#ifndef __GUIBASE_H__ #define __GUIBASE_H__ #include "../global.h" #include "SDL.h" #include <set> #include <list> #include "../timeHandler.h" #include "FontBase.h" #ifdef max #undef max #endif #ifdef min #undef min #endif /* * GUIBase.h, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ class CDefEssential; class AdventureMapButton; class CHighlightableButtonsGroup; class CDefHandler; struct HeroMoveDetails; class CDefEssential; class CGHeroInstance; class CAdvMapInt; class CCastleInterface; class CBattleInterface; class CStack; class SComponent; class CCreature; struct SDL_Surface; struct CPath; class CCreatureAnimation; class CSelectableComponent; class CCreatureSet; class CGObjectInstance; class CSlider; struct UpgradeInfo; template <typename T> struct CondSh; class CInGameConsole; class CGarrisonInt; class CInGameConsole; class Component; class CArmedInstance; class CGTownInstance; class StackState; class CPlayerInterface; struct Point { int x, y; //constructors Point(){}; Point(int X, int Y) :x(X),y(Y) {}; Point(const int3 &a) :x(a.x),y(a.y) {} Point operator+(const Point &b) const { return Point(x+b.x,y+b.y); } Point& operator+=(const Point &b) { x += b.x; y += b.y; return *this; } Point operator-(const Point &b) const { return Point(x+b.x,y+b.y); } Point& operator-=(const Point &b) { x -= b.x; y -= b.y; return *this; } bool operator<(const Point &b) const //product order { return x < b.x && y < b.y; } template<typename T> Point& operator=(const T &t) { x = t.x; y = t.y; return *this; } template<typename T> bool operator==(const T &t) { return x == t.x && y == t.y; } }; struct Rect : public SDL_Rect { Rect()//default c-tor { x = y = w = h = -1; } Rect(int X, int Y, int W, int H) //c-tor { x = X; y = Y; w = W; h = H; } Rect(const SDL_Rect & r) //c-tor { x = r.x; y = r.y; w = r.w; h = r.h; } bool isIn(int qx, int qy) const //determines if given point lies inside rect { if (qx > x && qx<x+w && qy>y && qy<y+h) return true; return false; } bool isIn(const Point &q) const //determines if given point lies inside rect { return isIn(q.x,q.y); } Point topLeft() const //top left corner of this rect { return Point(x,y); } Point topRight() const //top right corner of this rect { return Point(x+w,y); } Point bottomLeft() const //bottom left corner of this rect { return Point(x,y+h); } Point bottomRight() const //bottom right corner of this rect { return Point(x+w,y+h); } Rect operator+(const Rect &p) const //moves this rect by p's rect position { return Rect(x+p.x,y+p.y,w,h); } Rect operator+(const Point &p) const //moves this rect by p's point position { return Rect(x+p.x,y+p.y,w,h); } Rect& operator=(const Rect &p) //assignment operator { x = p.x; y = p.y; w = p.w; h = p.h; return *this; } Rect& operator+=(const Rect &p) //works as operator+ { x += p.x; y += p.y; return *this; } Rect& operator+=(const Point &p) //works as operator+ { x += p.x; y += p.y; return *this; } Rect& operator-=(const Rect &p) //works as operator+ { x -= p.x; y -= p.y; return *this; } Rect& operator-=(const Point &p) //works as operator+ { x -= p.x; y -= p.y; return *this; } Rect operator&(const Rect &p) const //rect intersection { bool intersect = true; if(p.topLeft().y < y && p.bottomLeft().y < y) //rect p is above *this { intersect = false; } else if(p.topLeft().y > y+h && p.bottomLeft().y > y+h) //rect p is below *this { intersect = false; } else if(p.topLeft().x > x+w && p.topRight().x > x+w) //rect p is on the right hand side of this { intersect = false; } else if(p.topLeft().x < x && p.topRight().x < x) //rect p is on the left hand side of this { intersect = false; } if(intersect) { Rect ret; ret.x = std::max(this->x, p.x); ret.y = std::max(this->y, p.y); Point bR; //bottomRight point of returned rect bR.x = std::min(this->w+this->x, p.w+p.x); bR.y = std::min(this->h+this->y, p.h+p.y); ret.w = bR.x - ret.x; ret.h = bR.y - ret.y; return ret; } else { return Rect(); } } }; class IShowable { public: void redraw(); virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to)=0; virtual void showAll(SDL_Surface * to) { show(to); } virtual ~IShowable(){}; //d-tor }; class IStatusBar { public: virtual ~IStatusBar(){}; //d-tor virtual void print(const std::string & text)=0; //prints text and refreshes statusbar virtual void clear()=0;//clears statusbar and refreshes virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to)=0; //shows statusbar (with current text) virtual std::string getCurrent()=0; //returns currently displayed text }; class IActivable { public: virtual void activate()=0; virtual void deactivate()=0; virtual ~IActivable(){}; //d-tor }; class IShowActivable : public IShowable, public IActivable { public: enum {WITH_GARRISON = 1, BLOCK_ADV_HOTKEYS = 2}; int type; //bin flags using etype IShowActivable(); virtual ~IShowActivable(){}; //d-tor }; class CIntObject : public IShowActivable //interface object { public: CIntObject *parent; //parent object std::vector<CIntObject *> children; Rect pos, //position of object on the screen posRelative; //position of object in the parent (not used if no parent) int ID; //object ID, rarely used by some classes for identification / internal info CIntObject(); virtual ~CIntObject();; //d-tor //l-clicks handling bool pressedL; //for determining if object is L-pressed void activateLClick(); void deactivateLClick(); virtual void clickLeft(tribool down, bool previousState); //r-clicks handling bool pressedR; //for determining if object is R-pressed void activateRClick(); void deactivateRClick(); virtual void clickRight(tribool down, bool previousState); //hover handling bool hovered; //for determining if object is hovered void activateHover(); void deactivateHover(); virtual void hover (bool on); //keyboard handling bool captureAllKeys; //if true, only this object should get info about pressed keys void activateKeys(); void deactivateKeys(); virtual void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //mouse movement handling bool strongInterest; //if true - report all mouse movements, if not - only when hovered void activateMouseMove(); void deactivateMouseMove(); virtual void mouseMoved (const SDL_MouseMotionEvent & sEvent); //time handling int toNextTick; void activateTimer(); void deactivateTimer(); virtual void tick(); //mouse wheel void activateWheel(); void deactivateWheel(); virtual void wheelScrolled(bool down, bool in); //double click void activateDClick(); void deactivateDClick(); virtual void onDoubleClick(); enum {LCLICK=1, RCLICK=2, HOVER=4, MOVE=8, KEYBOARD=16, TIME=32, GENERAL=64, WHEEL=128, DOUBLECLICK=256, ALL=0xffff}; ui16 active; ui16 used; enum {ACTIVATE=1, DEACTIVATE=2, UPDATE=4, SHOWALL=8, DISPOSE=16, SHARE_POS=32}; ui8 defActions; //which calls will be tried to be redirected to children ui8 recActions; //which calls we allow te receive from parent void disable(); //deactivates if needed, blocks all automatic activity, allows only disposal void enable(bool activation = true); //activates if needed, all activity enabled (Warning: may not be symetric with disable if recActions was limited!) void defActivate(); void defDeactivate(); void activate(); void deactivate(); void show(SDL_Surface * to); void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); void printAtLoc(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, bool refresh = false); void printToLoc(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, bool refresh = false); void printAtMiddleLoc(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, bool refresh = false); void printAtMiddleWBLoc(const std::string & text, int x, int y, EFonts font, int charpr, SDL_Color kolor, SDL_Surface * dst, bool refrsh = false); void blitAtLoc(SDL_Surface * src, int x, int y, SDL_Surface * dst); bool isItInLoc(const SDL_Rect &rect, int x, int y); bool isItInLoc(const SDL_Rect &rect, const Point &p); const Rect & center(const Rect &r); //sets pos so that r will be in the center of screen, returns new position const Rect & center(); //centers when pos.w and pos.h are set, returns new position }; //class for binding keys to left mouse button clicks //classes wanting use it should have it as one of their base classes class KeyShortcut : public virtual CIntObject { public: std::set<int> assignedKeys; KeyShortcut(){}; //c-tor KeyShortcut(int key){assignedKeys.insert(key);}; //c-tor KeyShortcut(std::set<int> Keys):assignedKeys(Keys){}; //c-tor virtual void keyPressed(const SDL_KeyboardEvent & key); //call-in }; class CWindowWithGarrison : public CIntObject { public: CGarrisonInt *garr; CWindowWithGarrison(); }; class CSimpleWindow : public CIntObject { public: SDL_Surface * bitmap; //background CIntObject * owner; //who made this window virtual void show(SDL_Surface * to); CSimpleWindow():bitmap(NULL),owner(NULL){}; //c-tor virtual ~CSimpleWindow(); //d-tor void activate(){}; void deactivate(){}; }; class CPicture : public CIntObject { public: SDL_Surface *bg; bool freeSurf; CPicture(SDL_Surface *BG, int x, int y, bool Free = true); CPicture(const std::string &bmpname, int x, int y); ~CPicture(); void showAll(SDL_Surface * to); }; class CGuiHandler { public: timeHandler th; std::list<IShowActivable *> listInt; //list of interfaces - front=foreground; back = background (includes adventure map, window interfaces, all kind of active dialogs, and so on) //active GUI elements (listening for events std::list<CIntObject*> lclickable; std::list<CIntObject*> rclickable; std::list<CIntObject*> hoverable; std::list<CIntObject*> keyinterested; std::list<CIntObject*> motioninterested; std::list<CIntObject*> timeinterested; std::list<CIntObject*> wheelInterested; std::list<CIntObject*> doubleClickInterested; //objs to blit std::vector<IShowable*> objsToBlit; SDL_Event * current; //current event Point lastClick; unsigned lastClickTime; void totalRedraw(); //forces total redraw (using showAll) void simpleRedraw(); //update only top interface and draw background from buffer void popInt(IShowActivable *top); //removes given interface from the top and activates next void popIntTotally(IShowActivable *top); //deactivates, deletes, removes given interface from the top and activates next void pushInt(IShowActivable *newInt); //deactivate old top interface, activates this one and pushes to the top void popInts(int howMany); //pops one or more interfaces - deactivates top, deletes and removes given number of interfaces, activates new front IShowActivable *topInt(); //returns top interface void updateTime(); //handles timeInterested void handleEvents(); //takes events from queue and calls interested objects void handleEvent(SDL_Event *sEvent); void handleMouseMotion(SDL_Event *sEvent); ui8 defActionsDef; //default auto actions ui8 captureChildren; //all newly created objects will get their parents from stack and will be added to parents children list std::list<CIntObject *> createdObj; //stack of objs being created }; SDLKey arrowToNum(SDLKey key); //converts arrow key to according numpad key SDLKey numToDigit(SDLKey key);//converts numpad digit key to normal digit key bool isNumKey(SDLKey key, bool number = true); //checks if key is on numpad (numbers - check only for numpad digits) bool isArrowKey(SDLKey key); extern CGuiHandler GH; //global gui handler struct ObjectConstruction { CIntObject *myObj; ObjectConstruction(CIntObject *obj); ~ObjectConstruction(); }; struct SetCaptureState { bool previousCapture; ui8 prevActions; SetCaptureState(bool allow, ui8 actions); ~SetCaptureState(); }; #define OBJ_CONSTRUCTION ObjectConstruction obj__i(this) #define OBJ_CONSTRUCTION_CAPTURING_ALL defActions = 255; SetCaptureState obj__i1(true, 255); ObjectConstruction obj__i(this) #define BLOCK_CAPTURING SetCaptureState obj__i(false, 0) #endif //__GUIBASE_H__