/* * Zone.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "Zone.h" #include "RmgMap.h" #include "Functions.h" #include "TileInfo.h" #include "CMapGenerator.h" #include "RmgPath.h" VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN std::function<bool(const int3 &)> AREA_NO_FILTER = [](const int3 & t) { return true; }; Zone::Zone(RmgMap & map, CMapGenerator & generator, CRandomGenerator & r) : finished(false) , townType(ETownType::NEUTRAL) , terrainType(ETerrainId::GRASS) , map(map) , generator(generator) { rand.setSeed(r.nextInt()); } bool Zone::isUnderground() const { return getPos().z; } void Zone::setOptions(const ZoneOptions& options) { ZoneOptions::operator=(options); } float3 Zone::getCenter() const { return center; } void Zone::setCenter(const float3 &f) { //limit boundaries to (0,1) square //alternate solution - wrap zone around unitary square. If it doesn't fit on one side, will come out on the opposite side center = f; center.x = static_cast<float>(std::fmod(center.x, 1)); center.y = static_cast<float>(std::fmod(center.y, 1)); if(center.x < 0) //fmod seems to work only for positive numbers? we want to stay positive center.x = 1 - std::abs(center.x); if(center.y < 0) center.y = 1 - std::abs(center.y); } int3 Zone::getPos() const { return pos; } void Zone::setPos(const int3 &Pos) { pos = Pos; } const rmg::Area & Zone::getArea() const { return dArea; } rmg::Area & Zone::area() { return dArea; } rmg::Area & Zone::areaPossible() { //FIXME: make const, only modify via mutex-protected interface return dAreaPossible; } rmg::Area & Zone::areaUsed() { return dAreaUsed; } void Zone::clearTiles() { //Lock lock(mx); dArea.clear(); dAreaPossible.clear(); dAreaFree.clear(); } void Zone::initFreeTiles() { rmg::Tileset possibleTiles; //Lock lock(mx); vstd::copy_if(dArea.getTiles(), vstd::set_inserter(possibleTiles), [this](const int3 &tile) -> bool { return map.isPossible(tile); }); dAreaPossible.assign(possibleTiles); if(dAreaFree.empty()) { dAreaPossible.erase(pos); dAreaFree.add(pos); //zone must have at least one free tile where other paths go - for instance in the center } } rmg::Area & Zone::freePaths() { return dAreaFree; } FactionID Zone::getTownType() const { return FactionID(townType); } void Zone::setTownType(si32 town) { townType = town; } TerrainId Zone::getTerrainType() const { return terrainType; } void Zone::setTerrainType(TerrainId terrain) { terrainType = terrain; } rmg::Path Zone::searchPath(const rmg::Area & src, bool onlyStraight, const std::function<bool(const int3 &)> & areafilter) const ///connect current tile to any other free tile within zone { auto movementCost = [this](const int3 & s, const int3 & d) { if(map.isFree(d)) return 1; else if (map.isPossible(d)) return 2; return 3; }; auto area = (dAreaPossible + dAreaFree).getSubarea(areafilter); rmg::Path freePath(area); rmg::Path resultPath(area); freePath.connect(dAreaFree); //connect to all pieces auto goals = connectedAreas(src, onlyStraight); for(auto & goal : goals) { auto path = freePath.search(goal, onlyStraight, movementCost); if(path.getPathArea().empty()) return rmg::Path::invalid(); freePath.connect(path.getPathArea()); resultPath.connect(path.getPathArea()); } return resultPath; } rmg::Path Zone::searchPath(const int3 & src, bool onlyStraight, const std::function<bool(const int3 &)> & areafilter) const ///connect current tile to any other free tile within zone { return searchPath(rmg::Area({ src }), onlyStraight, areafilter); } TModificators Zone::getModificators() { return modificators; } void Zone::connectPath(const rmg::Path & path) ///connect current tile to any other free tile within zone { dAreaPossible.subtract(path.getPathArea()); dAreaFree.unite(path.getPathArea()); for(const auto & t : path.getPathArea().getTilesVector()) map.setOccupied(t, ETileType::FREE); } void Zone::fractalize() { rmg::Area clearedTiles(dAreaFree); rmg::Area possibleTiles(dAreaPossible); rmg::Area tilesToIgnore; //will be erased in this iteration //Squared float minDistance = 10 * 10; float spanFactor = (pos.z ? 0.25 : 0.5f); //Narrower passages in the Underground int treasureValue = 0; int treasureDensity = 0; for (auto t : treasureInfo) { treasureValue += ((t.min + t.max) / 2) * t.density / 1000.f; //Thousands treasureDensity += t.density; } if (treasureValue > 200) { //Less obstacles - max span is 1 (no obstacles) spanFactor = 1.0f - ((std::max(0, (1000 - treasureValue)) / (1000.f - 200)) * (1 - spanFactor)); } else if (treasureValue < 100) { //Dense obstacles spanFactor *= (treasureValue / 100.f); vstd::amax(spanFactor, 0.2f); } if (treasureDensity <= 10) { vstd::amin(spanFactor, 0.25f); //Add extra obstacles to fill up space } float blockDistance = minDistance * spanFactor; //More obstacles in the Underground if(type != ETemplateZoneType::JUNCTION) { //junction is not fractalized, has only one straight path //everything else remains blocked while(!possibleTiles.empty()) { //link tiles in random order std::vector<int3> tilesToMakePath = possibleTiles.getTilesVector(); RandomGeneratorUtil::randomShuffle(tilesToMakePath, getRand()); int3 nodeFound(-1, -1, -1); for(const auto & tileToMakePath : tilesToMakePath) { //find closest free tile int3 closestTile = clearedTiles.nearest(tileToMakePath); if(closestTile.dist2dSQ(tileToMakePath) <= minDistance) tilesToIgnore.add(tileToMakePath); else { //if tiles are not close enough, make path to it nodeFound = tileToMakePath; clearedTiles.add(nodeFound); //from now on nearby tiles will be considered handled break; //next iteration - use already cleared tiles } } possibleTiles.subtract(tilesToIgnore); if(!nodeFound.valid()) //nothing else can be done (?) break; tilesToIgnore.clear(); } } Lock lock(areaMutex); //cut straight paths towards the center. A* is too slow for that. auto areas = connectedAreas(clearedTiles, false); for(auto & area : areas) { if(dAreaFree.overlap(area)) continue; //already found auto availableArea = dAreaPossible + dAreaFree; rmg::Path path(availableArea); path.connect(dAreaFree); auto res = path.search(area, false); if(res.getPathArea().empty()) { dAreaPossible.subtract(area); dAreaFree.subtract(area); for(const auto & t : area.getTiles()) map.setOccupied(t, ETileType::BLOCKED); } else { dAreaPossible.subtract(res.getPathArea()); dAreaFree.unite(res.getPathArea()); for(const auto & t : res.getPathArea().getTiles()) map.setOccupied(t, ETileType::FREE); } } //now block most distant tiles away from passages auto areaToBlock = dArea.getSubarea([this, blockDistance](const int3 & t) { auto distance = static_cast<float>(dAreaFree.distanceSqr(t)); return distance > blockDistance; }); dAreaPossible.subtract(areaToBlock); dAreaFree.subtract(areaToBlock); lock.unlock(); for(const auto & t : areaToBlock.getTiles()) map.setOccupied(t, ETileType::BLOCKED); } void Zone::initModificators() { for(auto & modificator : modificators) { modificator->init(); } logGlobal->info("Zone %d modificators initialized", getId()); } CRandomGenerator& Zone::getRand() { return rand; } VCMI_LIB_NAMESPACE_END