/* * Nullkiller.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Nullkiller.h" #include "../AIGateway.h" #include "../Behaviors/CaptureObjectsBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/RecruitHeroBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/BuyArmyBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/StartupBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/DefenceBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/BuildingBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/GatherArmyBehavior.h" #include "../Behaviors/ClusterBehavior.h" #include "../Goals/Invalid.h" #include "../Goals/Composition.h" namespace NKAI { extern boost::thread_specific_ptr cb; extern boost::thread_specific_ptr ai; using namespace Goals; #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 #define MAXPASS 1000000 #else #define MAXPASS 30 #endif Nullkiller::Nullkiller() { memory.reset(new AIMemory()); } void Nullkiller::init(std::shared_ptr cb, PlayerColor playerID) { this->cb = cb; this->playerID = playerID; priorityEvaluator.reset(new PriorityEvaluator(this)); priorityEvaluators.reset( new SharedPool( [&]()->std::unique_ptr { return std::make_unique(this); })); dangerHitMap.reset(new DangerHitMapAnalyzer(this)); buildAnalyzer.reset(new BuildAnalyzer(this)); objectClusterizer.reset(new ObjectClusterizer(this)); dangerEvaluator.reset(new FuzzyHelper(this)); pathfinder.reset(new AIPathfinder(cb.get(), this)); armyManager.reset(new ArmyManager(cb.get(), this)); heroManager.reset(new HeroManager(cb.get(), this)); decomposer.reset(new DeepDecomposer()); armyFormation.reset(new ArmyFormation(cb, this)); } Goals::TTask Nullkiller::choseBestTask(Goals::TTaskVec & tasks) const { Goals::TTask bestTask = *vstd::maxElementByFun(tasks, [](Goals::TTask task) -> float{ return task->priority; }); return bestTask; } Goals::TTask Nullkiller::choseBestTask(Goals::TSubgoal behavior, int decompositionMaxDepth) const { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); logAi->debug("Checking behavior %s", behavior->toString()); auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); Goals::TGoalVec elementarGoals = decomposer->decompose(behavior, decompositionMaxDepth); Goals::TTaskVec tasks; boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); for(auto goal : elementarGoals) { Goals::TTask task = Goals::taskptr(*goal); if(task->priority <= 0) task->priority = priorityEvaluator->evaluate(goal); tasks.push_back(task); } if(tasks.empty()) { logAi->debug("Behavior %s found no tasks. Time taken %ld", behavior->toString(), timeElapsed(start)); return Goals::taskptr(Goals::Invalid()); } auto task = choseBestTask(tasks); logAi->debug( "Behavior %s returns %s, priority %f. Time taken %ld", behavior->toString(), task->toString(), task->priority, timeElapsed(start)); return task; } void Nullkiller::resetAiState() { lockedResources = TResources(); scanDepth = ScanDepth::MAIN_FULL; playerID = ai->playerID; lockedHeroes.clear(); dangerHitMap->reset(); useHeroChain = true; } void Nullkiller::updateAiState(int pass, bool fast) { boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); activeHero = nullptr; setTargetObject(-1); if(!fast) { memory->removeInvisibleObjects(cb.get()); dangerHitMap->calculateTileOwners(); dangerHitMap->updateHitMap(); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); heroManager->update(); logAi->trace("Updating paths"); std::map activeHeroes; for(auto hero : cb->getHeroesInfo()) { if(getHeroLockedReason(hero) == HeroLockedReason::DEFENCE) continue; activeHeroes[hero] = heroManager->getHeroRole(hero); } PathfinderSettings cfg; cfg.useHeroChain = useHeroChain; if(scanDepth == ScanDepth::SMALL) { cfg.mainTurnDistanceLimit = MAIN_TURN_DISTANCE_LIMIT; } if(scanDepth != ScanDepth::ALL_FULL) { cfg.scoutTurnDistanceLimit = SCOUT_TURN_DISTANCE_LIMIT; } boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); pathfinder->updatePaths(activeHeroes, cfg); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); objectClusterizer->clusterize(); } armyManager->update(); buildAnalyzer->update(); decomposer->reset(); logAi->debug("AI state updated in %ld", timeElapsed(start)); } bool Nullkiller::isHeroLocked(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { return getHeroLockedReason(hero) != HeroLockedReason::NOT_LOCKED; } bool Nullkiller::arePathHeroesLocked(const AIPath & path) const { if(getHeroLockedReason(path.targetHero) == HeroLockedReason::STARTUP) { #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("Hero %s is locked by STARTUP. Discarding %s", path.targetHero->getObjectName(), path.toString()); #endif return true; } for(auto & node : path.nodes) { auto lockReason = getHeroLockedReason(node.targetHero); if(lockReason != HeroLockedReason::NOT_LOCKED) { #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL >= 1 logAi->trace("Hero %s is locked by STARTUP. Discarding %s", path.targetHero->getObjectName(), path.toString()); #endif return true; } } return false; } HeroLockedReason Nullkiller::getHeroLockedReason(const CGHeroInstance * hero) const { auto found = lockedHeroes.find(hero); return found != lockedHeroes.end() ? found->second : HeroLockedReason::NOT_LOCKED; } void Nullkiller::makeTurn() { boost::lock_guard sharedStorageLock(AISharedStorage::locker); const int MAX_DEPTH = 10; const float FAST_TASK_MINIMAL_PRIORITY = 0.7f; resetAiState(); for(int i = 1; i <= MAXPASS; i++) { updateAiState(i); Goals::TTask bestTask = taskptr(Goals::Invalid()); for(;i <= MAXPASS; i++) { Goals::TTaskVec fastTasks = { choseBestTask(sptr(BuyArmyBehavior()), 1), choseBestTask(sptr(BuildingBehavior()), 1) }; bestTask = choseBestTask(fastTasks); if(bestTask->priority >= FAST_TASK_MINIMAL_PRIORITY) { executeTask(bestTask); updateAiState(i, true); } else { break; } } Goals::TTaskVec bestTasks = { bestTask, choseBestTask(sptr(RecruitHeroBehavior()), 1), choseBestTask(sptr(CaptureObjectsBehavior()), 1), choseBestTask(sptr(ClusterBehavior()), MAX_DEPTH), choseBestTask(sptr(DefenceBehavior()), MAX_DEPTH), choseBestTask(sptr(GatherArmyBehavior()), MAX_DEPTH) }; if(cb->getDate(Date::DAY) == 1) { bestTasks.push_back(choseBestTask(sptr(StartupBehavior()), 1)); } bestTask = choseBestTask(bestTasks); HeroPtr hero = bestTask->getHero(); HeroRole heroRole = HeroRole::MAIN; if(hero.validAndSet()) heroRole = heroManager->getHeroRole(hero); if(heroRole != HeroRole::MAIN || bestTask->getHeroExchangeCount() <= 1) useHeroChain = false; // TODO: better to check turn distance here instead of priority if((heroRole != HeroRole::MAIN || bestTask->priority < SMALL_SCAN_MIN_PRIORITY) && scanDepth == ScanDepth::MAIN_FULL) { useHeroChain = false; scanDepth = ScanDepth::SMALL; logAi->trace( "Goal %s has low priority %f so decreasing scan depth to gain performance.", bestTask->toString(), bestTask->priority); } if(bestTask->priority < MIN_PRIORITY) { auto heroes = cb->getHeroesInfo(); auto hasMp = vstd::contains_if(heroes, [](const CGHeroInstance * h) -> bool { return h->movementPointsRemaining() > 100; }); if(hasMp && scanDepth != ScanDepth::ALL_FULL) { logAi->trace( "Goal %s has too low priority %f so increasing scan depth to full.", bestTask->toString(), bestTask->priority); scanDepth = ScanDepth::ALL_FULL; useHeroChain = false; continue; } logAi->trace("Goal %s has too low priority. It is not worth doing it. Ending turn.", bestTask->toString()); return; } executeTask(bestTask); } } void Nullkiller::executeTask(Goals::TTask task) { auto start = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now(); std::string taskDescr = task->toString(); boost::this_thread::interruption_point(); logAi->debug("Trying to realize %s (value %2.3f)", taskDescr, task->priority); try { task->accept(ai.get()); logAi->trace("Task %s completed in %lld", taskDescr, timeElapsed(start)); } catch(goalFulfilledException &) { logAi->trace("Task %s completed in %lld", taskDescr, timeElapsed(start)); } catch(cannotFulfillGoalException & e) { logAi->error("Failed to realize subgoal of type %s, I will stop.", taskDescr); logAi->error("The error message was: %s", e.what()); #if NKAI_TRACE_LEVEL == 0 throw; // will be recatched and AI turn ended #endif } } TResources Nullkiller::getFreeResources() const { auto freeRes = cb->getResourceAmount() - lockedResources; freeRes.positive(); return freeRes; } void Nullkiller::lockResources(const TResources & res) { lockedResources += res; } }