 * ERMInterpreter.h, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once

#include "ERMParser.h"
#include "ERMScriptModule.h"

namespace VERMInterpreter
	using namespace ERM;

	//different exceptions that can be thrown during interpreting
	class EInterpreterProblem : public std::exception
		std::string problem;
		const char * what() const throw() override
			return problem.c_str();
		~EInterpreterProblem() throw()
		EInterpreterProblem(const std::string & problemDesc) : problem(problemDesc)

	struct ESymbolNotFound : public EInterpreterProblem
		ESymbolNotFound(const std::string & sym) :
		  EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Symbol \"") + sym + std::string("\" not found!"))

	struct EInvalidTrigger : public EInterpreterProblem
		EInvalidTrigger(const std::string & sym) :
		  EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Trigger \"") + sym + std::string("\" is invalid!"))

	struct EUsageOfUndefinedMacro : public EInterpreterProblem
		EUsageOfUndefinedMacro(const std::string & macro) :
			EInterpreterProblem(std::string("Macro ") + macro + " is undefined")

	struct EIexpProblem : public EInterpreterProblem
		EIexpProblem(const std::string & desc) :

	struct ELineProblem : public EInterpreterProblem
		ELineProblem(const std::string & desc) :

	struct EExecutionError : public EInterpreterProblem
		EExecutionError(const std::string & desc) :

	//internal interpreter error related to execution
	struct EInterpreterError : public EExecutionError
		EInterpreterError(const std::string & desc) :

	//wrong script
	struct EScriptExecError : public EExecutionError
		EScriptExecError(const std::string & desc) :

	//wrong script
	struct EVermScriptExecError : public EScriptExecError
		EVermScriptExecError(const std::string & desc) :

	//		All numeric variables are integer variables and have a range of -2147483647...+2147483647
	//		c			stores game active day number			//indirect variable
	//		d			current value							//not an actual variable but a modifier
	// 		e1..e100 	Function floating point variables		//local
	// 		e-1..e-100	Trigger local floating point variables	//local
	// 		'f'..'t'	Standard variables ('quick variables')	//global
	// 		v1..v1000	Standard variables						//global
	// 		w1..w100	Hero variables
	// 		w101..w200	Hero variables
	// 		x1..x16		Function parameters						//local
	// 		y1..y100	Function local variables				//local
	// 		y-1..y-100	Trigger-based local integer variables	//local
	// 		z1..z1000	String variables						//global
	// 		z-1..z-10	Function local string variables			//local

	struct TriggerLocalVars
		static const int EVAR_NUM = 100; //number of evar locals

		static const int YVAR_NUM = 100; //number of yvar locals

		double & getEvar(int num);
		int & getYvar(int num);
		double evar[EVAR_NUM]; //negative indices
		int yvar[YVAR_NUM];


	struct FunctionLocalVars
		static const int NUM_PARAMETERS = 16; //number of function parameters
		static const int NUM_LOCALS = 100;
		static const int NUM_STRINGS = 10;
		static const int NUM_FLOATINGS = 100;
		int & getParam(int num);
		int & getLocal(int num);
		std::string & getString(int num);
		double & getFloat(int num);
		void reset();
		int params[NUM_PARAMETERS]; //x-vars
		int locals[NUM_LOCALS]; //y-vars
		std::string strings[NUM_STRINGS]; //z-vars (negative indices)
		double floats[NUM_FLOATINGS]; //e-vars (positive indices)

	struct ERMEnvironment
		static const int NUM_QUICKS = 't' - 'f' + 1; //it should be 15
		int & getQuickVar(const char letter); //'f' - 't' variables
		int & getStandardVar(int num); //get v-variable
		std::string & getZVar(int num);
		bool & getFlag(int num);

		static const int NUM_STANDARDS = 10000;

		static const int NUM_STRINGS = 1000;

		std::map<std::string, ERM::TVarExpNotMacro> macroBindings;

		static const int NUM_FLAGS = 1000;
		int quickVars[NUM_QUICKS]; //referenced by letter ('f' to 't' inclusive)
		int standardVars[NUM_STANDARDS]; //v-vars
		std::string strings[NUM_STRINGS]; //z-vars (positive indices)
		bool flags[NUM_FLAGS];

	struct TriggerType
		//the same order of trigger types in this enum and in validTriggers array is obligatory!
		enum ETrigType{AE, BA, BF, BG, BR, CM, CO, FU, GE, GM, HE, HL, HM, IP, LE, MF, MG, MM, MR,
			MW, OB, PI, SN, TH, TM} type;
		static ETrigType convertTrigger(const std::string & trig)
			static const std::string validTriggers[] = {"AE", "BA", "BF", "BG", "BR", "CM", "CO", "FU",
				"GE", "GM", "HE", "HL", "HM", "IP", "LE", "MF", "MG", "MM", "MR", "MW", "OB", "PI", "SN",
				"TH", "TM"};

			for(int i=0; i<ARRAY_COUNT(validTriggers); ++i)
				if(validTriggers[i] == trig)
					return static_cast<ETrigType>(i);
			throw EInvalidTrigger(trig);

		bool operator<(const TriggerType & t2) const
			return type < t2.type;

		TriggerType(const std::string & sym)
			type = convertTrigger(sym);


	struct FileInfo
		std::string filename;
		int length;

	struct LinePointer
		const FileInfo * file; //non-owning
		int lineNum;

		int realLineNum;

		LinePointer() : file(nullptr)

		LinePointer(const FileInfo * finfo, int line, int _realLineNum) : file(finfo), lineNum(line),

		//lexicographical order
		bool operator<(const LinePointer & rhs) const
			if(file->filename != rhs.file->filename)
				return file->filename < rhs.file->filename;

			return lineNum < rhs.lineNum;

		bool operator!=(const LinePointer & rhs) const
			return file->filename != rhs.file->filename || lineNum != rhs.lineNum;
		LinePointer & operator++()
			return *this;
		bool isValid() const
			return file && lineNum < file->length;

	struct LexicalPtr
		LinePointer line; //where to start
		std::vector<int> entryPoints; //defines how to pass to current location

		bool operator<(const LexicalPtr & sec) const
			if(line != sec.line)
				return line < sec.line;

			if(entryPoints.size() != sec.entryPoints.size())
				return entryPoints.size() < sec.entryPoints.size();

			for(int g=0; g<entryPoints.size(); ++g)
				if(entryPoints[g] < sec.entryPoints[g])
					return true;

			return false;

	//call stack, represents dynamic range
	struct Stack
		std::vector<LexicalPtr> stack;

	struct Trigger
		LinePointer line;
		TriggerLocalVars ermLocalVars;
		Stack * stack; //where we are stuck at execution
		Trigger() : stack(nullptr)

	//verm goodies
	struct VSymbol
		std::string text;
		VSymbol(const std::string & txt) : text(txt)

	struct VNode;
	struct VOptionList;

	struct VNIL

	typedef boost::variant<char, double, int, std::string> TLiteral;

	//for operator <, but this one seems to be implemented in boost alerady
	struct _opLTvis : boost::static_visitor<bool>
		const TLiteral & lhs;
		_opLTvis(const TLiteral & _lhs) : lhs(_lhs)

		template<typename OP>
		bool operator()(OP const & rhs) const
			return boost::get<OP>(lhs) < rhs;

// 	bool operator<(const TLiteral & t1, const TLiteral & t2)
// 	{
// 		if(t1.type() == t2.type())
// 		{
// 			return boost::apply_visitor(_opLTvis(t1), t2);
// 		}
// 		throw EVermScriptExecError("These types are incomparable!");
// 	}

	//for operator <=
	struct _opLEvis : boost::static_visitor<bool>
		const TLiteral & lhs;
		_opLEvis(const TLiteral & _lhs) : lhs(_lhs)

		template<typename OP>
		bool operator()(OP const & rhs) const
			return boost::get<OP>(lhs) <= rhs;

	bool operator<=(const TLiteral & t1, const TLiteral & t2);

	//operator >
	struct _opGTvis : boost::static_visitor<bool>
		const TLiteral & lhs;
		_opGTvis(const TLiteral & _lhs) : lhs(_lhs)

		template<typename OP>
		bool operator()(OP const & rhs) const
			return boost::get<OP>(lhs) > rhs;

	bool operator>(const TLiteral & t1, const TLiteral & t2);

	//operator >=

	struct _opGEvis : boost::static_visitor<bool>
		const TLiteral & lhs;
		_opGEvis(const TLiteral & _lhs) : lhs(_lhs)

		template<typename OP>
		bool operator()(OP const & rhs) const
			return boost::get<OP>(lhs) >= rhs;

	bool operator>=(const TLiteral & t1, const TLiteral & t2);

	//operator =
	struct _opEQvis : boost::static_visitor<bool>
		const TLiteral & lhs;
		_opEQvis(const TLiteral & _lhs) : lhs(_lhs)

		template<typename OP>
		bool operator()(OP const & rhs) const
			return boost::get<OP>(lhs) == rhs;

	struct VFunc;

	//VOption & stuff

	typedef boost::variant<VNIL, boost::recursive_wrapper<VNode>, VSymbol, TLiteral, ERM::Tcommand, boost::recursive_wrapper<VFunc> > VOption; //options in v-expression, VNIl should be the default

	template<typename T, typename SecType>
	T& getAs(SecType & opt)
		if(opt.type() == typeid(T))
			return boost::get<T>(opt);
			throw EVermScriptExecError("Wrong type!");

	template<typename T, typename SecType>
	bool isA(const SecType & opt)
		if(opt.type() == typeid(T))
			return true;
			return false;

	//why it doesn't work?
// 	template<typename TBasicVariant>
// 	struct IntVarinant : public TBasicVariant
// 	{
// 		template<typename T>
// 		bool isA() const
// 		{
// 			return type() == typeid(T);
// 		}
// 		template<typename T>
// 		T getAs()
// 		{
// 			if(isA<T>())
// 				return boost::get<T>(*this);
// 			else
// 				throw EVermScriptExecError("Getting improved variant with wrongly specified type");
// 		}
// 		IntVarinant(const VNode & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		IntVarinant(const VNIL & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		IntVarinant(const TLiteral & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		IntVarinant(const VSymbol & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		IntVarinant(const int & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		IntVarinant(const char & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		IntVarinant(const double & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		IntVarinant(const ERM::Tcommand & val) : TBasicVariant(val)
// 		{}
// 		TBasicVariant & getAsPlaintVariant()
// 		{
// 			return *this;
// 		}
// 		IntVarinant()
// 		{}
// 	};


	///main environment class, manages symbols
	class Environment
		std::map<std::string, VOption> symbols;
		Environment * parent;

		Environment() : parent(nullptr)
		void setPatent(Environment * _parent);
		Environment * getPatent() const;
		bool isBound(const std::string & name, EIsBoundMode mode) const;

		VOption & retrieveValue(const std::string & name);

		///returns true if symbol was really unbound
		bool unbind(const std::string & name, EUnbindMode mode);

		void localBind(std::string name, const VOption & sym);
		void bindAtFirstHit(std::string name, const VOption & sym); //if symbol is locally defines, it gets overwritten; otherwise it is bind globally

	//this class just introduces a new dynamic range when instantiated, nothing more
	class IntroduceDynamicEnv

	struct VermTreeIterator
		friend struct VOptionList;
		VOptionList * parent;
		enum Estate {NORM, CAR} state;
		int basePos; //car/cdr offset
		VermTreeIterator(VOptionList & _parent) : parent(&_parent), state(NORM), basePos(0)
		VermTreeIterator() : parent(nullptr), state(NORM)

		VermTreeIterator & operator=(const VOption & opt);
		VermTreeIterator & operator=(const std::vector<VOption> & opt);
		VermTreeIterator & operator=(const VOptionList & opt);
		VOption & getAsItem();
		VermTreeIterator getAsCDR();
		VOptionList getAsList();
		VOption & getIth(int i);
		size_t size() const;

		VermTreeIterator& operator=(const VermTreeIterator & rhs)
			if(this == &rhs)
				return *this;
			parent = rhs.parent;
			state = rhs.state;
			basePos = rhs.basePos;

			return *this;

	struct VOptionList : public std::vector<VOption>
		friend struct VermTreeIterator;
		VermTreeIterator car();
		VermTreeIterator cdr();
		bool isNil() const;

	struct VFunc
		enum Eopt {DEFAULT, LT, GT, LE, GE, EQ, ADD, SUB, MULT, DIV, MOD} option;
		std::vector<VSymbol> args;
		VOptionList body;
		bool macro; //true - act as macro, false - act as function
		VFunc(const VOptionList & _body, bool asMacro = false) : option(DEFAULT), body(_body), macro(asMacro)
		VFunc(Eopt func) : option(func), macro(false)
		VFunc& operator=(const VFunc & rhs)
			if(this == &rhs)
				return *this;
			args = rhs.args;
			body = rhs.body;

			return *this;

		VOption operator()(VermTreeIterator params);

	struct OptionConverterVisitor : boost::static_visitor<VOption>
		VOption operator()(ERM::TVExp const& cmd) const;
		VOption operator()(ERM::TSymbol const& cmd) const;
		VOption operator()(char const& cmd) const;
		VOption operator()(double const& cmd) const;
		VOption operator()(int const& cmd) const;
		VOption operator()(ERM::Tcommand const& cmd) const;
		VOption operator()(ERM::TStringConstant const& cmd) const;

	struct VNode
		void processModifierList(const std::vector<TVModifier> & modifierList, bool asSymbol);
		VOptionList children;
		VNode( const ERM::TVExp & exp);
		VNode( const VOptionList & cdren );
		VNode( const ERM::TSymbol & sym ); //only in case sym has modifiers!
		VNode( const VOption & first, const VOptionList & rest); //merges given arguments into [a, rest];
		void setVnode( const VOption & first, const VOptionList & rest);

	//v printer

	void printVOption(const VOption & opt);

class ERMInterpreter;

struct TriggerIdentifierMatch
	bool allowNoIdetifier;
	std::map< int, std::vector<int> > matchToIt; //match subidentifiers to these numbers

	static const int MAX_SUBIDENTIFIERS = 16;
	ERMInterpreter * ermEnv;
	bool tryMatch(VERMInterpreter::Trigger * interptrig) const;

struct IexpValStr
		int val;
		int * integervar;
		double * flvar;
		std::string * stringvar;
	} val;
	std::string name;
	std::string getName() const;

	void setTo(const IexpValStr & second);
	void setTo(int val);
	void setTo(double val);
	void setTo(const std::string & val);
	int getInt() const;
	double getFloat() const;
	std::string getString() const;

	IexpValStr() : type(WRONGVAL)
	IexpValStr(int _val) : type(INT)
		val.val = _val;
	IexpValStr(int* _val) : type(INTVAR)
		val.integervar = _val;
	IexpValStr(double * _val) : type(FLOATVAR)
		val.flvar = _val;
	IexpValStr(std::string * _val) : type(STRINGVAR)
		val.stringvar = _val;

	template<typename T> \
	IexpValStr operator OPSIGN(const T & sec) const \
	{ \
		IexpValStr ret = *this; \
		switch (type) \
		{ \
		case INT: \
		case INTVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getInt() OPSIGN sec); \
			break; \
		case FLOATVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getFloat() OPSIGN sec); \
			break; \
		case STRINGVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getString() OPSIGN sec); \
			break; \
		} \
		return ret; \
	} \
	IexpValStr operator OPSIGN(const IexpValStr & sec) const \
	{ \
		IexpValStr ret = *this; \
		switch (type) \
		{ \
		case INT: \
		case INTVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getInt() OPSIGN sec.getInt()); \
			break; \
		case FLOATVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getFloat() OPSIGN sec.getFloat()); \
			break; \
		case STRINGVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getString() OPSIGN sec.getString()); \
			break; \
		} \
		return ret; \
	} \
	template<typename T> \
	IexpValStr & operator OPSIGN ## = (const T & sec) \
	{ \
		*this = *this OPSIGN sec; \
		return *this; \

	template<typename T> \
	IexpValStr operator OPSIGN(const T & sec) const \
	{ \
		IexpValStr ret = *this; \
		switch (type) \
		{ \
		case INT: \
		case INTVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getInt() OPSIGN sec); \
			break; \
		case FLOATVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getFloat() OPSIGN sec); \
			break; \
		} \
		return ret; \
	} \
	IexpValStr operator OPSIGN(const IexpValStr & sec) const \
	{ \
		IexpValStr ret = *this; \
		switch (type) \
		{ \
		case INT: \
		case INTVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getInt() OPSIGN sec.getInt()); \
			break; \
		case FLOATVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getFloat() OPSIGN sec.getFloat()); \
			break; \
		} \
		return ret; \
	} \
	template<typename T> \
	IexpValStr & operator OPSIGN ## = (const T & sec) \
	{ \
		*this = *this OPSIGN sec; \
		return *this; \

	template<typename T> \
	IexpValStr operator OPSIGN(const T & sec) const \
	{ \
		IexpValStr ret = *this; \
		switch (type) \
		{ \
		case INT: \
		case INTVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getInt() OPSIGN sec); \
			break; \
		} \
		return ret; \
	} \
	IexpValStr operator OPSIGN(const IexpValStr & sec) const \
	{ \
		IexpValStr ret = *this; \
		switch (type) \
		{ \
		case INT: \
		case INTVAR: \
			ret.setTo(ret.getInt() OPSIGN sec.getInt()); \
			break; \
		} \
		return ret; \
	} \
	template<typename T> \
	IexpValStr & operator OPSIGN ## = (const T & sec) \
	{ \
		*this = *this OPSIGN sec; \
		return *this; \


class ERMInterpreter : public CScriptingModule
/*not so*/ public:
// 	friend class ScriptScanner;
// 	friend class TriggerIdMatchHelper;
// 	friend class TriggerIdentifierMatch;
// 	friend class ConditionDisemboweler;
// 	friend struct LVL2IexpDisemboweler;
// 	friend struct VR_SPerformer;
// 	friend struct ERMExpDispatch;
// 	friend struct VRPerformer;

	std::vector<VERMInterpreter::FileInfo*> files;
	std::vector< VERMInterpreter::FileInfo* > fileInfos;
	std::map<VERMInterpreter::LinePointer, ERM::TLine> scripts;
	std::map<VERMInterpreter::LexicalPtr, VERMInterpreter::Environment> lexicalEnvs;
	ERM::TLine &retrieveLine(VERMInterpreter::LinePointer linePtr);
	static ERM::TTriggerBase & retrieveTrigger(ERM::TLine &line);

	VERMInterpreter::Environment * globalEnv;
	VERMInterpreter::ERMEnvironment * ermGlobalEnv;
	typedef std::map<VERMInterpreter::TriggerType, std::vector<VERMInterpreter::Trigger> > TtriggerListType;
	TtriggerListType triggers, postTriggers;
	VERMInterpreter::Trigger * curTrigger;
	VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars * curFunc;
	static const int TRIG_FUNC_NUM = 30000;
	VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars funcVars[TRIG_FUNC_NUM + 1]; //+1 because we use [0] as a global set of y-vars
	VERMInterpreter::FunctionLocalVars * getFuncVars(int funNum); //0 is a global func-like set

	IexpValStr getIexp(const ERM::TIexp & iexp) const;
	IexpValStr getIexp(const ERM::TMacroUsage & macro) const;
	IexpValStr getIexp(const ERM::TIdentifierInternal & tid) const;
	IexpValStr getIexp(const ERM::TVarpExp & tid) const;
	IexpValStr getIexp(const ERM::TBodyOptionItem & opit) const;

	static const std::string triggerSymbol, postTriggerSymbol, defunSymbol;

	void executeLine(const VERMInterpreter::LinePointer & lp);
	void executeLine(const ERM::TLine &line);
	void executeTrigger(VERMInterpreter::Trigger & trig, int funNum = -1, std::vector<int> funParams=std::vector<int>());
	static bool isCMDATrigger(const ERM::Tcommand & cmd);
	static bool isATrigger(const ERM::TLine & line);
	static ERM::EVOtions getExpType(const ERM::TVOption & opt);
	IexpValStr getVar(std::string toFollow, boost::optional<int> initVal) const;

	std::string processERMString(std::string ermstring);

	VERMInterpreter::VOption eval( VERMInterpreter::VOption line, VERMInterpreter::Environment * env = nullptr );
	VERMInterpreter::VOptionList evalEach( VERMInterpreter::VermTreeIterator list, VERMInterpreter::Environment * env = nullptr );

	typedef std::map< int, std::vector<int> > TIDPattern;
	void executeInstructions(); //called when starting a new game, before most of the map settings are done
	void executeTriggerType(VERMInterpreter::TriggerType tt, bool pre, const TIDPattern & identifier, const std::vector<int> &funParams=std::vector<int>()); //use this to run triggers
	void executeTriggerType(const char *trigger, int id); //convenience version of above, for pre-trigger when there is only one argument
	void executeTriggerType(const char *trigger); //convenience version of above, for pre-trigger when there are no args
	void setCurrentlyVisitedObj(int3 pos); //sets v998 - v1000 to given value
	void scanForScripts();

	enum EPrintMode{ALL, ERM_ONLY, VERM_ONLY};
	void printScripts(EPrintMode mode = ALL);
	void scanScripts(); //scans for functions, triggers etc.

	bool checkCondition( ERM::Tcondition cond );
	int getRealLine(const VERMInterpreter::LinePointer &lp);

	//overload CScriptingModule
	virtual void heroVisit(const CGHeroInstance *visitor, const CGObjectInstance *visitedObj, bool start) override;
	virtual void init() override;//sets up environment etc.
	virtual void executeUserCommand(const std::string &cmd) override;
	virtual void giveInfoCB(CPrivilegedInfoCallback *cb) override;
	virtual void giveActionCB(IGameEventRealizer *cb) override;

	virtual void battleStart(const CCreatureSet *army1, const CCreatureSet *army2, int3 tile, const CGHeroInstance *hero1, const CGHeroInstance *hero2, bool side) override;

	const CGObjectInstance *getObjFrom(int3 pos);
	template <typename T>
	const T *getObjFromAs(int3 pos)
		const T* obj =  dynamic_cast<const T*>(getObjFrom(pos));
			return obj;
			throw VERMInterpreter::EScriptExecError("Wrong cast attempted, object is not of a desired type!");
