// This file defines all shortcuts used by VCMI // For modders: create file with same name (Content/config/shortcutsConfig.json) to modify this set in your mod // For players (Windows): create file Documents/My Games/vcmi/config/shortcutsConfig.json to modify this set // For players (Linux): create file ~/.config/vcmi/shortcutsConfig.json (or ~/.var/app/eu.vcmi.VCMI/config for Flatpak) to modify this set // // When creating your own config, you can remove all hotkeys that you have not changed and game will read them from this file // It is possible to add modifiers to keys: Ctrl, Shift, or Alt. For example, "Ctrl+Tab" hotkey will only activate if Ctrl is pressed { "keyboard" : { "globalAccept": [ "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "globalCancel": "Escape", "globalReturn": [ "Escape", "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "globalFullscreen": "F4", "globalOptions": "O", "globalBackspace": "Backspace", "globalMoveFocus": "Tab", "moveLeft": "Left", "moveRight": "Right", "moveUp": "Up", "moveDown": "Down", "moveFirst": "Home", "moveLast": "End", "movePageUp": "PageUp", "movePageDown": "PageDown", "selectIndex1": "1", "selectIndex2": "2", "selectIndex3": "3", "selectIndex4": "4", "selectIndex5": "5", "selectIndex6": "6", "selectIndex7": "7", "selectIndex8": "8", "mainMenuNewGame": "N", "mainMenuLoadGame": "L", "mainMenuHighScores": "H", "mainMenuCredits": "C", "mainMenuQuit": "Q", "mainMenuBack": "B", "mainMenuSingleplayer": "S", "mainMenuMultiplayer": "M", "mainMenuCampaign": "C", "mainMenuTutorial": "T", "mainMenuCampaignSod": "S", "mainMenuCampaignRoe": "R", "mainMenuCampaignAb": "A", "mainMenuCampaignCustom": "C", "lobbyBeginStandardGame": "B", "lobbyBeginCampaign": [ "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "lobbyLoadGame": [ "L", "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "lobbySaveGame": [ "S", "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "lobbyRandomMap": "R", "lobbyHideChat": "H", "lobbyAdditionalOptions": "A", "lobbySelectScenario": "S", "gameEndTurn": "E", "gameLoadGame": "L", "gameSaveGame": "S", "gameRestartGame": "R", "gameMainMenu": "M", "gameQuitGame": "Q", "gameOpenMarketplace": "B", "gameOpenThievesGuild": "G", "gameActivateConsole": "Tab", "adventureGameOptions": "O", "adventureToggleGrid": "F6", "adventureToggleSleep": [], "adventureSetHeroAsleep": "Z", "adventureSetHeroAwake": "W", "adventureMoveHero": "M", "adventureVisitObject": "Space", "adventureMoveHeroSW": [ "Keypad 1" ], "adventureMoveHeroSS": [ "Keypad 2", "Down" ], "adventureMoveHeroSE": [ "Keypad 3" ], "adventureMoveHeroWW": [ "Keypad 4", "Left" ], "adventureMoveHeroEE": [ "Keypad 6", "Right" ], "adventureMoveHeroNW": [ "Keypad 7" ], "adventureMoveHeroNN": [ "Keypad 8", "Up" ], "adventureMoveHeroNE": [ "Keypad 9" ], "adventureViewSelected": [ "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "adventureNextObject": [], "adventureNextTown": "T", "adventureNextHero": "H", "adventureFirstTown": [], "adventureFirstHero": [], "adventureViewScenario": "I", "adventureDigGrail": "D", "adventureViewPuzzle": "P", "adventureViewWorld": "V", "adventureViewWorld1": "1", "adventureViewWorld2": "2", "adventureViewWorld4": "4", "adventureToggleMapLevel": "U", "adventureKingdomOverview": "K", "adventureQuestLog": "Q", "adventureCastSpell": "C", "adventureThievesGuild": "G", "adventureExitWorldView": [ "Escape", "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "adventureZoomIn": "Keypad +", "adventureZoomOut": "Keypad -", "adventureZoomReset": "Backspace", "battleToggleQueue": "Q", "battleUseCreatureSpell": "F", "battleSurrender": "S", "battleRetreat": "R", "battleAutocombat": "A", "battleAutocombatEnd": "E", "battleCastSpell": "C", "battleWait": "W", "battleDefend": [ "D", "Space"], "battleConsoleUp": "Up", "battleConsoleDown": "Down", "battleTacticsNext": "Space", "battleTacticsEnd": [ "Return", "Keypad Enter"], "battleToggleHeroesStats": [], "battleSelectAction": "S", "lobbyActivateInterface": "Ctrl+Tab", "spectateTrackHero": "F5", "spectateSkipBattle": "F7", "spectateSkipBattleResult": "F8", "townOpenTavern": "T", "townSwapArmies": "Space", "recruitmentMax": "End", "recruitmentMin": "Home", "recruitmentUpgrade": "U", "recruitmentUpgradeAll": [ "A", "U" ], "kingdomHeroesTab": "H", "kingdomTownsTab": "T", "heroDismiss": "D", "heroCommander": "C", "heroLooseFormation": "L", "heroTightFormation": "T", "heroToggleTactics": "B", "spellbookTabAdventure": "A", "spellbookTabCombat": "C", "heroCostume0": "0", "heroCostume1": "1", "heroCostume2": "2", "heroCostume3": "3", "heroCostume4": "4", "heroCostume5": "5", "heroCostume6": "6", "heroCostume7": "7", "heroCostume8": "8", "heroCostume9": "9" }, "joystickAxes": { "mouseCursorX" : "leftx", "mouseCursorY" : "lefty", "mouseSwipeX" : "rightx", "mouseSwipeY" : "righty" }, "joystickButtons": { "globalAccept" : "a", "globalCancel" : "b", "globalReturn" : [ "a", "b" ], "lobbyBeginStandardGame" : "a", "lobbyBeginCampaign" : "a", "lobbyLoadGame" : "a", "lobbySaveGame" : "a", "adventureViewSelected" : "a", "adventureExitWorldView" : [ "a", "b" ], "battleTacticsEnd" : "a", "mouseClickLeft": "x", "mouseClickRight": "y", "adventureNextHero" : "leftshoulder", "battleDefend" : "leftshoulder", "adventureNextTown" : "rightshoulder", "battleWait" : "rightshoulder", "adventureVisitObject" : "lefttrigger", "battleTacticsNext" : "lefttrigger", "battleUseCreatureSpell" : "lefttrigger", "adventureCastSpell" : "righttrigger", "battleCastSpell" : "righttrigger", "gameEndTurn" : "back", "battleAutocombatEnd" : "back", "globalOptions" : "start", "adventureGameOptions" : "start", "moveUp" : "dpup", "adventureViewWorld" : "dpup", "recruitmentUpgrade" : "dpup", "recruitmentUpgradeAll" : "dpup", "battleConsoleUp" : "dpup", "recruitmentMax" : "dpup", "moveDown" : "dpdown", "adventureKingdomOverview" : "dpdown", "battleConsoleDown" : "dpdown", "recruitmentMin" : "dpdown", "moveLeft" : "dpleft", "adventureViewScenario" : "dpleft", "moveRight" : "dpright", "adventureThievesGuild" : "dpright", "adventureToggleMapLevel" : "leftstick", "battleToggleHeroesStats" : "leftstick", "adventureToggleGrid" : "rightstick", "battleToggleQueue" : "rightstick", } }