 * Filesystem.h, part of VCMI engine
 * Authors: listed in file AUTHORS in main folder
 * License: GNU General Public License v2.0 or later
 * Full text of license available in license.txt file, in main folder
#pragma once

#include "CInputStream.h"
#include "ISimpleResourceLoader.h"
#include "ResourceID.h"

class CFilesystemList;
class JsonNode;

/// Helper class that allows generation of a ISimpleResourceLoader entry out of Json config(s)
class DLL_LINKAGE CFilesystemGenerator
	typedef std::function<void(const std::string &, const JsonNode &)> TLoadFunctor;
	typedef std::map<std::string, TLoadFunctor> TLoadFunctorMap;

	CFilesystemList * filesystem;
	std::string prefix;

	template<EResType::Type archiveType>
	void loadArchive(const std::string & mountPoint, const JsonNode & config);
	void loadDirectory(const std::string & mountPoint, const JsonNode & config);
	void loadZipArchive(const std::string & mountPoint, const JsonNode & config);
	void loadJsonMap(const std::string & mountPoint, const JsonNode & config);

	TLoadFunctorMap genFunctorMap();
	/// prefix = prefix that will be given to file entries in all nodes of this filesystem
	CFilesystemGenerator(std::string prefix);

	/// loads configuration from json
	/// config - configuration to load, using format of "filesystem" entry in config/filesystem.json
	void loadConfig(const JsonNode & config);

	/// returns generated filesystem
	CFilesystemList * getFilesystem();

 * This class has static methods for a global resource loader access.
 * Class is not thread-safe.
class DLL_LINKAGE CResourceHandler
	 * @brief createInitial - creates instance of initial loader
	 * that contains data necessary to load main FS
	static ISimpleResourceLoader * createInitial();

	 * Gets an instance of resource loader.
	 * Make sure that you've set an instance before using it. It'll throw an exception if no instance was set.
	 * @return Returns an instance of resource loader.
	static ISimpleResourceLoader * get();
	static ISimpleResourceLoader * get(std::string identifier);

	 * Creates instance of initial resource loader.
	 * Will not fill filesystem with data
	static void initialize();

	 * Will load all filesystem data from Json data at this path (normally - config/filesystem.json)
	 * @param fsConfigURI - URI from which data will be loaded
	static void load(const std::string & fsConfigURI);

	 * @brief addFilesystem adds filesystem into global resource loader
	 * @param identifier name of this loader by which it can be retrieved later
	 * @param loader resource loader to add
	static void addFilesystem(const std::string & parent, const std::string & identifier, ISimpleResourceLoader * loader);

	 * @brief createModFileSystem - creates filesystem out of config file
	 * @param prefix - prefix for all paths in filesystem config
	 * @param fsConfig - configuration to load
	 * @return generated filesystem that contains all config entries
	static ISimpleResourceLoader * createFileSystem(const std::string &prefix, const JsonNode & fsConfig);

	~CResourceHandler() = default;
	/** Instance of resource loader */
	static std::map<std::string, ISimpleResourceLoader*> knownLoaders;
	static CResourceHandler globalResourceHandler;

	CResourceHandler() {};
	std::unique_ptr<ISimpleResourceLoader> rootLoader;