/* * CAnimation.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "CAnimation.h" #include "CDefFile.h" #include "Graphics.h" #include "../../lib/filesystem/Filesystem.h" #include "../../lib/JsonNode.h" #include "../renderSDL/SDLImage.h" std::shared_ptr<IImage> CAnimation::getFromExtraDef(std::string filename) { size_t pos = filename.find(':'); if (pos == -1) return nullptr; CAnimation anim(AnimationPath::builtinTODO(filename.substr(0, pos))); pos++; size_t frame = atoi(filename.c_str()+pos); size_t group = 0; pos = filename.find(':', pos); if (pos != -1) { pos++; group = frame; frame = atoi(filename.c_str()+pos); } anim.load(frame ,group); auto ret = anim.images[group][frame]; anim.images.clear(); return ret; } bool CAnimation::loadFrame(size_t frame, size_t group) { if(size(group) <= frame) { printError(frame, group, "LoadFrame"); return false; } auto image = getImage(frame, group, false); if(image) { return true; } //try to get image from def if(source[group][frame].getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_NULL) { if(defFile) { auto frameList = defFile->getEntries(); if(vstd::contains(frameList, group) && frameList.at(group) > frame) // frame is present { images[group][frame] = std::make_shared<SDLImage>(defFile.get(), frame, group); return true; } } // still here? image is missing printError(frame, group, "LoadFrame"); images[group][frame] = std::make_shared<SDLImage>(ImagePath::builtin("DEFAULT"), EImageBlitMode::ALPHA); } else //load from separate file { auto img = getFromExtraDef(source[group][frame]["file"].String()); if(!img) img = std::make_shared<SDLImage>(source[group][frame], EImageBlitMode::ALPHA); images[group][frame] = img; return true; } return false; } bool CAnimation::unloadFrame(size_t frame, size_t group) { auto image = getImage(frame, group, false); if(image) { images[group].erase(frame); if(images[group].empty()) images.erase(group); return true; } return false; } void CAnimation::initFromJson(const JsonNode & config) { std::string basepath; basepath = config["basepath"].String(); JsonNode base(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT); base["margins"] = config["margins"]; base["width"] = config["width"]; base["height"] = config["height"]; for(const JsonNode & group : config["sequences"].Vector()) { size_t groupID = group["group"].Integer();//TODO: string-to-value conversion("moving" -> MOVING) source[groupID].clear(); for(const JsonNode & frame : group["frames"].Vector()) { JsonNode toAdd(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT); JsonUtils::inherit(toAdd, base); toAdd["file"].String() = basepath + frame.String(); source[groupID].push_back(toAdd); } } for(const JsonNode & node : config["images"].Vector()) { size_t group = node["group"].Integer(); size_t frame = node["frame"].Integer(); if (source[group].size() <= frame) source[group].resize(frame+1); JsonNode toAdd(JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_STRUCT); JsonUtils::inherit(toAdd, base); toAdd["file"].String() = basepath + node["file"].String(); source[group][frame] = toAdd; } } void CAnimation::exportBitmaps(const boost::filesystem::path& path) const { if(images.empty()) { logGlobal->error("Nothing to export, animation is empty"); return; } boost::filesystem::path actualPath = path / "SPRITES" / name.getName(); boost::filesystem::create_directories(actualPath); size_t counter = 0; for(const auto & groupPair : images) { size_t group = groupPair.first; for(const auto & imagePair : groupPair.second) { size_t frame = imagePair.first; const auto img = imagePair.second; boost::format fmt("%d_%d.bmp"); fmt % group % frame; img->exportBitmap(actualPath / fmt.str()); counter++; } } logGlobal->info("Exported %d frames to %s", counter, actualPath.string()); } void CAnimation::init() { if(defFile) { const std::map<size_t, size_t> defEntries = defFile->getEntries(); for (auto & defEntry : defEntries) source[defEntry.first].resize(defEntry.second); } if (vstd::contains(graphics->imageLists, name.getName())) initFromJson(graphics->imageLists[name.getName()]); auto jsonResource = name.toType<EResType::JSON>(); auto configList = CResourceHandler::get()->getResourcesWithName(jsonResource); for(auto & loader : configList) { auto stream = loader->load(jsonResource); std::unique_ptr<ui8[]> textData(new ui8[stream->getSize()]); stream->read(textData.get(), stream->getSize()); const JsonNode config((char*)textData.get(), stream->getSize()); initFromJson(config); } } void CAnimation::printError(size_t frame, size_t group, std::string type) const { logGlobal->error("%s error: Request for frame not present in CAnimation! File name: %s, Group: %d, Frame: %d", type, name.getOriginalName(), group, frame); } CAnimation::CAnimation(const AnimationPath & Name): name(boost::starts_with(Name.getName(), "SPRITES") ? Name : Name.addPrefix("SPRITES/")), preloaded(false), defFile() { if(CResourceHandler::get()->existsResource(name)) defFile = std::make_shared<CDefFile>(name); init(); if(source.empty()) logAnim->error("Animation %s failed to load", Name.getOriginalName()); } CAnimation::CAnimation(): preloaded(false) { init(); } CAnimation::~CAnimation() = default; void CAnimation::duplicateImage(const size_t sourceGroup, const size_t sourceFrame, const size_t targetGroup) { if(!source.count(sourceGroup)) { logAnim->error("Group %d missing in %s", sourceGroup, name.getName()); return; } if(source[sourceGroup].size() <= sourceFrame) { logAnim->error("Frame [%d %d] missing in %s", sourceGroup, sourceFrame, name.getName()); return; } //todo: clone actual loaded Image object JsonNode clone(source[sourceGroup][sourceFrame]); if(clone.getType() == JsonNode::JsonType::DATA_NULL) { std::string temp = name.getName()+":"+std::to_string(sourceGroup)+":"+std::to_string(sourceFrame); clone["file"].String() = temp; } source[targetGroup].push_back(clone); size_t index = source[targetGroup].size() - 1; if(preloaded) load(index, targetGroup); } void CAnimation::setCustom(std::string filename, size_t frame, size_t group) { if (source[group].size() <= frame) source[group].resize(frame+1); source[group][frame]["file"].String() = filename; //FIXME: update image if already loaded } std::shared_ptr<IImage> CAnimation::getImage(size_t frame, size_t group, bool verbose) const { auto groupIter = images.find(group); if (groupIter != images.end()) { auto imageIter = groupIter->second.find(frame); if (imageIter != groupIter->second.end()) return imageIter->second; } if (verbose) printError(frame, group, "GetImage"); return nullptr; } void CAnimation::load() { for (auto & elem : source) for (size_t image=0; image < elem.second.size(); image++) loadFrame(image, elem.first); } void CAnimation::unload() { for (auto & elem : source) for (size_t image=0; image < elem.second.size(); image++) unloadFrame(image, elem.first); } void CAnimation::preload() { if(!preloaded) { preloaded = true; load(); } } void CAnimation::loadGroup(size_t group) { if (vstd::contains(source, group)) for (size_t image=0; image < source[group].size(); image++) loadFrame(image, group); } void CAnimation::unloadGroup(size_t group) { if (vstd::contains(source, group)) for (size_t image=0; image < source[group].size(); image++) unloadFrame(image, group); } void CAnimation::load(size_t frame, size_t group) { loadFrame(frame, group); } void CAnimation::unload(size_t frame, size_t group) { unloadFrame(frame, group); } size_t CAnimation::size(size_t group) const { auto iter = source.find(group); if (iter != source.end()) return iter->second.size(); return 0; } void CAnimation::horizontalFlip() { for(auto & group : images) for(auto & image : group.second) image.second->horizontalFlip(); } void CAnimation::verticalFlip() { for(auto & group : images) for(auto & image : group.second) image.second->verticalFlip(); } void CAnimation::playerColored(PlayerColor player) { for(auto & group : images) for(auto & image : group.second) image.second->playerColored(player); } void CAnimation::createFlippedGroup(const size_t sourceGroup, const size_t targetGroup) { for(size_t frame = 0; frame < size(sourceGroup); ++frame) { duplicateImage(sourceGroup, frame, targetGroup); auto image = getImage(frame, targetGroup); image->verticalFlip(); } }