/* * MapAudioPlayer.cpp, part of VCMI engine * * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder * * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder * */ #include "StdInc.h" #include "MapAudioPlayer.h" #include "../CCallback.h" #include "../CGameInfo.h" #include "../CPlayerInterface.h" #include "../mapView/mapHandler.h" #include "../media/IMusicPlayer.h" #include "../media/ISoundPlayer.h" #include "../../lib/CRandomGenerator.h" #include "../../lib/TerrainHandler.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CArmedInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapObjects/CGHeroInstance.h" #include "../../lib/mapping/CMap.h" bool MapAudioPlayer::hasOngoingAnimations() { return false; } void MapAudioPlayer::onHeroMoved(const CGHeroInstance * obj, const int3 & from, const int3 & dest) { if(obj == currentSelection) update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onAfterHeroTeleported(const CGHeroInstance * obj, const int3 & from, const int3 & dest) { if(obj == currentSelection) update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onAfterHeroEmbark(const CGHeroInstance * obj, const int3 & from, const int3 & dest) { if(obj == currentSelection) update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onAfterHeroDisembark(const CGHeroInstance * obj, const int3 & from, const int3 & dest) { if(obj == currentSelection) update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onObjectFadeIn(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const PlayerColor & initiator) { addObject(obj); } void MapAudioPlayer::onObjectFadeOut(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const PlayerColor & initiator) { removeObject(obj); } void MapAudioPlayer::onObjectInstantAdd(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const PlayerColor & initiator) { addObject(obj); } void MapAudioPlayer::onObjectInstantRemove(const CGObjectInstance * obj, const PlayerColor & initiator) { removeObject(obj); } void MapAudioPlayer::addObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { if(obj->isTile2Terrain()) { // terrain overlay - all covering tiles act as sound source for(int fx = 0; fx < obj->getWidth(); ++fx) { for(int fy = 0; fy < obj->getHeight(); ++fy) { int3 currTile(obj->anchorPos().x - fx, obj->anchorPos().y - fy, obj->anchorPos().z); if(LOCPLINT->cb->isInTheMap(currTile) && obj->coveringAt(currTile)) objects[currTile.z][currTile.x][currTile.y].push_back(obj->id); } } return; } if(obj->isVisitable()) { // visitable object - visitable tile acts as sound source int3 currTile = obj->visitablePos(); if(LOCPLINT->cb->isInTheMap(currTile)) objects[currTile.z][currTile.x][currTile.y].push_back(obj->id); return; } if(!obj->isVisitable()) { // static object - blocking tiles act as sound source auto tiles = obj->getBlockedOffsets(); for(const auto & tile : tiles) { int3 currTile = obj->anchorPos() + tile; if(LOCPLINT->cb->isInTheMap(currTile)) objects[currTile.z][currTile.x][currTile.y].push_back(obj->id); } return; } } void MapAudioPlayer::removeObject(const CGObjectInstance * obj) { for(int z = 0; z < LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().z; z++) for(int x = 0; x < LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().x; x++) for(int y = 0; y < LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize().y; y++) vstd::erase(objects[z][x][y], obj->id); } std::vector<AudioPath> MapAudioPlayer::getAmbientSounds(const int3 & tile) { std::vector<AudioPath> result; for(auto & objectID : objects[tile.z][tile.x][tile.y]) { const auto & object = CGI->mh->getMap()->objects[objectID.getNum()]; assert(object); if (!object) logGlobal->warn("Already removed object %d found on tile! (%d %d %d)", objectID.getNum(), tile.x, tile.y, tile.z); if(object) { auto ambientSound = object->getAmbientSound(CRandomGenerator::getDefault()); if (ambientSound) result.push_back(ambientSound.value()); } } if(CGI->mh->getMap()->isCoastalTile(tile)) result.emplace_back(AudioPath::builtin("LOOPOCEA")); return result; } void MapAudioPlayer::updateAmbientSounds() { std::map<AudioPath, int> currentSounds; auto updateSounds = [&](const AudioPath& soundId, int distance) -> void { if(vstd::contains(currentSounds, soundId)) currentSounds[soundId] = std::min(currentSounds[soundId], distance); else currentSounds.insert(std::make_pair(soundId, distance)); }; int3 pos = currentSelection->getSightCenter(); std::unordered_set<int3> tiles; LOCPLINT->cb->getVisibleTilesInRange(tiles, pos, CCS->soundh->ambientGetRange(), int3::DIST_CHEBYSHEV); for(int3 tile : tiles) { int dist = pos.dist(tile, int3::DIST_CHEBYSHEV); for(auto & soundName : getAmbientSounds(tile)) updateSounds(soundName, dist); } CCS->soundh->ambientUpdateChannels(currentSounds); } void MapAudioPlayer::updateMusic() { if(audioPlaying && playerMakingTurn && currentSelection) { const auto * tile = LOCPLINT->cb->getTile(currentSelection->visitablePos()); if (tile) CCS->musich->playMusicFromSet("terrain", tile->getTerrain()->getJsonKey(), true, false); } if(audioPlaying && enemyMakingTurn) { CCS->musich->playMusicFromSet("enemy-turn", true, false); } } void MapAudioPlayer::update() { updateMusic(); if(audioPlaying && playerMakingTurn && currentSelection) updateAmbientSounds(); } MapAudioPlayer::MapAudioPlayer() { auto mapSize = LOCPLINT->cb->getMapSize(); objects.resize(boost::extents[mapSize.z][mapSize.x][mapSize.y]); for(const auto & obj : CGI->mh->getMap()->objects) { if (obj) addObject(obj); } } MapAudioPlayer::~MapAudioPlayer() { CCS->soundh->ambientStopAllChannels(); CCS->musich->stopMusic(1000); } void MapAudioPlayer::onSelectionChanged(const CArmedInstance * newSelection) { currentSelection = newSelection; update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onAudioPaused() { audioPlaying = false; CCS->soundh->ambientStopAllChannels(); CCS->musich->stopMusic(1000); } void MapAudioPlayer::onAudioResumed() { audioPlaying = true; update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onPlayerTurnStarted() { enemyMakingTurn = false; playerMakingTurn = true; update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onEnemyTurnStarted() { playerMakingTurn = false; enemyMakingTurn = true; update(); } void MapAudioPlayer::onPlayerTurnEnded() { playerMakingTurn = false; enemyMakingTurn = false; CCS->soundh->ambientStopAllChannels(); CCS->musich->stopMusic(1000); }