else if(dw->ID == 17 || dw->ID == 20 || dw->ID == 78) //advmap dwelling dst = getHero(gs->getPlayer(dw->tempOwner)->currentSelection); //TODO: check if current hero is really visiting dwelling else if(dw->ID == 106) dst = dynamic_cast(getTile(dw->visitablePos())->visitableObjects.back()); assert(dw && dst); //verify bool found = false; int level = 0; typedef std::pair Parka; for(; level < dw->creatures.size(); level++) //iterate through all levels { if ( (fromLvl != -1) && ( level !=fromLvl ) ) continue; const std::pair > &cur = dw->creatures[level]; //current level info int i = 0; for(; i < cur.second.size(); i++) //look for crid among available creatures list on current level if(cur.second[i] == crid) break; if(i < cur.second.size()) { found = true; cram = std::min(cram, cur.first); //reduce recruited amount up to available amount break; } } int slot = dst->getSlotFor(crid); if( (!found && complain("Cannot recruit: no such creatures!")) || (cram > VLC->creh->creatures[crid]->maxAmount(gs->getPlayer(dst->tempOwner)->resources) && complain("Cannot recruit: lack of resources!")) || (cram<=0 && complain("Cannot recruit: cram <= 0!")) || (slot<0 && !warMachine && complain("Cannot recruit: no available slot!"))) { return false; } //recruit SetResources sr; sr.player = dst->tempOwner; sr.res = gs->getPlayer(dst->tempOwner)->resources - (c->cost * cram); SetAvailableCreatures sac; sac.tid = objid; sac.creatures = dw->creatures; sac.creatures[level].first -= cram; sendAndApply(&sr); sendAndApply(&sac); if(warMachine) { const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(dst); if(!h) COMPLAIN_RET("Only hero can buy war machines"); switch(crid) { case 146: giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[4], Arts::MACH1); break; case 147: giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[6], Arts::MACH3); break; case 148: giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[5], Arts::MACH2); break; default: complain("This war machine cannot be recruited!"); return false; } } else { addToSlot(StackLocation(dst, slot), c, cram); } return true; } bool CGameHandler::upgradeCreature( ui32 objid, ui8 pos, ui32 upgID ) { CArmedInstance *obj = static_cast(gs->map->objects[objid].get()); assert(obj->hasStackAtSlot(pos)); UpgradeInfo ui = gs->getUpgradeInfo(obj->getStack(pos)); int player = obj->tempOwner; const PlayerState *p = getPlayer(player); int crQuantity = obj->stacks[pos]->count; int newIDpos= vstd::findPos(ui.newID, upgID);//get position of new id in UpgradeInfo TResources totalCost = ui.cost[newIDpos] * crQuantity; //check if upgrade is possible if( (ui.oldID<0 || newIDpos == -1 ) && complain("That upgrade is not possible!")) { return false; } //check if player has enough resources if(!p->resources.canAfford(totalCost)) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot upgrade, not enough resources!"); //take resources SetResources sr; sr.player = player; sr.res = p->resources - totalCost; sendAndApply(&sr); //upgrade creature changeStackType(StackLocation(obj, pos), VLC->creh->creatures[upgID]); return true; } bool CGameHandler::changeStackType(const StackLocation &sl, CCreature *c) { if(!sl.army->hasStackAtSlot(sl.slot)) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot find a stack to change type"); SetStackType sst; sst.sl = sl; sst.type = c; sendAndApply(&sst); return true; } void CGameHandler::moveArmy(const CArmedInstance *src, const CArmedInstance *dst, bool allowMerging) { assert(src->canBeMergedWith(*dst, allowMerging)); while(src->stacksCount())//while there are unmoved creatures { TSlots::const_iterator i = src->Slots().begin(); //iterator to stack to move StackLocation sl(src, i->first); //location of stack to move TSlot pos = dst->getSlotFor(i->second->type); if(pos < 0) { //try to merge two other stacks to make place std::pair toMerge; if(dst->mergableStacks(toMerge, i->first) && allowMerging) { moveStack(StackLocation(dst, toMerge.first), StackLocation(dst, toMerge.second)); //merge toMerge.first into toMerge.second assert(!dst->hasStackAtSlot(toMerge.first)); //we have now a new free slot moveStack(sl, StackLocation(dst, toMerge.first)); //move stack to freed slot } else { complain("Unexpected failure during an attempt to move army from " + src->nodeName() + " to " + dst->nodeName() + "!"); return; } } else { moveStack(sl, StackLocation(dst, pos)); } } } bool CGameHandler::garrisonSwap( si32 tid ) { CGTownInstance *town = gs->getTown(tid); if(!town->garrisonHero && town->visitingHero) //visiting => garrison, merge armies: town army => hero army { if(!town->visitingHero->canBeMergedWith(*town)) { complain("Cannot make garrison swap, not enough free slots!"); return false; } moveArmy(town, town->visitingHero, true); SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.visiting = -1; intown.garrison = town->visitingHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); return true; } else if (town->garrisonHero && !town->visitingHero) //move hero out of the garrison { //check if moving hero out of town will break 8 wandering heroes limit if(getHeroCount(town->garrisonHero->tempOwner,false) >= 8) { complain("Cannot move hero out of the garrison, there are already 8 wandering heroes!"); return false; } SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.garrison = -1; intown.visiting = town->garrisonHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); return true; } else if(!!town->garrisonHero && town->visitingHero) //swap visiting and garrison hero { SetHeroesInTown intown; intown.tid = tid; intown.garrison = town->visitingHero->id; intown.visiting = town->garrisonHero->id; sendAndApply(&intown); return true; } else { complain("Cannot swap garrison hero!"); return false; } } // With the amount of changes done to the function, it's more like transferArtifacts. // Function moves artifact from src to dst. If dst is not a backpack and is already occupied, old dst art goes to backpack and is replaced. bool CGameHandler::moveArtifact(si32 srcHeroID, si32 destHeroID, ui16 srcSlot, ui16 destSlot) { const CGHeroInstance *srcHero = getHero(srcHeroID); const CGHeroInstance *destHero = getHero(destHeroID); ArtifactLocation src(srcHero, srcSlot), dst(destHero, destSlot); // Make sure exchange is even possible between the two heroes. if(!isAllowedExchange(srcHeroID, destHeroID)) COMPLAIN_RET("That heroes cannot make any exchange!"); const CArtifactInstance *srcArtifact = src.getArt(); const CArtifactInstance *destArtifact = dst.getArt(); if (srcArtifact == NULL) COMPLAIN_RET("No artifact to move!"); if (destArtifact && srcHero->tempOwner != destHero->tempOwner) COMPLAIN_RET("Can't touch artifact on hero of another player!"); // Check if src/dest slots are appropriate for the artifacts exchanged. // Moving to the backpack is always allowed. if ((!srcArtifact || destSlot < Arts::BACKPACK_START) && srcArtifact && !srcArtifact->canBePutAt(dst, true)) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot move artifact!"); if ((srcArtifact && srcArtifact->artType->id == Arts::ID_LOCK) || (destArtifact && destArtifact->artType->id == Arts::ID_LOCK)) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot move artifact locks."); if (destSlot >= Arts::BACKPACK_START && srcArtifact->artType->isBig()) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot put big artifacts in backpack!"); if (srcSlot == Arts::MACH4 || destSlot == Arts::MACH4) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot move catapult!"); if(dst.slot >= Arts::BACKPACK_START) amin(dst.slot, Arts::BACKPACK_START + dst.hero->artifactsInBackpack.size()); if (src.slot == dst.slot && src.hero == dst.hero) COMPLAIN_RET("Won't move artifact: Dest same as source!"); //moving art to backpack is always allowed (we've ruled out exceptions) if(destSlot >= Arts::BACKPACK_START) { moveArtifact(src, dst); } else //moving art to another slot { if(destArtifact) //old artifact must be removed first { moveArtifact(dst, ArtifactLocation(destHero, destHero->artifactsInBackpack.size() + Arts::BACKPACK_START)); } moveArtifact(src, dst); } return true; } /** * Assembles or disassembles a combination artifact. * @param heroID ID of hero holding the artifact(s). * @param artifactSlot The worn slot ID of the combination- or constituent artifact. * @param assemble True for assembly operation, false for disassembly. * @param assembleTo If assemble is true, this represents the artifact ID of the combination * artifact to assemble to. Otherwise it's not used. */ bool CGameHandler::assembleArtifacts (si32 heroID, ui16 artifactSlot, bool assemble, ui32 assembleTo) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(heroID); const CArtifactInstance *destArtifact = hero->getArt(artifactSlot); if(!destArtifact) COMPLAIN_RET("assembleArtifacts: there is no such artifact instance!"); if(assemble) { CArtifact *combinedArt = VLC->arth->artifacts[assembleTo]; if(!combinedArt->constituents) COMPLAIN_RET("assembleArtifacts: Artifact being attempted to assemble is not a combined artifacts!"); if(!vstd::contains(destArtifact->assemblyPossibilities(hero), combinedArt)) COMPLAIN_RET("assembleArtifacts: It's impossible to assemble requested artifact!"); AssembledArtifact aa; aa.al = ArtifactLocation(hero, artifactSlot); aa.builtArt = combinedArt; sendAndApply(&aa); } else { if(!destArtifact->artType->constituents) COMPLAIN_RET("assembleArtifacts: Artifact being attempted to disassemble is not a combined artifact!"); DisassembledArtifact da; da.al = ArtifactLocation(hero, artifactSlot); sendAndApply(&da); } return false; } bool CGameHandler::buyArtifact( ui32 hid, si32 aid ) { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(hid); CGTownInstance *town = hero->visitedTown; if(aid==0) //spellbook { if((!vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,si32(Buildings::MAGES_GUILD_1)) && complain("Cannot buy a spellbook, no mage guild in the town!")) || (getResource(hero->getOwner(), Res::GOLD) < SPELLBOOK_GOLD_COST && complain("Cannot buy a spellbook, not enough gold!") ) || (hero->getArt(Arts::SPELLBOOK) && complain("Cannot buy a spellbook, hero already has a one!")) ) return false; giveResource(hero->getOwner(),Res::GOLD,-SPELLBOOK_GOLD_COST); giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[0], Arts::SPELLBOOK); assert(hero->getArt(Arts::SPELLBOOK)); giveSpells(town,hero); return true; } else if(aid < 7 && aid > 3) //war machine { int price = VLC->arth->artifacts[aid]->price; if((hero->getArt(9+aid) && complain("Hero already has this machine!")) || (!vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,si32(Buildings::BLACKSMITH)) && complain("No blackismith!")) || (gs->getPlayer(hero->getOwner())->resources[Res::GOLD] < price && complain("Not enough gold!")) //no gold || ((!(town->subID == 6 && vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings,si32(Buildings::SPECIAL_3) ) ) && town->town->warMachine!= aid ) && complain("This machine is unavailable here!"))) { return false; } giveResource(hero->getOwner(),Res::GOLD,-price); giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[aid], 9+aid); return true; } return false; } bool CGameHandler::buyArtifact(const IMarket *m, const CGHeroInstance *h, int rid, int aid) { if(!vstd::contains(m->availableItemsIds(RESOURCE_ARTIFACT), aid)) COMPLAIN_RET("That artifact is unavailable!"); int b1, b2; m->getOffer(rid, aid, b1, b2, RESOURCE_ARTIFACT); if(getResource(h->tempOwner, rid) < b1) COMPLAIN_RET("You can't afford to buy this artifact!"); SetResource sr; sr.player = h->tempOwner; sr.resid = rid; sr.val = getResource(h->tempOwner, rid) - b1; sendAndApply(&sr); SetAvailableArtifacts saa; if(m->o->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) { saa.id = -1; saa.arts = CGTownInstance::merchantArtifacts; } else if(const CGBlackMarket *bm = dynamic_cast(m->o)) //black market { saa.id = bm->id; saa.arts = bm->artifacts; } else COMPLAIN_RET("Wrong marktet..."); bool found = false; BOOST_FOREACH(const CArtifact *&art, saa.arts) { if(art && art->id == aid) { art = NULL; found = true; break; } } if(!found) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot find selected artifact on the list"); sendAndApply(&saa); giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[aid], -2); return true; } bool CGameHandler::sellArtifact(const IMarket *m, const CGHeroInstance *h, int aid, int rid) { const CArtifactInstance *art = h->getArtByInstanceId(aid); if(!art) COMPLAIN_RET("There is no artifact to sell!"); if(art->artType->id < 7) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot sell a war machine or spellbook!"); int resVal = 0, dump = 1; m->getOffer(art->artType->id, rid, dump, resVal, ARTIFACT_RESOURCE); removeArtifact(ArtifactLocation(h, h->getArtPos(art))); giveResource(h->tempOwner, rid, resVal); return true; } bool CGameHandler::buySecSkill( const IMarket *m, const CGHeroInstance *h, int skill) { if (!h) COMPLAIN_RET("You need hero to buy a skill!"); if (h->getSecSkillLevel(static_cast(skill))) COMPLAIN_RET("Hero already know this skill"); if (h->secSkills.size() >= SKILL_PER_HERO)//can't learn more skills COMPLAIN_RET("Hero can't learn any more skills"); if (h->type->heroClass->proSec[skill]==0)//can't learn this skill (like necromancy for most of non-necros) COMPLAIN_RET("The hero can't learn this skill!"); if(!vstd::contains(m->availableItemsIds(RESOURCE_SKILL), skill)) COMPLAIN_RET("That skill is unavailable!"); if(getResource(h->tempOwner, Res::GOLD) < 2000)//TODO: remove hardcoded resource\summ? COMPLAIN_RET("You can't afford to buy this skill"); SetResource sr; sr.player = h->tempOwner; sr.resid = Res::GOLD; sr.val = getResource(h->tempOwner, Res::GOLD) - 2000; sendAndApply(&sr); changeSecSkill(h->id, skill, 1, true); return true; } bool CGameHandler::tradeResources(const IMarket *market, ui32 val, ui8 player, ui32 id1, ui32 id2) { int r1 = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[id1], r2 = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[id2]; amin(val, r1); //can't trade more resources than have int b1, b2; //base quantities for trade market->getOffer(id1, id2, b1, b2, RESOURCE_RESOURCE); int units = val / b1; //how many base quantities we trade if(val%b1) //all offered units of resource should be used, if not -> somewhere in calculations must be an error { //TODO: complain? assert(0); } SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = id1; sr.val = r1 - b1 * units; sendAndApply(&sr); sr.resid = id2; sr.val = r2 + b2 * units; sendAndApply(&sr); return true; } bool CGameHandler::sellCreatures(ui32 count, const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance * hero, ui32 slot, ui32 resourceID) { if(!vstd::contains(hero->Slots(), slot)) COMPLAIN_RET("Hero doesn't have any creature in that slot!"); const CStackInstance &s = hero->getStack(slot); if( s.count < count //can't sell more creatures than have || (hero->Slots().size() == 1 && hero->needsLastStack() && s.count == count)) //can't sell last stack { COMPLAIN_RET("Not enough creatures in army!"); } int b1, b2; //base quantities for trade market->getOffer(s.type->idNumber, resourceID, b1, b2, CREATURE_RESOURCE); int units = count / b1; //how many base quantities we trade if(count%b1) //all offered units of resource should be used, if not -> somewhere in calculations must be an error { //TODO: complain? assert(0); } changeStackCount(StackLocation(hero, slot), -count); SetResource sr; sr.player = hero->tempOwner; sr.resid = resourceID; sr.val = getResource(hero->tempOwner, resourceID) + b2 * units; sendAndApply(&sr); return true; } bool CGameHandler::transformInUndead(const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance * hero, ui32 slot) { const CArmedInstance *army = NULL; if (hero) army = hero; else army = dynamic_cast(market->o); if (!army) COMPLAIN_RET("Incorrect call to transform in undead!"); if(!army->hasStackAtSlot(slot)) COMPLAIN_RET("Army doesn't have any creature in that slot!"); const CStackInstance &s = army->getStack(slot); int resCreature;//resulting creature - bone dragons or skeletons if (s.hasBonusOfType(Bonus::DRAGON_NATURE)) resCreature = 68; else resCreature = 56; changeStackType(StackLocation(army, slot), VLC->creh->creatures[resCreature]); return true; } bool CGameHandler::sendResources(ui32 val, ui8 player, ui32 r1, ui32 r2) { const PlayerState *p2 = gs->getPlayer(r2, false); if(!p2 || p2->status != PlayerState::INGAME) { complain("Dest player must be in game!"); return false; } si32 curRes1 = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources[r1], curRes2 = gs->getPlayer(r2)->resources[r1]; val = std::min(si32(val),curRes1); SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = r1; sr.val = curRes1 - val; sendAndApply(&sr); sr.player = r2; sr.val = curRes2 + val; sendAndApply(&sr); return true; } bool CGameHandler::setFormation( si32 hid, ui8 formation ) { gs->getHero(hid)-> formation = formation; return true; } bool CGameHandler::hireHero(const CGObjectInstance *obj, ui8 hid, ui8 player) { const PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player); const CGTownInstance *t = gs->getTown(obj->id); //common preconditions if( (p->resources[Res::GOLD]<2500 && complain("Not enough gold for buying hero!")) || (getHeroCount(player, false) >= 8 && complain("Cannot hire hero, only 8 wandering heroes are allowed!"))) return false; if(t) //tavern in town { if( (!vstd::contains(t->builtBuildings,Buildings::TAVERN) && complain("No tavern!")) || (t->visitingHero && complain("There is visiting hero - no place!"))) return false; } else if(obj->ID == 95) //Tavern on adv map { if(getTile(obj->visitablePos())->visitableObjects.back() != obj && complain("Tavern entry must be unoccupied!")) return false; } const CGHeroInstance *nh = p->availableHeroes[hid]; assert(nh); HeroRecruited hr; hr.tid = obj->id; hr.hid = nh->subID; hr.player = player; hr.tile = obj->visitablePos() + nh->getVisitableOffset(); sendAndApply(&hr); bmap > pool = gs->unusedHeroesFromPool(); const CGHeroInstance *theOtherHero = p->availableHeroes[!hid]; const CGHeroInstance *newHero = gs->hpool.pickHeroFor(false, player, getNativeTown(player), pool, theOtherHero->type->heroClass); SetAvailableHeroes sah; sah.player = player; if(newHero) { sah.hid[hid] = newHero->subID; sah.army[hid].clear(); sah.army[hid].setCreature(0, VLC->creh->nameToID[newHero->type->refTypeStack[0]],1); } else sah.hid[hid] = -1; sah.hid[!hid] = theOtherHero ? theOtherHero->subID : -1; sendAndApply(&sah); SetResource sr; sr.player = player; sr.resid = Res::GOLD; sr.val = p->resources[Res::GOLD] - 2500; sendAndApply(&sr); if(t) { vistiCastleObjects (t, nh); giveSpells (t,nh); } return true; } bool CGameHandler::queryReply(ui32 qid, ui32 answer, ui8 player) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); states.removeQuery(player, qid); if(vstd::contains(callbacks,qid)) { CFunctionList callb = callbacks[qid]; callbacks.erase(qid); if(callb) callb(answer); } else if(vstd::contains(garrisonCallbacks,qid)) { if(garrisonCallbacks[qid]) garrisonCallbacks[qid](); garrisonCallbacks.erase(qid); allowedExchanges.erase(qid); } else { tlog1 << "Unknown query reply...\n"; return false; } return true; } static EndAction end_action; bool CGameHandler::makeBattleAction( BattleAction &ba ) { tlog1 << "\tMaking action of type " << (int)ba.actionType << std::endl; bool ok = true; switch(ba.actionType) { case BattleAction::END_TACTIC_PHASE: //wait { StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } case BattleAction::WALK: //walk { StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); //start movement moveStack(ba.stackNumber,ba.destinationTile); //move sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } case BattleAction::DEFEND: //defend { //defensive stance //TODO: remove this bonus when stack becomes active SetStackEffect sse; sse.effect.push_back( Bonus(Bonus::STACK_GETS_TURN, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::OTHER, 20, -1, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL) ); sse.effect.push_back( Bonus(Bonus::STACK_GETS_TURN, Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, Bonus::OTHER, gs->curB->stacks[ba.stackNumber]->valOfBonuses(Bonus::DEFENSIVE_STANCE), -1, PrimarySkill::DEFENSE, Bonus::ADDITIVE_VALUE)); sse.stacks.push_back(ba.stackNumber); sendAndApply(&sse); //don't break - we share code with next case } case BattleAction::WAIT: //wait { StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } case BattleAction::RETREAT: //retreat/flee { if(!gs->curB->battleCanFlee(gs->curB->sides[ba.side])) complain("Cannot retreat!"); else setBattleResult(1, !ba.side); //surrendering side loses break; } case BattleAction::SURRENDER: { int player = gs->curB->sides[ba.side]; int cost = gs->curB->getSurrenderingCost(player); if(cost < 0) complain("Cannot surrender!"); else if(getResource(player, Res::GOLD) < cost) complain("Not enough gold to surrender!"); else { giveResource(player, Res::GOLD, -cost); setBattleResult(2, !ba.side); //surrendering side loses } break; } break; case BattleAction::WALK_AND_ATTACK: //walk or attack { StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); //start movement and attack int startingPos = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber)->position; int distance = moveStack(ba.stackNumber, ba.destinationTile); CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber), *stackAtEnd = gs->curB->getStackT(ba.additionalInfo); if(curStack->position != ba.destinationTile //we wasn't able to reach destination tile && !(curStack->doubleWide() && ( curStack->position == ba.destinationTile + (curStack->attackerOwned ? +1 : -1 ) ) ) //nor occupy specified hex ) { std::string problem = "We cannot move this stack to its destination " + curStack->getCreature()->namePl; tlog3 << problem << std::endl; complain(problem); ok = false; sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } if(stackAtEnd && curStack->ID == stackAtEnd->ID) //we should just move, it will be handled by following check { stackAtEnd = NULL; } if(!stackAtEnd) { complain(boost::str(boost::format("walk and attack error: no stack at additionalInfo tile (%d)!\n") % ba.additionalInfo)); ok = false; sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } if( !CStack::isMeleeAttackPossible(curStack, stackAtEnd) ) { complain("Attack cannot be performed!"); sendAndApply(&end_action); ok = false; break; } //attack { BattleAttack bat; prepareAttack(bat, curStack, stackAtEnd, distance, ba.additionalInfo); handleAttackBeforeCasting(bat); //only before first attack sendAndApply(&bat); handleAfterAttackCasting(bat); } //counterattack if(!curStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::BLOCKS_RETALIATION) && stackAtEnd->ableToRetaliate()) { BattleAttack bat; prepareAttack(bat, stackAtEnd, curStack, 0, curStack->position); bat.flags |= BattleAttack::COUNTER; sendAndApply(&bat); handleAfterAttackCasting(bat); } //second attack if(curStack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::ADDITIONAL_ATTACK) > 0 && !curStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SHOOTER) && curStack->alive() && stackAtEnd->alive() ) { BattleAttack bat; prepareAttack(bat, curStack, stackAtEnd, 0, ba.additionalInfo); sendAndApply(&bat); handleAfterAttackCasting(bat); } //return if(curStack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::RETURN_AFTER_STRIKE) && startingPos != curStack->position && curStack->alive()) { moveStack(ba.stackNumber, startingPos); //NOTE: curStack->ID == ba.stackNumber (rev 1431) } sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } case BattleAction::SHOOT: //shoot { CStack *curStack = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber), *destStack= gs->curB->getStackT(ba.destinationTile); if( !gs->curB->battleCanShoot(curStack, ba.destinationTile) ) break; StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); //start shooting { BattleAttack bat; bat.flags |= BattleAttack::SHOT; prepareAttack(bat, curStack, destStack, 0, ba.destinationTile); handleAttackBeforeCasting(bat); sendAndApply(&bat); handleAfterAttackCasting(bat); } //ballista & artillery handling if(destStack->alive() && curStack->getCreature()->idNumber == 146) { BattleAttack bat2; bat2.flags |= BattleAttack::SHOT; prepareAttack(bat2, curStack, destStack, 0, ba.destinationTile); sendAndApply(&bat2); } //TODO: allow more than one additional attack if(curStack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::ADDITIONAL_ATTACK) > 0 //if unit shots twice let's make another shot && curStack->alive() && destStack->alive() && curStack->shots ) { BattleAttack bat; bat.flags |= BattleAttack::SHOT; prepareAttack(bat, curStack, destStack, 0, ba.destinationTile); sendAndApply(&bat); handleAfterAttackCasting(bat); } sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } case BattleAction::CATAPULT: //catapult { StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); const CGHeroInstance * attackingHero = gs->curB->heroes[ba.side]; CHeroHandler::SBallisticsLevelInfo sbi = VLC->heroh->ballistics[attackingHero->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::BALLISTICS)]; int attackedPart = gs->curB->hexToWallPart(ba.destinationTile); if(attackedPart == -1) { complain("catapult tried to attack non-catapultable hex!"); break; } int wallInitHP = gs->curB->si.wallState[attackedPart]; int dmgAlreadyDealt = 0; //in successive iterations damage is dealt but not yet subtracted from wall's HPs for(int g=0; g, ui8> attack; //<< attackedPart , destination tile >, damageDealt > attack.first.first = attackedPart; attack.first.second = ba.destinationTile; attack.second = 0; int chanceForHit = 0; int dmgChance[3] = {sbi.noDmg, sbi.oneDmg, sbi.twoDmg}; //dmgChance[i] - chance for doing i dmg when hit is successful switch(attackedPart) { case 0: //keep chanceForHit = sbi.keep; break; case 1: //bottom tower case 6: //upper tower chanceForHit = sbi.tower; break; case 2: //bottom wall case 3: //below gate case 4: //over gate case 5: //upper wall chanceForHit = sbi.wall; break; case 7: //gate chanceForHit = sbi.gate; break; } if(DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES || rand()%100 <= chanceForHit) //hit is successful { int dmgRand = rand()%100; if(DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES) dmgRand = 50; //accumulating dmgChance dmgChance[1] += dmgChance[0]; dmgChance[2] += dmgChance[1]; //calculating dealt damage for(int v = 0; v < ARRAY_COUNT(dmgChance); ++v) { if(dmgRand <= dmgChance[v]) { attack.second = std::min(3 - dmgAlreadyDealt - wallInitHP, v); dmgAlreadyDealt += attack.second; break; } } //removing creatures in turrets / keep if one is destroyed if(attack.second > 0 && (attackedPart == 0 || attackedPart == 1 || attackedPart == 6)) { int posRemove = -1; switch(attackedPart) { case 0: //keep posRemove = -2; break; case 1: //bottom tower posRemove = -3; break; case 6: //upper tower posRemove = -4; break; } BattleStacksRemoved bsr; for(int g=0; gcurB->stacks.size(); ++g) { if(gs->curB->stacks[g]->position == posRemove) { bsr.stackIDs.insert( gs->curB->stacks[g]->ID ); break; } } sendAndApply(&bsr); } } ca.attacker = ba.stackNumber; ca.attackedParts.insert(attack); sendAndApply(&ca); } sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } case BattleAction::STACK_HEAL: //healing with First Aid Tent { StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); const CGHeroInstance * attackingHero = gs->curB->heroes[ba.side]; CStack *healer = gs->curB->getStack(ba.stackNumber), *destStack = gs->curB->getStackT(ba.destinationTile); if(healer == NULL || destStack == NULL || !healer->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::HEALER)) { complain("There is either no healer, no destination, or healer cannot heal :P"); } int maxHealable = destStack->MaxHealth() - destStack->firstHPleft; int maxiumHeal = healer->count * std::max(10, attackingHero->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SECONDARY_SKILL_PREMY, 27)); int healed = std::min(maxHealable, maxiumHeal); if(healed == 0) { //nothing to heal.. should we complain? } else { StacksHealedOrResurrected shr; shr.lifeDrain = (ui8)false; shr.tentHealing = (ui8)true; shr.drainedFrom = ba.stackNumber; StacksHealedOrResurrected::HealInfo hi; hi.healedHP = healed; hi.lowLevelResurrection = 0; hi.stackID = destStack->ID; shr.healedStacks.push_back(hi); sendAndApply(&shr); } sendAndApply(&end_action); break; } } if(ba.stackNumber == gs->curB->activeStack || battleResult.get()) //active stack has moved or battle has finished battleMadeAction.setn(true); return ok; } void CGameHandler::playerMessage( ui8 player, const std::string &message ) { bool cheated=true; PlayerMessage temp_message(player,message); sendAndApply(&temp_message); if(message == "vcmiistari") //give all spells and 999 mana { SetMana sm; ChangeSpells cs; CGHeroInstance *h = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!h && complain("Cannot realize cheat, no hero selected!")) return; sm.hid = cs.hid = h->id; //give all spells cs.learn = 1; for(int i=0;ispellh->spells.size();i++) { if(!VLC->spellh->spells[i]->creatureAbility) cs.spells.insert(i); } //give mana sm.val = 999; if(!h->hasSpellbook()) //hero doesn't have spellbook giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[0], Arts::SPELLBOOK); //give spellbook sendAndApply(&cs); sendAndApply(&sm); } else if(message == "vcmiainur") //gives 5 archangels into each slot { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); const CCreature *archangel = VLC->creh->creatures[13]; if(!hero) return; for(int i = 0; i < ARMY_SIZE; i++) if(!hero->hasStackAtSlot(i)) insertNewStack(StackLocation(hero, i), archangel, 5); } else if(message == "vcmiangband") //gives 10 black knight into each slot { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); const CCreature *blackKnight = VLC->creh->creatures[66]; if(!hero) return; for(int i = 0; i < ARMY_SIZE; i++) if(!hero->hasStackAtSlot(i)) insertNewStack(StackLocation(hero, i), blackKnight, 10); } else if(message == "vcminoldor") //all war machines { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!hero) return; if(!hero->getArt(Arts::MACH1)) giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[4], Arts::MACH1); if(!hero->getArt(Arts::MACH2)) giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[5], Arts::MACH2); if(!hero->getArt(Arts::MACH3)) giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[6], Arts::MACH3); } else if(message == "vcminahar") //1000000 movement points { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!hero) return; SetMovePoints smp; smp.hid = hero->id; smp.val = 1000000; sendAndApply(&smp); } else if(message == "vcmiformenos") //give resources { SetResources sr; sr.player = player; sr.res = gs->getPlayer(player)->resources; for(int i=0;i<7;i++) sr.res[i] += 100; sr.res[6] += 19900; sendAndApply(&sr); } else if(message == "vcmieagles") //reveal FoW { FoWChange fc; fc.mode = 1; fc.player = player; int3 * hlp_tab = new int3[gs->map->width * gs->map->height * (gs->map->twoLevel + 1)]; int lastUnc = 0; for(int i=0;imap->width;i++) for(int j=0;jmap->height;j++) for(int k=0;kmap->twoLevel+1;k++) if(!gs->getPlayerTeam(fc.player)->fogOfWarMap[i][j][k]) hlp_tab[lastUnc++] = int3(i,j,k); fc.tiles.insert(hlp_tab, hlp_tab + lastUnc); delete [] hlp_tab; sendAndApply(&fc); } else if(message == "vcmiglorfindel") //selected hero gains a new level { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); changePrimSkill(hero->id,4,VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level+1) - VLC->heroh->reqExp(hero->level)); } else if(message == "vcmisilmaril") //player wins { gs->getPlayer(player)->enteredWinningCheatCode = 1; checkLossVictory(player); } else if(message == "vcmimelkor") //player looses { gs->getPlayer(player)->enteredLosingCheatCode = 1; checkLossVictory(player); } else if (message == "vcmiforgeofnoldorking") //hero gets all artifacts except war machines, spell scrolls and spell book { CGHeroInstance *hero = gs->getHero(gs->getPlayer(player)->currentSelection); if(!hero) return; for (int g=7; g<=140; ++g) giveHeroNewArtifact(hero, VLC->arth->artifacts[g], -1); } else cheated = false; if(cheated) { SystemMessage temp_message(VLC->generaltexth->allTexts[260]); sendAndApply(&temp_message); } } void CGameHandler::handleSpellCasting( int spellID, int spellLvl, THex destination, ui8 casterSide, ui8 casterColor, const CGHeroInstance * caster, const CGHeroInstance * secHero, int usedSpellPower, SpellCasting::ECastingMode mode, const CStack * stack) { const CSpell *spell = VLC->spellh->spells[spellID]; BattleSpellCast sc; sc.side = casterSide; sc.id = spellID; sc.skill = spellLvl; sc.tile = destination; sc.dmgToDisplay = 0; sc.castedByHero = (bool)caster; sc.attackerType = (stack ? stack->type->idNumber : -1); //calculating affected creatures for all spells std::set attackedCres = gs->curB->getAttackedCreatures(spell, spellLvl, casterColor, destination); for(std::set::const_iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { sc.affectedCres.insert((*it)->ID); } //checking if creatures resist sc.resisted = gs->curB->calculateResistedStacks(spell, caster, secHero, attackedCres, casterColor, mode); //calculating dmg to display for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if(vstd::contains(sc.resisted, (*it)->ID)) //this creature resisted the spell continue; sc.dmgToDisplay += gs->curB->calculateSpellDmg(spell, caster, *it, spellLvl, usedSpellPower); } if (spellID == 79 || spellID == 81) // Death stare or Acid Breath { sc.dmgToDisplay = usedSpellPower; if (spellID == 79) amin(sc.dmgToDisplay, (*attackedCres.begin())->count); //stack is already reduced after attack } StacksInjured si; //applying effects switch(spellID) { case 15: //magic arrow case 16: //ice bolt case 17: //lightning bolt case 18: //implosion case 20: //frost ring case 21: //fireball case 22: //inferno case 23: //meteor shower case 24: //death ripple case 25: //destroy undead case 26: //armageddon case 57: //Titan's Lightning bolt case 77: //Thunderbolt (thunderbirds) { int spellDamage = 0; if (stack && mode != SpellCasting::MAGIC_MIRROR) { int unitSpellPower = stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIFIC_SPELL_POWER, spellID); if (unitSpellPower) sc.dmgToDisplay = spellDamage = stack->count * unitSpellPower; //TODO: handle immunities else //Faerie Dragon usedSpellPower = stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CREATURE_SPELL_POWER) * stack->count / 100; } for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if(vstd::contains(sc.resisted, (*it)->ID)) //this creature resisted the spell continue; BattleStackAttacked bsa; if ((destination > -1 && (*it)->coversPos(destination)) || spell->range[spellLvl] == "X") //display effect only upon primary target of area spell { bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::EFFECT; bsa.effect = spell->mainEffectAnim; } if (spellDamage) bsa.damageAmount = spellDamage; else bsa.damageAmount = gs->curB->calculateSpellDmg(spell, caster, *it, spellLvl, usedSpellPower); bsa.stackAttacked = (*it)->ID; bsa.attackerID = -1; (*it)->prepareAttacked(bsa); si.stacks.push_back(bsa); } break; } // permanent effects case 27: //shield case 28: //air shield case 29: //fire shield case 30: //protection from air case 31: //protection from fire case 32: //protection from water case 33: //protection from earth case 34: //anti-magic case 36: //magic mirror case 41: //bless case 42: //curse case 43: //bloodlust case 44: //precision case 45: //weakness case 46: //stone skin case 47: //disrupting ray case 48: //prayer case 49: //mirth case 50: //sorrow case 51: //fortune case 52: //misfortune case 53: //haste case 54: //slow case 55: //slayer case 56: //frenzy case 58: //counterstrike case 59: //berserk case 60: //hypnotize case 61: //forgetfulness case 62: //blind case 70: //Stone Gaze case 71: //Poison case 72: //Bind case 73: //Disease case 74: //Paralyze case 75: //Aging case 80: //Acid Breath defense reduction { int stackSpellPower = 0; if (stack && mode != SpellCasting::MAGIC_MIRROR) { stackSpellPower = stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CREATURE_ENCHANT_POWER); } SetStackEffect sse; Bonus pseudoBonus; pseudoBonus.sid = spellID; pseudoBonus.val = spellLvl; pseudoBonus.turnsRemain = gs->curB->calculateSpellDuration(spell, caster, stackSpellPower ? stackSpellPower : usedSpellPower); CStack::stackEffectToFeature(sse.effect, pseudoBonus); const Bonus * bonus = NULL; if (caster) bonus = caster->getBonus(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SPECIAL_PECULIAR_ENCHANT, spellID)); si32 power = 0; for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if(vstd::contains(sc.resisted, (*it)->ID)) //this creature resisted the spell continue; sse.stacks.push_back((*it)->ID); //Apply hero specials - peculiar enchants if ((*it)->base) // no war machines - TODO: make it work { ui8 tier = (*it)->base->type->level; if (bonus) { switch(bonus->additionalInfo) { case 0: //normal { switch(tier) { case 1: case 2: power = 3; break; case 3: case 4: power = 2; break; case 5: case 6: power = 1; break; } Bonus specialBonus(sse.effect.back()); specialBonus.val = power; //it doesn't necessarily make sense for some spells, use it wisely sse.uniqueBonuses.push_back (std::pair ((*it)->ID, specialBonus)); //additional premy to given effect } break; case 1: //only Coronius as yet { power = std::max(5 - tier, 0); Bonus specialBonus = CStack::featureGenerator(Bonus::PRIMARY_SKILL, PrimarySkill::ATTACK, power, pseudoBonus.turnsRemain); specialBonus.sid = spellID; sse.uniqueBonuses.push_back (std::pair ((*it)->ID, specialBonus)); //additional attack to Slayer effect } break; } } if (caster && caster->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE, spellID)) //TODO: better handling of bonus percentages { int damagePercent = caster->level * caster->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIAL_BLESS_DAMAGE, spellID) / tier; Bonus specialBonus = CStack::featureGenerator(Bonus::CREATURE_DAMAGE, 0, damagePercent, pseudoBonus.turnsRemain); specialBonus.valType = Bonus::PERCENT_TO_ALL; specialBonus.sid = spellID; sse.uniqueBonuses.push_back (std::pair ((*it)->ID, specialBonus)); } } } if(!sse.stacks.empty()) sendAndApply(&sse); break; } case 63: //teleport { BattleStackMoved bsm; bsm.distance = -1; bsm.stack = gs->curB->activeStack; std::vector tiles; tiles.push_back(destination); bsm.tilesToMove = tiles; bsm.teleporting = true; sendAndApply(&bsm); break; } case 37: //cure case 38: //resurrection case 39: //animate dead { int hpGained = 0; if (stack) { int unitSpellPower = stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::SPECIFIC_SPELL_POWER, spellID); if (unitSpellPower) hpGained = stack->count * unitSpellPower; //Archangel else //Faerie Dragon-like effect - unused fo far usedSpellPower = stack->valOfBonuses(Bonus::CREATURE_SPELL_POWER) * stack->count / 100; } StacksHealedOrResurrected shr; shr.lifeDrain = (ui8)false; shr.tentHealing = (ui8)false; for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if(vstd::contains(sc.resisted, (*it)->ID) //this creature resisted the spell || (spellID == 39 && !(*it)->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD)) //we try to cast animate dead on living stack ) continue; StacksHealedOrResurrected::HealInfo hi; hi.stackID = (*it)->ID; if (stack) { if (hpGained) { hi.healedHP = gs->curB->calculateHealedHP(hpGained, spell, *it); } else hi.healedHP = gs->curB->calculateHealedHP(spell, usedSpellPower, stack->getBonus(Selector::typeSubtype(Bonus::SPELLCASTER, spell->id))->additionalInfo, *it); } else hi.healedHP = gs->curB->calculateHealedHP(caster, spell, *it); hi.lowLevelResurrection = spellLvl <= 1; shr.healedStacks.push_back(hi); } if(!shr.healedStacks.empty()) sendAndApply(&shr); break; } case 64: //remove obstacle { ObstaclesRemoved obr; for(int g=0; gcurB->obstacles.size(); ++g) { std::vector blockedHexes = VLC->heroh->obstacles[gs->curB->obstacles[g].ID].getBlocked(gs->curB->obstacles[g].pos); if(vstd::contains(blockedHexes, destination)) //this obstacle covers given hex { obr.obstacles.insert(gs->curB->obstacles[g].uniqueID); } } if(!obr.obstacles.empty()) sendAndApply(&obr); break; } break; case 79: //Death stare - handled in a bit different way { for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { if((*it)->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::UNDEAD) || (*it)->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::NON_LIVING)) //this creature is immune { sc.dmgToDisplay = 0; //TODO: handle Death Stare for multiple targets (?) continue; } BattleStackAttacked bsa; bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::EFFECT; bsa.effect = spell->mainEffectAnim; //from config\spell-Info.txt bsa.damageAmount = usedSpellPower * (*it)->valOfBonuses(Bonus::STACK_HEALTH); bsa.stackAttacked = (*it)->ID; bsa.attackerID = -1; (*it)->prepareAttacked(bsa); si.stacks.push_back(bsa); } } break; case 81: //Acid breath damage - new effect, separate from acid breath defense reduction { for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) //no immunities { BattleStackAttacked bsa; bsa.flags |= BattleStackAttacked::EFFECT; bsa.effect = VLC->spellh->spells[80]->mainEffectAnim; //use acid breath bsa.damageAmount = usedSpellPower; //damage times the number of attackers bsa.stackAttacked = (*it)->ID; bsa.attackerID = -1; (*it)->prepareAttacked(bsa); si.stacks.push_back(bsa); } } break; } sendAndApply(&sc); if(!si.stacks.empty()) //after spellcast info shows sendAndApply(&si); //Magic Mirror effect if(!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && spell->positiveness < 0 && mode != SpellCasting::MAGIC_MIRROR && spell->level && spell->range[0] == "0") //it is actual spell and can be reflected to single target, no recurrence { for(std::set::iterator it = attackedCres.begin(); it != attackedCres.end(); ++it) { int mirrorChance = (*it)->valOfBonuses(Bonus::MAGIC_MIRROR); if(mirrorChance > rand()%100) { std::vector mirrorTargets; std::vector & battleStacks = gs->curB->stacks; for (size_t j = 0; j < battleStacks.size(); ++j) { if(battleStacks[j]->owner == casterSide) //get enemy stacks which can be affected by this spell { if (!gs->curB->battleIsImmune(NULL, spell, SpellCasting::MAGIC_MIRROR, battleStacks[j]->position)) mirrorTargets.push_back(battleStacks[j]); } } if (mirrorTargets.size()) { int targetHex = mirrorTargets[rand() % mirrorTargets.size()]->position; handleSpellCasting(spellID, 0, targetHex, 1 - casterSide, (*it)->owner, NULL, (caster ? caster : NULL), usedSpellPower, SpellCasting::MAGIC_MIRROR, (*it)); } } } } } bool CGameHandler::makeCustomAction( BattleAction &ba ) { switch(ba.actionType) { case BattleAction::HERO_SPELL: //hero casts spell { const CGHeroInstance *h = gs->curB->heroes[ba.side]; const CGHeroInstance *secondHero = gs->curB->heroes[!ba.side]; if(!h) { tlog2 << "Wrong caster!\n"; return false; } if(ba.additionalInfo >= VLC->spellh->spells.size()) { tlog2 << "Wrong spell id (" << ba.additionalInfo << ")!\n"; return false; } const CSpell *s = VLC->spellh->spells[ba.additionalInfo]; if (s->mainEffectAnim > -1) //TODO: special effects, like Clone { ui8 skill = h->getSpellSchoolLevel(s); //skill level SpellCasting::ESpellCastProblem escp = gs->curB->battleCanCastThisSpell(h->tempOwner, s, SpellCasting::HERO_CASTING); if(escp != SpellCasting::OK) { tlog2 << "Spell cannot be cast!\n"; tlog2 << "Problem : " << escp << std::endl; return false; } StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); //start spell casting handleSpellCasting (ba.additionalInfo, skill, ba.destinationTile, ba.side, h->tempOwner, h, secondHero, h->getPrimSkillLevel(2), SpellCasting::HERO_CASTING, NULL); sendAndApply(&end_action); if( !gs->curB->getStack(gs->curB->activeStack, false)->alive() ) { battleMadeAction.setn(true); } checkForBattleEnd(gs->curB->stacks); if(battleResult.get()) { battleMadeAction.setn(true); //battle will be ended by startBattle function //endBattle(gs->curB->tile, gs->curB->heroes[0], gs->curB->heroes[1]); } return true; } else { tlog2 << "Spell " << s->name << " is not yet supported!\n"; return false; } } } return false; } void CGameHandler::handleTimeEvents() { gs->map->events.sort(evntCmp); while(gs->map->events.size() && gs->map->events.front()->firstOccurence+1 == gs->day) { CMapEvent *ev = gs->map->events.front(); for(int player = 0; player < PLAYER_LIMIT; player++) { PlayerState *pinfo = gs->getPlayer(player); if( pinfo //player exists && (ev->players & 1<computerAffected && !pinfo->human) || (ev->humanAffected && pinfo->human) ) ) { //give resources SetResources sr; sr.player = player; sr.res = pinfo->resources + ev->resources; //prepare dialog InfoWindow iw; iw.player = player; iw.text << ev->message; for (int i=0; iresources.size(); i++) { if(ev->resources[i]) //if resource is changed, we add it to the dialog iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::RESOURCE,i,ev->resources[i],0)); } if (iw.components.size()) { sr.res.amax(0); // If removing too much resources, adjust the amount so the total doesn't become negative. sendAndApply(&sr); //update player resources if changed } sendAndApply(&iw); //show dialog } } //PLAYERS LOOP if(ev->nextOccurence) { gs->map->events.pop_front(); ev->firstOccurence += ev->nextOccurence; std::list >::iterator it = gs->map->events.begin(); while ( it !=gs->map->events.end() && **it <= *ev ) it++; gs->map->events.insert(it, ev); } else { delete ev; gs->map->events.pop_front(); } } } void CGameHandler::handleTownEvents(CGTownInstance * town, NewTurn &n, std::map > &newCreas) { //TODO event removing desync!!! town->events.sort(evntCmp); while(town->events.size() && town->events.front()->firstOccurence == gs->day) { ui8 player = town->tempOwner; CCastleEvent *ev = town->events.front(); PlayerState *pinfo = gs->getPlayer(player); if( pinfo //player exists && (ev->players & 1<computerAffected && !pinfo->human) || (ev->humanAffected && pinfo->human) ) ) { // dialog InfoWindow iw; iw.player = player; iw.text << ev->message; if(ev->resources.nonZero()) { TResources was = n.res[player]; n.res[player] += ev->resources; n.res[player].amax(0); for (int i=0; iresources.size(); i++) if(ev->resources[i] && pinfo->resources[i] != n.res[player][i]) //if resource had changed, we add it to the dialog iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::RESOURCE,i,n.res[player][i]-was[i],0)); } for(std::set::iterator i = ev->buildings.begin(); i!=ev->buildings.end();i++) if ( !vstd::contains(town->builtBuildings, *i)) { buildStructure(town->id, *i, true); iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::BUILDING, town->subID, *i, 0)); } for(si32 i=0;icreatures.size();i++) //creature growths { if(town->creatureDwelling(i) && ev->creatures[i])//there is dwelling { newCreas[town->id][i] += ev->creatures[i]; iw.components.push_back(Component(Component::CREATURE, town->creatures[i].second.back(), ev->creatures[i], 0)); } } sendAndApply(&iw); //show dialog } if(ev->nextOccurence) { town->events.pop_front(); ev->firstOccurence += ev->nextOccurence; std::list::iterator it = town->events.begin(); while ( it !=town->events.end() && **it <= *ev ) it++; town->events.insert(it, ev); } else { delete ev; town->events.pop_front(); } } } bool CGameHandler::complain( const std::string &problem ) { sendMessageToAll("Server encountered a problem: " + problem); tlog1 << problem << std::endl; return true; } ui32 CGameHandler::getQueryResult( ui8 player, int queryID ) { //TODO: write return 0; } void CGameHandler::showGarrisonDialog( int upobj, int hid, bool removableUnits, const boost::function &cb ) { ui8 player = getOwner(hid); GarrisonDialog gd; gd.hid = hid; gd.objid = upobj; { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); gd.id = QID; garrisonCallbacks[QID] = cb; allowedExchanges[QID] = std::pair(upobj,hid); states.addQuery(player,QID); QID++; gd.removableUnits = removableUnits; sendAndApply(&gd); } } void CGameHandler::showThievesGuildWindow(int requestingObjId) { OpenWindow ow; ow.window = OpenWindow::THIEVES_GUILD; ow.id1 = requestingObjId; sendAndApply(&ow); } bool CGameHandler::isAllowedArrangePack(const ArrangeStacks *pack) { return isAllowedExchangeForQuery(pack->id1, pack->id2); } bool CGameHandler::isAllowedExchangeForQuery(int id1, int id2) { boost::unique_lock lock(gsm); for(std::map >::const_iterator i = allowedExchanges.begin(); i!=allowedExchanges.end(); i++) if((id1 == i->second.first && id2 == i->second.second) || (id2 == i->second.first && id1 == i->second.second)) return true; return false; } bool CGameHandler::isAllowedExchange( int id1, int id2 ) { if(id1 == id2) return true; if (isAllowedExchangeForQuery(id1, id2)) return true; const CGObjectInstance *o1 = getObj(id1), *o2 = getObj(id2); if(o1->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) { const CGTownInstance *t = static_cast(o1); if(t->visitingHero == o2 || t->garrisonHero == o2) return true; } if(o2->ID == TOWNI_TYPE) { const CGTownInstance *t = static_cast(o2); if(t->visitingHero == o1 || t->garrisonHero == o1) return true; } if(o1->ID == HEROI_TYPE && o2->ID == HEROI_TYPE && distance(o1->pos, o2->pos) < 2) //hero stands on the same tile or on the neighbouring tiles { //TODO: it's workaround, we should check if first hero visited second and player hasn't closed exchange window //(to block moving stacks for free [without visiting] between heroes) return true; } return false; } void CGameHandler::objectVisited( const CGObjectInstance * obj, const CGHeroInstance * h ) { HeroVisit hv; hv.obj = obj; hv.hero = h; hv.starting = true; sendAndApply(&hv); obj->onHeroVisit(h); hv.obj = NULL; //not necessary, moreover may have been deleted in the meantime hv.starting = false; sendAndApply(&hv); } bool CGameHandler::buildBoat( ui32 objid ) { const IShipyard *obj = IShipyard::castFrom(getObj(objid)); if(obj->state()) { complain("Cannot build boat in this shipyard!"); return false; } else if(obj->o->ID == TOWNI_TYPE && !vstd::contains((static_cast(obj))->builtBuildings,6)) { complain("Cannot build boat in the town - no shipyard!"); return false; } //TODO use "real" cost via obj->getBoatCost if(getResource(obj->o->tempOwner, 6) < 1000 || getResource(obj->o->tempOwner, 0) < 10) { complain("Not enough resources to build a boat!"); return false; } int3 tile = obj->bestLocation(); if(!gs->map->isInTheMap(tile)) { complain("Cannot find appropriate tile for a boat!"); return false; } //take boat cost SetResources sr; sr.player = obj->o->tempOwner; sr.res = gs->getPlayer(obj->o->tempOwner)->resources; sr.res[Res::WOOD] -= 10; sr.res[Res::GOLD] -= 1000; sendAndApply(&sr); //create boat NewObject no; no.ID = 8; no.subID = obj->getBoatType(); no.pos = tile + int3(1,0,0); sendAndApply(&no); return true; } void CGameHandler::engageIntoBattle( ui8 player ) { if(vstd::contains(states.players, player)) states.setFlag(player,&PlayerStatus::engagedIntoBattle,true); //notify interfaces PlayerBlocked pb; pb.player = player; pb.reason = PlayerBlocked::UPCOMING_BATTLE; sendAndApply(&pb); } void CGameHandler::winLoseHandle(ui8 players ) { for(size_t i = 0; i < PLAYER_LIMIT; i++) { if(players & 1<getPlayer(i)) { checkLossVictory(i); } } } void CGameHandler::checkLossVictory( ui8 player ) { const PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player); if(p->status) //player already won / lost return; int loss = gs->lossCheck(player); int vic = gs->victoryCheck(player); if(!loss && !vic) return; InfoWindow iw; getLossVicMessage(player, vic ? vic : loss , vic, iw); sendAndApply(&iw); PlayerEndsGame peg; peg.player = player; peg.victory = vic; sendAndApply(&peg); if(vic > 0) //one player won -> all enemies lost { iw.text.localStrings.front().second++; //message about losing because enemy won first is just after victory message for (bmap::const_iterator i = gs->players.begin(); i!=gs->players.end(); i++) { if(i->first < PLAYER_LIMIT && i->first != player)//FIXME: skip already eliminated players? { iw.player = i->first; sendAndApply(&iw); peg.player = i->first; peg.victory = gameState()->getPlayerRelations(player, i->first) == 1; // ally of winner sendAndApply(&peg); } } } else //player lost -> all his objects become unflagged (neutral) { std::vector > hlp = p->heroes; for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = hlp.begin(); i != hlp.end(); i++) //eliminate heroes removeObject((*i)->id); for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = gs->map->objects.begin(); i != gs->map->objects.end(); i++) //unflag objs { if(*i && (*i)->tempOwner == player) setOwner((**i).id,NEUTRAL_PLAYER); } //eliminating one player may cause victory of another: winLoseHandle(ALL_PLAYERS & ~(1<campaign) { std::vector hes; BOOST_FOREACH(CGHeroInstance * ghi, gs->map->heroes) { if (ghi->tempOwner == 0 /*TODO: insert human player's color*/) { hes.push_back(ghi); } } gs->campaign->mapConquered(hes); UpdateCampaignState ucs; ucs.camp = gs->campaign; sendAndApply(&ucs); } } } void CGameHandler::getLossVicMessage( ui8 player, ui8 standard, bool victory, InfoWindow &out ) const { // const PlayerState *p = gs->getPlayer(player); // if(!p->human) // return; //AI doesn't need text info of loss out.player = player; if(victory) { if(standard < 0) //not std loss { switch(gs->map->victoryCondition.condition) { case artifact: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 280); //Congratulations! You have found the %s, and can claim victory! out.text.addReplacement(MetaString::ART_NAMES,gs->map->victoryCondition.ID); //artifact name break; case gatherTroop: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 276); //Congratulations! You have over %d %s in your armies. Your enemies have no choice but to bow down before your power! out.text.addReplacement(gs->map->victoryCondition.count); out.text.addReplacement(MetaString::CRE_PL_NAMES, gs->map->victoryCondition.ID); break; case gatherResource: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 278); //Congratulations! You have collected over %d %s in your treasury. Victory is yours! out.text.addReplacement(gs->map->victoryCondition.count); out.text.addReplacement(MetaString::RES_NAMES, gs->map->victoryCondition.ID); break; case buildCity: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 282); //Congratulations! You have successfully upgraded your town, and can claim victory! break; case buildGrail: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 284); //Congratulations! You have constructed a permanent home for the Grail, and can claim victory! break; case beatHero: { out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 252); //Congratulations! You have completed your quest to defeat the enemy hero %s. Victory is yours! const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(gs->map->victoryCondition.obj); assert(h); out.text.addReplacement(h->name); } break; case captureCity: { out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 249); //Congratulations! You captured %s, and are victorious! const CGTownInstance *t = dynamic_cast(gs->map->victoryCondition.obj); assert(t); out.text.addReplacement(t->name); } break; case beatMonster: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 286); //Congratulations! You have completed your quest to kill the fearsome beast, and can claim victory! break; case takeDwellings: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 288); //Congratulations! Your flag flies on the dwelling of every creature. Victory is yours! break; case takeMines: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 290); //Congratulations! Your flag flies on every mine. Victory is yours! break; case transportItem: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 292); //Congratulations! You have reached your destination, precious cargo intact, and can claim victory! break; } } else { out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 659); //Congratulations! You have reached your destination, precious cargo intact, and can claim victory! } } else { if(standard < 0) //not std loss { switch(gs->map->lossCondition.typeOfLossCon) { case lossCastle: { out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 251); //The town of %s has fallen - all is lost! const CGTownInstance *t = dynamic_cast(gs->map->lossCondition.obj); assert(t); out.text.addReplacement(t->name); } break; case lossHero: { out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 253); //The hero, %s, has suffered defeat - your quest is over! const CGHeroInstance *h = dynamic_cast(gs->map->lossCondition.obj); assert(h); out.text.addReplacement(h->name); } break; case timeExpires: out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 254); //Alas, time has run out on your quest. All is lost. break; } } else if(standard == 2) { out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 7);//%s, your heroes abandon you, and you are banished from this land. out.text.addReplacement(MetaString::COLOR, player); out.components.push_back(Component(Component::FLAG,player,0,0)); } else //lost all towns and heroes { out.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 660); //All your forces have been defeated, and you are banished from this land! } } } bool CGameHandler::dig( const CGHeroInstance *h ) { for (std::vector >::const_iterator i = gs->map->objects.begin(); i != gs->map->objects.end(); i++) //unflag objs { if(*i && (*i)->ID == 124 && (*i)->pos == h->getPosition()) { complain("Cannot dig - there is already a hole under the hero!"); return false; } } NewObject no; no.ID = 124; no.pos = h->getPosition(); no.subID = getTile(no.pos)->tertype; if(no.subID >= 8) //no digging on water / rock { complain("Cannot dig - wrong terrain type!"); return false; } sendAndApply(&no); SetMovePoints smp; smp.hid = h->id; smp.val = 0; sendAndApply(&smp); InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; if(gs->map->grailPos == h->getPosition()) { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 58); //"Congratulations! After spending many hours digging here, your hero has uncovered the " iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ART_NAMES, 2); iw.soundID = soundBase::ULTIMATEARTIFACT; giveHeroNewArtifact(h, VLC->arth->artifacts[2], -1); //give grail sendAndApply(&iw); iw.text.clear(); iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::ART_DESCR, 2); sendAndApply(&iw); } else { iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 59); //"Nothing here. \n Where could it be?" iw.soundID = soundBase::Dig; sendAndApply(&iw); } return true; } void CGameHandler::attackCasting(const BattleAttack & bat, Bonus::BonusType attackMode, const CStack * attacker) { if(!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && attacker->hasBonusOfType(attackMode)) { std::set spellsToCast; TBonusListPtr spells = attacker->getBonuses(Selector::type(attackMode)); BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *sf, *spells) { spellsToCast.insert (sf->subtype); } BOOST_FOREACH(ui32 spellID, spellsToCast) { const CStack * oneOfAttacked = NULL; for (int g=0; g 0 && !bat.bsa[g].isSecondary()) //apply effects only to first target stack if it's alive { oneOfAttacked = gs->curB->getStack(bat.bsa[g].stackAttacked); break; } } bool castMe = false; int meleeRanged; if(oneOfAttacked == NULL) //all attacked creatures have been killed return; int spellLevel = 0; TBonusListPtr spellsByType = attacker->getBonuses(Selector::typeSubtype(attackMode, spellID)); BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *sf, *spellsByType) { amax(spellLevel, sf->additionalInfo % 1000); //pick highest level meleeRanged = sf->additionalInfo / 1000; if (meleeRanged == 0 || (meleeRanged == 1 && bat.shot()) || (meleeRanged == 2 && !bat.shot())) castMe = true; } int chance = attacker->valOfBonuses((Selector::typeSubtype(attackMode, spellID))); amin (chance, 100); int destination = oneOfAttacked->position; const CSpell * spell = VLC->spellh->spells[spellID]; if(gs->curB->battleCanCastThisSpellHere(attacker->owner, spell, SpellCasting::AFTER_ATTACK_CASTING, oneOfAttacked->position) != SpellCasting::OK) continue; //check if spell should be casted (probability handling) if(rand()%100 >= chance) continue; //casting //TODO: check if spell can be blocked or target is immune if (castMe) //stacks use 0 spell power. If needed, default = 3 or custom value is used handleSpellCasting(spellID, spellLevel, destination, !attacker->attackerOwned, attacker->owner, NULL, NULL, 0, SpellCasting::AFTER_ATTACK_CASTING, attacker); } } } void CGameHandler::handleAttackBeforeCasting (const BattleAttack & bat) { const CStack * attacker = gs->curB->getStack(bat.stackAttacking); attackCasting(bat, Bonus::SPELL_BEFORE_ATTACK, attacker); //no detah stare / acid bretah needed? } void CGameHandler::handleAfterAttackCasting( const BattleAttack & bat ) { const CStack * attacker = gs->curB->getStack(bat.stackAttacking); attackCasting(bat, Bonus::SPELL_AFTER_ATTACK, attacker); if (!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && attacker->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::DEATH_STARE)) // spell id 79 { int staredCreatures = 0; double mean = attacker->count * attacker->valOfBonuses(Bonus::DEATH_STARE, 0) / 100; if (mean >= 1) { boost::poisson_distribution p((int)mean); boost::mt19937 rng; boost::variate_generator > dice (rng, p); staredCreatures += dice(); } if (((int)(mean * 100)) < rand() % 100) //fractional chance for one last kill ++staredCreatures; staredCreatures += attacker->type->level * attacker->valOfBonuses(Bonus::DEATH_STARE, 1); if (staredCreatures) { if (bat.bsa.size() && bat.bsa[0].newAmount > 0) //TODO: death stare was not originally available for multiple-hex attacks, but... handleSpellCasting(79, 0, gs->curB->getStack(bat.bsa[0].stackAttacked)->position, !attacker->attackerOwned, attacker->owner, NULL, NULL, staredCreatures, SpellCasting::AFTER_ATTACK_CASTING, attacker); } } if(!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES) { int acidDamage = 0; TBonusListPtr acidBreath = attacker->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::ACID_BREATH)); BOOST_FOREACH(const Bonus *b, *acidBreath) { if (b->additionalInfo > rand()%100) acidDamage += b->val; } if (acidDamage) { handleSpellCasting(81, 0, gs->curB->getStack(bat.bsa[0].stackAttacked)->position, !attacker->attackerOwned, attacker->owner, NULL, NULL, acidDamage * attacker->count, SpellCasting::AFTER_ATTACK_CASTING, attacker); } } } bool CGameHandler::castSpell(const CGHeroInstance *h, int spellID, const int3 &pos) { const CSpell *s = VLC->spellh->spells[spellID]; int cost = h->getSpellCost(s); int schoolLevel = h->getSpellSchoolLevel(s); if(!h->canCastThisSpell(s)) COMPLAIN_RET("Hero cannot cast this spell!"); if(h->mana < cost) COMPLAIN_RET("Hero doesn't have enough spell points to cast this spell!"); if(s->combatSpell) COMPLAIN_RET("This function can be used only for adventure map spells!"); AdvmapSpellCast asc; asc.caster = h; asc.spellID = spellID; sendAndApply(&asc); using namespace Spells; switch(spellID) { case SUMMON_BOAT: //Summon Boat { //check if spell works at all if(rand() % 100 >= s->powers[schoolLevel]) //power is % chance of success { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 336); //%s tried to summon a boat, but failed. iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); sendAndApply(&iw); return true; //TODO? or should it be false? request was correct and realized, but spell failed... } //try to find unoccupied boat to summon const CGBoat *nearest = NULL; double dist = 0; int3 summonPos = h->bestLocation(); if(summonPos.x < 0) COMPLAIN_RET("There is no water tile available!"); BOOST_FOREACH(const CGObjectInstance *obj, gs->map->objects) { if(obj && obj->ID == 8) { const CGBoat *b = static_cast(obj); if(b->hero) continue; //we're looking for unoccupied boat double nDist = distance(b->pos, h->getPosition()); if(!nearest || nDist < dist) //it's first boat or closer than previous { nearest = b; dist = nDist; } } } if(nearest) //we found boat to summon { ChangeObjPos cop; cop.objid = nearest->id; cop.nPos = summonPos + int3(1,0,0);; cop.flags = 1; sendAndApply(&cop); } else if(schoolLevel < 2) //none or basic level -> cannot create boat :( { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 335); //There are no boats to summon. sendAndApply(&iw); } else //create boat { NewObject no; no.ID = 8; no.subID = h->getBoatType(); no.pos = summonPos + int3(1,0,0);; sendAndApply(&no); } break; } case SCUTTLE_BOAT: //Scuttle Boat { //check if spell works at all if(rand() % 100 >= s->powers[schoolLevel]) //power is % chance of success { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 337); //%s tried to scuttle the boat, but failed iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); sendAndApply(&iw); return true; //TODO? or should it be false? request was correct and realized, but spell failed... } if(!gs->map->isInTheMap(pos)) COMPLAIN_RET("Invalid dst tile for scuttle!"); //TODO: test range, visibility const TerrainTile *t = &gs->map->getTile(pos); if(!t->visitableObjects.size() || t->visitableObjects.back()->ID != 8) COMPLAIN_RET("There is no boat to scuttle!"); RemoveObject ro; ro.id = t->visitableObjects.back()->id; sendAndApply(&ro); break; } case DIMENSION_DOOR: //Dimension Door { const TerrainTile *dest = getTile(pos); const TerrainTile *curr = getTile(h->getSightCenter()); if(!dest) COMPLAIN_RET("Destination tile doesn't exist!"); if(!h->movement) COMPLAIN_RET("Hero needs movement points to cast Dimension Door!"); if(h->getBonusesCount(Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, Spells::DIMENSION_DOOR) >= s->powers[schoolLevel]) //limit casts per turn { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 338); //%s is not skilled enough to cast this spell again today. iw.text.addReplacement(h->name); sendAndApply(&iw); break; } GiveBonus gb; gb.id = h->id; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_DAY, Bonus::NONE, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, 0, Spells::DIMENSION_DOOR); sendAndApply(&gb); if(!dest->isClear(curr)) //wrong dest tile { InfoWindow iw; iw.player = h->tempOwner; iw.text.addTxt(MetaString::GENERAL_TXT, 70); //Dimension Door failed! sendAndApply(&iw); break; } //we need obtain guard pos before moving hero, otherwise we get nothing, because tile will be "unguarded" by hero int3 guardPos = gs->guardingCreaturePosition(pos); TryMoveHero tmh; tmh.id = h->id; tmh.movePoints = std::max(0, h->movement - 300); tmh.result = TryMoveHero::TELEPORTATION; tmh.start = h->pos; tmh.end = pos + h->getVisitableOffset(); getTilesInRange(tmh.fowRevealed, pos, h->getSightRadious(), h->tempOwner,1); sendAndApply(&tmh); tryAttackingGuard(guardPos, h); } break; case FLY: //Fly { int subtype = schoolLevel >= 2 ? 1 : 2; //adv or expert GiveBonus gb; gb.id = h->id; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_DAY, Bonus::FLYING_MOVEMENT, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, 0, Spells::FLY, subtype); sendAndApply(&gb); } break; case WATER_WALK: //Water Walk { int subtype = schoolLevel >= 2 ? 1 : 2; //adv or expert GiveBonus gb; gb.id = h->id; gb.bonus = Bonus(Bonus::ONE_DAY, Bonus::WATER_WALKING, Bonus::SPELL_EFFECT, 0, Spells::FLY, subtype); sendAndApply(&gb); } break; case TOWN_PORTAL: //Town Portal { if (!gs->map->isInTheMap(pos)) COMPLAIN_RET("Destination tile not present!") TerrainTile tile = gs->map->getTile(pos); if (tile.visitableObjects.empty() || tile.visitableObjects.back()->ID != TOWNI_TYPE ) COMPLAIN_RET("Town not found for Town Portal!"); CGTownInstance * town = static_cast(tile.visitableObjects.back()); if (town->tempOwner != h->tempOwner) COMPLAIN_RET("Can't teleport to another player!"); if (town->visitingHero) COMPLAIN_RET("Can't teleport to occupied town!"); if (h->getSpellSchoolLevel(s) < 2) { double dist = town->pos.dist2d(h->pos); int nearest = town->id; //nearest town's ID BOOST_FOREACH(const CGTownInstance * currTown, gs->getPlayer(h->tempOwner)->towns) { double curDist = currTown->pos.dist2d(h->pos); if (nearest == -1 || curDist < dist) { nearest = town->id; dist = curDist; } } if (town->id != nearest) COMPLAIN_RET("This hero can only teleport to nearest town!") } if (h->visitedTown) stopHeroVisitCastle(h->visitedTown->id, h->id); if (moveHero(h->id, town->visitablePos() + h->getVisitableOffset() ,1)) heroVisitCastle(town->id, h->id); } break; case VISIONS: //Visions case VIEW_EARTH: //View Earth case DISGUISE: //Disguise case VIEW_AIR: //View Air default: COMPLAIN_RET("This spell is not implemented yet!"); break; } SetMana sm; sm.hid = h->id; sm.val = h->mana - cost; sendAndApply(&sm); return true; } void CGameHandler::visitObjectOnTile(const TerrainTile &t, const CGHeroInstance * h) { //to prevent self-visiting heroes on space press if(t.visitableObjects.back() != h) objectVisited(t.visitableObjects.back(), h); else if(t.visitableObjects.size() > 1) objectVisited(*(t.visitableObjects.end()-2),h); } bool CGameHandler::tryAttackingGuard(const int3 &guardPos, const CGHeroInstance * h) { if(!gs->map->isInTheMap(guardPos)) return false; const TerrainTile &guardTile = gs->map->terrain[guardPos.x][guardPos.y][guardPos.z]; objectVisited(guardTile.visitableObjects.back(), h); visitObjectAfterVictory = true; return true; } bool CGameHandler::sacrificeCreatures(const IMarket *market, const CGHeroInstance *hero, TSlot slot, ui32 count) { int oldCount = hero->getStackCount(slot); if(oldCount < count) COMPLAIN_RET("Not enough creatures to sacrifice!") else if(oldCount == count && hero->Slots().size() == 1 && hero->needsLastStack()) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot sacrifice last creature!"); int crid = hero->getStack(slot).type->idNumber; changeStackCount(StackLocation(hero, slot), -count); int dump, exp; market->getOffer(crid, 0, dump, exp, CREATURE_EXP); exp *= count; changePrimSkill(hero->id, 4, hero->calculateXp(exp)); return true; } bool CGameHandler::sacrificeArtifact(const IMarket * m, const CGHeroInstance * hero, int slot) { ArtifactLocation al(hero, slot); const CArtifactInstance *a = al.getArt(); if(!a) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot find artifact to sacrifice!"); int dmp, expToGive; m->getOffer(hero->getArtTypeId(slot), 0, dmp, expToGive, ARTIFACT_EXP); removeArtifact(al); changePrimSkill(hero->id, 4, expToGive); return true; } void CGameHandler::makeStackDoNothing(const CStack * next) { BattleAction doNothing; doNothing.actionType = 0; doNothing.additionalInfo = 0; doNothing.destinationTile = -1; doNothing.side = !next->attackerOwned; doNothing.stackNumber = next->ID; StartAction start_action(doNothing); sendAndApply(&start_action); sendAndApply(&end_action); } bool CGameHandler::insertNewStack(const StackLocation &sl, const CCreature *c, TQuantity count) { if(sl.army->hasStackAtSlot(sl.slot)) COMPLAIN_RET("Slot is already taken!"); InsertNewStack ins; ins.sl = sl; ins.stack = CStackBasicDescriptor(c, count); sendAndApply(&ins); return true; } bool CGameHandler::eraseStack(const StackLocation &sl, bool forceRemoval/* = false*/) { if(!sl.army->hasStackAtSlot(sl.slot)) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot find a stack to erase"); if(sl.army->Slots().size() == 1 //from the last stack && sl.army->needsLastStack() //that must be left && !forceRemoval) //ignore above conditions if we are forcing removal { COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot erase the last stack!"); } EraseStack es; es.sl = sl; sendAndApply(&es); return true; } bool CGameHandler::changeStackCount(const StackLocation &sl, TQuantity count, bool absoluteValue /*= false*/) { TQuantity currentCount = sl.army->getStackCount(sl.slot); if((absoluteValue && count < 0) || (!absoluteValue && -count > currentCount)) { COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot take more stacks than present!"); } if((currentCount == -count && !absoluteValue) || (!count && absoluteValue)) { eraseStack(sl); } else { ChangeStackCount csc; csc.sl = sl; csc.count = count; csc.absoluteValue = absoluteValue; sendAndApply(&csc); } return true; } bool CGameHandler::addToSlot(const StackLocation &sl, const CCreature *c, TQuantity count) { const CCreature *slotC = sl.army->getCreature(sl.slot); if(!slotC) //slot is empty insertNewStack(sl, c, count); else if(c == slotC) changeStackCount(sl, count); else { COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot add " + c->namePl + " to slot " + boost::lexical_cast(sl.slot) + "!"); } return true; } void CGameHandler::tryJoiningArmy(const CArmedInstance *src, const CArmedInstance *dst, bool removeObjWhenFinished, bool allowMerging) { if(!src->canBeMergedWith(*dst, allowMerging)) { if (allowMerging) //do that, add all matching creatures. { bool cont = true; while (cont) { for(TSlots::const_iterator i = src->stacks.begin(); i != src->stacks.end(); i++)//while there are unmoved creatures { TSlot pos = dst->getSlotFor(i->second->type); if(pos > -1) { moveStack(StackLocation(src, i->first), StackLocation(dst, pos)); cont = true; break; //or iterator crashes } cont = false; } } } boost::function removeOrNot = 0; if(removeObjWhenFinished) removeOrNot = boost::bind(&IGameCallback::removeObject,this,src->id); showGarrisonDialog(src->id, dst->id, true, removeOrNot); //show garrison window and optionally remove ourselves from map when player ends } else //merge { moveArmy(src, dst, allowMerging); if(removeObjWhenFinished) removeObject(src->id); } } bool CGameHandler::moveStack(const StackLocation &src, const StackLocation &dst, TQuantity count) { if(!src.army->hasStackAtSlot(src.slot)) COMPLAIN_RET("No stack to move!"); if(dst.army->hasStackAtSlot(dst.slot) && dst.army->getCreature(dst.slot) != src.army->getCreature(src.slot)) COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot move: stack of different type at destination pos!"); if(count == -1) { count = src.army->getStackCount(src.slot); } if(src.army != dst.army //moving away && count == src.army->getStackCount(src.slot) //all creatures && src.army->Slots().size() == 1 //from the last stack && src.army->needsLastStack()) //that must be left { COMPLAIN_RET("Cannot move away the alst creature!"); } RebalanceStacks rs; rs.src = src; rs.dst = dst; rs.count = count; sendAndApply(&rs); return true; } bool CGameHandler::swapStacks(const StackLocation &sl1, const StackLocation &sl2) { if(!sl1.army->hasStackAtSlot(sl1.slot)) return moveStack(sl2, sl1); else if(!sl2.army->hasStackAtSlot(sl2.slot)) return moveStack(sl1, sl2); else { SwapStacks ss; ss.sl1 = sl1; ss.sl2 = sl2; sendAndApply(&ss); return true; } } void CGameHandler::runBattle() { assert(gs->curB); //TODO: pre-tactic stuff, call scripts etc. //tactic round { while(gs->curB->tacticDistance && !battleResult.get()) boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(50)); } //spells opening battle for(int i=0; icurB->heroes); ++i) { if(gs->curB->heroes[i] && gs->curB->heroes[i]->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::OPENING_BATTLE_SPELL)) { TBonusListPtr bl = gs->curB->heroes[i]->getBonuses(Selector::type(Bonus::OPENING_BATTLE_SPELL)); BOOST_FOREACH (Bonus *b, *bl) { handleSpellCasting(b->subtype, 3, -1, 0, gs->curB->heroes[i]->tempOwner, NULL, gs->curB->heroes[1-i], b->val, SpellCasting::HERO_CASTING, NULL); } } } //main loop while(!battleResult.get()) //till the end of the battle ;] { NEW_ROUND; std::vector & stacks = (gs->curB->stacks); const BattleInfo & curB = *gs->curB; //stack loop const CStack *next; while(!battleResult.get() && (next = curB.getNextStack()) && next->willMove()) { //check for bad morale => freeze int nextStackMorale = next->MoraleVal(); if( nextStackMorale < 0 && !DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && !(NBonus::hasOfType(gs->curB->heroes[0], Bonus::BLOCK_MORALE) || NBonus::hasOfType(gs->curB->heroes[1], Bonus::BLOCK_MORALE)) //checking if gs->curB->heroes have (or don't have) morale blocking bonuses) ) { if( rand()%24 < -2 * nextStackMorale) { //unit loses its turn - empty freeze action BattleAction ba; ba.actionType = BattleAction::BAD_MORALE; ba.additionalInfo = 1; ba.side = !next->attackerOwned; ba.stackNumber = next->ID; StartAction start_action(ba); sendAndApply(&start_action); sendAndApply(&end_action); checkForBattleEnd(stacks); //check if this "action" ended the battle (not likely but who knows...) continue; } } if(next->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::ATTACKS_NEAREST_CREATURE)) //while in berserk { std::pair attackInfo = curB.getNearestStack(next, boost::logic::indeterminate); if(attackInfo.first != NULL) { BattleAction attack; attack.actionType = BattleAction::WALK_AND_ATTACK; attack.side = !next->attackerOwned; attack.stackNumber = next->ID; attack.additionalInfo = attackInfo.first->position; attack.destinationTile = attackInfo.second; makeBattleAction(attack); checkForBattleEnd(stacks); } else { makeStackDoNothing(next); } continue; } const CGHeroInstance * curOwner = gs->curB->battleGetOwner(next); if( (next->position < 0 || next->getCreature()->idNumber == 146) //arrow turret or ballista && (!curOwner || curOwner->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::ARTILLERY) == 0)) //hero has no artillery { BattleAction attack; attack.actionType = BattleAction::SHOOT; attack.side = !next->attackerOwned; attack.stackNumber = next->ID; for(int g=0; gcurB->stacks.size(); ++g) { if(gs->curB->stacks[g]->owner != next->owner && gs->curB->stacks[g]->alive()) { attack.destinationTile = gs->curB->stacks[g]->position; break; } } makeBattleAction(attack); checkForBattleEnd(stacks); continue; } if(next->getCreature()->idNumber == 145 && (!curOwner || curOwner->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::BALLISTICS) == 0)) //catapult, hero has no ballistics { BattleAction attack; static const int wallHexes[] = {50, 183, 182, 130, 62, 29, 12, 95}; attack.destinationTile = wallHexes[DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES ? 0 : rand()%ARRAY_COUNT(wallHexes)]; attack.actionType = BattleAction::CATAPULT; attack.additionalInfo = 0; attack.side = !next->attackerOwned; attack.stackNumber = next->ID; makeBattleAction(attack); continue; } if(next->getCreature()->idNumber == 147 && (!curOwner || curOwner->getSecSkillLevel(CGHeroInstance::FIRST_AID) == 0)) //first aid tent, hero has no first aid { BattleAction heal; std::vector< const CStack * > possibleStacks, secondPriority; for (int v=0; vcurB->stacks.size(); ++v) { const CStack * cstack = gs->curB->stacks[v]; if (cstack->owner == next->owner && cstack->firstHPleft < cstack->MaxHealth() && cstack->alive()) //it's friendly and not fully healthy { if (cstack->hasBonusOfType(Bonus::SIEGE_WEAPON)) secondPriority.push_back(cstack); else possibleStacks.push_back(cstack); } } if(possibleStacks.size() == 0 && secondPriority.size() == 0) { //nothing to heal makeStackDoNothing(next); continue; } else { //heal random creature const CStack * toBeHealed = NULL; if (possibleStacks.size() > 0) toBeHealed = possibleStacks[DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES ? 0 : rand()%possibleStacks.size() ]; else toBeHealed = secondPriority[DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES ? 0 : rand()%secondPriority.size() ]; heal.actionType = BattleAction::STACK_HEAL; heal.additionalInfo = 0; heal.destinationTile = toBeHealed->position; heal.side = !next->attackerOwned; heal.stackNumber = next->ID; makeBattleAction(heal); } continue; } int numberOfAsks = 1; bool breakOuter = false; do {//ask interface and wait for answer if(!battleResult.get()) { BattleSetActiveStack sas; sas.stack = next->ID; sendAndApply(&sas); boost::unique_lock lock(battleMadeAction.mx); battleMadeAction.data = false; while(next->alive() && (!battleMadeAction.data && !battleResult.get())) //active stack hasn't made its action and battle is still going battleMadeAction.cond.wait(lock); } if(battleResult.get()) //don't touch it, battle could be finished while waiting got action { breakOuter = true; break; } //we're after action, all results applied checkForBattleEnd(stacks); //check if this action ended the battle //check for good morale nextStackMorale = next->MoraleVal(); if(!DETERMINISTIC_BATTLES && !vstd::contains(next->state,HAD_MORALE) //only one extra move per turn possible && !vstd::contains(next->state,DEFENDING) && !vstd::contains(next->state,WAITING) && next->alive() && nextStackMorale > 0 && !(NBonus::hasOfType(gs->curB->heroes[0], Bonus::BLOCK_MORALE) || NBonus::hasOfType(gs->curB->heroes[1], Bonus::BLOCK_MORALE)) //checking if gs->curB->heroes have (or don't have) morale blocking bonuses ) { if(rand()%24 < nextStackMorale) //this stack hasn't got morale this turn ++numberOfAsks; //move this stack once more } --numberOfAsks; } while (numberOfAsks > 0); if (breakOuter) { break; } } } endBattle(gs->curB->tile, gs->curB->heroes[0], gs->curB->heroes[1]); } void CGameHandler::giveHeroArtifact(const CGHeroInstance *h, const CArtifactInstance *a, int pos) { assert(a->artType); ArtifactLocation al; al.hero = h; int slot = -1; if(pos < 0) { if(pos == -2) slot = a->firstAvailableSlot(h); else slot = a->firstBackpackSlot(h); } else { slot = pos; } al.slot = slot; if(slot < 0 || !a->canBePutAt(al)) { complain("Cannot put artifact in that slot!"); return; } putArtifact(al, a); } void CGameHandler::putArtifact(const ArtifactLocation &al, const CArtifactInstance *a) { PutArtifact pa; pa.art = a; pa.al = al; sendAndApply(&pa); } void CGameHandler::moveArtifact(const ArtifactLocation &al1, const ArtifactLocation &al2) { MoveArtifact ma; ma.src = al1; ma.dst = al2; sendAndApply(&ma); } void CGameHandler::giveHeroNewArtifact(const CGHeroInstance *h, const CArtifact *artType, int pos) { CArtifactInstance *a = NULL; if(!artType->constituents) a = new CArtifactInstance(); else a = new CCombinedArtifactInstance(); a->artType = artType; //*NOT* via settype -> all bonus-related stuff must be done by NewArtifact apply NewArtifact na; na.art = a; sendAndApply(&na); // -> updates a!!!, will create a on other machines giveHeroArtifact(h, a, pos); } void CGameHandler::setBattleResult(int resultType, int victoriusSide) { if(battleResult.get()) { complain("There is already set result?"); return; } BattleResult *br = new BattleResult; br->result = resultType; br->winner = victoriusSide; //surrendering side loses gs->curB->calculateCasualties(br->casualties); battleResult.set(br); } void CGameHandler::commitPackage( CPackForClient *pack ) { sendAndApply(pack); } void CGameHandler::spawnWanderingMonsters(int creatureID) { std::vector::iterator tile; std::vector tiles; getFreeTiles(tiles); ui32 amount = (tiles.size()) >> 6; std::random_shuffle(tiles.begin(), tiles.end(), p_myrandom); tlog5 << "Spawning wandering monsters. Found " << tiles.size() << " free tiles. Creature type: " << creatureID << std::endl; const CCreature *cre = VLC->creh->creatures[creatureID]; for (int i = 0; i < amount; ++i) { tile = tiles.begin(); tlog5 << "\tSpawning monster at " << *tile << std::endl; putNewMonster(creatureID, cre->getRandomAmount(std::rand), *tile); tiles.erase(tile); //not use it again } } static boost::mutex logMx; void CGameHandler::receivedPack(ui8 connectionNr, CPack *pack) { if(gameLog) { boost::unique_lock lock(logMx); *gameLog << connectionNr << pack << ui8('*'); } } void CGameHandler::broadcastedPack(CPack *pack) { if(gameLog) { boost::unique_lock lock(logMx); *gameLog << ui8(255) << pack << ui8('*'); } } CasualtiesAfterBattle::CasualtiesAfterBattle(const CArmedInstance *army, BattleInfo *bat) { int color = army->tempOwner; if(color == 254) color = NEUTRAL_PLAYER; BOOST_FOREACH(CStack *st, bat->stacks) { if(vstd::contains(st->state, SUMMONED)) //don't take into account summoned stacks continue; if(st->owner==color && !army->slotEmpty(st->slot) && st->count < army->getStackCount(st->slot)) { StackLocation sl(army, st->slot); if(st->alive()) newStackCounts.push_back(std::pair(sl, st->count)); else newStackCounts.push_back(std::pair(sl, 0)); } } } void CasualtiesAfterBattle::takeFromArmy(CGameHandler *gh) { BOOST_FOREACH(TStackAndItsNewCount &ncount, newStackCounts) { if(ncount.second > 0) gh->changeStackCount(ncount.first, ncount.second, true); else gh->eraseStack(ncount.first, true); } }