# Campaign Format ## Introduction Starting from version 1.3, VCMI supports its own campaign format. Campaigns have `*.vcmp` file format and it consists from campaign json and set of scenarios (can be both `*.vmap` and `*.h3m`) To start making campaign, create file named `header.json`. See also [Packing campaign](#packing-campaign) Basic structure of this file is here, each section is described in details below ```json { "version" : 1, <header properties> "scenarios" : [ { //scenario 1 <scenario properties> }, { //scenario 2 <scenario properties> } ] } ``` `"version"` defines version of campaign file. Larger versions should have more features and flexibility, but may not be supported by older VCMI engines. See [compatibility table](#compatibility-table) ## Header properties In header are parameters describing campaign properties ```json ... "regions": {...}, "name": "Campaign name", "description": "Campaign description", "author": "Author", "authorContact": "Author contact", "campaignVersion": "Campaign version", "creationDateTime": "Creation date and time", "allowDifficultySelection": true, ``` - `"regions"` contains information about background and regions. See section [campaign regions](#regions-description) for more information - `"name"` is a human readable title of campaign - `"description"` is a human readable description of campaign - `"author"` is the author of the campaign - `"authorContact"` is a contact address for the author (e.g. email) - `"campaignVersion"` is creator defined version - `"creationDateTime"` unix time of campaign creation - `"allowDifficultySelection"` is a boolean field (`true`/`false`) which allows or disallows to choose difficulty before scenario start - `"loadingBackground"` is for setting a different loading screen background - `"introVideo"` is for defining an optional intro video - `"outroVideo"` is for defining an optional outro video - `"videoRim"` is for the Rim around the optional video (default is INTRORIM) ## Scenario description Scenario description looks like follow: ```json { "map": "maps/SomeMap", "preconditions": [], "color": 0, "difficulty": 2, "regionText": "", "prolog": {}, "epilog": {}, "heroKeeps": [], "keepCreatures": [], "startOptions": "none", "playerColor": 0, "bonuses": [ <see bonus description> ] } ``` - `"map"` map name without extension but with relative path. Both `*.h3m` and `*.vmap` maps are supported. If you will pack scenarios inside campaign, numerical map name should be used, see details in [packing campaign](#packing-campaign) - `"preconditions"` enumerate scenarios indexes which must be completed to unlock this scenario. For example, if you want to make sequential missions, you should specify `"preconditions": []` for first scenario, but for second scenario it should be `"preconditions": [0]` and for third `"preconditions": [0, 1]`. But you can allow non-linear conquering using this parameter - `"color"` defines color id for the region. Possible values are `0: red, 1: blue, tan: 2, green: 3, orange: 4, purple: 5, teal: 6, pink: 7` - `"difficulty"` sets initial difficulty for this scenario. If `"allowDifficultySelection"`is defined for campaign, difficulty may be changed by player. Possible values are `0: pawn, 1: knight, 2: rook, 3: queen, 4: king` - `"regionText"` is a text which will be shown if player holds right button over region - `"prolog"`/`"epilog"` optional, defines prolog/epilog for scenario. See [prolog/epilog](#prologepilog) section for more information - `"heroKeeps"` defines what hero will carry to the next scenario. Can be specified one or several attributes from list `"experience", "primarySkills", "secondarySkills", "spells", "artifacts"` - `"keepCreatures"` array of creature types which hero will carry to the next scenario. Game identifiers are used to specify creature type. - `"startOptions"` defines what type of bonuses player may have. Possible values are `"none", "bonus", "crossover", "hero"` - `none`: player starts scenario without bonuses. [Description](#none-start-option) - `bonus`: player chooses one of the predefined bonuses. [Description](#bonus-start-option) - `crossover`: player will start with hero from previous scenario. [Description](#crossover-start-option) - `hero` : player will start scenario with specified hero. [Description](#hero-start-option) - `"playerColor"` defines color id of flag which player will play for. Possible values are `0: red, 1: blue, tan: 2, green: 3, orange: 4, purple: 5, teal: 6, pink: 7` - "bonuses" array of possible bonus objects, format depends on `"startOptions"` parameter ### Prolog/Epilog Prolog and epilog properties are optional ```json { "video": "NEUTRALA.smk", //video to show "music": "musicFile.ogg", //music to play, should be located in music directory "voice": "musicFile.wav", //voice to play, should be located in sounds directory "text": "some long text" //text to be shown } ``` ### Start options and bonuses #### None start option If `startOptions` is `none`, `bonuses` field will be ignored #### Bonus start option If `startOptions` is `bonus`, bonus format may vary depending on its type. ```json { "what": "", <attributes> }, ``` - `"what"` field defines bonus type. Possible values are: `spell, creature, building, artifact, scroll, primarySkill, secondarySkill, resource` - `"spell"` has following attributes (fields): - `"hero"`: hero who will get spell (see below) - `"type"`: spell type, string, e.g. "firewall" - `"creature"` has following attributes (fields): - `"hero"`: hero who will get spell (see below) - `"type"`: creature type, string, e.g. "pikeman" - `"amount"`: amount of creatures - `"building"` has following attributes (fields): - `"type"`: building type (string), e.g. "citadel" or "dwellingLvl1" - `"artifact"` has following attributes (fields): - `"hero"`: hero who will get spell (see below) - `"type"`: artifact type, string, e.g. "spellBook" - `"scroll"` has following attributes (fields): - `"hero"`: hero who will get spell (see below) - `"type"`: spell type in the scroll, string, e.g. "firewall" - `"primarySkill"` has following attributes (fields): - `"hero"`: hero who will get spell (see below) - `"attack"`: amount of attack gained - `"defence"`: amount of defence gained - `"spellpower"`: amount of spellpower gained - `"knowledge"`: amount of knowledge gained - `"secondarySkill"` has following attributes (fields): - `"hero"`: hero who will get spell (see below) - `"type"`: skill type, string, e.g. "logistics" - `"amount"`: skill level, `1: beginner, 2: advanced, 3: expert` - `"resource"` has following attributes (fields): - `"type"`: resource type, one of `wood, ore, mercury, sulfur, crystal, gems, gold, common, rare`, where `common` is both wood and ore, `rare` means that bonus gives each rare resource - `"amount"`: amount of resources - `"hero"` can be specified as explicit hero name and as one of keywords: `strongest`, `generated` #### Crossover start option If `startOptions` is `crossover`, heroes from specific scenario will be moved to this scenario. Bonus format is following ```json { "playerColor": 0, "scenario": 0 }, ``` - `"playerColor"` from what player color heroes shall be taken. Possible values are `0: red, 1: blue, tan: 2, green: 3, orange: 4, purple: 5, teal: 6, pink: 7` - `"scenario"` from which scenario heroes shall be taken. 0 means first scenario #### Hero start option If `startOptions` is `hero`, hero can be chosen as a starting bonus. Bonus format is following ```json { "playerColor": 0, "hero": "random" } ``` - `"playerColor"` from what player color heroes shall be taken. Possible values are `0: red, 1: blue, tan: 2, green: 3, orange: 4, purple: 5, teal: 6, pink: 7` - `"hero"` can be specified as explicit hero name and as one of keywords: `random` ### Regions description Predefined campaign regions are located in file `campaign_regions.json` ```json { "background": "ownRegionBackground.png", "suffix": ["Enabled", "Selected", "Conquered"], "prefix": "G3", "colorSuffixLength": 1, "desc": [ { "infix": "A", "x": 289, "y": 376, "labelPos": { "x": 98, "y": 112 } }, { "infix": "B", "x": 60, "y": 147, "labelPos": { "x": 98, "y": 112 } }, { "infix": "C", "x": 131, "y": 202, "labelPos": { "x": 98, "y": 112 } } ] }, ``` - `"background"` optional - use own image name for background instead of adding "_BG" to the prefix as name - `"prefix"` used to identify all images related to campaign. In this example (if background parameter wouldn't exists), background picture will be `G3_BG` - `"suffix"` optional - use other suffixes than the default `En`, `Se` and `Co` for the three different images - `"infix"` used to identify all images related to region. In this example, it will be pictures whose files names begin with `G3A_..., G3B_..., G3C_..."` - `"labelPos"` optional - to add scenario name as label on map - `"colorSuffixLength"` identifies suffix length for region colourful frames. 0 is no color suffix (no colorisation), 1 is used for `R, B, N, G, O, V, T, P`, value 2 is used for `Re, Bl, Br, Gr, Or, Vi, Te, Pi` ## Packing campaign After campaign scenarios and campaign description are ready, you should pack them into *.vcmp file. This file is a zip archive. The scenarios should be named as in `"map"` field from header. Subfolders are allowed. ## Compatibility table | Version | Min VCMI | Max VCMI | Description | |---------|----------|----------|-------------| | 1 | 1.3 | | Initial release |