/* * scenelayer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "scenelayer.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMapEditManager.h" #include "../lib/mapping/CMap.h" #include "inspector/inspector.h" #include "mapview.h" #include "mapcontroller.h" AbstractLayer::AbstractLayer(MapSceneBase * s): scene(s) { } void AbstractLayer::initialize(MapController & controller) { map = controller.map(); handler = controller.mapHandler(); } void AbstractLayer::show(bool show) { if(isShown == show) return; isShown = show; redraw(); } void AbstractLayer::redraw() { if(item) { if(pixmap && isShown) item->setPixmap(*pixmap); else item->setPixmap(emptyPixmap); } else { if(pixmap && isShown) item.reset(scene->addPixmap(*pixmap)); else item.reset(scene->addPixmap(emptyPixmap)); } } GridLayer::GridLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void GridLayer::update() { if(!map) return; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width * 32, map->height * 32)); pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); painter.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0, 190)); for(int j = 0; j < map->height; ++j) { painter.drawLine(0, j * 32, map->width * 32 - 1, j * 32); } for(int i = 0; i < map->width; ++i) { painter.drawLine(i * 32, 0, i * 32, map->height * 32 - 1); } redraw(); } PassabilityLayer::PassabilityLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void PassabilityLayer::update() { if(!map) return; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width * 32, map->height * 32)); pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); if(scene->level == 0 || map->twoLevel) { QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); for(int j = 0; j < map->height; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < map->width; ++i) { auto tl = map->getTile(int3(i, j, scene->level)); if(tl.blocked() || tl.visitable()) { painter.fillRect(i * 32, j * 32, 31, 31, tl.visitable() ? QColor(200, 200, 0, 64) : QColor(255, 0, 0, 64)); } } } } redraw(); } ObjectPickerLayer::ObjectPickerLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void ObjectPickerLayer::highlight(std::function<bool(const CGObjectInstance *)> predicate) { if(!map) return; if(scene->level == 0 || map->twoLevel) { for(int j = 0; j < map->height; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < map->width; ++i) { auto tl = map->getTile(int3(i, j, scene->level)); auto * obj = tl.topVisitableObj(); if(!obj && !tl.blockingObjects.empty()) obj = tl.blockingObjects.front(); if(obj && predicate(obj)) possibleObjects.insert(obj); } } } isActive = true; } bool ObjectPickerLayer::isVisible() const { return isShown && isActive; } void ObjectPickerLayer::clear() { possibleObjects.clear(); isActive = false; } void ObjectPickerLayer::update() { if(!map) return; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width * 32, map->height * 32)); pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); if(isActive) pixmap->fill(QColor(255, 255, 255, 128)); QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); for(auto * obj : possibleObjects) { if(obj->pos.z != scene->level) continue; for(auto & pos : obj->getBlockedPos()) painter.fillRect(pos.x * 32, pos.y * 32, 32, 32, QColor(255, 211, 0, 64)); } painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); redraw(); } void ObjectPickerLayer::select(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { if(obj && possibleObjects.count(obj)) { clear(); selectionMade(obj); } } void ObjectPickerLayer::discard() { clear(); selectionMade(nullptr); } SelectionTerrainLayer::SelectionTerrainLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void SelectionTerrainLayer::update() { if(!map) return; area.clear(); areaAdd.clear(); areaErase.clear(); onSelection(); pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width * 32, map->height * 32)); pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); redraw(); } void SelectionTerrainLayer::draw() { if(!pixmap) return; QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); for(auto & t : areaAdd) { painter.fillRect(t.x * 32, t.y * 32, 31, 31, QColor(128, 128, 128, 96)); } for(auto & t : areaErase) { painter.fillRect(t.x * 32, t.y * 32, 31, 31, QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); } areaAdd.clear(); areaErase.clear(); redraw(); } void SelectionTerrainLayer::select(const int3 & tile) { if(!map || !map->isInTheMap(tile)) return; if(!area.count(tile)) { area.insert(tile); areaAdd.insert(tile); areaErase.erase(tile); } onSelection(); } void SelectionTerrainLayer::erase(const int3 & tile) { if(!map || !map->isInTheMap(tile)) return; if(area.count(tile)) { area.erase(tile); areaErase.insert(tile); areaAdd.erase(tile); } onSelection(); } void SelectionTerrainLayer::clear() { areaErase = area; areaAdd.clear(); area.clear(); onSelection(); } const std::set<int3> & SelectionTerrainLayer::selection() const { return area; } void SelectionTerrainLayer::onSelection() { selectionMade(!area.empty()); } TerrainLayer::TerrainLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void TerrainLayer::update() { if(!map) return; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width * 32, map->height * 32)); draw(false); } void TerrainLayer::setDirty(const int3 & tile) { dirty.insert(tile); } void TerrainLayer::draw(bool onlyDirty) { if(!pixmap) return; if(!map) return; QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); //painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); if(onlyDirty) { std::set<int3> forRedrawing(dirty); std::set<int3> neighbours; for(auto & t : dirty) { for(auto & tt : int3::getDirs()) { if(map->isInTheMap(t + tt)) neighbours.insert(t + tt); } } for(auto & t : neighbours) { for(auto & tt : int3::getDirs()) { forRedrawing.insert(t); if(map->isInTheMap(t + tt)) forRedrawing.insert(t + tt); } } for(auto & t : forRedrawing) { handler->drawTerrainTile(painter, t.x, t.y, scene->level); handler->drawRiver(painter, t.x, t.y, scene->level); handler->drawRoad(painter, t.x, t.y, scene->level); } } else { for(int j = 0; j < map->height; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < map->width; ++i) { handler->drawTerrainTile(painter, i, j, scene->level); handler->drawRiver(painter, i, j, scene->level); handler->drawRoad(painter, i, j, scene->level); } } } dirty.clear(); redraw(); } ObjectsLayer::ObjectsLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void ObjectsLayer::update() { if(!map) return; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width * 32, map->height * 32)); pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); draw(false); } void ObjectsLayer::draw(bool onlyDirty) { if(!pixmap) return; if(!map) return; QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); if(onlyDirty) { //objects could be modified for(auto * obj : objDirty) setDirty(obj); //clear tiles which will be redrawn. It's needed because some object could be replaced painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); for(auto & p : dirty) painter.fillRect(p.x * 32, p.y * 32, 32, 32, Qt::transparent); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_SourceOver); for(auto & p : dirty) handler->drawObjects(painter, p.x, p.y, p.z, lockedObjects); } else { pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); for(int j = 0; j < map->height; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < map->width; ++i) { handler->drawObjects(painter, i, j, scene->level, lockedObjects); } } } dirty.clear(); redraw(); } void ObjectsLayer::setDirty(int x, int y) { int3 pos(x, y, scene->level); if(map->isInTheMap(pos)) dirty.insert(pos); } void ObjectsLayer::setDirty(const CGObjectInstance * object) { objDirty.insert(object); //mark tiles under object as dirty for(int j = 0; j < object->getHeight(); ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < object->getWidth(); ++i) { setDirty(object->anchorPos().x - i, object->anchorPos().y - j); } } } void ObjectsLayer::setLockObject(const CGObjectInstance * object, bool lock) { if(lock) lockedObjects.insert(object); else lockedObjects.erase(object); } void ObjectsLayer::unlockAll() { lockedObjects.clear(); } SelectionObjectsLayer::SelectionObjectsLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s), newObject(nullptr) { } void SelectionObjectsLayer::update() { if(!map) return; selectedObjects.clear(); onSelection(); shift = QPoint(); delete newObject; newObject = nullptr; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width * 32, map->height * 32)); //pixmap->fill(QColor(0, 0, 0, 0)); draw(); } void SelectionObjectsLayer::draw() { if(!pixmap) return; pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); painter.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_Source); painter.setPen(Qt::white); for(auto * obj : selectedObjects) { if(obj != newObject) { QRect bbox(obj->anchorPos().x, obj->anchorPos().y, 1, 1); for(auto & t : obj->getBlockedPos()) { QPoint topLeft(std::min(t.x, bbox.topLeft().x()), std::min(t.y, bbox.topLeft().y())); bbox.setTopLeft(topLeft); QPoint bottomRight(std::max(t.x, bbox.bottomRight().x()), std::max(t.y, bbox.bottomRight().y())); bbox.setBottomRight(bottomRight); } painter.setOpacity(1.0); painter.drawRect(bbox.x() * 32, bbox.y() * 32, bbox.width() * 32, bbox.height() * 32); } //show translation if(selectionMode == SelectionMode::MOVEMENT && (shift.x() || shift.y())) { painter.setOpacity(0.7); auto newPos = QPoint(obj->anchorPos().x, obj->anchorPos().y) + shift; handler->drawObjectAt(painter, obj, newPos.x(), newPos.y()); } } redraw(); } CGObjectInstance * SelectionObjectsLayer::selectObjectAt(int x, int y, const CGObjectInstance * ignore) const { if(!map || !map->isInTheMap(int3(x, y, scene->level))) return nullptr; auto & objects = handler->getObjects(x, y, scene->level); //visitable is most important for(auto & object : objects) { if(!object.obj || object.obj == ignore || lockedObjects.count(object.obj)) continue; if(object.obj->visitableAt(int3(x, y, scene->level))) { return const_cast<CGObjectInstance*>(object.obj); } } //if not visitable tile - try to get blocked for(auto & object : objects) { if(!object.obj || object.obj == ignore || lockedObjects.count(object.obj)) continue; if(object.obj->blockingAt(int3(x, y, scene->level))) { return const_cast<CGObjectInstance*>(object.obj); } } //finally, we can take any object for(auto & object : objects) { if(!object.obj || object.obj == ignore || lockedObjects.count(object.obj)) continue; if(object.obj->coveringAt(int3(x, y, scene->level))) { return const_cast<CGObjectInstance*>(object.obj); } } return nullptr; } void SelectionObjectsLayer::selectObjects(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2) { if(!map) return; if(x1 > x2) std::swap(x1, x2); if(y1 > y2) std::swap(y1, y2); for(int j = y1; j < y2; ++j) { for(int i = x1; i < x2; ++i) { if(map->isInTheMap(int3(i, j, scene->level))) { for(auto & o : handler->getObjects(i, j, scene->level)) if(!lockedObjects.count(o.obj)) selectObject(const_cast<CGObjectInstance*>(o.obj), false); //do not inform about each object added } } } onSelection(); } void SelectionObjectsLayer::selectObject(CGObjectInstance * obj, bool inform /* = true */) { selectedObjects.insert(obj); if (inform) { onSelection(); } } void SelectionObjectsLayer::deselectObject(CGObjectInstance * obj) { selectedObjects.erase(obj); } bool SelectionObjectsLayer::isSelected(const CGObjectInstance * obj) const { return selectedObjects.count(const_cast<CGObjectInstance*>(obj)); } std::set<CGObjectInstance*> SelectionObjectsLayer::getSelection() const { return selectedObjects; } void SelectionObjectsLayer::clear() { selectedObjects.clear(); onSelection(); shift.setX(0); shift.setY(0); } void SelectionObjectsLayer::onSelection() { selectionMade(!selectedObjects.empty()); } void SelectionObjectsLayer::setLockObject(const CGObjectInstance * object, bool lock) { if(lock) lockedObjects.insert(object); else lockedObjects.erase(object); } void SelectionObjectsLayer::unlockAll() { lockedObjects.clear(); } MinimapLayer::MinimapLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void MinimapLayer::update() { if(!map) return; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width, map->height)); QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); //coordinate transformation for(int j = 0; j < map->height; ++j) { for(int i = 0; i < map->width; ++i) { handler->drawMinimapTile(painter, i, j, scene->level); } } redraw(); } MinimapViewLayer::MinimapViewLayer(MapSceneBase * s): AbstractLayer(s) { } void MinimapViewLayer::update() { if(!map) return; pixmap.reset(new QPixmap(map->width, map->height)); draw(); } void MinimapViewLayer::draw() { if(!map) return; pixmap->fill(Qt::transparent); //maybe not optimal but ok QPainter painter(pixmap.get()); painter.setPen(Qt::white); painter.drawRect(x, y, w, h); redraw(); } void MinimapViewLayer::setViewport(int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h) { x = _x; y = _y; w = _w; h = _h; draw(); }